The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1955 NEWS FROM THE CITY OF HOLYOKE 203 HIGH ST. TEL. JE 4-4373 ROSY ECONOMIC STATUS IS SEEN IN PAPER CITY Rilcy, Managing Director Of Chamber, Is Civitan Club Spcaker Invoke. Dev. -Peering five into the future.

Bernard Riley. managing director of the Chamber of Commerce. told the Civilian Club .11 a mocuns today in Roger Smith Hotel this city faces 'A stait businessmen sustain and heighten the tremendous interest in community affairs that was Riley cited four cardinal sonorated in r'eason- to buttress his opinion. First. the Diesence of the east11 will 111- ere industrial values in this city: second, the proposed new bridge 10 span the Connecticut His.r above the Holyoke Dam; third completion and full modern off-street parking facilities in the downtown arca: fourth.

construction of will modern inshopping centers that the variety of gOod- offore 1 to this trading district. In the director's opinion. indus-1 trial development here in "highly successful." He 1101- 4 that 1000 jobs were created during the year that resulted 111 ne payrolls that totaled approximaroly $3 million OVAl the 13- moth period. .1 year ago, he stressed. 1.000.000 sQuArE feet of industrial space were vacant.

and in 1035 this condition was slashed 10 000.000 square Sales promotions spearheaded by the retail division this vear p'ipsed all local records. Riley stated. 1.00 J. Rousquet. program chairman.

presented the speaker. The business session w'a. directer DV Robert G. De Carlo, club president. Judge Dismisses Plea to Restore Parker, Salter Boston.

Dec. 7. (P- Federal Francis J. W. Ford today dismissed 2 bid by the U'nited Elcetrical Workers U'nion (Ind.

have two members who fused 10 testify at A subversives hearing restored 10 their jobs Worthington Holyoke. Judge Ford ruled the matter 11 A 3 not within the jurisdiction of the Court but rather A matter for the National Labor Relation- Board. Frank F. Parker and G. letbert Salter appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee 111 Albany.

N. in April. 1934: and refused to testiabout alleged Communist affiliations. Salter pleading the Fifth Amendment. Worthington Corp fired Salter 011 April 17.

1974. and discharged Parker on June 1. 1951 on grounds tho "harmful company and the tension of publicity affreting unrest created among the emplovers. JUBINVILLE CHOSEN BY FRANCO CLUB Holyoke. Dec.

7 Joseph to was elected 21 sevond term president of the Franco- American Club in annual balloting tonight at the 111411 St. headquarters of the organization. Completing the suite are: vicepresident. .1. Boandry: honorary president.

Amedeo Roberts: according secretary. Mrs. Honora Lapointe Noiscus: financial secretary. Mrs. Nora HerEcrOn: treasurer secretary.

Mrs. lira Beaur hemin. Chosen chaplain wAS Rev. Arthur Brodeur ATS. pastor of Immaculate Conception Church.

Named directors were Antonio Leduc. Adelard Ecaulicu. Mrs. losophine Beaudis Rose Cotnoir and Mrs. Yionne Rosscau.

Olivier Surenant WAS elected master of ceremonies, and mistress of veronionics will be Mrs. Gabriel Barre. Installation will be held in late January, officers ANnounced. Holyoke Funerals Tolvoke. Doc.

7 funeral of Joseph D'Amours of 531 South Summer St. was hold today 31 the C. Blais Son funeral home. with 8 solemn requiem high 1049 in Precious Blood Church. Rov.

Eugenc F. Guerin WAS Rev. Ernest Moreau of Chicopee. deacon. and Rov.

Donald Fournier subdeacon. Af the side altars IRaSSPS were celebrated by Rev. Richard of Springfield and Rov. Gerald of Chicopee. Bearers Rene.

Albert. Nor11. Roger. Richard .1. and Rich 210 1.

D' 5. A delegation attended from Circle Rochambeau. Burial was in Notre Dame Cemetery. Rev. Paul Morisscite offcied prayers 841 the grave.

The funeral of Lawrence of 201 Park St. took place today at the C. Blais Son funeral hone. with a solemn 1'C- quime high mass in Precious Blood Church. Rev.

Ernest Moreau, Rev. of Chicopee, was Fournier, coledeacon, and Rev. Paul F. MorisSutto subdeacon. Bearers were Robert Guertin, Herman Masse.

Norman Plouffe. Armand Goulet. Gerald Mueller and Jerry Timard. Burial was in Notre Dame Cemetery. Fr.

Morissette read prayers at the grave. CHRISTM.AS PARTY Holyoke. Dec. The annual Christmas party of employees of take place White Chemical Paper. Mfg.

will rant, Sunday, Dec. 18. A turkey dinner will be served at 6.30 and during the evening refreshments will be served and door prizes awarded. Chairman of the event is ter Seklecki and he will be BARRETT MOVE MAY INDICATE COURT APPEAL Lawyer for Recount Loser Asks That Ballots Bc Saved Holyoke. Dec.

7-A strong indication that 81 ballots protested during last week's recount may he referred 10 Superior Court was seen in a disclosure made tonight by City Clerk Joseph Jr. No Disposal The clerk reported that shortly before the close of municipal business hours. Joseph Kelly. counsel for Alderman Thomas A. Barrett.

who lost out 111 1'0- tabulations. requested that "noting be done 10 dispose of the ballots after Customarily. 30 days after the municipal elections the ballots are brought 10 a local paper mill and destroyed in the presence of the city clerk. Kelly's request appeared 'Barrett the ASSUIDDtion that will challenge his upset defeat by Alderman Douglas P. Ferguson.

When votes w'ere initially tallied Nov. 8. Barrett was declared winner of the fourth eat on the alderman-at-large ticket that ineluded 10 Only four seats were open. Alderman Ferguson finished in fifth position. 62 voles behind Barrett.

Original compilations showed Barrett polled 8357 VOles 10 8195 for Ferguson. The recount resulted in a 100-vote gain for the latter. while Barrett dropped five. Ferguson was declared victor by a 13-10! margin. Seibel's Expenses Are Said $4034 Holyoke.

Dec. 7 The tive committee that promoted the successful mayoral vampaign of Edwin A. Scibel filed a financial statement late today with City Clerk Joseph Jubinville. Jr. Submitted by John F.

Shea. chairman of the Board of Public Works and campaign treasurer. the statement noted the mayor spent $4031 in his bid for election. There were about 12 contributors. and bulk of penses went to advertising, trievision and printing sources.

Final date for filing such stainments is Friday, the clerk's oflice said. PONDS GROUP HOLD CD MEETING TONIGHT Westfield. Doc. 7-Members of the Hampton Ponds Association. composed of residents and property owners of the Hampton Ponds area.

were reminded by their directors today to attend a Civil Defense meeting Thursday evening a1 8 at CD headquarters the former Green District School here. Recently CD Director William F. Buschmann spoke before the group, recruiting their efforts in the local phase of the program, and 3 large signed up 10 confer with Buschmann Thursday. It was also announced the association will have 115 Christmas party Sunday, Doc. 18.

at wt p. m. West Holyoke School. Simultaneously Cub Scout Pack 100. sponsored by the association, will have an awards meeting.

Holyoke News Briefs lolvoke. Dee. Requisitions for Civil Service examinations fill vacancies in the Water Department were mailed today by the Board of Water Commissioners. Positions available are that of superintendent at. an annuall salary of $5190 and two foremen openings at weekly salaries of $79.90.

The latter test will be restricted to employees in the utility's labor service. Disaster relief, government contracts. industrial promotion congressional issues will be discussed Thursday in Boston by representatives of Chambers of Commerce throughout the state and Massachusetts delegates 10 Congress in a novel. "town meeting'' program. Rev.

Robert Foudy, spirituall SUPPORT LAW TO TAX TRUCKS ON HIGHWAYS S. W. Burchiel, of Auto Club Voices Approval Of Law Holyoke. Dec. 7- -Solid support of proposed legislation that would tax heavy trucks for highway 1150 was voiced tonight by the TriCounty Automobile Club.

through its secretary-manager S. W. Burchiel. Jr. In declaring that motorists bear A disproportionate share of highway building and nance costs, the local club joins the AAA state division which has long argued that trucking firms be properly assessed tor their "wear and tear' on the highways.

Endorsing A bill filed Tuesday by Sen. Richard H. Lee. Burchiel pointed out the proposed truck tax- an across-the-board alternative to gasoline a one equalize burdens of highway Car owners would realize substantial savings W'O didn't have 10 accommodate the truck firms, he added. Patterned After A New York State levy.

the special truck tax has been adopted by 12 states. Burchicl indicated. A highuay use tax 011 heavy vans in this state would likely produce $10 10 $11 million annually. according to AAA reports. Summarizing the proposed measure.

Burchiel said the state would 1AN trucks over 18.000 pounds based on the distance traveled. Government and farmer vehicles would he exempted. Holiday Liquor Hours Are Set Holyoke. Dec. 7-Organizations planning to conduct New Year's Eve parties on Saturday night.

Dee. 31. were warned by the Licensing Board tonight that the sale of all alcoholic beverages! must stop at midnight, and that there will be no extension of time morning to have liinto. tables. It was pointed out that the Sunday laws will become etfertive at midnight.

and the local board is powerless 10 make an extension of privileges. However. if the holiday parties are held on Sunday night. Jan. 1.

patrons will be allowed to have liquor al their tables until 3 Monday morning. but no sales can be made after 1 in the morning. According 10 the state ABCC regulations, all liquor selling establishments must remain closed on Mondays. Dev. 26 Jan.

until 1 in the afternoon. of the Most Holy Rosary of St. Church will install officers Thursday evening in the school hall, with benediction preceding the church. The annual Christmas party will follow. New officers are: president.

Mrs. Geraldine Ilenchey: vice-president. Mrs. Anne Brazee: secrelary. Mrs.

Ruth treasurer. Mrs. Mary Rodriguez. INSTALLATION TONIGHT Westfield. Dec.

7- -Confraternity advisor of the Women's Club of Blessed Sacrament Church. presented a portable television at the Christmas meeting and smotgasbord last night in the school with Mrs. Thomas F. Sheehan, president. maing presentation.

Holyoke Chapter. Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association. will hold its annual Christmas party Saturday night at the Evergreen in Granby with Mrs. Diana Lariviere and Mrs. Aline Thompson in charge.

Named alternates to the "Parade of units" competition, a highlight of the a annual convention of the Massachusetts Association in Boston from Jan. 16-19 were Gilberte Laurin and Charlotte Musante. Delegates will be Maurice Audette. president. and llarvey Frechette.

Tally Yule Seals Donations Nearly 50 per cent of the $16,000 goal set by the Holyoke Tuberculosis and Health Association was reached Wednesday with the receipt of $7921.18 i payment for Christmas seals. The sale, which finances preventive, rehabilitative, X-ray and other programs of the health agency. will continue to New Year's Day. Shown tallying returns are, left to right. Mrs.

Douglass Ken. nedy, chairman; Mrs. Mary R. Collins, office clerk; and Samuel W. Ripa, association president.

Church Fair On Tonight Plan for Children's Films Plan for Fight films for children days at the Strand Theater gram undertaken by school cipals and PT.A officials. area. were scanned al a management Wednesday believe that selected films youngsters and could act an overall program to curb right. John Patno. theater principal of the Elmwood hert Peltier.

president of ger. sales manager sisted by Frank Rackliffe. As Kennedy and Jack ev. Synagog Club Elects Gordon Holyoke, Dec. Assistant City Engineer Maurice M.

Gordon. of 2026 Northampton tonight elected president of the Men's Club of Congregation Rodphey Sholom. an formed tonight in the Synagog Auditorium. Others chosen: vice-president. I Stem; Joseph Baskin: treasurer, Irving Harold Cohen; ways and means commitiee, Abraham Jackler.

Henry FeinWilliam Samler. (icorge Davidson. Philip Marcus. Martin Cohen. Harold Haberman, David Feinstein and Samuel Epstein.

Holyoke. Dec. T-The Holyoke Junion College. Association electled officers 11 4 meeting tonight in Holvoke Iligh School. Chosen were: president.

Alfred W. Charbonneau: vice-president. Edgar Thompson: secretary. Barbard Sullivan: treasurer. Francos Svmanski: and chairman of the board of directors.

Larry Briar. Maurice Ferriter. chairman of a committee planning the college's anniversary celebration. announced A mecting for Dec. 14.

Junior College Group Elects SPENCER HOLDEN Dec. -Spencer M. Holden of 111 11h Garden City. Long Island. died Tuesday that city a long illness.

lie WAS born in Brooklyn. N. Jan. 9. and wAS a veicran of World War I.

He resided here for many years and was 0111- ploved A 8 A paper salesman for the Crocker- Paper Co. for many years. For the past 24 he had resided in New York. He was A member of William Whiting Lodge of Masons of this vity. Besides his wife.

Mrs. Frances (Steele Holden, he leaves one daughter, Mrs. ginia Cordes of Long Island: a sister. Mrs. Natalie Lander of Long Island.

and two grandchildren. The body will arrive at the Edward F. Day funeral home Friday a afternoon and the funeral will be held there at 3. Burial will in Forestdale Cemeterv. MICHAEL, SULLIVAN Holyoke, Dec.

Michael Sulliof 117 Sherman Ave. New York Citv. died yesterday or brief illness. Born in County Kerry, son of the late John HONORED HONORED WILLIAM J. BOYD William J.

Boyd, treasurer of Mount Holyoke Royal Arch ('hapter, and a past district deputy of the Grand Chapter of the Masonic Order in Mas. sachusetts, WAS recipient of an award in recognition of his services to the order at the recent quarterly meeting in Lowell. Cited for his 35-year membership in the York Rite. the Holyoke man was also given A bronze medal sym. holic of the organization's trito dynamic participation in various Masonic activities.

Virginia, was flown in today to he used especially for decorating Fellowship Hall and al the end of the bazaar it will be sold. The affair will begin at 11 a. when iunch -is served. The card party will be held from 1.30 to 4 and the children will be entertained from 3.30 to 5 at a party in the assembly room. A chicken and spaghetti 0 supper will be served from 5.30 to 7.

followed by an entertainment. Members of the Congregational ('hurch of South Hadley Falls will hold a "Holly Fair" Thursday beginning at 11 a. m. and continuing well into the evening. Listed among events are a card party, children'- party.

a supper. general entertainment and dancing. Mrs. Norman Colty is chairman for the event. Pictured putting finishing touches to the Yuletide scheme are.

left to right. Audrey Crossland. Carol Hansen and Mrs. George Moos, chairman of the decorating committee. Yule Celebrations Herald Holiday Season Approach Holvoke.

Dee. 7- -Yuletide celebrations continued 10 dominate the social scene in this city 10- night as many organizations marked the approaching holiday in gaily-fe-tooned dining establishments. Three hundred Golden Avers And guesis gathered in Roger Smith Hotel viewed an elaborate performance by students of a local dance school. Holyoke High School majorets. champion baton twirler Both Reidel and accordion pup4s.

as well as music by Howard Stiles. soloist. and Mrs. Helen Moriarty. pianist.

Mrs. Bannister. president of the Golden Age Club. had charge of arrangements. Professional entertainment actsi were featured at festivities of the Western Massachusetts Purchasing Agents Association in Toto's restaurant.

Nearly 200 representative: of firms in the area attended the stag event. which was! managed by Raymond Lawson of Longmeadow. president: Carl C. Carlson of Springfield. secretarytreasurer: Albert L.

Maclean of Easthampion. first vice-president, and Elmer E. Craven of Holyoke, a national director. Dutch auction. games.

communitv singing and novelty acis were siaged by 115 of the A. Steiger and Co. in Roger Smith Hotel. In charge of the! annual party were: arrangemenis. Laurence Me Andrew.

Maurice Wrinn. Miss Esther Moore and Miss Ann Francis: Miss Doris Sir ens. Mrs. Ruth Turgeon. Drs.

Carol Gibeau. Sam Kresge and William Low: hospitality. Mrs. Emma Sullivan. Mrs.

Anna Mae Me Nulty. Mrs. Alice Hanlon. Mrs. Helen Sinclair.

Mrs. Germaine Starcy and John Willet. One hundred members of the Liberty Quoit Club Auxiliary assembled the club hall for a program of choral selections by the Quarter Notes, accordion ensembles by four young girls. and songs by Miss Charlotte Fleury. soprano.

Plans were made by Mrs. Yvette Laporte. Mrs. Fer-Ition nande Roy and Airs. Alfred F.

Tellier. Piano compositions of Bach and Sechock highlighted the annual covered supper of the and Women's ChristmAS program Guild of First Congregational Church. Mrs. Ronald L. Streeter and Mrs.

Newton I. Howes presented the two-piano recital before 70 women in the church auditorium. In charge were Mrs. Philip F. Bond.

president: Mrs. Raymond C. Gibbs. supper chairman: Mrs. Robert M.

Goss. program chairman: Mrs. Norman L. Farnum. Mrs.

Cornelius Slack. Mrs. Henry G. Guenther. Employees of the Park National Bank were guests of directors at A dinner party the Yankee Pedlar Inn.

Fifty -five evecutive and clerical personnel and guests exchanged gifts. Observance of the holidav in a Christian home was discussed by Mrs. James Schoonmaker of South Amherst. chairman of the State Congregational Commitice of Religion in Family Life. before 60 members of the Women's Guild A and World Fellowship of First Baptist, was Church.

prepared The by Christmas Mrs. Edgar Lynch. Mrs. Eugene Hamilton. Mrs.

Carl Powers. Mrs. Charles Forster. Mrs. Robert Davison.

Mrs. Alan Slocomb and Mrs. Leslie Wetherell. Mrs. Walter Knowles was guest soloist.

with Mrs. Fred Bibby at. the piano. Members of the Holvoke Chapter. Gold a Star Mothers, frolicked at a party in Roger Smith Hotel.

arrangements for which were made by Mrs. Incr C. Goss and Mrs. Grace Sherman. Three units of the Guild of St.

Agnes expressed vule spirit at dinner parties. Mrs. Mortimer McGrath directed A program for Fr. Tully Circle in Roger Smith Granby Brownies, Girl Scout Troops Having Big Year will he presented on successive Saturin Holyoke as part of a novel proauthorities, elementary school prinDetails of the project. unique in this meeting of the groups with theater in Roger Smith Hotel.

Those involved will provide healthy entertainment for as an educational stimulus and assist in juvenile delinquency. Pictured. left to manager. Miss Eva C. Movnihan.

and Joseph Metcalf Schools. Mrs. Althe West St. and Robert H. Ber.

for radio station WREB. PLANS DANCE GAIL K. VANAUGH Miss Gail will Arrange A program for the annual Catholic, Girls' Junior League he held Dec. 26 in the Roger Smith Hotel at Holyoke. Highlight of the event will be the selection of a over queen the and "Candlelight court to reign Dance music will he provided from 9 p.

m. to 1 a. m. by Jerry Lamothe and orchestra. A--i-ting the are Geraldine Hurley.

Lillian Finn. Santa Marulli and BetVershon. General chair. man is Miss Constance E. Ducharme.

and Sullivan. he camel here as a child and was educated in St. Jerome's Schools. He was a World War I veteran and 1'3S one of the original members of the Wizard Athletic Club here. took up residence 111 Now York 25 years ago.

and ployed by the Colgate Palmolive Co. Surviving are four a sisters. Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Miss Margaret Sullivan.

and Mrs. Josephine O'Connell, all of New York City. and Mrs. Marie Asher of Northampton: four Bartholomew of Fairview and Jeremiah. John and Dennis of New York City: and nieces and nephews.

The funeral will take place at tine John B. Shea home here Friday at 9.30 with a requiem high mass in St. Patrick's Chapel at 10.30. Burial will be in St. Jerome's Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from Thursday at 4 until the time of services. New York Cantor To Chant Service congregation luncheon. DEMPSEY SENTENCED Holyoke, Dec. 7-John Demp- Holyoke. Dec.

7-Cantor Theodore Gluck of New York will chant. the Friday evening 8.13 services in the Congregational Sons of Zion Synagog. Rabbi Hugo Mantel will have for his sereach one of the Leonard mon-topic prince, within Polansky will recite the blessings over the candles and the opening of the Ark will be in charge of Jove and Howard Weinstein. Flowers will be contributed by the Rubin family and Mr. and Mrs.

Isidore Cramer in honor of Philip Rubin. The oneg shabbat will he sponsored by the congregation and hostesses will include Mrs. A. 7. Ritterman.

Mrs. Israel Greenspan, Mrs. Harry Schwartwald. Mrs. Herbert Goldberg.

Mrs. Mischa Barowsky. Sisterhood, representatives will inMrs. Herbert Halpern and Mrs. R.

Mekler. Saturday morning services will be at 9. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goldberg will sponsor the junior scy.

51, of 57 Seventh Springfield. received a six-months suspended sentence to the House of Correction after he pleaded guilty in District Court today 10 passing two worthless checks. Police said he cashed the checks. of $25 each. Aug.

18 at the South East St. club. Dempsey was arraigned shortly after his release from the York St. institution. where he served A three-months sentence on a bogus check charge.

A Hotel. In charge of Maria Circle activities in the Yankee Pedlar Inn were Mrs. James F. Rohan. Mrs.

Thomas F. Dowd. Miss Irene Rabbit and Mrs. John Fitzgerald. Arrangoments for the Fr.

Damien Circle in the Log Cabin were Ms Margaret Ryan. Mrs. Jerome Donoghue and Vis. Evelyn Daley. Renditions of Christmas music on English hand hells were given by A Second Congregational Church group before 40 memberslics of the Women's Society Christian Service of First Methodist Church.

This vale program. in the church parlors. al included a reading of Henry Van Duke's "The Other Wise Man' by Sandra DiCarlo and piano music by Mrs. James Sinclair. Hostesses were Mrs.

Joseph DiCario. Mrs. Lawrence Robinson and Mrs. James Best. Mrs.

F. Ray Green conducted a business discussion. Other holiday were held bu the Household department of McAuslan Wakelin Co. in the Log Cabin and the SKAT Club in the Yankee Pedlar. GRANBY GOP Meets Dec.

12 Granby. Dec. Republican Town Committee will meet Dec. 12 :1 p. m.

in Kellogs Hall 10 set 7 date for the Republican caucus. Those who wish their names 10 appear on this ballot. must apply in writing 10 a member of the Republican Town Committee. DEBATERS NAMED South Hadley Falls. Dec.

South Hadley Iligh School has named Alfred Kendall and Sally Benson to the affirmative side of the varsity debating team and Paul Baerman and Linda Lobb will he the negative speakers when they participte in the Connective Valley Debate League. question will be "Resolved. That the Federal Government Should Guaranice Higher Educato Qualified Students through grants 10 colleges and Other members of the debating squad will be Andrea McPherson. James Dybikowski. Victor non.

Jay Camp. David Leith. Mary Walter and Sandra Ware. Other participating schools inelude Wilbraham. Holyoke.

Hopkins. Chicopee. Westfield. liamsburg. Cathedral High School in Springfield and the Northamp-of ton schools.

HOLLY PAIR CHAIRMEN South Hadley Falls. Dec. 7. Booth committee were made public today as the holly fair of the Congresational Church. South Hadley Falls.

completes its plans for the bazaar which opens 011 Thursday. December S. Mrs. Carl Hanson will head the apron booth: Mrs. Charles Beiser.

food: Mrs. Margaret Campbell. candy: Mrs. John Blanchard. Christmas gifts: MI's.

George Moos. Christmas greens: Mrs. Edmund Bozek. Post Office. The Young people of the Pilgrim's Fellowship will have A special booth selling candles and doorplates and will take charge of the fish pond for children.

Fresh holly from Tucker Hill. (iranby. Dec. T-Four Brownie Troops, three Intermediate Girl Scout Troops one Senior Troop are functioning in Granby Three of the Brownie troops at. Three of the Brownie troops meet at the chapel Tuesday after school.

They are under the leadership Mrs. Norman Hallen, MI's. Charles Van Vliet, Mrs. William French. Mrs.

Arthur Bouquet, Mrs. John DeLoach and Mrs. I). C. Strickland.

At present they arc working Oft scrapbooks to to the Belchorion State School. The fourth Brownie Troop 31 the home of Mrs. Milton Ingram with Mrs. John Raymond as assistant. Troop Intermediate Girl Scouts.

has Mrs. puss*ll McKechnic as leader with Henry Courthesne as assistant. There arc several girls in this troop who are working fpr their Curved Bar, the highest award in Girl Scouting. Mrs. Courcheenc is instructing a group of girls who are workting for their Aviation Badge.

Troop 13 is A now Intermediate troop this wear with Mrs. Nichola: White as leader. Senior Scout Maureen McCool is helping to instruct these girls in their second class requirements. Both those troops meet 111 the Pine Room of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Troop 28 has Ax i1- leaders.

Mrs. John Leith and Mrs. Roland Daigneault. At present one group is working on its requirements for carning the Cook's Badge. This group is under the direction of Mrs.

Charles Reed and meets at her home. Another group meets at the home of Mrs. Charles Gavitt, where they are instructed in the requirements for their FirstAid Badge. The third group with Mrs. Leith and thov making puppets as one of the requiremenis for earning a PupBadge.

The Senior Troop is a nowly organized iroop with Mrs. Armand Lepine as lcader and Mrs. Anna Swanlund As her assistant. They meet at Mrs. Swanlund': home Tuesday evenings.

All girl of hign school age are invited to tend. Mrs. Russell McKechnie and all the Boy Scout. Cub Scout. Brownand Girl Scout leaders ale planning A combined Christmas.

carol sing on the Common. Dec. 21. A lighted irce furnished by the Lions Club will br ting for the carol. The groups will be conducted by William Holdridge.

organist and choir recior of the Church of Christ. Refreshments provided by the parents and leaders of Scouts will be served the Carolers the Pine Room following the singing. GOLDEN AGE CLUB South ladles Falls. Dec. 7.

4 members of the Golden Age Club South ladley today packaged handkerchiefs which the women trimmed with crocheted edges for the patients in the Cotter Nursing Home in South Iadley. They also tucked in handmade sachets and tied the boxes in gay Christmas wrappings. At the business meetin- plans for a public card party 10 be hold on December 13th were discussed. On the commitice plannine the event are Walter Mc. Donald, Paul Krause.

John Sullivan. and William Greenwood. The Christmas party will be an event of Tuesday afternoon December 201h. A teen-age dance will be hold 71 S1. Patrick's Social Cen'er Friday evening from to 11 with Si Levy in charge of the record hop.

On Saturday A sub-teen dance will be held from 10 9 IN. Blood Donor Quota Far Below Total Westfield. Dee. 7- A total of 5.8 persons have registered with Westfield Red Cross Chapter for the Friday visit here of the Red Cross bloodmobile for contribuof blood. Miss Elizabeth Winslow, chapter executive dirertor.

reported at mid-afternoon 10- day. 'This is far below the 161 total of registrations needed to assure the quota of 110 pints sho said. "Persons are urged 10 call Red Cross Chapter House and make 211 appointment for the bloodinobile visit. which will be from 11 10 1.43 at First PT.A PROGRAM TONIGHT Westfield. Dee.

7 Philip T. Scanlon of Berkshire Dr. is chair. man of the hospitality committee of the social 10 be conducted Thursday night by Franklin Ave. School PTA in the school auditorium.

Wilbur Jenkins of ham will be caller for A square dance program. Hc will instruct an adult level of dancing now popular throughout New England. Montpelier. Vt. -Vermont produces 40 per cent of all the pure maple sirup and maple sugar used in the United States.

TRUCK LEASING SERVICE, INC. MEMBER NEW 1956 TRUCKS ALL TYPES DODY SAUCE Hourly Daily Weekly or Long Term How to Move and Save" Brochure Is Yours for the asking ERNEST'S SERVICE STATION 1280 DWIGHT ST. HOLYOKE TEL. JE 9-9125.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.