The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (2024)

Overview and differences Cargo Controller & Cargo Release Manager

Only together we can make the container release process and hence the logistics chain more secure. The ‘key’ in the form of a PIN code disappears. Each party in the chain authorises the next party in the logistics chain. Only those authorised parties can perform actions and access confidential data.

Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager
The services Cargo Controller and Cargo Release Manager are part of the Secure Chain, a new process to safely and securely share data with each other in the Dutch ports. You need either Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager to enter the Secure Chain and control your chain(s).

With Cargo Controller you get real-time Track & Trace information. You have full control and insight into the cargo, to ensure it is handled correctly and proactively.

With Cargo Release Manager you can view basic cargo information and can direct your chain partners.

The overview below shows the differences between the two services:

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (1)

* One-time connection fee per service, excl. VAT

Request the service
Will you take part in the Secure Chain and join Europe’s largest port community?
Click here to registerand request the Portbase service(s) of your choice.

Support pages

Here you will find practical information on how to expand and use Cargo Controller.

Here you will find practical information on how to use Cargo Release Manager.

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How can I work faster within the Secure Chain?

The options within Cargo Release Manager are limited. The Secure Chain supports working ahead while the commercial release is not yet available. However, some additional features have not been made available within the Cargo Release Manager service as it is offered free of charge.

That in itself is not a problem, but it is good that you know what the consequences are and what options there are that you may want to use to work more effectively:

Cargo Release Manager:

When you have the role of Release-to Party, you are reactive to the commercial release and therefore slower than you can work ahead in Cargo Controller.
Tip: Registering a Trusted Cargo Director can help you with this, provided your forwarder uses Cargo Controller.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (2)

Cargo Controller gratis?

In Cargo Controller you have full insight into the B/L if a B/L is tracked prior to the commercial release, but this will be offset by transaction costs. However, an intermediate step is also possible: In Cargo Controller you can choose not to view additional cargo information, still work reactively to the commercial release, but automate the Trust Chain actions via API without transaction costs. This doesn't change the above scheme except that it no longer requires manual actions from your users.

For more information, read here how this works and contact our Sales department for the possibilities.

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Can I limit the list of Inland Operators to my regular carriers?

Yes, you can register a fixed list of carriers within Cargo Controller and Cargo Release Manager. This can only be set by a main and/or user administrator and has operational consequences for your users.

You cannot automatically nominate inland operators, as this would impact the operational process to much when a scenario occurs that a different inland operators needs to be

Register trusted parties

You can add your logistics partner(s) to your organization as 'Trusted Inland Operators'.

  1. Log in Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager, go to user menu > Manage data access.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (3)
  2. You are in Commercial Release. Choose the 'Trusted Inland Operators' tab and here you can select your logistics partners. You can add multiple parties.

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Activation: From the moment you register 1 inland operator here, the option to nominate another inland operator is excluded. This list of inland operators must immediately be made as complete as possible. Deviations can then only be updated by main and/or user administrators.

You still have to nominate these parties per container.

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Can I Authorize and/or Nominate via an Excel upload?

Yes that is possible. It is largely the same as tracking new B/Ls via an Excel upload, but you will have to provide more information.

Tracking multiple B/Ls in one go

We also call this a batch upload.
You can enter a maximum of 500 B/Ls in one go with an Excel file. You can now also manage the Secure Chain per container.

  1. Select ‘Add’.
  2. Click the ‘Upload file’ button at the bottom of the ‘Cargo’ section; this will take you to an Excel template.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (5)
  3. Complete the Excel template with the required data (B/L number, equipment number and optionally your own reference) and save the file.The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (6)
  4. Click ‘Upload file’ and select the Excel file you just saved. Now select ‘Upload’.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (7)
  5. You will receive a confirmation of all the B/Ls successfully and not successfully added.
    • Successfully added B/Ls are automatically added to Cargo Controller.
    • B/Ls not successfully added do not meet the criteria. An explanation for the rejection will be displayed. You can now manually correct or delete the data.
    • If you do so, select Save afterwards. The corrected B/L data will now be added to Cargo Controller.

You have now controlled the Secure Chain in bulk.

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I don't see any terminal data in my B/Ls, how is that possible?

Per terminal the conditions on which you can see data may differ, see the current terminals that provide data. Are you a Cargo Controller API user? Please see below more information.

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Still not seeing MyTerminal data in Cargo Controller?

To view data from these terminals, your organization needs at least a free MyTerminal account. If your organization takes out a more extensive, paid MyTerminal subscription, you will also see more data elements in Cargo Controller. Here you can request a MyTerminal account at Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam.

The registration of your organisation in MyTerminal is not the same as in PCS. You can easily check this by checking your Chamber of Commerce number in PCS: Go to User Management in the PCS main menu. You will be taken directly to the screen with your organisation data, and there you will see which NAW and KvK data you are registered with in PCS. This should exactly match your organisation's account data in MyTerminal.

You can read here how to view your organisation data in MyTerminal.

If the numbers do not match, even though you believe it's the same company profile, please send an email to both and Mention the company name and Chamber of Commerce number registered in both platforms.

Terminal data via API

For the Cargo Controller API we have added new fields where the terminal data is shown (if it is available for that terminal). For more information, see our changelog in the API specifications on our Developer Portal.

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Can I control the Secure Chain via API?

Yes and no.

Yes, you can receive the release and authorize or nominate your chain partners with a Cargo Controller API subscription. Read more about this in our API specifications (in English) and in particular the Use Cases surrounding the Secure Chain.

No, you cannot manage adding and managing customer codes per shipping company and managing authorizations of chain partners via API. You will have to maintain this via the web screens.

Activation of Secure Chain

Within the Cargo Controller API you have direct access to the Chain of Trust and the information made available therein.

If you are an existing customer, you must first request rights for the web screens via your main user or user administrator to release these functionalities in the web screens. You can read more about that here.

How can I activate Secure Chain within Cargo Controller?

If you are already using Cargo Controller, you can have the following activated by your organization's main administrator. For Cargo Controller API users, the steps below are also necessary to complete before you can use our extensive API functions.

Master administrators have access to the PCS-menu option 'Organization management':

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (9)

In this menu, the main user can issue rights to users by means of User groups. Go to the User Groups tab.

We have added a User Group 'Cargo Controller (Director)' for all existing Cargo Controller users. Click on this title and you can then add colleagues to this group. Click on 'Save' to apply the changes.

A colleague who is already logged in will then have to log out and log in before the extra functionalities are visible in his Cargo Controller environment.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (10)

Tip: In this way, we hope that you limit the management of these functionalities to the users who actually use them in their work.

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How can I monitor the status of my cargo?

In Cargo Release Manager will inform you can follow the picked up status of you cargo at the terminal:

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (11)

Import phases

Each indicator will monitor the status concerning a phase in the import flow of the container. It will indicate an overall status, or the must urgent one. All indicators contain a group of specific indicators within these phases:

  • Release Transport Equipment
    • Commercial Release status
  • Pickup Transport Equipment
    • Inland Nomination status
    • Pre-Notifcation status

As you can see, the 2 indicators will inform you about 3 separate indicators. These 3 indicators are visible when you view the status details via the i-button.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (12)

Color and icons

The main indicator will provide you with the overall status of the phase, or the most urgent one within that phase. Their color and icon will read as the following:

  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (13): Status confirmed, all indicators are green.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (14): At least one indicator is yellow, your attention may be needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (15): At least one indicator is red, attention is needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (16): Status pending, not all indicators are green, none are yellow or red. No attention needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (17): Status (yet) unknown. There is no update available, a possible update is expected like the ETA. Waiting for update.

With these indicators you will be in control about you cargo. In addition with the filter options in Cargo Release Manager you are now able to manage you cargo by exceptions.

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How can I monitor the status of my cargo?

Cargo Controller will inform you about your cargo in the main overview in 3 icon indicators about the status for the three phases of import your cargo processes before it can be picked up.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (18)

Import phases

Each indicator will monitor the status concerning a phase in the import flow of the container. It will indicate an overall status, or the must urgent one. All indicators contain a group of specific indicators within these phases:

  • Arrival Transport Equipment
    • Vessel Arrival status
    • Import manifest known
    • Discharge at terminal
  • Release Transport Equipment
    • Customs Inspection status
    • Commercial Release status *
    • Import Declaration status
  • Pickup Transport Equipment *
    • Inland Nomination status
    • Pre-Notifcation status

* These indicators are only available within the Portbase Secured chain. Visit our support page for more information, here you can find our Quick Start Guide, Factsheet and introduction movie.

As you can see, the 3 indicators will inform you about 8 separate indicators. These 8 indicators are visible when you view the status details via the i-button.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (19)

Color and icons

The main indicator will provide you with the overall status of the phase, or the most urgent one within that phase. Their color and icon will read as the following:

  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (20): Status confirmed, all indicators are green.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (21): At least one indicator is yellow, your attention may be needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (22): At least one indicator is red, attention is needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (23): Status pending, not all indicators are green, none are yellow or red. No attention needed.
  • The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (24): Status (yet) unknown. There is no update available, a possible update is expected lika the ETA. Waiting for update.

Especially the last one is of interest, this status means you are in control, but the initial status is pending and will be shown grey. See below screenshot when this could appear:

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (25)

With these indicators you will be in control about you cargo. In addition with the filter options in Cargo Controller you are now able to manage you cargo by exceptions within Cargo Controller.

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I am the haulier for one or more containers. How can I nominate another haulier?

Select the container(s) you want to assign to another haulier by checking the box to the left of the container line. The Forward button then appears at the bottom of the page. By clicking on it, you can choose which organisation you want to prenotify and transport the selected container(s).

Important! You can select multiple containers at once, but you can only nominate one haulier per forward.

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I am the nominated haulier for my container but I am not able to select another haulier to nominate them.

If your haulier is not known in HCN, you cannot select them to nominate them for the Inland operator role. The haulier must first register with Portbase and then choose (one of) the services HCN Road, Rail or Barge. This is how you step into the Portbase Secure Chain.

Should this block further processing of the current container, you have two options:

  • Use another haulier that is known to Portbase, or
  • the PIN code will be shared with your customer by the shipping company in the usual way.

Important! At most terminals, prenotification by your haulier is mandatory. In time, the option of collecting a container with a PIN code will be withdrawn due to its susceptibility to fraud.

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I see that I am no longer the nominated haulier for a container; how is this possible?

Your customer has revoked your nomination and chosen another haulier for the container(s). You can tell that this is the case because the container is visible in the Handlings dashboard but is no longer visible in Shipments.

If a transport order exists in your own TMS but there is no registration in the PCS, it is no longer valid.

The customer should always inform the haulier of the cancellation or removal of a container in order to avoid a cargo mismatch, because the haulier may have already initiated transport to collect the container.

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How do I find out my customer code at the shipping company?

The shipping company will send you your customer code by e-mail. This takes place outside of Portbase's services. You then register this customer code in Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager to be verified by the shipping company via the PCS.

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How can I register my customer code?

You need to be a main user or a user manager of your IAM organisation to access these functionalities.

Log in to the service Cargo Controller, or Cargo Release Manager, and go to User Menu. Select ' Manage data authorisations'

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (26)

The screen will open with the tab ' Commercial releases'. Select the shipping company, enter the customer code and click Save.

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You will now see the submitted customer codes listed by carrier company name's. The carrier will immediately receive a notification and will review your verification request.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (28)

Start Portbase Secure Chain

In consultation with the carrier, you then decide from which date, or for which B/Ls, commercial releases will be issued in Cargo Controller, or Cargo Release Manager, via the PCS. Portbase has no part in this process, this is purely between your organization and the carrier(s). Your customer code must have the status 'Accepted' before the Secure Chain can start.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (29)

Manage customer codes

You can have several customer codes per carrier, which you can register individually. In this tab you can see per carrier which customer codes you have registered and you can also manage these by removing expired customer codes using the 'Delete' button.

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My customer code has not been verified. What should I do?

As long as your customer code is in the status of 'Pending' or 'Rejected' you cannot start the Secure Chain.


The carrier has not yet completed your verification, please contact the carrier.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (30)


Your entered customer code has not been accepted by the carrier. If a customer code is rejected, an explanation will be provided. If you have any questions about this rejection, we advise you to contact the carrier.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (31)

Manage customer codes

If you did not enter the customer code correctly, you can easily delete it. To do so, click the Delete-button in the same screen where you entered the customer code for verification.

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My customer code has been verified. What happens next?

Start Portbase Secure Chain

In consultation with the carrier, you jointly determine from when the commercial releases will be issued via PCS in Cargo Controller, or Cargo Release Manager. Portbase has no further active role in this, this is done via the shipping company.

Basic functionalities
You can now manage the supply chain to retrieve the relevant containers without PIN code. As usual, you will still receive a delivery note from the carrier by email, but now without a PIN code.

  • We have drawn up the following manual for the Secure Chain features within Cargo Controller.
  • We have drawn up the following manual for the Secure Chain features within Cargo Release Manager.

On the current page you will find various FAQs per subject and there we will go into more detail on specific steps in managing your logistics chain within the Secure Chain.

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I have received a commercial release by e-mail but I can't see the B/L in Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager.

When you receive the exemption from the shipping company, you should normally immediately gain insight into the B/L and B/L data. There should be a maximum delay of one hour between the moment of exemption and making it available within our services. Does it take longer than an hour? Then go through these steps before you consult customer service. These steps are listed in order of the most common causes of reported issues at the Customer Service:

  1. Correct B/L number: If you already followed the B/L for the release in Cargo Controller, you will receive an update designating you as the 'Release-to party'. Check that you are following the correct B/L number. A release is only given on a B/L that is known via the import manifest, therefor the B/L cannot have the status 'This B/L is not (yet) available'.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (32)
  2. Active filters: A common mistake is if you accidentally have a filter active so that you cannot find the B/L. Check your filters, deactivate them with the 'Clear filters' button and search for your B/L again.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (33)
  3. PCS release: In Cargo Release Manager you can only track cargo from the moment of the release is issued. Be the first to check whether the carrier has sent you a commercial exemption outside PCS. Carriers use the term 'PCS release' or 'release without PIN' for this. If necessary, contact your carrier directly.
    If the carrier has sent the commercial release via PCS and you are the actual 'release-to-party', then you can contact Customer Service. There may be a disturbance or a filter active that causes you to miss the B/L.

If you have gone through the steps above and the result is not changed, please contact our Customer Service and we will help you further.

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Can I nominate or authorize per B/L or per container?


Authorize or nominate per container

You can easily authorize another logistics partner per container for the role of 'Cargo director' or nominate a carrier for the role of 'Carrier. Select the The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (34)-button behind the relevant container and click on 'Transfer cargo director' or 'Nominate inland operator'. You can now select your partner and transfer only this container to your logistics partner.

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Please note that you can only transfer the role of 'Cargo director' after you have received the exemption from the shipping company.

Authorize or nominate per B/L

You can nominate or authorize all containers per B/L to a inland operator in one action. Select the The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (36)-button behind the relevant B/L and click on 'Transfer cargo director' or 'Nominate inland operator'. You can now select your partner and transfer only this container to your logistics partner.

Nominate per B/L

You can nominate all containers per B/L to a inland operator in one action. Select the B/L by checking it and at the top you will now see the button 'Nominate inland operator'.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (37)

With the current state of the Portbase Secure Chain we might update this process later based upon feedback from the community. We will inform all users via email and the news updates in the service.

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I cannot select my logistics partner to authorize, what now?

After you have chosen the option 'Transfer cargo director' you will see a pop-up screen. If you start typing the company name of your logistics partner, it would automatically be completed with all organizations known to Portbase.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (38)

If your logistics partner is not known in Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager, you cannot select it for the role Cargo director, or Transport director. Your logistics partner must first register with Portbase and make a choice between Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager before you can continue with the Chain of Trust. Should this block your current cargo from further processing, you have two choices:

  • Use another logistics provider that is known to Portbase or
  • ask the shipping company not to release these B/Ls via the PCS but by sending a PIN code to you and your logistics partner by e-mail.

Important! In time, the option of unloading a container using a PIN code will be withdrawn due to its susceptibility to fraud.

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Can I automatically nominate my carrier for all my cargo?

No, this function is not available in the current phase.

We are currently investigating how this can work functionally, we would like to get in touch with you if you have more information about this process. Contact Customer Service and they will put you in touch with one of our colleagues.

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Can I authorize or nominate before the commercial release is issued?

Cargo Controller: Yes, you can track the B/L and container(s) in Cargo Controller long before the ship's ETA. But you can only manage the chain by authorizing or nominating a party after the Import manifest is known.

The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (39)

However, the chain will only become active once the commercial release has been granted. Only then can the pre-notification be made at the terminal. Everyone in the chain can receive an update when the commercial release is released.

Cargo Release Manager: No, within Cargo Release Manager you can only access the B/L after the commercial release is issued and then manage the chain.

NB! If the commercial release never follows because another party receives the commercial release or changes the B/L number (due to division), this entire chain will become redundant. You can then delete the B/L data, you can read more about that here.

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Do I still need to provide my supply chain partners with a (transport) order after nomination or authorisation?

Yes; in this phase, the Portbase Secure Chain is only concerned with unloading containers without a PIN code. An authorisation or nomination is not yet a legal contract. You still need to bilaterally transfer your underlying agreement to each other.

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I see that I am no longer assigned for my B/L; how is this possible?

Revoked release

Just as you can revoke the rights of the next party in the chain, your principal in the chain can also revoke this for you as a release-to-party, director or inland operator.

For example, a carrier can withdraw the entire commercial release for the full chain. At that point, the container will no longer be available for collection until the commercial release has been re-issued again.

Your chain may have already been fully prepared, and this chain is still active at this point. Only without the commercial release your inland operator cannot remove the container. If the carrier re-issues the commercial release, this automatically restores your prepared chain and your inland operator can submit the pre-notification.

The same effect can also arise if the validity of your commercial release has expired. Although this is not yet the case at this stage of the Secure Chain, this may change in the future.

Contact your carrier for a new commercial exemption.

Revoked authorization or nomination

Please contact your client if you are no longer authorized or nominated for this cargo.

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I see that the validity of the commercial release has expired, now what?

Contact your shipping company for a new commercial release or to renew the commercial release.

If your chain was already fully prepared, it will still be active. But without the commercial release, your haulier cannot unload the container. If the shipping company resends the commercial release, this automatically restores the chain you have prepared and your haulier can submit the prenotification.

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Do I still need the Delivery Note with the Portbase Secure Chain inplace?


For now you will still need the delivery note for some details that are not yet available in the services within the Portbase Secure Chain, such as empty returns. We are currently working with the shipping companies in order to also be able to display these values to all parties in the chain via the services.

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Can I also request the commercial release from the shipping company via the Portbase Secure Chain?

No, you should still contact the shipping company if you are not automatically assigned the commercial release.

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Can I also process my export flow via the Portbase Secure Chain?

No, in the current phase, the Portbase Secure Chain is only in place for the import flow of containers.

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Can I also see empty returns via the Portbase Secure Chain?

No, this data is not available in the Portbase Secure Chain in the current phase. This will follow in a later phase.

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As the release-to-party or cargo director, why can I only nominate my haulier with an EAN code?

The EAN code is mandatory when submitting a prenotification in the service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN). This identifies a company.

Secure Chain

Terminals validate the EAN code and if the organisation of the driveris active within the Secure Chain. When there is a mis-match the driver will be denied to access the terminal.

Secure Logistics

The organisation Secure Logistics issues an EAN code to a company when it registers itself. They check various details of the company, such as the NIWO licence. To ensure digital security in other services that are part of the Portbase Secure Chain, it was decided to also include this in the service Cargo Controller.

To avoid having to manually enter the EAN code each time, we are developing an address book. This will (automatically) store the EAN codes of companies after an initial entry.

How can I the retrieve the EAN code of my inland operators?

Your inland operator can supply this information, but you can retrieve this manually via the nominate action in the web screens:

  1. Go to The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (40)-button on container (or B/L) level and select 'Nominate Inland Operator'.
    The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (41)
  2. In this screen you can enter the name of your inland operator. We automatically fill in the name:
  3. You will see both the location and the EAN code of the carrier in the results. You can take this over for your own administration.

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How can I set up e-mail notifications?

Read how to set up e-mail notifications in our instruction manual.

In case you have e-mail notifications configured in Cargo Information, please reconfigure the notifications in Cargo Controller.

The (old) notification settings in cargo information can then be deleted.

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The Secure Chain - Portbase Kenniscentrum (2024)


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