The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)

E10 320 BOATING 320 BOATING IMOCftAT, WI9NISMV, AMIl 1 EMPLOYMENT OfiftftS EMPLOYMENT OffERS Hi EMPLOYMENT OffERS Mt Mom or anyone etef voud to man 0 worktng troAt ouMt or food pfp onty on sctkjoi days from 1 1 2, gt tr, up fthr to sun, wwH enjoy mhi oowwhwi get Summer oft. epiy VI Taconme 13(j Heaidsbu'tf restaurant HEY ROCKERS! New SO end 64 restaurant analgetic and tun watt par COO. Apety resta nucs Lan 3pm diy. Courtfxjuse rasteurant Sizzler. Steak -Seafood -Salad HIRING) FOR GRAND RE-OPENING Immediate Position AvaileM Evening And Wlltwij tvlNatxtity re i muet CASHIER MuM It.

WAITERWAITRESS Mult 6 It FOOD EAR ATTENDANT BUSDISH addition, Birzier offer following beneMe Mill Price Mum Paid Vacation Promotion Career Potential Merit Raiaee Retirement Plan Interview grven 2-4 m. on any day. No phone caHa pieaee. EOE FARMERS LANE SIZZLER 1440 Townvxtw Ln (Aeroee from Alpha Beta Piaal raatauram HOSTfESS) BUSSER9 co*ckTAIL DISHWASHERS. Accepting app.

art 6. 8un-Th cattlemen a. uu Midway, oh RESTAURANT Hoethots waitperson. FT. Apply par.

aon. 2323 Sonoma SR RESTAURANT IMMEDIATE OPENING Application ar now bng taken tor an poertione. apply person. Nortn Grand Buffet, a family at restaurant. Mon-Sat.

11-5 466 Sonoma Santa Roaa. RESTAURANT MANAGER Up and coming Santa Roaa restaurantlounge eeeks Aaat. Mgr. with working knowiadg of kitcnen, oar. ana mgmnt axiiie Send raauma to AO NUMBER 752, Praaa Democrat.

PO Box 69. Santa Roaa. CA 86402. RESTAURANT-MARYS PIZZA Sebaetopol hiring ca-enierDhone oeooto Exp. pref but not nac.

ALSO Pizza makeroven runnar, exp needed. Appry In per aon. 790 Hwy 116 Norm. RESTAURANT MARY PIZZA SHACK. Santa Roaa hiring pnona.

caan. aaiao. nostnost-sa. Soma wan ahtfta poaa. Call Mate or Paul, 538-1861 Reataurant MC DONALDS IS HIRING Shift available for all day pant No ixper.

nec. Fe. scnedubng Premium pay based on experienced and parformenoe. Apply person wkdays 3-5 pm at our Petaiuma Ptaza location. Restaurant.

Exc. oppty for expd. pantry person. Mostly daya. Please aoply Mon-Fri.

9-11 a.m. 418 Manooctno Ava. R. RESTAURANT-Pizza cook. Ma-tura person.

Exp. helpful. Apply to Norman, iuea-tun i-jpm, 550 E. Cotsb Cotati restaurant PREP PERSON. Mon-Frf.

mornings, Clean anvironment. No cooking. FIGARO'S Fresh to-Bake Pizza, Larktietd Can- tar, 576-7663. SERVERS energetic people for FT work in upscale restaurant. Cad SCOtt, 707-942-6677.

restaurant Sous Chefs wanted for Italian established restaurant Sonoma County. Need to have exp. and speed. Send resume 10 AD NUMbfcH Pri Democrat. Box 559, Santa Rosa.

CA 95402. 1 RESTAURANT. Staff needed for 1 brew pub Heatdsourg. Open 671. Une cook, pantry, dish-' washer, wart staff, bartender and mrtqmnt Rapty to: PO Box 1879, HeaWsborg, 95446.

RESTAURANT The Good Earth Restaurant looking for energetic, self motivated employees tor the follow tng positona. Una Cooks. HostHostess, ava day. Food Servera. avail, daya, Cashier Bus sef.

Oish-. washers. Salad makers. Apply person, Mon-Thurs. 3 -4pm, 610 Third 8R RESTAURANT WAITPERSONS.

co*cktail Sarv-- ar Appty at Marty a Top 0 the HtH, 850 Bodega Seb. Waitperson. Mon daya. Apply tn person, 6590 Commerce RP RESTAURANT-waiterwaitrass exp speed. Pis.

send resume or bring resumesappa Portofl-no Ristorante, aft. 2. 30pm RESTAURANT. Waitpersons, Cashier. Appry at: Tachtbana of Japan, 521 4th SR.

THE trends have changed over the past decadaa, but general merchandise consumers still come from every age, income and education group. And, people stiH look for information about products and services every day through the newspa- per classified section. Place your ad 546-7355. ft EMPLOYMENT OffERS Mtatjieftt Wendy'S OF MARIN IN NOV HlHlNlJ aaptwwnrAd manayws far nav Nio tK Dn Pmmm tMl resume Hi tOt) LanditM) No retiauram A M.f SfAFOOO far hrtctnn Nnp. wsh iM end buMs uey end muit ptm- bona svM Apcjtv perwjn lend Aw IMinta HM RETAIL CLERK PT.

aoouH ie 0 ni i mg nmmtH, B.its Outjs 2700 Vufcita Ae a 4 Pi TAIL Friedman Bros. Hardware immacbeia opentng 8i IS 6HX.KFR9 We are kxmiy tor penpm who enoy pudhc cpmaci, a pero envuorwnent. and oixMu'rtt for growth (iceiient beneiit pecheue tntareste candoiea paaii eppty pefSnn MF 9-4P 4059 Santa' Ra Aw. 8 ft tot Retail Mt ARTMSONO. catalog for tamritea is kxjing tor the rvgnt to fOn our eipandtng ret! siore Stan we oner ec penetns and a werti, prxMiye worktng awvonment you re kxxing for a stable, working ettuattofl tn beoatlftpoi Of Santa Roea.

pteate pck up an eiifiucaiton at our retail store at 156 Mem bt bebestopot retail Hgh erwo' SmartT No ape- nencer FTPT We oner trat tng. advancement opportunity rasi pecaa reran company fggy at rated INSIDE SALES Opening tor a pan time sales person to service retail and wrtoieai Cusiomers our Same Rosa store. Pamt home decoration exp pref Start 16 00- 00 hr DOE Apply person et 2161 Santa Rosa Ave. EOEMFVH. SHERWIN WILLIAMS RETAIL MERCHANDISER tor ktedtng consumer products company.

For nerd working, set) moTiveieo, Mann oaseo person 16 Mrs. competitive ssiary rrwMga. mjv-MV-i u. RETAIL PET STORE. FT.

md sales, heavy lifting met wfcend. Hriy. wage benefits Exper. pref 795 1242 RETAIL SALES tor icoingtown Jewelers PT or F7. Hetaii exp pref Appry person, 346 voooingtown imer.

RETAIL sales, pemt store. PT, 1 yr exper. mqutra 753-1901. RETAIL SALES. PT.

enthusiastic wonan tor tuM figured CaOtrwng store isift Dafo-oot tor appi Retail Sates WALLPAPERS TO 00. a lead er lte home decorating industry ts aewkmg people with flexible echeduies to work evenings and weekends. This is an Ideal opportunity if you have previous retaa exper. ana desire to learn mora about the home decorating industry Competitive hourly wage Please apply, 2048 Redwood Hwy Greenbrae or caN Rosa, 415-924-0553. RN.

EMERGENCY ROOM Furl and part time positions available. Apply, ukian Adventist Hospital. Personnel Dept or can 707-462-6631, xt. 296. Sales-Advertising Proven product Paid training.

Generous comm. bonus. Re sume to: InsxJe Publications, cfo Nation College, 520 Mendocino, sue ju. banta Hosa, vmut ASSISTANT MANAGERS WE NEED MANAGERS NOW If you are enthusiastic, have a STRONG ambition to succeed and enjoy working wpeopie then you have what it takes to reach middle management by July. Our national corporation is expanding very raptdty and 4 management positions MUST BE FILLED IM- MtUlATELY.

BENEFITS INCLUDE: 1300 car allowance $200 mo. ctothmg allowance 2 weeks paid vacation Meddenyiife All this and mora for those who quality. Serous calls only. No exp. necessary, we will train.

Call Mr. Peterson, 1 -600-367-7324. Health Safety, comm. SALES ATTENTION STUDENTS (And Others) LOOKING FOR AFTER SCHOOL WORK? The Press Democrat currently has openings on our subscription sales team the Sonoma County area. Earn cash, prizes, and trips Comm.

Training and transporta tion provided. If you are energetic, dependable, and looking lor pan time anernoon wont CALL 575-7500 SALES. 110 Billion Corporation seeking unusual person with marketing, business or professional background as a rag. rep In financial sales Top 12 of 87 stanera averaged 155.000 ueg or bua. equtv.

3 yrs. tv Call financing subsidy comm. Mr. Eflerman, 542-7678 a Average Manager earned over $33,000 last year a Complete benefits package Profit Sharing a Good working conditions a 5-day work week a OPPORTUNITY IMPLOYMiNT Off BUS Willi tMBiaciioar for craft orna- mente Eatra Sfxacial penman. Ship nec morna.

or attar nouna 527-718 YARD PERSON Big 4 Rents has ammed- rjfjerwng lor rl yai person Reqa waeaand work Muat be at watt 16 and have gd driving record Mech ebtitty muat llaavy Hlliog Waahiiig and servicing equip Salary commeiiauiaia with axp Apply pareon at 600 Commerce Bivd Rohnen park, aak for manager. EOE YARD PERSON for buay rental canter ftnowteoe or aap, pm Paul 4 13 61106 2i0 EMPLOYMENT WANTED CARftN 1 1 HCAI3INt MAKt wants work. jack. 664 0259 DYNAMIC HOME CARE, axp weac re's sewhr flex, hrs 62V0947, B43-1B31 IF YOU Need oompenionhousa- keeper or nurairig aaa t. call ue Our ernpioyeea are carefully acreanao and boncxao Ml V(R CAME 623-0111 260 H0USECLEANING DOMESTIC CINUV Cieening bervica Houeecleenmg.

windows, crpt ctmng Heas. Hals. 7-i2r CLEANING TEAM All euppliee provided. 687-1629 CLEANING TEAM Spec raiea for senior.

CM Judy roa-irjg. txce. rata. HOUSE CLEANING Exper. De pend Aak for Janet, 6274)407 HOUSECLEANINO.

$tlt. Call Jerri el 433-5026 HOUSECLEANINGOf FICE Ptkma. and SR. area. 792-2434 HOUSECLEANING 1 or home.

(40 623-8467. HOUSECLEANING. Thorough and etfic. Wref. CotatiRoh- nen Park area only 796-7840 HOUSE SITTING, raaponarbk), rf.

Christina 796-9660. IRONING My horn 4hr. deliverypickup 5-3b27 IS THIS MY HOUSE? YOU WON BELIEVE IT AFTER I CLEAN IT. Debb, 762-3246 2 MOMS and A MOP Efficient Reliable. Bonded.

887-7409 A WINDOW cleaned fre wsM. Greel Reference 679-2795 A Areee 85-2636 217 CHILD CARE LICENSED ACTIVE, tun. play, meals, Loving mom naa a opening age u-4 yr. roresfviiie, Bsr-142. ACTIVE.

LOVING QUALITY child car. Bennett Valley 676-1121 ADORABLE horn dayesr. FTPT. 679MW46. AFFORDABLE.

Steele LnPmer. Meara. FT. Flea hre. 628-2260 BEAUTIFUL country aettina (betw RP-Petsiuma-Seb I Lima Lamoa praachool.

796-0738. BURTON Ouaiitv Crwocare 7 day and drop-ma Near Memorial Hosp. 628-4679 CHILDCARE 646-5162. CHILDCARE. Alt ages.

FTPT. Very responsible 762-86(11 CHILDCARE, DaysEveninge uoney Ln eraa mo-joj. LICENSED. Chntin davcara. aac.

RP, age 4-up 685-8783 a PLAYHOUSE a FT. 3-5 year 2 meals. 1 snack. 1 blk Luther Burbank Gard. Child devel.

oriented 623-3087. SUMMER FUN. Swimming, out- door ecttvitiee. axper daycare. day and eves 628-U01U 271 BABYSITTING ABLE Barmen viy.

moms wt sit ft, M- txcai rets. r3-ia4o ACCEPTING ALL AGES, moat any hours, Larkfieid. Fulton. Windsor areas. 525-8307.

AFFECTIONATE care by Mom of t. P. 1. Sec. 0O4-B384.

ALL ABOUT KIDS. 7 30-6 Lie. appiiad lor. Enthusiaatic mom ottering quality childcare. Northeast SR.

Incd backyard. Please phone 528-9403 BABYSITTER for hire Lt house work. Call Dolor aa 763-2883 BABYSITTING, tamo. FTPT Reaa rate. Sandy.

BOB-U4W. BABYSITTING. HOME Wall qualified exp. 628-4061 CHILD cara Mon. thru Frl.

Com munity Hosp area. 676-1230. CHILDCARE Opanmg tor 3-5 yr. old, ft, pi. uuai.

care. Storiea. games and craft. -Q- P. 584-3419.

CHILDCARE. Planned activities for fun and learning wlota pf love. rii. OBD-UD44. CHILDCARE.

2 FT-PT. Any hoursdays. R. 528-8558 CHRISTIAN mother of 2 wit cara for your child, mfam-2 M-F 6 am-5 30p II 80 hr i70 per 50 hr. wk.

823-8462 DAYCARE aafe. eomfortabkt noma, RP. 664-1827 Michel EXPERIENCED: tovmg: Infant ok; from Evergreen RP. FTPT. 685-0432-mag.

X. WILSON AREA. 11 50hr. 1 yr. and up.

676-6158. LOVING mom wtH provide a clean, loving, learning atmo- epnere tor your cniio. r-iex. nrs. CaM Cindy, 795-2941.

NIGHT babysitting 6 30pm- 6 30am. 626-9260 Aft. 6 30pm. PINER Olivet area. FTPT open ings.

i-up. ory-iiou. 300 RECREATION 310 BICYCLES BICYCLE. Centurion Ironman. 87.

Red and white. 12 apd Laae than 100 miiee. $600. Stephen 795-2762 GIRLS 20 Huffy bike S40 623-9342 RALLEIGH Free Style. Locking prakea.

very good condition. $160. 639-1882. SChwinn 10 $60 aa. 639-6246.

TOURING bike, 16 apd almost new. $200. 665-9824. UNIVEGA vtvasport, 12 apd 25 Muet Sea S'-W 320 BOATING ALPHA bpoxy SAILBOAHO 8 10 wMyiar compt. aa new.

$476 CaH 887-2383. Eva ALUMINUM boat. 14 foot. $200. 894-5736.

evenings 4 ALUMINUM fishing boat, axe 36-np Johnson rbrt wtrlr $650-beet otr. 869-2103 I' ALUMINUM. Sea Nymph. 10HP Merc Trtr. Xtraa Gd cond $1000ofr 646-4991 ava.

APPOLO, 16 120 MFRC CRUIS ER. $3900 584-7960 19' ARISTOCRAT Run, neede work. $1500 or beat offer 625-9587. BASS BOAT, 16 FQ. tournament ready.

95 HP Johnson, low hours $6500 Days 645-2986, evea. 526-1648. 21S MPiOrMtNT OffERS ltl.lfHjr.t bALla miriieM.e employment taper oni Malelamaie 2 etnlte Comm Daid oa.iv Aiao eao del drtv. era Knowhakje ot Sonoma Co Vt WneeK.I.e Event. Aaa for Mike 6SV3I03 tlLf BlTTf-R wt yrs of mortar exper Skilled aa pnaaaa ceiamin die maia'intirt Call daya.

am pm tm in Tine person, exper wciaan OMV Ai.iy aon. bJ2 aanta mm Ave un TIME RfcPAiRINSTALLAf ION aper Car. truck, trector. gtad-er Brmg DMV prmtoul Apply peraon, Wyatl tire brvc. 100 to.

own bl Sebaatopol TIRE SERVICE PERSON wanted (p a. truck and passenger Sves FT Benefits Ooonyeer Store apply person et Bena-detti Te barvva. 735 Heekla- burg Av Sehaatopof TIRE TECH Exper Only Hourly wage. ppty person, tug liraa, ar am TOUR Leaders MF, guidedrive Our yng. mt i clients on camping tours.

USA, Carta. la Alaska Some German helpful. Raauma Suntrek Tours. PO Boa 75. Cotati 94ttrl TOW TRUCK DRIVER Soma axp, Seo-SR are 829-5030 TOW TRUCK DRIVER, over wet tram, mechanical DMV printout 4241 8 Ava.

(tan ATTENTION: Eac. Oppty for an axper not tar shower pen metaiier Mual ba embmoue. motivated, expar. CaN aft, 1pm Only, eek for Karen 504-OUg travel aaiea CREATIVE LEISURE Qrotjfrtng travel company enthusiastic FT and PT people to work on pnonea with travel agents sailing our oetuxa vaca tions- neea gooa wc, enthusiasm and computer com- tort, base salary incenttvea Please com and see us. 9anv noon, wfcdvs 951 Transport Way.

on Mcuowen oiva ieiaiume TRUCK DRIVER. Class I Clean DMV. Year-round work Benefits Apply person? its ury tree Heansourg TRUCK DRIVER. CI. 1 dean DMVR; axp tn LTL freignt deliv.

knwtdg. of Mendocmo Ml AAA TRUCK DRIVERS Doubal bot toms Cat 829-1484 TYPESETTER PT. for Eortwritsr Exp. only 526-7332 TYPIST. PT and advertising eoor- ornator wanted immad tor buay real aatata office.

Pis. sand raauma to Barkeia I Bazzano 2345 Fourth Santa Roaa, Ca. 96404 Attn: Dam UMPIRES for baseball league Ages uamee piayeo weekday nights Should ba 18 yra or older. Jerry at Boys and Girte Club of 8 H. 542-3249 UPHOLSTERY.

AUTO. Uphol ewer, FT, axp pref. Seiary dep. on axp. 56-0671 VETERINARY Aaa Raoaption- rat.

Expar. pretd. animal hop NOvatO. AO NUMHfcM 724. Press Democrat.

Boa 669. Santa Rosa. CA 95402. VETERlNARYKennal Assistant PT, AM or PM and weekends Come by 6230 State Farm Dr. RP.

No pnona cans VIDEO CAMERA Parson needed to vkmo tape local aoorts evente to be ahown at Round Tab Pizza. 10-15 nr. par week, mostly weekday avanmga and weekends. Must responsiONt and anthusiastc with organizational and pubkc relatione skills. Must have some krKiwiedge ol aporta, dep.

transportation and a fiexr- bia achaduia. camera expar no a pra-requiSlt. $8 hr. to start mileage. Apply parson- 351 naaiasDurg neaiosourg.

VITAMIN SALESPERSON, Want- ad to order and aa over counter vitamin auptementa. good pay. ET. must ba experienced. CsH Jerry, btwn.

10-6. 528-3663 VOLUNTEER, unpaid Referral coordinator. So. Co Legal tarv. a non-pror.

org Training, excel. per. Friendly, profess, environ ment, fam. 34-40U wkoya WAITERWAITRESS. Orlando la hiring experienced aervere.

Mual have soma lunch and dinner availability Apply Monday thru Wednesday 2pm -4pm. 19 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa. WAITRESSWarter Exc. poa. for expar.

peraon. lips wages Appry person at fizza worio, 1147 Yulupa Ave SR WAITRESSWaiter. Dinner shift. experienced. Apply 4-vpm, Green House Restaurant 124 Mam Seb.

WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE. FT Apply: Barbara Bakery, 3900 uvpress retaiuma. 765-2137 aak lor David WAREHOUSE Person needed immediately. Mature, repsonsi-bte person with own transportation need only apply. Pay commensurate with exper.

Will ing to tram the right parson. Apply 1042 Hopper betw. 9a only. tut. WAREHOUSE person.

PM Shift aochv 661 Yoianda sh 10-4pm. Saa baa, bring DMV printout. WAREHOUSE STOCK AND REC CLERK Oper forklitt. drive Nd. DMV record.

Career poa Gd banefita. Apply in person xvoo uurton, iog. i. WELDERfabricator, axpar. In airucturai steel and alum, rabn- cation, ahop and field exper nec.

Inciu. weld, canificationa In resume. Send to P.O. Box 1620, Windsor, 95492. WELDER Journeyman titterwefdar.

Muet be able to fit-up Ig equipment. read and work from blueprints. 1 17hr. tf you can meet these regmremenra, pieaae seno ra auma to O. Box 880.

Santa Rosa, CA 96402 WELDER. Tamp. Start Immad. S8hr. Gd.

in stick and MIG. Cart, not regd. Apply In person. 211 Exchange Htdsburg. WIG atyliat needed Shirley Wig world, 821 Fetakjma Blvd.

North. 763-6012 WINERY Bottling Una aupervrsor. niteanitt. Appi. muet nave strong mech.

mathe matical akiiis. Winery axp. a muat. pis. submit resume or work hist, to: Vmwood Cellars, POB 1341.

Hldabg. 96448 WINERY Rsceptiometclerlcal. PT. fast pacad. friendly environ P.O.

Box 1842, Sonoma 95478 WINERY warehouse shppingr- ceivtngtorKiin. uetaii orienteo. team worker O. Box 1842. Sonoma 95476 WOODWORKER, axp.

wprodue- bon aaws. waixar Co itt Copeiand St. Ptima 763-8095 WOODWORKER, email wood product must have some FT. 415-454-3346 WORD processor (Word Star) PT. M-TH.

12-5 6nr Mart reaume to Elite Type, 749 Hewitt SR. 96401 WORD PROCESSOR IWANGI or comparable 50-60wpm. mm. 1 yr. FT 8-6.

Sand resume Wat's Fargo Trust PO Box 1090, Santa Rosa 95402. Wells Fargo ia an Equal Opportunity, Alfirmattva Action Employer. FOR your moat comprehensive guide to rne area a real aataio merket. look tor Empire Homea every Sunday the Praaa Democrat In it. you win find me moat current real eetate and rental hating.

US 18 ANIHONY ski boat wr.rjo Okie. Berkeley kM. tandem trailer and tarn Used leas ritan 60 hre $000orr Motivated eerier Don 586 8646 ah 6pm 17 BAJA 170 St 150 Mercury 126 2 covers. 2 prop, aarv akl equip 60 MMH Very aiaek Asking $nsoo heat may cone no BAYLINER NEW HOT LINE Central Norm Bay Location 1-800-544-5353 Wa rafuaa to ba underaoM 68 BAYLINER. 19 open bow.

IO. greet lish and eaj, axcellant condition. $7900 9 )8 6630 aft 6pm. Beachcraft Malibu SONOMA AND MARIN LARGEST Autrt. Berv.

Cntr-OMC Mercrmear North Bay Boat Center 5200 commerce Bivd HP 707-685-0412 BLUE WATER BOATS SAiTONE S. Pslaiuma. 782-3190 BOAT 12' amm Starcren. od cond, extraa $760 Evavuoe motor anp. ga can $300 987-3731 art 6 BOAT, MOTOR, TRAILER, 14 Slarcran.

26-no Evmrude. Od hahinn boat Muat ftek Quick. Ask (16UU 6B B171, 686-8330 BOSTON Whaler boat, Suzuki outboard Doubia Systems rur-ocr-a: rao. CANOES and Kayak, new and uead. bale, trip, cat River nd Kiwi Kayak Co.

636-7787 72 CARAVEU 17 66ho 08 Od. akitian. Ready for fun sun suw-oai otr. BBr-ruaa CATALINA 22. Pop-top, trailer, OB ate Excellent con dition.

$6200. 431-1029. 73 CEEBEE, 460 Ford Jal, new upholstery, 60 nr. on fat $4500ofr. Muat sea $46-0297 72 CENTURY 396 Chav.

art. kj prof. akl. $3200. 894-7656.

COMBINATION boatutntty trailer SJSU. 3-12 HP UB. tlOU 646- 7496 COMMERCIAL Boat. 26 Fare- long, exc. cond.

Loaded ayud- log bb permrt. nvy oury mr SV5.UUU. Ur-26-u4B4. COMPETITION Ski boat. 76 HydrodynaJohnaon 200 OB Exc.

tor sanoua akwr. Muat Day. 1-469-4224, a 1-4694229. 62 CRUISERS Inc. 26 (port Miami Vice a trie Twm 260 AJ aires.

Sips. 5 60moh. Immac. Look nu. $37600 416-897-4771 EXCELLENT Glastron ski boat 1t6hp Johnson OB.

grt. cond $3600-beat otr 795-269 Eva EZ LOADER TRAILERS Stewart Stewart 762-0440 17' FIBERGLASS Bass boat. Johnson 36 HP ob, Mmkota tromng motor, nsh locator down nggar, 2 ava wet complete boat wcover traikar. 645-OBIU. 14' FIBERGLASS dep boat good cond wtraner.

$600 Alt. 6pm. 623-6312 FISHERMEN. CHECK THIS OUT! 86 Gregor F-7. deep hull, bass boat, fully marled, ready to nsh.

asuuu. 19 FOOT Hawaiian m-huk, IO open bow. gd cond $6500 bat orr Must sea 579-4210. eve FOUR MAN aa axct. cond.

Otter. 623-8245. 14 GAMEFISHER akjm. boat. W7 12HP Gamefiaher mtr.

and rb tnruat ue Hard trotting mtr. arreu nrm. ooreira. 13' GLASPAR SKI RUNABOUT. 65-hp Merc.

OB. trailer $2750-bat ofr. 575-7220 17-12' GLASTRON V174. 166hp Merc. IU- 6.UUU.

16 HOBiE. Exc. ahepe $250ubel Off 433-7844 81 HOBIE wl'siwr box Exrraal Exc. Cond i2300 823-7163 36 HORSEPOWER Evmrud. aa cond $575; 13 boat and rbrt trtr.

$675 887-2308 24' HULL, Fibergiaae Luger kit wptana. im om tanoem trtr. $1600bat. Ofr. 882-2261.

65 INVADER. 15 40HP Evm 35 mph, laaa than 30 hr water. mc. trailer. $6600 762-4488 87 Johnson 6HP mtr.

Exc. cond. $600 542-0697, 644-6874 JOHNSONS 1) 10 HP L. hft. $560 2 36 HP S.

theft. EkK tart control. $660 Both xc. 823-7379 aft. 3 pm 75 LAGUNA aailboat.

18', trtr new sans $2v00-otr. 528-6360 LORAN 9000A wtaravi com ponent ii. Regency poiert Radio NC7200 $1000 646-1602 14' LOWLINER trailer and 19 HP Evlnrude, ecceasorie avail $2260 firm. 838-6091. 74 LOW Profile Jet, 455 Old.

run good. $4000 664-9339 64 LOW PROFILE Ski let 464 Chevy, 25hr $7995. 546-2367 MUST ft 20' Hawaiian Jot boat. 464 Chevy, Berkeley aat. lo hre $6600-baat ofr.

676-1226. 16' RAYSONCRAFT. V-drive Stewart Warner gaugea, tan dem towabie cover, runs great. $4600ofr. 679-0432.

19' REINELL Skifish boat. 302 Ford V8. tow exc. oond. $5800ofr.

416-697-3670 SAILBOAT. CAPRI 14 2 by Cats. ana ueeo twice tteautiiuii $2995, with trtr. 639-1637. 13', SAILBOAT, 18' SOLCAT wtrailar.

$1260. 526-4137. 34' SALMON BOAT. $16 000. AI Spud Point.

D18. 823-3845. 19' SANGAR drive, 454 twin turbo. $9950 or ofr. 639-1292 SANGER BOATS SAITONE S.

Petaluma, 782-3190 SEARS 12' Fibergiaae game Fisher boat with oar and aaat good cond. $325offer; coat $660 new. 542-9138. after 6.30 m. 87 SEA SWIRL 20 Topaz Cud dy, loaded.

$2600 or boat lor my equity. 987-3774, avaa 72 17' SEA SWIRL. V6 IO. LOW nra a-uxxj- b3-ujv4. 85 SEA SWRIL 18 CUDDY' V6.

Inbrdoutbrd. Las than 40 hr, Fresh water oniy.Lika new. 542-3331 Ask lor John Aioertsen. 16 5 SKI BOAT, Merc 06 wpwr trim-many extras, tmmac cond $4995 707-745-8608 20' SPECTRA Daycruiaar. Berk.

(at 460 Ford. Low hrs Exc cond. Tandem trtr $10,500 beat offer. 626-5760. 24 8TARCRAFT PATIO BOAT w50hp Evmrude Evmrude troft-ag motors, lots of extraa Dave, morns 433-2200.

eves 433-8863 64 6TARFLK3HT. 20', ekifieh. ob. $3000. 676-3194.

81 SUNRAY 18 open bow, 305 V8 omc. tandem trailer, exc cond. $8950. 838-2422. SUPRA-Camomia Boat Sale.

Port Sonoma. 707-765-4479 79 TAHITI art. 18' 464 Chevy tanoem Dir. suu uaya 644-8786: 676-1484 avaa 75 TAHITI Jet 16. 465 Old Girox trtr.

Pump blueprinted Hubbard marine rbfi. mtr, 100 fire. $4700otr. 675-7467. SUNBIRD BOATS Equipped wh OMC drive and vmrurkra OB rnotora Boat enow prioee ta the end of Aprs Sm ue belore you buy SAITONE Petaluma.

762 3180 74 TAHITI JET. 466 Ok, tagn pert Tunnel Ram, dual bandarson. cuaf tndm. aac cond twxiTist orr. art 6pm.

416-468-3241. THRIE OUTBOAHOB, 10MP Ev m. $MX) 4 HP Evm. $400. 7 6HP Warda, $300 684-8660.

66 TIOEHaHARK. 18 red an4 bona gel coeia, 175HP IO, Immeculaie and lOaVled, 136 hour. $8600onr 664166 74 TRI HULL boat trtr 160-hp Marc OB. exc aata tarn boat; aki. fish, camp, etc Mutt see.

$560O-besl otr 627-6066. mag VENTURE 26 Sloop, i aana. swmg keel, ob 7 5 Honda. $6bai off. Caa 875-1720 WANTED-amaa boat bailer.

667-3492. 20' WESTCOASTER Open many extraa 433-6067. WIN0 SURFER used lass that doran times fact cond. let $386 lakea 638-7474 WINDSURFING 6 6 meter, camber mduced, good cond $200 646-4713 20OIAC OR MKII, ac oo Everything for $3600 62W952 ZODIAC. MERCURY.

Outboard ACHILLES. AVON. MFTELER -Weal Coast InfiatiMea" CM for discount pneae and helpful mio. 70729-3996. 68 ZODIAC MKI OT 26 HP Evmrude.

garv trtr Boat cover, atamktaa ataaf prop Arweya garane. saint cono. fcxuaa. $1400 11 433 0731 32i SPASPOOLS SUPPLIES SAUNA, 6xx6 6', all wood. made Finland, beautiful, master rock.

$1300. 628-9406 SPA or poof heater 126K BTU. New. 5g or cat. orr spa Inter $6or bat orr 767 4168 330 SPORTING GOODS ANTiouE 308 Hex Lever Ac Bon Barrel $300 646-6116.

45 AUTOMAT.CS9mm New uaed from $785 trade? 4 A 11 am-3pm Tue -Sat 6264263 BIG GAME, Upland ba-de and waterfowl hunt, guide service, transportation and accommodation lor rrfi and archery hunts, mule dear. Heck tail deer, rxongrtorn antelope, wad boar and buffalo. Pneaeant, chukar, aaga grouse, wad turkey, duck and goose hunts On 60.000 ac No. Laeeen County. CaN Spantah Spring Outlrttera, 916-223-2307.

DART SUPPLIES TOWNER DART SMOPPE 3486 Airway Drrva Santa Rosa 646-0635 FULL SERVICE GUN SHOP Fma shotguns, rmee. hand gun. Appraiaats, consign, rapaira, remtd pistol ammo, buy, trade. Stan, 823-4939. 7 daya 9 9 GOLF CARS, gas or electric New.

Used, recond. 792-2933. GOLF dubs, ladwa Stanar aat. 3-6-7-9 aon. putter.

2 wood, bag $55. 763-6645. GOLF dub, mene Pro. tut aat. iron, wood, putter, bag.

cart $110 783-6645 GOLF dub, man Starter at. 3-6-7-9 aorrs. putter. 3 wood, bag $65. 763-5645 Gun-Knife Show Aohl 16.

17. 9am-iom Son. Co. Fairgrnd Hwy. 12.

Many beaut, and outstanding diaplaye Ind. Tha Gunfighlar display. Adrrassion $3 60 aa day. HOME NauWue tummy and back machine, almost new. 360.

642-9256. HORNADY magnum ahot. 7-12. au 60 oag uaa barw. s-iz am 544-7899 POOL TABLE, brand new Dec.

87. Muat as $1600. 996-2115. 14' RAFT OB MOTOR. OARS $650.

707-462-2480 evetwknd. UZI 9mm. Never fired. $57Sbeat offer. 527-6663.

WINCHESTER 3030. 20" octa gon barrai Hamtngton cartxoe. Buffalo Blk Commemorative. Never Iked. $375.

874-3681. 400 MERCHANDISE 401 Business to Business CommtKial Equipment Supplies ALL KINDS OUALITY NSF BAH, DELI. REST. EQUIP- 9964665. BARGAIN USED RESTAURANT EQUIP.

ALL EXC. 792-2293. DISPLAY CASES Defi-etyie, gfaaa, atamkt st. Candy tyi, wasswood. $260 ea.

Caa 462-1111 HOBART electronic scale, axe. $200. Andy 579-9003 day. HOBART Food rioppergrindar. ia oovn, mooet iwjvy.

exc. cond. Bat. olr. 887-1866 art 6pm and wknd.

PLASTIC SHEETS (6) 4x6', 316. rvieq. biu. sou 48 sq. ft.

of 18-. Green. $60. 874-3747. ROOFING equipment CaH Richard, 675-9806.

WE BUY SELL GOOD USED TELEPHONE EOUlP 579-5677 402 WANTED TO BUY ALL CASH Used urn. -Antiques-Appliances Estates bought. Appraisals HARRY'S 2ND HAND 803 Ripley 526-7713 JUNK WANTED: Copper, brass, aluminum, old machinery, radiators, etc. FREE pickup. Pay cash.

LIONEL TRAINS CHRIS 585-3147. METAL WANTED: Copper, brae, etc Gray Auto Wrscksr, 423 Todd Rd. SR. 584-0383 SCRAP GOLD WANTED 546-4884. OLD Beadagunsodd collectible Troy Clem Liquidators Mon-Sat.

uam-opm. 4ug uccidentai Rd. CASH-Antlques-collectlbles-any- ming oto-Houee cans. 823-9631 WE BUY USED GOLF CLUBS 5Zr-6f77. CASH PAID FOR LIKE NEW APPLIANCES, 528-2802.

DINETTE Booth, aoprox. 4x8 II ar4-3uri. DIAMONDS 12 or larger Wit pay lair mat. value. 644-0433.

ICE SKATES WANTEO Lame aire 9 Can 763-8655 403 ENERGY SAVERS ALTERNATIVES WO 4 8 ft tint piata soiar panefa 638-7570 404 JEWELRYFURS BLUE FOX JACKET L. NEVER WORN COST $1700, BELL $800 526-0604 DIAMONO rtng, (16), 12ct -1ct Apor. sjuuu, saa iiooo-beat otter. 646-6639 biLuHiir uuahijm FTpr g.ede neud 3401 6ICUHHV 0K.lS lnpw- aM Opemrtys, tPT, vtry wvei aro Sajpefvieory (rxii mm we nev ir wot Gemmrtimnt ami profee- Soneuwn ftS ta4 fiFCuHiTY OfFirfBH Reuwuod mi tecurity 66aou0 Security Personnel SaWvmg an or Honomt, Lse and tXXJfrrfaS Nq eperwnc needed we tram mw FT DavSNMsfavarris Pd Viv 4iMns other benefits bien anmedteteiy Call 887-9378 StHVICt SIN ATI! NUt NT, tu mrt PT AlJfjry 164 CaMatOga rwi eemvpm. aflorvrn fl nvict Si an AM

7-11 Heal tor ret oof atom oilier App pran 1701 Grant Ava Moveto 7 item BIBvlCt STATION ATTiN DANT PfJ Hour t'per Alijily 7100 Apply morrung. iOvrCE atation anandant FT and PT Aa artrtrl (veil 6el fnotmeled peopla to worn aervica ataiMin. Pay commen a.Kate e.o Apply ieco BWl rommeroa. 6t "VICE atation anandant. poea awmg nin Appry peraon omy at r'eo uraon bemca, 0ev Hwy.

116 at 101. Cotati SCftVrCE atation ananoant. Ma ture reaponaioia Appry Ml peraon: B24I Sonoma Hwy StWVICE 8TNCARWA3M AT. UMOANTS Fua and part am Poaa. aaal moor Cnavron Royal Co Car Ween, 73M Commerce Brvd Cotati.

SHCET METAL INSTALLER Heataig. aa- cond shut and aenmg. aap. onry. bvjoi.

SHiPPiNO and Ftacamng peraon wnoieaaier or i no wool uprmatery laonc. Oualaity and mvamory control, raoric Ountng. abMy to an lb. Preier non.moar. 6nd raauma 0 Boa 1249, Sonoma M7S SHIPRECEIVING Fuf-ame opanmg Good banaflt and wonong conortiona.

Apply ai peraon OSHMAN'S SPORTING GOODS tb Santa Roaa Ptara Santa Roaa EOE MF SOCIAL WORKER RaaKf Tiaat Ctr. for 10-12 yr. om SE0 boy. Caaa family oouneaang, out reach, aaeon wrm otnar aoancwe Lie praf. 2 yr.

exper. wdyfura rionet tamiaaa and cnaoran req. Eac. eaiary. benefit and vaca tion.

Heaumee to: swru Boa M. San Rafael. CA. 4913 SOLOERER EXP for FT craft worn your urv daritand production. 668-9312 SUPERVISOR High orowtfi.

1-12 yr old Inaur- a nee co. locaiea Novaro noa a paopia oriented probtam-aoivar to ba raaponaibia for tha Policy laaua Dept. Send resume aaiary niaiorv to Roaa wyiw. General Sarvicaa Ufa. 6 7962.

San Franciaco, CA 94120 SUPERVISORSaiaa. Dream no CATW rmomrrt. poa Work from home. Free tramtngsanv plea. PT.

Approa. JWnr comm. Xmaa oecor. 77 SWIM Instructor (WSI) for un mar swim program at uuernev- Hm. BOtr-JM.

SWIM mstructor. head, wWSI to aat up and run swan lesson prog. Sal nego. Mayetta Swim iarnar, aao-rjaj. SWIMMINO pool mamt repair parson.

Must have exper. and go. orrvmg record, i position. CaH Santa Rosa Poof Service. Ino.

638-3838. TEACHER, attar chcot kinder. gardener. ii-6pm. Benefits 12 unit ECE mm.

EOE. Call 762-8570 TEACHER ASST. Sent, age pro gram. Attrnoon poa. lor tnoivia wECE unit andor exper.

Sal UOfc and quaiiticatone. sand raauma to: 28 Maxwan Ct. 96401 or call 523-0454 TEACHER, bilingual (Engl span.) creoentiaj wDiiinguei authorization. Probationary position. Exc.

working cond. Ooetna June 16. Applications even at Windsor umon school Dist 7660 Bed Windsor. 96492. 707-838-9444.

EOE. TEACHER. Christian Pre-School Day Cara, PT, mornings, must nave urate tut. iu-iku. TEACHER.

FT. after echool pro gram. 6-iz units ECE, tduca Fion, Recreation or PE. Od. driving record.

Exc. benefita. Contact Liaa, 684-0124. TEACHER, non-cradentialad to teach art and science 1 acnool for emotionairv die turbed bovs. aoes 6-12.

S1 100 mo. oaa 044-1303. TEACHERPre-Schoot Aid. PT aftarnoona. ECE unit or xp.

wcruidran helpful. 762-6670 TEACHERS, Ctaaaroom, FT. K6 m. school, various grade ejvete tor tan bo aameater Apply by 42288 Mark West acnooi sier uia Heo wood SR. 545-6038.

TEACHERS NEEDED Permit teacher, aide. Subetltute. for after school childcare program. PT aftarnoona, leading to i aummer wora. oaa-iaui.

TECHNICIAN for SpaSolar vice, rumpingeiec. axp. req. Call Jim or Dereth, 416-883- 2303 between Bam-5pm. TECHNICIANSOILS Consulting gsotechnical engi neering rirm seeks field lacnru-dan Grading ooe.

and taatmg experience requireo. uioim Aasociate 628-3078 TELEMARKETERS. Appt, I ting. Unlimited earning potential. Guar.

hrly. bonus. Evas Frldsys. CaH 575-5605 TELEMARKETERS. PTFT, Ben- em -uraw (3 50nr.

oonuaee. Nice atmoaphara. 644-1100. TELEMARKETING. Show tickets.

bales from our ofc. Set. 4 comm. 795-2565, Mr. Rica.

Tatemerketing THE PERFECT PART TIME JOB Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 p.m. to 9 m. Retirees, housewrfes, students.

teachers, sales people. We re looking for people with good voices and personalities, who have some sales ability but never got that break you always wanted. We need you to seH subscriptions for a mafor five county newspaper. Salary Bonus. Call to 1 or 5 to 9, 864-8297.

TELEMARKETING WINE WINDSOR VINEYARDS IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Experienced salespersons wanted for this lucrative opportunity. Generous commissions, complete benefits peexsga. World Cass wine. Positive, creative environment- COME PROSPER WITH us CALL GLENN SIEGEL 675-1077 Of ft IS OUTSIDE BUILDING MATERIALS SALES REP 64 LUUItl CO now MttttMtei SUM ho iwust ne provaKt tri taKki mat awe wttt produtts Sut.n lumciaW, wtridows, etc OomtA IO OtMftt both conwti and res)Miai tritom of Un truMMi wtin a pun to A record jtn Amtvce I gruwwtg, fttlionwtile turntiw C'm A(Hy at hkjrty Pi afa He puug snone SsiM EARN $1000 WEEKLY! Se'e'-sd pM'tiun We tn, ep o0 6M 546 anywna SAi fxper fmar cove MktHMKjn Comm Ihi 1 1 4 SMfcg FACSIMILE Sonoma County a fa.wet orow- mg, moat Oynamc oi'- eMp CO ewarcrwig tor a rtwn Quarry pro) eeie aM 10 ffe aueirn, ton of offca f-aa ma OTMnera Be eat comm eroerv alita taed provwed 6eno auma to AO NuMfll 7n Mrna Democrat.

Boa Ml) benia Roaa. avtoz Financial Service Sales Tranng prowiwd Comm bent tea i pao jiwj SALES. FT Newspaper Advertfa- mg bales Entry level bewy FUN IN THE SUN CHFMCO LABS IS now Nnng 10 entnuMsnc end snarp guys and to dtsmonstrate 1 1 KLfcFN ou must be free to travel HAWAII, LAS VFOAS FLORlUA. ANO BEACH Rt SORTS No ex perience) necessary We provide iteming and transportation (return guaranteed) For a FUN JUH wtm hagn common earnings contact Miss Rotxrtson at Mb WtrO airt 140 1 0am 5pm MtN OA UNL buA ONLY SALES Inter or decorating Na tional company tran. Com mission interviewing now More info.

ceN 431-1344 SALES, tntroimk Communica boos leader in the te murMcations andustry is seeking pror naro wormng sales peo ple with outside saies ep and mgmt potential Nd professional vidrviduals to market leadtng convrtuncations prod- uct oaiary, oerwts Contact Peter. 415-476 -2400 SAIES WILL PAY YOU HAND SOMELY for your Advertising oeiee eperwnca wmm. bonus CeN 6V3865 SALES. Janrtonat and indust aupol. co tookma tor exoer seiesparson for Sonoma Co tjermory Must have clean driv reed prav.

sales eiper pretd Salary against comm plus e-penses CaN 707-763-9161 ask for Rch or Lee. PER YEAR National Wholesale Jewelry Co needs REP. for local area. No direct saies. wholesale only.

Sal ary. IJW-IWI, SALES. Mafor retailer of watert eos currently seeking brignt, eocjre serve people for sales pos. Compen. sal comm.

OMV reod Apply water oeo vutiet, voo Rd Santa Rosa SALESMANAGER, exper. pro fessional needed to torn Nutn System, a leader the weight lose industry wover 900 centers nationally We req. sales and mgmt. exp. with a proven track record.

Prior leadership exp. and trainra abilities pref Must be serf motivated and possess strong inter-personal skills. We ot'ar competitive saianr. bonus bntt pkg If you re too inn to work with a team of professionals committed to excellence, cat Joyca, betw. 12-3.

526-1151 SALES MGMT. TRAINEE Msfor tin. mstit. is looking lor people who are self motrv. and can handle a ngorous training prog and want the oppty.

to earn unlimited comm. Please send resumes onty- Bob Sherwood New York Lite. PO Box 1569 Santa Rosa CA. 95402. EOE, SALES Outside salesperson needed to increea market share.

Regional set-vice industry. Great potential for right person. Comm Gd benefits Send resume and compensation raqs. to AO NUMbtH fttt, Press Democrat. O.

Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. salespeople $10 UNEMPLOYED UNDER EMPLOYED $10 0 years and older. I'M pay you HO cash for 1 hour of vour time." Best saiaa deaf in Sonoma County' CaH on our non-subscrib ers tor The Press Democrat- Our Salespeople wiH show you how they make better than average income, ivomm. For a $10 1 hour Toe see" call Waiiy Johnson, 2 to 4 p.m. only, Monday through Friday, collect aeMWJ ext.

210 SALESPERSON, construction machinery Salary, benefits Send resume to AO NUMBER 633. Press Democrat, O. Box 559, Santa Roaa. CA 9540? SALESPERSON for light con struction equip. Salary, benefits Send resume to AD NUMBER 718.

Press Demo crat, P.O. Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. 9ALESRFAL ESTATE CAREER SESSION CENTURY 21 CAREER OPPORTUNITY NIGHT Consider an exciting, rewarding career Real Estate1 Get your Mcsnsat Our office is now hiring. Comm. Find out what It takes AprH 13, 7-8 30pm CaH 55-6801.

Seating ltd. Reservations required Century 21 Aztec Realty 750 Mendocino Ave R. SALES rep. for the Northbay counties sening iraoe memner ships one of the nations oldest concepts txc. PT-FT oppty New ownership of this estab bus.

wants new Image and wants prof, men and women to rep. ttiem and earn top comm Send resume to: 1400 North Dutton. Ste. 23. 95401.

SALES MarinHumboldt, grtg. cards, wrap, stationary. Be organized, reliable. Must love cards. Resume.

Paper Alliance, 888 Brannan, 326, San Francisco, 94103 SALES REP--Outsioe, for hotel sales. FT, salaried Emphasis on corporate and leisure market. Hotel sales exp pref. Resume to Miller. El Rancho Tropica n.

Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, CA 95407. No phone calls. THE BEST ADVICE THE RIGHT PRICE CLASSIFIED ADS 546-7355 RESORT SALES IMUI tfiAtt 0lS.Nfl NOlM NIC PAiU tHAiNiNO tarn rvuO LfXtwmy ixew eu" ujmrtweajMun tg gH iruu tia'tod leiiie NarfMl Corpriratwm Mr trwn Ml SO 17 frAttHial UNA IAMUIST (MM win wth dynamic sew tMH tO US IfV-aJ of Bko. (iu6 Ur ftHOWROOM MANAGE tat a UN L4trc ry) rrue sie irvwruum and weraiouse Mann Raeufae to 64) W'afarSanfl Aw Hen Raieei S4vl 4i4N4 Onwe Ai FlTiH 5 fl HXtmm Apply a 4 in i no prioime ft $40 TO law comm. mn fc Helional trvhriMMaie JMevy Company rla HI tor loaf ae Ho Owanl aaiea.

WtKai onty anO or tit Jk SAt-f VIACOM CABLEVISION Sales Staff Exsansion 9 puertmn awertaM aa a end varerty of cmtum TV aer Loofetg tor aaper prcrleMjnl peopej to meat auoreeerva goaia Tafemaraenno air. ana eree.eno ml Mr wage comm Co3 caaateeMnonteuma laeoa provtoerj TeKmemenria ft. MorvfrV 10 t. 0 Mr wao V4K. Uvea Hanoi axomng acam fc riMriaavnaot Couneafor avanmga and Mreeeeno 7 Mr weua.

Mak aeiea foaoer-wp cane Fertd Sale FT, oommieeyi onry Territoren el Nepa County. Sonoma County and Meat Contr MMta (county. Send mun or out apptica-bon mt Anrren )an Ha'eel CA frtwd. ATTtNTION Mara EOE SALES--WE HAVE lEAOSl Local apphanca oompany naada paopia now Comrn Caa Paraorv n4. oatw srs-Govs SALMON f.ler-pd.

CaH ta- yrw tve meg SANOBLASTEHSpray Painter. mm a yr Rat. rq. r-rao. 4i9-4W-riif.

SEAMSTRESS. MF. FT. Eapar panam makingoeaign Good bnrta oppty. for advanoamant are Mtt0 SECRETARYAdmn.

Aaat eonatae. priont. aac. common tkm. FT.

60 wpm. Word ProcatsinaComouter aap (Macintoan praf), baapg axm. rnabia car. oood ret Exor ONLY. Send raauma to 1049 4tn aie SRoa 86404 SECRETARybooKiteeper, eioer tor amaa oa and ga aapiora-bon comp.

FT. Sand raauma 131 Stony Orcia buna 1000A. SR. 16401 SECRETAflyBOOKKEEPER, conatr. firm.

Fraandfy atmoi aaaamg FT aacty. w. pieaea aaieohona manner, calculator by touch, oomputar aap Compna-aon comment, weap. Pi. and reaume: 7669 Conoe Ln.

Winaaor B6492. B38 4345 fUir.i alia 1111 SECRETARY BROOERBUND SOFTWARE Wa are aeekmo 2 PT aacratanaa to do femg. typing, word proce. mg. answer pnona and perform general office dutie.

Bom poei- oona ara appro. nrawtt. Benafrta avail. gd. atartatg salary ana regular pay eicreaeee CaM for interview, Pereonnal.

41S-492-3200. EOE SECRETARY Head Sect yWord Procaaeor Poa. with fast paoad plan. mnganoinaanng ttrm. Hep.

for coordination of secretarial dutiee and reviewapproval of documenta leaving orfic. Detail oriented aidiv. with od. orgamzational skills, knowtega oi tngusn usagepuncruation. to work wail with dead- kn.

Typing 66wpm. Raauma to 3Uiu r-iignriine oanta HO. S403 tot SECRETARY LOCAL Food Wholesaler sevk organized individual with mm. yra aect'y. axp.

and gd wrrneninierpersonai Bkiaa. wr, Typing 60 wpm. and ahorthand on raq. wuat oa aDia to cope w. multl activitydaadlinae.

Non moker. (14.560 atari Poa rt ion oresentrv in S.R. Movmo to Mann Co 1989 Od. banefita pkg. rieeume vjvar isnar to HUMAN RtbOUHCfcS PO BOX 4087 R.

96402 SECRETARY, Past control axp. (3d. pnona manner, typing 60wpm from dictaphone. Sand reeumee to AO NUMbtH ism. Press Democrat.

Box 569, Santa Rosa. CA 96402. SECRETARY. Position with growing University, Comput erword processing skills a must. Transcription, good organizational skills and ability to work wpeopie.

FT, Salary S10U0-I12U0 out, send sums to 148 Wilson Hill petamma, ca 94952 SECRETARY, PT. 25. hr wk. bonoma to. onerirte cite.

Emof. Assn. is looking for an axp. sec with WP. BK.

gen. ofc. skill. Obtain appl. and aubmrt wresume at 2360 Cod-dingtown Ctr or call 578-3126 by 4-1 5-bo ar 9unr.

Benetna SECRETARY. PT laoal hnknrnd pret exp. witn wohupeh-FECT. Return to 406 Chmn. Santa Roaa, 95404 arm.

Ann. Se cretarvRece Dti onist Tamp to FT position at 6R environmental lab. Gd. sectretar- lal skills word processing aDimy. neavy pnonea, go.

pay no toe. uaii tor appt. to apply 3438 MENDOCINO SR 35 MARIA DR. STE. 851, PET.

interim services 575-0203 '763-1 560 SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST, Nationwio security company seek people person for phones, typing, filing. $5hr. to start. Benetit*. CaH Jeff for appt.

707-526-4343 CPPPm- kenon, vim Menoocino Ava. No. 4, Santa Ros. CA 96401 SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST for w-imguei public 'aora, Oood lurwni elir ill el Tn Ka Iraaanawl an I programming 545-8833. SECRETARYracepttonlst.

Full I time, real estate omce. Compa-1 ny oenems. tm-fo. I exp. req.

m. dw-ojou. SecretarvReceDtionist FuU time position last paced property management company. Multi-Una phones, good typing Kins, wora processor exper. preferred, general office duiiea.

per mo start Reviews, increases and benefits as war ranted CaH Suy 525-0102 or aeno resume 10: Oak Mountain Property Management Co Inc. Box 1832 Santa Rosa. CA 95402 SECRETARY, School Confiden tial, 10 mos. plus 1 60- $9 50hr. plus benefits, Secre tariat and public contact exper.

reqd, Apply cinnabar benoof 266 Skiltman Petam ma- No phone calls please. FOR your most comprehensive gijioe to me area reei estate market, look for Empire Homea 1 every Surfday In the Press Democrat. In it. you will find the i most current real aetata and rental listings. I 9 Restaurant Management Sizzler.

Steak -Seafood -Salad Has management opportunities available in Sonoma and Marin Counties for a few outstanding men and women. We are looking for some prior restaurant management experience, integrity, energy, intelligence and a Commitment to Excellence in Providing Really Incredible Dining Experiences to our guests. WE OFFER: a Trainee salary and bonuses averaging over $20,000 per yr. a Guaranteed raises a Excellent training a Superb vacation and sick leave policy. a Quarterly bonuses New restaurant opening this year We're good, and working hard to get better all the time.

If you are too, send us a resume today. TATUM ENTERPRISES 6040 Commerce Blvd. 110 Rohnert Park, CA. 94928.

The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.