The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

br THE SPRINGFIELD UNION. SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1951 11 NEWS FROM THE CITY OF HOLYOKE FOUR PERSONS HURT IN CRASH OF THREE CARS Auto Said Traveling 111 Wrong Direction in OneWay Street Holvoke, Nov. 21 'The entrance of an automobile into the busy intersection of Pleasant, Dwigh: Suffolk from the wrong di-; rection in a one-way street caused A three-car crash about 3 this afternoon in which four persons injured. none seriously.

police said. Miss Helen G. Adzema Linden Greenfield, in her port at the traffic bureau. stated: that because of the failure of the windshield wiper to function. she.

missed the "stop do no: sign in the short section of Dwight west of Pleasant St. she entered Pleasant the Miss, Adzema's (Ai operated by Miss Moria A. Healey: 17. of 131 Pearl this city. and.

before the Greenfield car could be brought under control It crashed against the automobile of Peter J. Diathieu. 273 Abbey St. South Hadley Falls, which was stopped because of a red traffic light in Dwight cast of Pleasant police said. Miss Adzema had a broken and a lee injury.

and her mother, Mrs. Caroline Adzema. riding with her. WAS reported 10 have received a knee iniury. Both mother and daughter were to be ircated at their home by their famfly physician.

Miss Healy complained of head injury and on injury to her left log. and Miss Sally MacNeil. 17. of 136 Nonoruck also Holyoke, who riding in the Healy automobile, was reported to have a shin! laceration and a head injury. All the involved cars were damaged, and police officers rere busy! for sometime diverting the trafficia through the busy area.

Mrs. Wood Will Speak On Japan Holvoke. Nov. 21-Mrs. Margaret Wells Wood of this city.

who retired in 1931 as social advisor at Springfield. College. will be the speaker nt the meeting of the Golden Age Club Monday afternoon at 2 in the YICA lounge. Mrs. Wood, who mado 711 industrial study of Japan between 1921 and 1923 for the national YUCA lias selected for the suh-' jert of her talk Glimpses of Old Japan and dent of the club.

will preside Mrs. Florence Cleland. presi the business session and several reports of various committees scheduled to be read. Final tails be made for the Christmas party" to be held next month. Lyman Escapees Give Selves Up Holyoke.

Nov. 21-Three 15-yearold boys who escaped from Lyman School Tuesday ere approhended tins morning by Det. Sot. Adrian Monty and Cruiser Officer Joseph O'Neill. One of the bovs is now living in this city and the other two are from Beverly and Lowell.

The boys told It. Michael Sinith that they had been hiding in the woods since their cocape. and when they arrived al the headquarters this 10011 their first positive statement after identifying themselves was that they had eaten. anv food for two days. Official- of the Lyman School were notified of the capture of the trio and they will be returned to the institution.

Wet Driving Charges Brought Against Trio Holyoke. Nov. 21 motorisis. tWO involved in automobile, Accidents, will ho arraigned in. District Court tomorrow on charges of drunkenness and operating Automobiles while under the influence of liquor.

George H. Fuller. 35, of 87 Belle Springfield. was arrested early. this morning after an accident at High and Dwight ing the car operated by Gerald Germain of 13 Grant South Hadley Falls.

None of the occu-izifts pants of the cars were injured. Fuller was charged with drunkenness and operating while under! the influence of liquor. Glen G. Scruton, 22. of Westover AFR.

was arrested this morning and hooked on complainis of: drunkenness and operating while! under the influence of liquor. Seru-1 ton was stopped in the vicinity of High and Jackson Sts. An additional complaint probably Willimansott, causing it 10 be pushed against the parked automobile of Charles E. Frappior. of 102 Sargeant this city, police reported.

Linoleum Gone will be brought against Michael Cechvala, 42, of Prospect Hat-! field. who was arrested last night after an automobile accident in Cabot near the Now Haven Railroad Co. underpass. He wasting. booked 011 charges of drunkenness and operating white under the influence of liquor, and he is being held in hail of $500.

The car operated by Cochvala first struck the parked cai of Adrian P. Hart. of 215 Linoleum Gone Holyoke. Nov. 21-Urie Bisson reported at the detective bureau tonght that th tenement at 163 Main in which he is moving was entered today through a rear window.

Missing items includes a roll of linoleum which Bisson. planned to cover his kitchen floor. Holyoke Death MS. JOHN KOSCIENSKI Holyoke. Nov, Catarzyna (Pabis) Koscienski.

79, wife of John Koscionski, of 78 Old Coun-'was try Southampton. died this morning at her home after a long illness. She was born in Poland and came to this country some 50 NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE Sunday School Youths Show Thanksgiving Spirit Holyoke. Nov. 21-Exemplifying this morning and the periods were the Christian, spirit of for the filling of the baskets.

ing to 150 youngsters of Despite unfavorable weather St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday conditions which prevailed during of school the brought church cheer this to 50 afternoon shut-ins the afternoon the youngsters de. through the donations of well filled livered the baskets under the diThe voungsters brought a variety! school superintendent, Mrs. Marholidays baskets. rection a McCabe, of fruits, candies and other delica-Diorie Noble.

Mrs. Louise Hall and cies to their Sunday 'school classes Frank Correale. wears ago making her residence in Kensignton, Conn. She moved to 7ther Southampton husband 20 has years operated ago a and rather for some time. She leaves besides her husband three sisters.

Drs. Victoria Chelinski. Kensington, Mrs. Josephine Bodetka. Silver Spring, Maryland, and Mrs.

Anna niak. of Imperial. Pa. The funeral will take place. at the funeral home Tuesday morning.

Arrangements are incomplete. Holyoke, Nov. 21 About 100 members of the Congregation Rodphey Sholom gathered at the SYNAgOg tonight for the first soneral discussion meeting of the new year. Rabbi Aaron Shapiro of Greenfield. speaker, stressed the importance of congregation members inking an active part in the affairs, of the community.

Murray Belsky conducted the business session. The program was arranged by Macy. Post. In the synagos this morning members of! the division team headed but George Rose 111 the combined Jewish appeal campaign met ASi kickoff session. Mrs.

Eleanor Abrams of New York was the speaker at. the breakfast party. The Holyoke quota in the drive is $50.000. Rodphey Sholom Groups Meet as Appeal Is Started 40 Hours Devotion Closes With Mass Holyoke, Nov. 21-Rev.

Gustave Gosselin. 15. who recently. re-! turned from Rome where he WAS superior of the International Collego, was the celebrant ot the 01385 this morning in the Immaculate Conception Church which brought 10 a close the 40-hour devotion. The special annual service opened Friday morning.

Assisting Fr. Gosselin this morning was Rev. Henry La M. assistant of the Immaculate Concepareition Church. Commerce Board Meets Today business she on the agenda for the Holyoke.

Nov. 21-Considerable executive board mecting of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow noon in the Roger Smith Hotel and of particular interest will be report of the progress in the arrangements for the all-member dinner meeting scheduled for Monday night Nov. 20." During the session there will he a report of the voting for directors for next vear and also on the agenda will be the possible relocaof the Chamber office. William, furniture Epstein, dealers, representing will speak on the potential ill effects 10 the city from so-called "Going lout of business sales, when these are conducted in an unethical manner. Holyoke, Nov.

21-Rev. Francis X. Boyle. assistant pastor of the St. Jerome Church.

director in Holyoke of the Catholic bishops Thanksgiving clothing collection planned this week, tonight urged an united effort to exceed the record established last year. Announcements were made in the churches, this morning about the to which the clothing may be brought. Fr. Boyle asked donors to bring to the centers as quickly as possible. Last vear 159.928 pounds of clothing were collected in the Springfield diocese for distribution to the poor of the war wrecked' countries of the world.

Clothing Drive Gets Under Way Holyoke. Nov. 21--The Sacred Heart High School was opened tonight for visits by parents of pupils. and several hundred mothers and fathers toured the buildThey met the sisters of St. Joseph.

teachers at the school. and inspected new equipment, inistalled last the open summer. house program a silver tea was served in the green room of the Sacred Heart parish Mead-lauditorium. Parents Visit Sacred Heart' Southwick Man's Car Found Burned Holyoke. Nov.

21-- Holyoke police are investigating circ*mstances of A badly burned automobile found today in Cherry St. about a half mile from Jarvis Ave. The automobile, owned by Lionel Begin of Pine Southwick. was stolen last night while the owner WAS attending a hockey game at the Coliseum in West Springfield. Police estimated that age to the automobile was reach $1100.

DRIVER Holyoke, Nov. 21-Richard A. Parent. 22. of Fairbanks, Alaska, apprehended this afternoon in the Northampton Highway and honked on a charge of speeding.

He will be arraigned in District Court tomorrow morning. RECORD SCHOOL BUDGET IS SEEN FOR NEXT YEAR Committee Reccive Formal Requests for Pay Raises Holyoke. Nov. 21-- -The School Committee plans an executive session tomorrow night to begin formation of the 1955 School Department budget, which this year will he the highest in history. The committee will receive formal notification at the inceting of the request for a $300 increase for all teachers In the school system.

I This raise is hoped to become Jan. 1. by the Holyoke Teachers Club who will make the i formal request. A decision is expected on the requests of Francis W. Murphy, principal.

of the John J. Lynch Junior High School, and James Bower, principal of the 11. B. Lawrence School that their salaries be brought up to the rate of other principals in the state who have supervision over comparable school buildings. Stafford Spring.

Nov. 21- Mr. and Mrs. John Cavanaugh of Westford Ave. celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sundav with a family dinner at the home of land Mrs.

Raymond son Lambert in their daughter and Mr. Stafford Hollow. They were married Nov. 22. 1904.

in Leo's Church. Leominster, and have lived in Stafford Springs for over 20 years. Mrs. Cavanaugh is the former Rose H. Mohan.

For years Mr. Cavanaugh was employed AS A "sales representative Rockville. with stores, 1918 in he Willimantic established the Stafford Furniture retiring in 1953. During the war he was employed at Pratt Whitney Aircraft. The furniture business is now owned by his son, John W.

Cavanaush. The couple have three daughters, Mrs. Lambert. Drs. Vincent Falls of Stafford Springs and Mrs.

Thomas DeCoteau of Crystal Lake. and their son Stafford Springs; also five grandchildren. Stafford Springs, Nov. 21-- The semi-annual joint meeting of the workers Union, and the Home Pride Provisions, will he held Nov. 28 ate p.

11. at the Italian Club Hall. The Stafford Springs Fire Department was called Saturday at 3.15 A. m. for A a fire at the Connecticut Filter Corp.

plant on the River Rd. Fire Chief Wilfred Sabourin stated that damages amounted to approximately $200. The fire was discovered by Borough Patrolmen Stanley Jacewicz and Francis Barseleau. Ina named The the Pinncy following Parents to the Club recent- have ly organized recreation program for pupils of the school: Miss: Louise Dickinson. Miss Nora Panciera, James Nichols and Frank teachers: Mrs.

Harry Kunhardt. Drs. Joseph Hollay, William Titone and John Titus, parents. Mrs. Ernest Reynolds of Grant Ave.

has taken a position as cashtier at the Workers Co-op Super Market on the corner of West Main and Iligh Sis. STAFFORD SPRINGS Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversary Television--VHF WRGB, Schenectady. Channel Six MONDAY fi. Sizn On Your Account Today Tire Fireman Horne Faro 5.13 Breadtinie 3.30 vation liody Doody 10 Ding Dour 4.00 Bronco Bill Your Words 6.30 TV Showcase 11.00 llome 6. 3.3 Weather Man 12.00 Valiant Iadv 00 Flash Gordon Late Of Life Great Dramas 12.30 Search 12.4° Guiding Licht R.00 Ray Milland 1.

Farm Spot Firestone 1.15 Rolling Stone 0 MAmA. 1.30 DatA Cameron 9.30 On Taste Time 10.20 t'horus 2.30 Trader Van 10.46 Your Nary 3.01 Strike It Rich 11.00 Ver 3.30 Roh Croshy 11.15 Red 4 An Brighter Day 11.30 Funny People 4.13 Secret Storm 12.00 Tonight HANNEL, 4 1 B7, Boston. Masa. MONDAY 7.00 Today 4.30 Mr. Sweeney 3,00 Swan Boat $.

Romance 10.00 Ding Dong 5.00 Pinky IA6 14.30 Pat Sully 5.20 flowdy Doody 10.15 Three Rocky Jones 11.00 Home Show 8.30 News 12.00 News On Stage 12.15 Bic Brother 1.15 Newsteller 19.13 llawkins Falls Tony Martin 1.00 Holly. 1.45 John 2.15 Child Behave 8.00 Sid Caesar 2.47 Into Forus 9.00 The Medic First LOVA 10.00 Intrigue 1.15 Gold Window 11.00 Vela One Family 11.10 Art Linkletter 3.45 Miss Marione 11.10 Stove Allen 4.00 Playhouse 1.00 News CHANNEL 10 WJAR, Providence, J. MONDAY 00 Today 1.30 0.000 'The Sheraton 4.15 Romance 10.00 Garry Monre 5.00 Child Theater 10.30 Arthur Godfrey 1.30 Howdy Doody 11.00 Horne 4.00 Superman 12.00 00 Hum Strum 6.20 Talent. Club 1:.13 5 Forum 7.00 00 Telenews Tomorrow 7.15 12.43 Guiding Light His Playback Shopping Now 1.30 T. Bartlett 1.00 Sid Caesar Sugar- Spica 9.00 Sir.

D. .1. Olive Tinder 9,80 R. Montcomery 3.00 Rig Payoff 10 City Detective One Family 11.00 Tate Nett-3 3.43 Miss Marlore 11.15 Reston Blackle 400 Hawkins Falls 11.43 Movie 4.15 First Lore Television--UHF CHANNET. 30 SANK, New Britain.

Coon. 1.00 Morning Snow 9.00 Test Pattern 9.45 News 10,00 Garry Moore 10,15 Your Trouble 10.30 Today's Target 2.00 Valiant Lady 4.15 Film 2.30 Magic Carpet 1.00 Jean Porter 1.30 TV Kitchen Rob. Q. Latvia 2.30 House Part 0.45 Club 3.30 Bob Crosby CHANNEL. 6.00 Child.

Serial 6.15 Serial 6.30 a 6 46 Weather 6.30 Nor An Sports 7.15 Adventure A CHURCH IS DEDICATED, A PRIEST IS ELEVATED Plant Inspection Seen This Week Holyoke. Nov. 21 Representatives of the National Silver Co. I of New York City. 10 come to this city within a few! days to inspect a possible site i its plant here.

it. was learned tonight from Samuel Resnic, menber of the Holyoke Board of dermen who is A business acquaintance of Milton Bernstein, dent of the silver concern. Resnic said that ne plans to! telephone Bernstein tomorrow make arrangements for a visit here this week. A plant in the former Farr Alpaca building in Bigelow has been suggested for the concern. Albert M.

Kahn lol New York City, owner of the Farr Alpaca property, is working with Resnic to have the firm located here. 'The National Silver Co. plans close its plants in Brooklyn. N. and Muncie.

and consolidate in a new location in this general area. A site in Middletown, is under consideration along with one in Rhode Island. Resnic said if the, plant comes there it will mean the employment of between 600 and 800 persons 211 annual payroll which will approximate $2 million. N. Y.

Travel Agents In Dinner at Inn Holy oke, Nov. 21-Twenty nine travel agents of the New York City area were dinner guests at the Yankee Pedlar Inn today as part of their tour of the "get acquainted with Yankeeland. week end that they are spending At the Hotel Northampton as guests of the hotel management. Miss Barbara Shechan. of the Pioneer Valley Association.

accompanied the group. Eugene I Tamburi. vice-president of the Pioneer Valley group and owner of the Yankee Pedlar Inn also had dinner with the guests. Chapter Presents Song of Bernadette um' of the I. B.

Lawrence Junior! Holyoke, Nov. 21 -The auditoriHigh School was filled to capacity 'of tonight. for the second presentation "'The Song of Bernadette" by the lioly Cross Chapier of the National Council of Catholic Women. This was A special show in honor lot the possibility Marian that Year it will and he there given is in several other communities within the next month. Directed by Walter F.

Halpin of the Holyoke High School faculty. the show contained director a final tableau written by the depicting the death scene of the Bernadette. three-act play Taking part in were: Florence Woods. Ann Shutty. Ann Hickey.

Eileen Murray, Susan Musante. Virginia Crowley, Nancy MacNeil. Ellen Hickey, George Champoux, Margaret Griffin. Walter Ialpin, Margaret Bresnahan, Helen Griffin, Jeremiah Brosnahan, Patrick Lavelle. Barbara O'Leary, George Gilligan.

Verne Jones, Dowd. Mary Bresnahan, Robert Stevenson. Richard Joyce, Christine Ferriter, Ruth O'Leary and Bernice Grolimund. SUFFIELD, CONN. Pupils Plan Program Suffield.

Nov. 21-Pupils of Spaulding School will present a Thanksgiving program Tuesday lat 1:15. Arthur Bertrand, teacher, said A play, "The Educative Knockout" will be directed by Miss Janetta K. Sheridan. Cast includes, Jacobus.

David Lill, Nancy Jane Orr. Martyn, John Zenisky. Donna Pratt. Bill Sheridan. Tom Carney.

Ernest. Burnell. Frank Welch, Link, Sally Osowicki, Palsy Prekop and Patty Schiessel. Name Pianists, Singer Suffield. Nov.

21-- Raymond Hanson and Leonard Seeber, pianists, and Jacqueline Moody, coloratura soprano. from the Hartt School of Music in Hartford, will be presented in a pops concert program by the Sanctuary Choir of the Second Baptist Church on Dec. 3. F. Smith attended the annual mecting of the Connecticut Botanical Socicty at Yale Saturday.

He reported on his field trip in Suffield and Granhy on July 24. The Suffield Rotary Club dinner. meeting at 6 p. Tuesday the Suffield High School is in charge lot Dr. Donald Bard.

Speaker will he Eugene N. Bunting of Suffield, a production manager for commercial photography. SCFFIELD ITEMS Suffield. Nov. 21-Josse ATHOL Athol.

Nov. 21-The selectmen have set a Jan. 5. 1955 deadline for articles for the annual March niceting to be submitted 10. the board.

During December the finance conunittee will meet with departments on their 1905 budgets. Nir. and Dirs. Paul J. Whitney of 110 East Main will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on the afternoon and evening of Nov.

27 when they will hold open house from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday was a joyful day for both the pastor and parishioners of St. Rose de Lima Parish in Aldenville. It was marked by the dedication of the beautiful new church and the announcement of the elevation of Rev.

Charles N. Fortin to the status of monsignor. A photographic record of some of the day's highlights is presented here. In the upper center photo is A view of the interior of the church while the solemn pontifical mass was celebrated by Bishop Christopher J. Weldon.

The picture at upper left was taken at the moment Bishop Weldon announced Fr. Fortin's elevation to monsignor. Waiting at the right for the service to begin are four altar boys. Gerard Bessette. Ronald l'asterc7yk, Donald D' Amour and Gerald Beauchesne, from the left.

City officials are shown with parishioners awaiting the arrival of Rishop Weldon and his retinue of priests in the photo at middle left. In the foreground are Sgt. Arthur Peloquin. Mrs. Thomas Laramee.

Mayor Walter J. Tryhuleki, Police Chief Theodore .1. Fisher, Assessor Francis N. Desmarais. and Register of Voters J.

Almanzar Baril. Bishop Weldon and assisting clergy are pictured as they leave the rectory for the new church at middle right. In the lower left photo. the bishop offers prayers after blessing the entrance to the church. Visgr.

Fortin as he looked a few minutes after his new rank was announced is shown in the lower middle photo. Assisting priests help Bishop Weldon don his robes of office at the lower right, MANY PRIESTS AT CEREMONIES IN NEW CHURCH Dedication of St. Rose de Lima Edifice Well Attended Chicopee. Nov. 21-A large delegation of visiting priests shared the joy of parishioners at the dedication the new Rose de Lima Church this morning.

Delegation in Sanctuary Among the clergy seated in were Rt. Rev. John Harrington, P. chancellor of the diocese; Rt. Rev.

Walter Connell. P. director of education in the diocese: Very Rev. Wolfgang Fortier. MI.

provincial of the LaSallette Order: Rev. Elmeric Dubuis. M. superior of the Attleboro Seminary; Rev. Armand Desautels.

A. superior of Assumption College: Rev. Raymond Pichet, 0. Fall River: Rev. Oscar Girous.

0. F. 31.. Franciscan Seminary at Biddeford, and Rev. Gilbert Walser, C.

of the Passionist Monastery, West Springfield. Other priests in attendance were Lt. Col. Albert J. Chapdelaine.

chaplain with the U. S. Army: Rev. S. J.

Desautels. Chiconce Falls: Rev. James Fitzgibbons. Holyoke: Rev. Joseph Ryan.

Chicopee: Rev. Albert Auhertin, Springfield: Rev. Daniel Hennessey. Holyoke: Rev. Joseph Foucault, Willimansett; Rev.

Eugene Guerin, Holyoke; Rev. John Power, Springfield: Rev. Harry Burke. Pittsfield: Rev. Thomas Curran.

Chicopee Falls: Rev. Fernand Roy. North Agawam; Rev. Josephat Brodeur, S. Ware; Rev.

A. F. Sullivan. Holvoke: Rev. John MacPherson.

rector of St. Michael's Cathedral; and Rev. Arthur A. Brodeur. M.

Holyoke. Also Rev. Raymond Page, Fiskdale; Rev. Michael Saab, Springfield; Rev: Ovila Gevry. Manchaug: Rev.

Wilfred Racicot. West Warren; Rev. Laurier L'Africain, Willimansett; Rev. James Johnson. vice-chancellor of the Springfield Rev.

Gerard Lucier. Southbridge: Rev. Raymond O'Brien and Rev. Joseph A. Russell of Brightside: Rev.

Richand Richard. Assumption College: Rev. Ernest Moreau, Chicopee; Rev. Donald Fournier, Holyoke; Rev. Gerard Laflour.

Chicopee Falls; Rev. J. Leon Ruty, Ware; Rev. John J. Foley.

Willimansett; Rev. Pierre Gauthier, Holyoke; Rev. Augustin Auge and Rev. Josephat Piasta. both of Chicopee; and Rev.

A. Silvain, Indian chard. Sisters of the Presentation of Mary from St. Rose de Lima Parishes. Providence, R.

Hudson, N. and Maine were seated pow's at the front of church. Assisting in seating the near capacity congregation in their pews WAS A corps of ushers dressed in morning suits headed by Fred Thomas. They were Oliver de Jordy. Ferdinand Dumont, Emile Archambault, Donald Viens, Roger Robert.

Amherst Theroux, Edgar Menard. Hector Lebeau. Roger Robillard, and Theodore Yergeau. Clothing Drive At St. Patrick's To Be This Week Chicopee.

Nov. 21-St. Patrick's Parish will conduct 3 clothing drive this week for needy people in Korea and other destitute countries around the world. Pickup stations have been tablished at the following points: Monday. Sheridan Circle and Columba and Montgomery 7.30 8 p.

111., and Grattan and Naomil and Church and Grove 7.35 to 8 p. n1. Tuesday. Beauchamp Ter. and Hast and Southwick and Hast 7.30 to p.

m. and Frontenac Spence and Pine St. and Grove 7.35 to p. In. Clothing can be brought to the rectory garage during the week or to the of home in Sheridan St.

Monday and Tuesday nights hetween 7 and p. m. Accident Victim Improves Chicopce. Nov. 21.

Rosanna Marroux. TO. 321 Main Iolvoke. struck by a car while crossing Chicopee St. Saturday afternoon, was reported to be in good condition at Providence Hospital 10- night.

She is not on the danger list. She was reported earlier to have received injuries to the head and body. Police said the driver WAS Lucien Levereault, 46, of 32 Forrest St. Holyoke Driver Arrested Court Monday. PLANNING SPORTS NIGHT Chicopee.

Nov. 21-Robert R. Authier. 22. of 11 North East Holyoke, was arrested at 1.30 a.

ml. on charges of operating so as to endanger, operating without 2 Ecense and operating without authority of the car's owner. The driver was arrested by Patrolmen Herve Brouillard and Robert St. Cur. He will be arraigned in District Chicopee, Nov.

21-Holy Name Society of S1 Patrick's Parish. at: a meeting today. made plans to obtain A sports figure as the speaker at the annual sports night program. The event is scheduled for some time in January. Plans will be furthered at A committee Sunday at a.

m. in the rectory, John D. O'Connor is chair- man. JUNIORETTES TO MEET Chicopee. lic Daughters activities the parish Garvey, in charge.

in! Nov. 21-The JuniorPatrick's Court, Cathoof America, will plan Friday morning at 10 in rectory. Mrs. Brandon group supervisor, will be HAMPDEN HAMPDEN Hampden, Nov. 21-Yola Guild will hear A travelog on Scandinavian countries given by Mrs.

C. Stanley Sandin of East Longmeadow at. 8 Monday night at Feda erated Church parish house. Chicopee, Holyoke Men Held in Store Breaks Chiconce. Nov: 21 A Chicopee man were under arrest by Chicopee police tonight after authorities said they admitted recent store breaks here.

Questioned in Springfield The two, Ralph Laurin, 31. of of 229 Park Holyoke, and Albert La Roche. 30. were first reported to Chicopee police as being questioned in Springfield in regard 10 a crime report there and the questioning led to their implication in the Chicopee breaks: Capt. Harold F.

O'Connor. head of Chicopee detective bureau. said the admission of the men concerned a break into King's drug store on Main Chicopee Falls, late Saturday night in which about $300 in merchandise was taken. The other break, made early in the morning of Oct. 12.

was in the Ferris department store on Center St. At the time of its discovery. the owner reported about $800 in cash and some clothing was taken. Chicopee detectives in the investigation, Lt. Honry A.

Kuligiwas and Det. John O'Brien, visited Laurin's recently purchased home, still unoccupied. at 66 Montcalm St. They recovered close to $300 in liquor, perfume, electric razors and other articles which were allegedly taken from King's, police said. Goode in Hone While Kulig and O'Brien were in Springfield questioning the pair.

O'Connor Patterson and went to La Patrolman Roche's William home at Meetinghouse Rd. They returned to the detective bureau with a load of what O'Connor said was "suspicious" merchandise. Included were several video pre-amplifiers, portable radio, electric train, fan and spray sun. Ownership has not vet been determined. Assisting Kulig and O'Brien in questioning the pair through the day were Springfield Dets.

Francis (iallagher, and Leonard Dorsey. LaRoche was reported to be 8 local insurance agent and Laurin said to be truck driver. Around Town Chicopee. Nov. 21-Ten turkeys will he awarded AS door prizes at the Thanksgiving education on program sponsored by the Holy Name Society of S1.

Stanislaus Parish Monday night at 8 in the parish hall. A religious movie will be shown. Rockrimmon Rebekah Lodge will meet after a covered dish supper Monday 1. 15 p. 111.

in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Ida Haffke and Dirs. Ivy Killacky are supper chairmen. Mrs.

Dorothy Cashin, noble grand, will preside. Boys between 10 and 16 have been invited 1.0 join the Chicopee Falls Braves hockey team. Registrations will be taken Monday night at 7 in the Community Center. The married men of St. Anne's Parish will give 7 public card party Monday night at 8 in the parish hall.

Cochairmen are cis Dearonde, Raymond Paul and Roy. Turkeys will be given as prizes. A Thanksgiving social will be hel dat Chicopee Council, K. of Monday evening. A class of 15 candidates will receive first degree honors.

A social hour will follow including a served by the lecturer and his committee. The women's group of. Gracei Episcopal Church will meet Monday night at 7.30 in the parish hall to prepare for Advent and Roy Scout Troop 38 will meet Monday at 6.30 p. mi. in the Faith Methodist Church hall and the senlior choir will rehearse in the church at 7 p.

m. The Mary Rose Circle, Companions of the Forest. will sponsor a baked ham supper Monday night al the Willimansett American Legion Home. Servings will be from 5.30 10 7.30 p. m.

A regular business meeting of the organization will follow at 8 p. 11. The junior group of the Smith Highland 4-H Club will meet Monday afternoon at 3.30 at the home lof Mrs. Lawrence Baum of 92 Quartus St. The Chicopee Lodge of lilks will meet Monday night at 8 in Pulaski lIall.

A memorial service for deceased members will be arranged. Holy Rosary Society of St. Anthony's Church will meet Wednesday evening at 7.30 in the parish hall. Brownie Troop 15 of Fairview will meet Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon in Memorial School, Group 1 meeting on Tuesday. Parents of children attending Chicopee and Vocational High Schools will receive reports this on progress of their chilwreck in the Christian doctrine course.

The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Patrick's Parish will meet Monday night at 8. The Philippines provide about 375.000 tons of sugar to the United each year. MONDAY. Jigsaw Quiz 4.50 Serial 4.43 Fetey 5.00 Western 6.00 News 6.15 Early Show 7.05 Weather 7.30 Sex a 43 Perry Como 8.00 Liberace 8.30 Arthur Godfrey 4.00 China Smith 9.30 Stage 10.00 Studio One 11.00 News 11.16 Late Show Pittaneld MONDAY 7.30 Dick Tracy 8.00 Playhouse $.30 Sports Den 8.

1.3 Induatry 9.00 00 Roxing 11.00 News 1 -he.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.