The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

M. Chicopee Area News A RIVOLI BUILDING 592-2377 732-3112 Hearings Due On 4 Bids for Zone Changes CHICOPEE Four zone change petitions were received Tuesday night by the Board of Aldermen and referred to the Board and Zoning Committee for hearings. They are: Hampden St. Joseph Partyka, B. to Residence for a 50-by 100 foot area on the east side of Hampden St.

Alfred A. Wojcik, agent for Rig Residence A to Business! for Lot 51 in Lauzier Ter. Francis J. Simonich, Residence B. to Business A at the southwest corner of Granby Rd.

and Grandview Ave. Helen Grochmal Stomski, Residence A to Business A on the south side of East Main St. Three Are Taken To Hospitals CHICOPEE Three persons were taken to hospitals Tuesday by police. John Mawaka, 57, of 73 School St. was taken to Wesson Memorial by Patrolmen John Rigalli and Roland Chapdelaine.

Rose Meyers. SO. of Bell St. taken to Wesson Memorial by Patrolmen Chapdelaine and Sy Kraus. Edward Bick, 53, of 53 Newell was taken to Holyoke Hospital by Patrolmen Charles Crosby and Bart Sullivan.

PAV Auxiliary to Close Season Wednesday CHICOPEE Mrs. Dorothy Ossolinski will conduct the final meeting of the season of the Auxiliary of Andrew Balut Post, Polish American Veterans, tonight at 7.45 in the post home. Reports will be presented on the proposed uniform, the PAV state convention and a social. Plans will be completed for the annual picnic Aug. 6 on the grounds of Aldenville American Legion Post 337.

Mrs. Helen Ossolinski is still accepting trading stamps for A booth and Mrs. Phyllis, Fordema is still asking for donations of children's gifts for a fish pond. Articles and stamps may be brought to the meeting or left at the post. Two Groups Hold Communion Supper CHICOPEE a ul J.

Menard, organist, offered dinner music during a communion supper attended by 130 members of the Ladies of St. Anne Society and League of Sacred Heart of St. George's Church Sunday. Rev. Henri Auger, pastor, offered the invocation and blessing prior to the dinner.

Speak-' ers were assistant pastors. Rev. Leo Leclerc spoke on "'The Lost Sheep" and Rev. Leon Lussier's. topic was "The role of the laymen of the ecumenical council." The society will receive corporate communion Sunday at 7.30 A.

m. mass. The final meeting in of the season will be held Tuesday. Members. will meet in the church for prayers at 7.30 and the business meeting will follow at 8 in the school hall.

Mrs. Lorraine Kelly will conduct the meeting which will be followed by a demonstration of home products and a card party. Mrs. Mildred Hevy and Mrs. Margaret Bradford are cochairmen of prizes and refreshments will be served by Mrs.

Blanche Gauthier and Mrs. Sandra Gauthier. District Court CHICOPEE Paying fines in District Court Tuesday were Anthony Barshchenski, 55, of 16 Dallaire assault and battery. $35; David M. Cassidy, 21.

of 85 College operating to endanger, $50, and failing to stop for police officer, $25: Dorothy T. Demos, 48, of 96 Chapin Holyoke, no sticker, $10. Edward Mika, 37. of 63 Joy denied two morals charges and his case was continued one year for finding, with probation. A charge of operating without sticker against Peter A.

sellis, 33, of 7 Upper Church Springfield, was dismissed. John K. Bonnett, 25, of 83 Hampshire Hol yoke, denied a charge of leaving the scene of a property damage accident and his case was continued to July 13. Will Meet Sunday CHICOPEE The Chicopce Memorial Day and Patriotic Committee will meet Sunday at 10.30 at DAV, Chapter 19, 37 Center it has been announced by president Paul Breault. Chairmen will make their reports and bills will be turn into treasurer Joseph Wisniowski.

74 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION TH SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1967 27 Laurier Club Auxiliary Has Banquet The Laurier Club Auxiliary ended its season Tuesday with a banquet at the Brass Rail in Chicopee. From the left are Mrs. Lena Masse, cochairman; Mrs. Theresa Plasse, president; Mrs. Henri Nadeau, chairman, and Mrs.

Grace Bernashe, reservations. Cash Approved for Summer Jobs, But Aldermen Want Control CHICOPEE -The Board of Aldermen Tuesday night approved a number of appropriations for hiring summer laborers, but in doing so, adopted an order that they have preference in recommending such employees. Board Gets Preference On the motion of Alderman George R. Como, the board passed an order granting this! preference to aldermen. All department heads and commissions are to be so advised, according to the measure.

The action a came after the board passed the following recommendations of Mayor Demers dealing with such help: Infirmary salary account for temporary help. $2000; Forestry Department summer laborers, $1500; Cemetery Department for temporary laborers, $2400 and city clerk's temporary help or overtime. $1000. Softball Umpires Mayor Demers batted 1.000 with the board as it approved every his recommendations. Passed also $800 to the Parks and Recreation Department for girls' softball umpires; $500 to the $3000 a for 600 10-inch Department expense, account, sewer in Blanchwood Ave.

and $2000 for granite curbing on the north side of Montcalm St Also, land taking on the south side of Beaudry Ave. for highway purposes and $200 for Cabot Chapter Slates June 19 Card Party CHICOPEE Cabot Chapter 35, Order of Eastern Star, will hold its annual public strawberry dessert card party June 19 Masonic Temple. Dessert will be served from 7.15 to 8. A progressive whist card party will follow and tables will be available for those wishing to play other games. Tickets be obtained at the door or from committee members: Paul Whittemore, chairman; Mrs.

Jean MacDonald, honorary chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marchand, dessert cochairmen, assisted by Mrs. Hildamarie Hoffman, Constance Pederson, Mrs. Della Kindness and Mrs.

Ruth Nissopoulos; Mrs. Joyce Levesque and Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, tickets. Chicopee Funerals CHICOPEE The funeral Miss Zenaide Brouillet of 18 Mt. Carmel was held Tuesday morning at the Messier funeral home, Holyoke.

folflowed by a solemn requiem high mass in the Church of the Nativity. Rev. Leo Fontaine was the celebrant, Rev. Leon Sauvageau. deacon and Rev.

Donald Desilets, subdeacon. The bearers were Oscar and Francis Lavallee, nephews the deceased. Raymond FonPat-taine, Armand Brodeur. Romeo Therrien and Theophile Laurin. Burial was in Notre Dame Cemetery, South Hadley, with Fr.

Desilets offering prayers at the grave. Building Permits CHICOPEE Building Inspector Ernest D. Rivet issued permits Tuesday to Max Mierzwa of 19 School $14,800 oneat 106 Crestwood Alfred family home and car garage Metivier of 44 Larchmont $5500 one-family home and twocar garage at 40 Larchmont and Lillian C. Darcy of 71 Pine to repair six rear porches a1' 33-39 Belcher St. and 1-9 East at a cost of $2000.

Changes Sought In Filling Top Posts at Home CHICOPEE A radicall change in the method of appointing and terms of the master and matron of the Chicopee Municipal Home was proposed Tuesday by Aldermanic President Roger J. Roy. Given a first reading and referred to the Ordinance and Welfare Committees by the Board of Aldermen was his measure, the calling Board for of appoint- Public Welfare, subject to confirmation by aldermen, and extending the term to five years. The existing ordinance for annual appointment by the Board of Public Welfare only. The lengthy proposal calls! for appointment in September for a five-year term.

However, if the ordinance is approved and the Board of Public Welfare fails to act, the incumbents will continue in office for a fiveyear period. Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Lamothe are master and now.

The ordinance also provides that if the Board of Welfare appoints someone other than the Lamothes and these choices are confirmed by men, the Lamothes may remain in office until next February. Food Sale Sunday At St. Stanislaus CHICOPEE The Third Order of St. Francis of St. Stanislaus Church will hold a public food sale Sunday morning, following all masses, in the school auditorium.

Featured will be home-baked cakes, breads, golombkis and pierogis, Mrs. Agnes Haryasz is chairman and Mrs. Salomea Kozik. cochairman. Mrs.

Frances Kobak, president, requests members make their ticket returns at the sale. Bury Social Club Picnic Is Monday CHICOPEE Plans for the first of three picnics were made meeting of the Bury Social all Club Maonday. Mrs. Leda Plante was pointed chairman and will assisted by Mrs. Philomene Sword.

Mrs. Antoinette Yelle, Mrs. Mary Adrian, Mrs. Alma Aubertin and Mrs. Bertha Cote.

Peter Lafleur and Arthur Carrigan will serve as chefs. The shuffleboard league has been organized for the summer land will meet each Wednesday lat 6 with 14 teams competing. President Harold Giguere chairman with Fred Londra-er: ville, scorekeeper. Peter Lafleur, treasurer. Teams entered are Mrs.

Adora Monchamp and John McMinn; Sword and Lowell White; Mrs. Nora Guilmain and Michael Wisniowski; Mrs. Mary Pelletier and Victor quina; Mrs. Alice Roberts and Fred Londraville: Mrs. Anna and Ovila Massee; Catherine Tranquina and Joseph Leduc; Mrs.

Claudia St. John and Arthur Carrigan; Mrs. Henrietta Cote and Walter Sword; Mrs. Rena Lemieux and Harold Giguere; Mrs. Alma Aubertin and Leo Monchamp: Mrs.

Ida Londraville and George Asselin; Mrs. Blanche Masse and Peter Lafleur: Mrs. Leda Plante and Derva Cote. Auxiliary Delegates CHICOPEE The Auxiliary of World War I Barracks 354 will be represented at the annual state convention at: the Hotel Bradford. Boston, Thursday through Saturday, by Mrs.

Vivian Lempke. president; Mrs. Gloria Salva, Mrs. Florida Swan and Miss Marie SupreInant. Alternates are Mrs.

retta Sullivan, Mrs. Antoinette Cantin and Mrs. Catherine Anderson. CHICOPEE The Chicopee Redevelopment Authority will meet: Thursday at 7 at 119. Main St.

Notre Dame Sisters Note 100th Anniversary The 100th anniversary of the Sisters of Notre Dame at Holy was observed and the Holy Name High School class of 1967 membership at a dinner held by the Notre Dame Federation Highpoint Motor Inn in Chicopee Falls. From the left are Miss president; Miss Rita Corridan, mistress of ceremonies: Sister tilda Marie and Miss Barbara Corridan. class of 1967 School Financing Guidelines Studied Girl, 6, Injured In Center St. Auto Mishap (the Water and School Depart-' (ments. School Committee and Building Commission members, architects and engineers workling on the project and others aldermen may feel should attend.

They are to have with! them information and records aldermen may request in writ-! ing. In a second order. Barsalou asked the Law Department tol prepare A' memorandum of law outlining the duties. powers obligations of members of the school building commis-i sions. Barsalou's orders were filed as the result of recent conferences and discussions concerning the proposed Avenue School.

The discussions, observers have noted, were less than satisfactory times because of A lack of preparation. CHICOPEE The Board of School Committee submits 'final girl was injured when she came Aldermen Tuesday night gavelplans and a sketch of a pro- in contact with a car in Center a first reading to Alderman posed school. It was referred St. Tuesday at 5.10 p. m.

Gerald Barsalou's the Ordinance Committee: Catherine Goulhot of 926 Cen providing specific guidelines and Law Department. Iter suffered cuts and bruisfor the exchange of informa- Barsalou's measure calls fortes of the body. head and legs tion before school project fi- scheduling a meeting within 30 and was treated at Mercy Hos nancing is approved. after aldermen receive pital. The measure was referred tolnotice from the chairman off Police said the operator of the Ordinance Committee forithe School Committee that the car was John Matusko, 43.

study. plans have been certi-lof 107 Orchard Springfield. In a related move, Alderman fied. The injured girl was transJoseph Urdzela proposed an or- Second Order ported by Patrolmen James dinance that no action on fi- Invited will be the mayor, Sullivan and Charles Burnham. nancing be taken until the engineer.

superintendent of Burnham investigated. Police said the girl WAC rp. leased after treatment. Elks to Observe Flag Day On Saturday Name Parish welcomed into Tuesday at the Grace Casey. Superior Mapresident.

damages to the owner, Harry E. Reed; addition of a clerk in the Health Department at Grade 2, Step 1 in the salary and appropriation off $2085 for wages and raise first assistant librarian from Grade 3, Step 1 to Grade 1, Step 1 and appropriation of $429 for the adjustment. Center Auxiliary Slates Luncheon, Fashion Show MRS. HAROLD LAMOTHE MRS. JOSEPH A.

NOWAK, CHICOPEE The Community Center Women's Auxiliary will hold a luncheon and fashicn show at the Springfield Country Club June 12 from noon to 3 with proceeds to be used to supplement the center's earned inconte. Models will be Mrs. Richard H. Demers, Mrs. Harold Mothe, Mrs.

Robert Gelinas, Mrs. Joseph Nowak, Mrs. Socrates Geanacopoulos. Mrs. Lawrence La Porte, Mrs.

Steve Bakos, Mrs. George Membrino, and Misses Susan and Linda Stec. A few tickets will be sold at the door. Persons wishing to purchase tickets may contacti Mrs. Robert hom*on.

Mrs. Robert Gelinas, Mrs. gienko, Mrs. Russell Campbell, Mrs. John Joseph Urdzela, Or buy them at the 'Falls Provision Co.

or R. C. K. Shop. Page Trust Fund Grants Scholarships to 17 CHICOPEE scholarship grants totaling $2725 have been awarded to seniors at Chicopee High School and Chicopee Comprehensive High School by trustees of the Irving H.

Page and Alice J. Page trust fund. The grants were awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement and financial need by trustees. Frank Korkosz. John Saunders and Mrs.

Rudolph J. Paul. Scholarships were awarded to the following Chicopee High School seniors: $250 to Gregory T. Pirog, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley J. Pirog, of 37 Sanford who will attend Westfield State College; $200 to Miss Linda Krolov, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Krokov, who will attend Bay Path Junior College, and William Victor Zaleski, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Victor Zaleski of Lombard accepted at St. Francis College, Biddeford. Me. Also: $125 to Ronald S.

Bodzioch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Bodzioch. of 283 Center Western New England College, Miss Mary Ann Bolko, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Bolko, 108 State Framingham State College, Miss Joyce M. Olko. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Olko. 64 Rimmon I aculate College. John C. Moron, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Cassimere Moron of 275 Fairview Donald D. Prisby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J.

Prisby, 218 School and Miss Mary P. Veale. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F.

Veale, Civil, Criminal Jurors Named steam fitter: James M. Loughman of 53 William insur-122 claims adjustor: J. Beauchesne of 1067 Granby machinist; Rosario A. Bibeau of 65 Plymouth retired: Rene V. fa*gnant.

of 724. Grattan television technician; Rudolph J. Bick of 72. Nash shipper: Aldca Beaulieu of 19 Percy housewife: Stella Patla of 170 Farnsworth shipper. Joseph J.

Calabrese of 70 Chateaugay painter; Joseph E. Anischik of 15 Maryland Laboratory, assistant; Ernest Archambault of 18 Adams ruler; Henry Klofas of CHICOPEE -The Board of Aldermen Tuesday night seflected 8 jurors for civil Hampden and County criminal superines Court starting July 10. They are: Annabel Dolphin of 62 Wells bus woman; Charles Demers of 43 Arlington auto salesman; William P. of 62 Fernwood machine operator; Cecile N. Baker of 15 Massachusetts trimmer: Valere Desroches of 63 Paradise polisher; Rita A.

Chevalier of 141 Skeele senior clerk; Albert J. Boutin. of 58 Belmont bler; Rita Robertson of 43 Thornwood upholstery work: Richard R. Brodeur of 17 Charbonneau gold stamper. Roberi C.

Soucy of 1063 nett machinist; Stephen, Ondrick of 7 Campbell 75. Sampson aircraft hydraulic specialist; Armand G. Couture of 8 Forest retired; Margaret L. Savage of 128 East sales lady; Joseph M. Stadnicki of 10 Riverview machine operator: Albert Rys of 538 Broadway.

machinist: Mary J. Griffin of 107 Colum-1 ba St. bookkeeper: Joseph Desmarais, of 819 McKinstry toolmaker. BOARD WILL MEET CHICOPEE The Contributory Retirement Board ill meet today at. 4 in the city! 'auditor's office.

Observe Golden Jubilee is Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kras of 3 Coolidge Chicopee, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house for relatives and friends Sunday afternoon. 122 at Reunion Of 1952 Class CHICOPEE There were class members and their at the 15th reunion of Chicopee High School class of 1952 Saturday at the Cavalier Restaurant.

Three sport coach William: Moge was speaker. Winners of trophies were: furthest distance travelled. Capt. Thomas Goodwin of Ft. Knox.

largest number of: children, Maric-Anne (Gauthier) Miller. seven: newest baby. William Beeler. who has en most one recently month old married. daughter: Fred Pugliano.

who will a soon celehis second wedding Anniversary. Legion Women's Event June 14 spring ban-; quet of Aldenville Legion Auxiliary Unit 337 will be held June 14 at the Cavalier Restaurant. A co*cktail hour will begin at 6 and dinner will be served at 7 with a choice roast turkey. rib roast of beef land buttered or broiled lobster. Mrs.

Rose Blanchard. chair-'the man, announced reservations may be made until Friday with Mrs. Lillian Gendron, Mrs. Aurore Maxwell, Mrs. Alma Covington and Mrs.

Cocile Brault. DANCE IS CANCELED CHICOPEF The dance scheduled by the Patty Squares Dance Club has been canceled. Dances will be resumed Junc 24 from 8 to 11 in the Aldenville American Legion Post pavilion. CHICOPEE -The Chicopee Lodge of Elks, in conjunction with lodges throughout the country. will hold a Flag Day observance Saturday at 7.30 in the lodge.

Officers will parucipate in the ritual. Charles Wilson will serve as master of ceremonies and will present the history of the flag and Exalted Ruler Frank Saccavino will present an address explaining the significance of the observance. Musical accompaniment will be offered by George A. Launier lodge organist. Following the ritual the regu'lar Saturday night party will be held under the direction of Edmund Kaluza and Joseph Metras.

Max Zagula will be on hand with tickets for the annual shinwreck party 10 be held June 21. Bloodmobile Visit CHICOPEF. Fairvic ican Legion Post 438 and Fairview Council 4044. K. of will cosponsor a bloodmobile visit Friday from 1 to 7.

Commission to Meet CHICOPEE The Water Commission will meet Thursday at 7.30 in its Tremont St. office. Library Meeting CHICOPEE The Board of Library Trustees will meet Thursday At 1.30 at the main library. Moore all A1 Westfield State College. Recipients at Comprehensive High School are: $250 to Miss Pamela R.

Vanderlick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Vanderlick, 50 Chartier University of Massachusetts, and Miss Lucienne Tremblay, daughter Mrs. Lucien J.

Tremblay, 59 Hampshire Salem College: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Thibodeau, 771 Chicopee University of Massachusetts; $125 to Miss Candace S. Healy, daughter of Coi.

and Mrs. Warren R. Healy, 45 Mellinger Lanc, University of the Pacific, Miss Carol Kokiszka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael F.

Kokoszka of 37 Swol College of Our Lady of the Elms, Daniel N. Powell, son of Rev. and Mrs. Sam G. Powell, 85 Debra Baker University, Miss Cvnthia Urbanski, "'daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Sigmund Urbanski, 31 Swol and Miss Vicki Mrs. Roger da G. Williams, 142 Williams, daughter of Mr. and Woodcrest both.

at Westfield State College: A total of $50,000 was invested by the Pages more than 40 years ago with instructions that the interest should be distribluted each year to Chicopee High School graduates and alumni for use in furthering their education. Irving H. Page was president of the Stevens-Duryea owner of the Page-Lewis Gun Co. during World War I and president of three Chciopee Falls firms and vice-president of a fourth during the 1920s. MRS.

EDWARD J. JACKSON CHICOPEE Hannah J. (Burke) 67. 13 renton Hartford. formerl of Chicopee, died Monday in St.

Francis Hospital. Hartford. She was born daughter of the late Thom. as J. and Elizabeth (Weighs) Burke.

She lived in Hartford for past 41 years. Mrs. Jackson laves her husband, Edward T. Jackson; brother, Robert W. Burke, and a sister, Mrs.

David W. Cloughly, both of Chicopee: and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at Corridon funeral home Thursday at 10, with a requiem high mass in Grace Episcopal Church at 11. Burial will be in Fairviow Cemetery. Calling hours are inday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.

5 COMMUNTY CENTER OPEN HOUSE JUNE 14 CHICOPEE Charles G. Murray, executive director of the Community Center. has announced an open house will be held June 14. Demonstrations and exhibitions will include children's arts and crafts. Boy Scouts, Mentally Retarded Children's Association, ceramics, oil painting, drawing, rug hooking.

judo, tap dancing. round dances, Golden Age Choral Group and others. Exhibitions will be on dis. play in the Father Donohue Lounge, starting at 6 10. m.

Demonstration groups will participate in a 7.30 program in the auditorium. Volunteer Service Refreshments will be on sale at 8. Mothers from the tap dance group have volunteered their services. Others wishing to volunteer are asked to call the center. The Tween Teen Club under the supervision of Mrs.

Noza. will conduct a fudge sale in the lobby. starting at 6..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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