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felipe ' 13/09/2024

-apostila-de-ingles-cn-epcar-eam-essa-eear-espcex-afa-efomm-en-e-ita-pr f3476c8ab0af975f02f2f651664c5f13 - Matemática (2)

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Aluno: . EFOMM Colégio Naval 1ª Fase Escola Naval As duas modalidades Autor: Mateus Germano da Silva Instagram: @mateus.germano.2001 Concursos Militares abordados: Colégio Naval, EPCAR, EAM, EsSA, EEAr (das duas modalidades), EsPCEx, AFA, EFOMM, Escola Naval e ITA Sumário • Conteúdo Programático de cada concurso ------------------------------------------------- 4 • Relação de questões por concurso em cada assunto -------------------------------------- 7 • Top 10 de Inglês de cada Concurso ---------------------------------------------------------- 8 • Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary -------------------------------------------------- 9 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 170 • Articles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 174 • Nouns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175 ➢ Countable x Uncountable --------------------------------------------------------------- 175 ➢ Gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177 ➢ Plural ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 179 ➢ Gabaritos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 • Adjectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 189 • Adverbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 193 • Pronouns e Referência Pronominal ------------------------------------------------------- 194 ➢ Personal Pronouns: Subject Pronouns x Object Pronouns ---------------------- 194 ➢ Adjective Possessives x Possessive Pronouns --------------------------------------- 201 ➢ Reflexive Pronouns ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 ➢ Relative Pronouns ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 214 ➢ Demonstrative Pronouns ---------------------------------------------------------------- 220 ➢ Indefinite Pronouns ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 228 ➢ Gabaritos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233 • Verbs and Verb Tenses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 235 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 253 • Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 257 • Conjunctions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 265 • Prepositions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 266 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 272 • Modal Verbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 273 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 278 • Phrasal Verbs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 279 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 286 • Passive Voice and Active Voice ------------------------------------------------------------ 287 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 291 • Wh – Questions e Interrogative Pronouns ----------------------------------------------- 292 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 295 • Question Tag e Tag Answers --------------------------------------------------------------- 296 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 298 • Reported Speech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 299 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 302 • so / too / either / neither / nor --------------------------------------------------------------- 303 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 305 • If Clauses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 306 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 309 • Determiners ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 312 • Quantifiers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 315 • Infinitive × Gerund --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 316 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 320 • Genitive Case ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 321 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 323 • Classes Gramaticais -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 324 ➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 336 Conteúdo Programático cada assunto CN • Reading Comprehension; Nouns (Countable and uncountable); Pronouns (subject, object, demonstrative, possessive adjective and possessive); Articles (definite and indefinite); Adjectives (comparative and superlative); Adverbs (manner, modifier and frequency); Prepositions (time and place); Verb tenses (Infinitive, Imperative, Simple Present, Present Continuous, Future, Simple Past, Past Continuous and Present Perfect) - Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms and short answers; There be; Can; Quantifiers; Genitive Case; Word order; WH-questions. EPCAR • Compreensão e Interpretação de Textos. • Estruturas Gramaticais. ➢ Substantivos: gênero, número, contáveis e incontáveis. ➢ Pronomes: pessoal, oblíquo, possessivo, reflexivo, demonstrativo, relativo, indefinido e interrogativo. ➢ Adjetivos: graus comparativo e superlativo. ➢ Preposições. ➢ Conjunções. ➢ Advérbios: tempo, lugar, modo e frequência ➢ Numerais. ➢ Artigos: definidos e indefinidos. ➢ Verbos: modos, tempos, formas e vozes. ➢ Caso possessivo. ➢ Question tag e respostas curtas. ➢ Orações condicionais. EAM • READING COMPREHENSION • GRAMMAR - Verb tenses (affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms): Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous and Future. Infinitive. Imperative. There to be. Modal verb“can”.WH-questions.Nouns (Countable and Uncountable). Articles (Definite and Indefinite). Adjectives. Pronouns (Subject, Object, Demonstrative and Possessive Pronouns) and Possessive adjectives. Prepositions (time,and place). Time expressions. Conjunctions (and, but, so, or, because).Quantifiers (some, any, no, many, much). • VOCABULARY - Numbers, Dates, Sports, Clothes, Food and related verbs EsSA • Competências e Habilidades: ➢ Compreender a utilização de mecanismos de coesão e coerência na produção escrita; ➢ Compreender de que forma determinada expressão pode ser interpretada em razão de aspectos sociais e/ou culturais; ➢ Analisar os recursos expressivos da linguagem verbal, relacionando textos e contextos mediante a natureza, função, organização, estrutura, de acordo com as condições de produção. • Conteúdos linguístico-textuais: ➢ Denotação e conotação. ➢ Sinonímia e antonímia. ➢ Correlação morfológica, sintática e/ou semântica. ➢ Pronomes e suas referências. ➢ Artigos (definidos e indefinidos) ➢ Singular e Plural. ➢ Verbos no tempo presente, para expressar hábitos e rotinas, em suas formas afirmativa, interrogativa ou negativa. ➢ Verbos no Presente Contínuo, para expressar atividades momentâneas e futuro, em suas formas afirmativa, interrogativa ou negativa. ➢ Comparativo e superlativo. ➢ Adjetivos e advérbios e suas posições nas frases. ➢ Quantificadores (many, much, few, little, a lot of). EEAr – Aeronavegantes e Não – navegantes • GRAMÁTICA: Artigos: definido e indefinido; Substantivos: gênero, singular e plural, composto, contável e incontável e forma possessiva; Adjetivos: posição, formação pelo gerúndio e pelo particípio e grau de comparação; Pronomes: pessoal do caso reto e do oblíquo, indefinidos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), relativos, demonstrativos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), possessivos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), reflexivos e relativos; Pronomes e advérbios interrogativos; Advérbios: formação, tipos e uso; Numerais: cardinal e ordinal; Preposições; Conjunções; Verbos: regulares, irregulares e auxiliares; Tempos verbais: Simple present, Present progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Future e Present perfect; Modal verbs; Infinitivo e gerúndio; Modos imperativo e subjuntivo; Orações condicionais; Voz Passiva e Phrasal Verbs. Question Tags. • COMPREENSÃO DE TEXTOS: Textos de assuntos técnicos e gerais 4EEAr – Controle de Tráfego Aéreo • GRAMÁTICA: Artigos: definido e indefinido; Substantivos: gênero, singular e plural, composto, contável e incontável e forma possessiva; Adjetivos: posição, formação pelo gerúndio e pelo particípio e grau de comparação; Pronomes: pessoal do caso reto e do oblíquo, indefinidos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), relativos, demonstrativos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), possessivos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), reflexivos e relativos; Pronomes e advérbios interrogativos; Determinantes (Determiners: all, most, no, none, either, neither, both, etc.); Quantificadores (Quantifiers: a lot, a few, a little, etc.); Advérbios: formação, tipos e uso; Numerais; Preposições; Conjunções; Verbos: regulares, irregulares e auxiliares; Tempos verbais: Simple present, Present progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Future e Perfect tenses; Modal verbs; Infinitivo e gerúndio; Modos imperativo e subjuntivo; Vozes do verbo: ativa, passiva e reflexiva; Phrasal verbs; Forma verbal enfática; Question tags e tag answers; Discurso direto e indireto; Estrutura da oração: período composto (condicionais, relativas, apositivas, etc.); Prefixos e sufixos; e Marcadores do discurso (By the way, on the other hand, in addition, in my opinion, etc.). • COMPREENSÃO DE TEXTOS: Textos de assuntos técnicos e gerais. EsPCEx • Esta prova destina-se a avaliar a habilidade de compreensão geral de textos na língua inglesa, bem como a compreensão específica de expressões, frases, palavras e o conhecimento das seguintes estruturas gramaticais: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, articles, conjunctions, modal auxiliaries, prepositions, pronouns, possessive adjectives, determiners, quantifiers, verbforms, wh-questions. Os textos de apoio abordarão temas variados e poderão ser extraídos das mais diversas fontes (livros, revistas, jornais e internet). AFA • COMPREENSÃO E INTERPRETAÇÃO DE TEXTOS • ESTRUTURAS GRAMATICAIS ➢ Substantivos: gênero, número, contáveis e incontáveis. ➢ Pronomes: pessoal, oblíquo, possessivo, reflexivo, demonstrativo, relativo, indefinido e interrogativo. ➢ Adjetivos: graus comparativo e superlativo ➢ Preposições. ➢ Conjunções. ➢ Advérbios. ➢ Numerais. ➢ Artigos: definidos e indefinidos. ➢ Verbos: tempos, modos, formas e vozes. ➢ Caso possessivo. ➢ Question tag e respostas curtas. ➢ Estrutura da oração. ➢ Período composto: orações condicionais, relativas, apositivas, etc. ➢ Discursos: direto e indireto. EFOMM • LEITURA ➢ Leitura, compreensão e interpretação de textos diversos; significado das palavras e expressões; equivalência semântica; identificação de informações no texto. • VOCABULÁRIO ➢ Expressões idiomáticas; falsos cognatos; sinônimos e antônimos de palavras. • GRAMÁTICA ➢ tempos verbais; formas verbais: afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa; vozes ativa e passiva; infinitivo e gerúndio; verbos regulares e irregulares; “phrasal verbs” e verbos seguidos de preposição; modais; imperativo; causativo; orações condicionais; discursos direto e indireto; comparativos e superlativos; substantivos; pronomes; artigos; adjetivos; advérbios; preposições; locuções preposicionais; conjunções; uso de conectivos; perguntas com pronomes interrogativos; ordem das palavras na frase; prefixos e sufixos; pontuação; numeral; “determiners”; “quantifiers”; “genitive case”; “relative clauses”; “clause and their elements”; “tag questions”; e “so /too/ either/ neither”. EN • LEITURA – Leitura, compreensão e interpretação de diversos tipos de textos: inferência do significado de palavras e expressões; identificação da ideia principal e de informações específicas no texto; e identificação do caráter emocional, da atitude do autor com relação ao texto e do efeito intencional no leitor. • ASPECTOS GRAMATICAIS – Verbos regulares e irregulares; Modais; Tempos verbais; Formas verbais: afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa; Imperativo; Gerúndio e Infinitivo; “Tagquestions”; Causativo: “have”/“get”; “So”/“Neither”/“Nor” com auxiliares; “Phrasal verbs” e verbos seguidos de preposição; Orações condicionais (tipos 0, 1 e 2); Comparativos e superlativos; Discurso indireto; Voz passiva; Perguntas diretas e indiretas; Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis; “Quantifiers”; “Determiners”; Pronomes; Artigos; Adjetivos; Advérbios; Numerais; Preposições; Locuções preposicionais e preposições que seguem substantivos, adjetivos e verbos; e Conectivos. 5• TÓPICOS – Vestimentas; Cotidiano; Educação; Diversão e mídia; Tecnologia; Meio ambiente; Comida e bebida; Tempo livre, “hobbies” e lazer; Saúde e exercícios; Moradia; Povos e línguas; Sentimentos, opiniões e experiências; Identificação pessoal; Lugares e edificações; Relacionamento com outras pessoas; Transporte e serviços; Compras; Esporte; Mundo natural; Viagens e férias; Tempo; Trabalho e empregos; e A Marinha. ITA • O exame de Inglês consistirá em uma prova com 10 questões, visando avaliar o candidato em sua competência para compreender textos autênticos em língua inglesa. As questões, todas de múltipla escolha, avaliarão a capacidade do candidato de predizer conteúdos, inferir significados, reconhecer vocabulário dentro de contextos diversos e também identificar estruturas gramaticais essenciais à compreensão dos conteúdos apresentados. Os textos utilizados serão extraídos das mais diversas fontes. As questões deverão avaliar a compreensão global dos textos propostos como também a compreensão detalhada de expressões, frases e palavras dentro do contexto. Além de questões para avaliação da compreensão dos textos, poderão compor a prova questões formuladas a partir de expressões idiomáticas, frases isoladas e tiras cômicas, dentre,outras. 6Relação de questões por provas em cada assunto Assuntos CN EPCAR EAM EsSA EEAr EEAr BCT EsPCEx AFA EFOMM EN ITA Diversos Total Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary 42 70 8 5 105 157 100 108 67 72 127 0 861 Articles 4 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 6 8 0 6 30 Nouns 2 3 0 2 5 1 0 1 3 1 0 72 90 Adjectives 7 6 0 1 12 9 0 5 4 10 6 0 60 Adverbs 3 4 0 0 9 2 0 3 0 3 1 5 30 Pronouns 9 12 4 2 18 13 13 15 5 18 8 65 182 Verbs and Verb Tenses 16 9 5 4 49 17 6 7 25 33 0 0 171 Numbers ⚫ 3 0 ⚫ 8 0 ⚫ 0 0 0 0 19 30 Conjunctions ⚫ 3 0 ⚫ 5 7 9 8 9 10 11 0 62 Prepositions 3 0 1 ⚫ 6 5 3 1 13 17 0 0 49 Modal Verbs 1 6 1 ⚫ 12 6 0 3 9 11 2 0 51 Phrasal Verbs 1 ⚫ 0 ⚫ 7 14 ⚫ 1 14 4 3 1 45 Passive Voice and Active Voice ⚫ 1 0 ⚫ 7 10 2 5 0 3 2 3 33 Wh – Questions e Interrogative Pronouns 6 7 0 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 1 ⚫ 0 9 0 7 30 Question Tag e Tag Answers ⚫ 5 0 ⚫ 3 2 ⚫ 2 3 8 0 7 30 Reported Speech ⚫ ⚫ 0 ⚫ ⚫ 4 ⚫ 7 1 8 1 9 30 so / too / either / neither / nor ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 0 9 0 21 30 If Clauses ⚫ 2 0 ⚫ 1 6 ⚫ 3 8 14 0 0 34 Determiners ⚫ ⚫ 0 ⚫ ⚫ 1 0 ⚫ 0 2 0 27 30 Quantifiers 0 ⚫ 0 0 ⚫ 1 0 ⚫ 3 2 0 24 30 Infinitive × Gerund 0 0 0 ⚫ 3 2 ⚫ 0 7 14 1 3 30 Genitive Case 1 1 0 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 1 1 0 0 26 30 Classes Gramaticais 0 1 0 1 21 6 1 2 23 14 13 0 82 Total de questões 95 133 20 16 273 265 135 172 201 270 175 295 2050 Número de provas analisadas 5 9 4 3 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 ???? 100 ⚫ = Não está no edital do concurso → baseado nos editais lançados no ano de 2021 Obs: Os exercícios “diversos” são questões de vestibulares e até mesmo de concursos militares que não estejam dentro das últimas 11 provas de cada concurso abordado OU de algum assunto que não está mais no edital dos concursos militares abordados. Obs: alguns concursos começaram a cobrar inglês recentemente, por isso alguns não apresentam 11 provas Relação de questões sobre Pronouns em cada prova Assuntos CN EPCAR EAM EsSA EEAr EEAr BCT EsPCEx AFA EFOMM EN ITA Diversos Total Personal Pronouns: Subject Pronouns x Object Pronouns 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 31 Adjective Possessives x Possessive Pronouns 4 2 2 0 2 4 5 2 0 7 0 2 30 Reflexive Pronouns ⚫ 0 ⚫ 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 24 30 Relative Pronouns ⚫ 1 ⚫ 0 4 4 4 7 3 4 4 0 31 Demonstrative Pronouns 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 18 30 Indefinite Pronouns ⚫ 4 ⚫ 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 21 30 Relação de questões sobre Pronouns em cada prova Assuntos CN EPCAR EAM EsSA EEAr EEAr BCT EsPCEx AFA EFOMM EN ITA Diversos Total Countable x Uncountable 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 30 Gender ⚫ 1 ⚫ ⚫ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 30 Plural ⚫ 1 ⚫ 2 4 1 0 1 2 1 0 18 30 7 Top 10 Top CN EPCAR EAM EsSA EEAr EEAr BCT 1 Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary 2 Verb Tenses Pronouns Verb Tenses Verb Tenses Verb Tenses Verb Tenses 3 Pronouns Verb Tenses Pronouns Pronouns Identificar a Classe Gramatical Phrasal Verbs 4 Adjectives Wh – Questions Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena para entrar em um Top 10 Nouns Pronouns Pronouns 5 Articles Modal Verbs Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena para entrar em um Top 10 Modal Verbs Passive Voice 6 Adverbs Adjectives Adjectives Adjectives 7 Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena Question Tag Adverbs Conjunctions 8 Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena Numbers Modal Verbs 9 Phrasal Verbs If Clause 10 Passive Voice Identificar a Classe Gramatical Top EsPCEX AFA EFOMM EN ITA 1 Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary 2 Pronouns Pronouns Verb Tenses Verb Tenses Análise das classes gramaticais 3 Conjunctions Conjunctions Erro gramatical Pronouns Conjunction 4 Verb Tenses Reported Speech Phrasal Verbs Prepositions Pronouns 5 Prepositions Verb Tenses Prepositions If Clause Adjective 6 Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena para entrar em um Top 10 Passive Voice Conjunctions Infinitive × Gerund Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena para entrar em um Top 10 7 Adjecives Modal Verbs Erro gramatical 8 Os outros assuntos têm incidência muito pequena If Clause Modal Verbs 9 Infinitive × Gerund Adjective 10 Articles Conjunctions 8Interpretação de Texto – Reading comprehension Texto para as questões 1 e 2 Helpinq at a hospital Every year many young peopie finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to college. Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitais, orthey help with conservation. Mike Coleman is 19 and lives in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to become a teacher but now he is living in Namibia. He's working in a hospital near Katima Mulilo. He says, " I'm working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick peopie. I'm not a doctor but I can do a lot of things to help. For example, I help carry peopie who can't walk. Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There aren't many doctors here so they need help from peopie like me. I don't get any money, but that's OK, l'm not here for the money.” "I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in a small house with five other volunteers. The work is hard and the days are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about life in Southern África and about myself! When I finish the two months' work, I want to travel in and around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animais in the Okavango Delta in Botswana." http://vyre-legacy-access.cambridge.org 1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the statements below to check if they are true (T) or false (F), and choose the option that respectively represents the statements. ( ) Some volunteers work with preservation. ( ) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital. ( ) Mike is happy because the work is hard. ( ) lt's a personal experience, in Mike's opinion. a) (T) (F) (F) (T) b) (F) (F) (T) (T) c) (T) (T) (F) (F) d) (F) (T) (T) (F) e) (T) (F) (T) (F) 2) (Colégio Naval 2017) Mark the right option to fill in the following sentence. Why is Mike Coleman in Namíbia, South África? Because_________________________ . a) he doesn't want to go to coliege. b) he wants to become a teacher. c) money is never important. d) it's a cheap way to travel. e) he believes that volunteering is nice. 3) (Colégio Naval 2017) According to text II, it's correct to say that the statements are true, EXCEPT: My name is Patrick. I went on vacation to Brazii last Summer, and I stayed in a five-star hotel in front of the beach in Rio de Janeiro. I went to Rio by plane and I spent a month there, I met a lot of people and we had a great time! I want to go back to Brazii as soon as possible. a) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazii again. b) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation there. c) Patrick had a great time with many people. d) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer. e) He spent thirty days in a hotei near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Texto para as questões 4 e 5 The Vikings Raiders, travelers or brave explorers? The Vikings sailed the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures all over Europe between 800 and 1100. They started from Scandinavia and attacked many countries in Europe. They settled in Britain, Ireland and France. They also crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland and Greenland. They discovered,North America but they also traveled east to Russia and south to Arabia. They were good farmers and excelient shipbuilders. They used their ships for war. They also used them to carry people and goods to new lands. In winter, when there was not much farm work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs. Men made swords to use them in battle. The Vikings liked swords so much they often decorated them with gold and gave them names. Women cooked and made clothes, shoes, and jewelry for themselves, their children and husbands. In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town. They called it Jorvik and it was the capital of the Viking kingdom for 200 years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the most famous cities in Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of that Viking town in York, the modern city of Jorvik. They found many things such as jewelry, coins and clothes. If you ever go to York and you want to traveli back in time and see how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre! Adapted from Wilson, D. M. (1987) The Vikings, Activity Book, British Museum Press http://www.pi-schools.gr/books/gymnasio/aggl_a_prox/ergas/043-060.pdf 4) (Colégio Naval 2017) All the statements below are correct about the Vikings, EXCEPT that They a) were good at farming and shipbuilding. b) were a people who enjoyed traveling by ship. c) liked jewelry and swords. d) were in the Americas before Columbus. e) all lived in Jorvik from 866 to 1066. 5) (Colégio Naval 2017) The Vikings used their ships to a) steal Scandinavia's treasures. b) become good shipbuilders. c) build villages all over Europe. d) sail the seas, to carry people and goods and for war. e) stay inside them during the cold winter. Texto para a questão 6 Social media ’destroying how society works' A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He joined Facebook in 2007 a n d became a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo. Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and 9thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world." 6) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the statements to check if they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). I- An ex-Facebook boss said social media is damaging society. II- It is becoming more difficult for big websites to spread fake news. III- People message each other today instead of talking face to face. IV- Palihapitiya said social media does not change our behavior. Choose the option that respectively represents the statements above. a) (F)(T)(T)(F) b) (F)(F)(T)(T) c) (T) (F) (T) (F) d) (T) (T) (F) (T) e) (F) (F) (F) (T) Texto para as questões 7 - 10 TRAVEL TIPS How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made. Lars Leetaru By Shivani Vora March 8, 2018 Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy. According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started. Choose Your Destination If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said. Get in the Mood Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration. If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip. Book a Themed Trip Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults. A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person. Hang Where the Movie Crew Did When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said. Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said. 7) (Colégio Naval 2018) What is true about the themed trip inspired by the film “Star Wars: The Last Jedi"? a) It offers no meals. b) It lasts 11 days. c) It’s very cheap. d) It’s located in India. e) It’s offered by Zicasso. 8) (Colégio Naval,2018) In the first paragraph, the word "appealing” can be replaced by all these words, EXCEPT for a) interesting. b) pleasing. c) lovable. d) repulsive. e) attractive. 9) (Colégio Naval 2018) What’s the main purpose of text II? a) Teach students how to plan where to go on vacation. b) inspire the fans of “Lord of the Rings” to visit New Zealand. c) Make people feel interested in watching famous movies. d) Give some suggestions on traveling to a movie set destination. e) Advertise travel companies that sell movie-themed vacations. 1010) (Colégio Naval 2018) According to Ms. Tilson, a) listening to the songs of the movie can get you in the mood of your movie-themed vacation. b) you can never choose the destination in the first place. Always base your trip on the movie you like. c) you don’t find any information online about the themed itineraries. You have to check it exclusively with a travel agent. d) it’s difficult to have a different perspective when you explore the destination through the eyes of the film. e) you can visit local bars and restaurants and have the opportunity to meet the movie crew. Texto para as questões 11 - 14 STEPHEN HAWKING Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world. Early Life and College On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math. Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead. Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school. Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case. During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children. He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor. A New Voice In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad. Famous Works and Prizes His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize. Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”. His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships. 11) (Colégio Naval 2018) Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false) about Hawking’s disease. Then mark the correct option, from top to bottom. ( ) It confined him to a wheelchair. ( ) It affected his ability to speak. ( ) It was diagnosed when he was 21 years old. ( ) It progressed more quickly than expected. ( ) It made him sturhble for no reason. a) (T) (T) (T) (F) (F) b) (T) (F) (T) (F) (F) c) (T) (T) (T) (F) (T) d) (F) (T) (F) (T) (T) e) (F) (T) (F) (T) (F) 12) (Colégio Naval 2018) What statement is correct about Hawking’s last work? a) It predicted the end of the universe. b) It suggests there are no parallel universes. c) It could not be finished because of his death. d) It was his bestselling book and received a prize. e) It introduced his theory about the Big Bang. 13) (Colégio Naval 2018) It can be inferred from the text that Stephen Hawking a) received numerous awards, including a Nobel Prize. b) was seventy six years old when he died. c) married Jane one year after he got his Ph.D degree. d) wrote “A Brief History in Time” for kids. e) wanted to be a doctor, but studied physics instead. 14) (Colégio Naval 2018) In the sentence, “Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college.” (paragraph 3), the underlined phrase means that Stephen a) got bad grades in his tests. b) passed with average grades. c) achieved high marks in the test. d) tried hard but did not pass. e) had a second change and passed. Texto para as questões 15 – 17 Robotic Cars The year is 2020, and it’s 7;45 on a rainy Monday morning, and you are in your car on your way to work. You turn right, and you turn left. A few minutes later, you stop at a traffic light. When the light turns green and there are no other cars in the intersection, you continue on your way. Ten minutes later you get to work and stop reading the morning paper. Then, you get out of your car and you say, “Thank you!". Your car replies, “You’re welcome!’’. This possibie future may sound unreai, but in fact many car companies are aiready testing robotic cars, or driverless cars, on the roads today, although the cars don't speak very much yet. In the 1980s, Germany and the United States tested the first driverless cars, and by 2020 companies such as Volvo, GM, Nissan and BMW plan to seil driverless cars. Driverless cars are not really ‘driverless - the drivers are computers that use 11radar, Computer maps and other modern technology. They offer many advantages. Perhaps the most important of these is fewer deaths caused by road accidents. For example, in 1968 more than 53.000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the USA. This number has fallen to less than 33.000 but it’s still a high number. In addition, people will spend iess time stuck in traffic jams and there will be no need for people to have a driving license. One of the major disadvantages of this new technology, however, is the cost. It’s not free. U$5.000 to U$10.000 is added to the price of the new car. Nevertheless, at some time in your life, you will probably be sitting in a robotic, driverless car on your way to work or school. The future is almost here. Are you ready for it?  15) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the sentences that does not represent an advantage of driverless cars. a) Robotic cars will probably reduce the number of accidents. b) People won’t waste so much time in traffic jams. c) Driverless cars will be cheaper than regular,cars. d) Driving licenses won’t be necessary. e) It will be possible to relax in a robotic car. 16) (Colégio Naval 2019) According to the text, a driverless car is a car that a) doesn’t have any driver. b) uses technology to move. c) goes where ít wants. d) only goes to work or school. e) drives and reads the papers. 17) (Colégio Naval 2019) The robotic car can: a) read the morning paper. b) turn right, left and green. c) say a few words. d) do your work for you. e) test car companies. Texto para as questões 18 e 19 Passwords to be replaced by Web Authentication It looks iike login usernames and passwords are on their way out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of our login credentiais. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web Authentication has become an official standard for logging in at the main Internet standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium (WWWC). It is a system that will be universally used by web browsers and platforms for simpier and stronger authentication processes. It will allow website users to iog in securely to their online accounts using a digital device, biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) or USB security keys. The WWWC spoke about the days of passwords being numbered. A spokesperson said: "lt’s common knowledge that passwords have outlived their efficacy. Not only are stoien, weak or default passwords behind 81 per cent of data breaches, they are a drain of time and resources." It added: "Now is the time for web Services and businesses to adopt Web Authentication to move beyond vulnerable passwords and help web users improve the security of their online experiences," Web Authentication means users are at less risk of having their passwords and credentiais stoien. This is because login authentication is achieved via physicai vices or biometrics from our body.  18) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the option which is false about the text. a) Login credentiais might soon be replaced by Web Authentication. b) Web Authentication makes use of biometrics. c) The WWW Consortium suggested the use of passwords is nearing an end. d) The WWW Consortium suggested passwords are a waste of resources. e) Web Authentication increases the risk of having passwords stoien. 19) (Colégio Naval 2019) What two exampies of biometrics did the article mention? a) Facial recognition and DNA. b) Fingerprints and facial recognition. c) Our retina and fingerprints. d) DNA and fingerprints. e) DNA and USB security keys. 20) (Colégio Naval 2019) Observe the city map. lt’s correct to say that the a) grocery store is in front of the high school. b) library is behind the hospital. c) drugstore is next to the café. d) barbershop is across from the sports center. e) the bank is between the shopping center. 21) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read Garfield, a comic strip, by Jim Davis. lt’s correct to say that Garfield a) is always boring. b) is never bored at Jon. c) gets bored when Jon talks. d) has a boring life. e) thinks Jon has a boring voice. 22) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text: The South Korean movie "Parasite won (WIN) the Oscar for best picture on Sunday, which means that it was the first non-English language movie to win the top prize. lt also was the first movie from South Korea to get a nomination at the Oscars. Before the Oscars, 'Parasite' also won awards at the Cannes Film Festival, the Screen Actors Guild, and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Director Bong Joon-ho said that the movie is "a continuation of all the Korean films that came before. It's an extension of our history." The movie is about class struggles between the rich and poor. 1214-02-2020 Adapted from:  a) the movie Parasite addresses the subject of social issues. b) Parasite received a lot of nominations but didn't win anything. c) other non-English language movies have already won the Oscar. d) other South Korean movies got different nominations at the Oscars. e) Parasite is a trilogy about the story of South Korea directed by Bong Joo-ho. Texto para as questões 23 - 25 Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy imposes lockdown 23 February 2020 Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they try to control what is now the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe. Authorities in the Veneto region said the event would end later on Sunday, two days earlier than scheduled. Italy has by far the highest number of coronavirus cases in Europe, with 152. Three people have died. Italy has imposed strict quarantine restrictions in two northern "hotspot" regions close to Milan and Venice. About 50,000 people cannot enter or leave several towns in Veneto and Lombardy for the next two weeks without special permission. Even outside the zone, many businesses and schools have suspended activities. and sporting events have been cancelled. The BBC's Mark Lowen described the situation just outside the zone. ln neighbouring Austria, a train from Venice was stopped at the Austrian border after it emerged that two passengers had fever symptoms. Austria's Interior Minister Karl Nehammer later confirmed to the BBC that the pair tested negative for coronavirus. “All authorities have acted quickly and with great caution in this case," said Mr Nehammer in a statement. "The reporting chain worked without delay." Elsewhere, authorities in South Korea and Iran are battling to control rising numbers of infections. South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level". The new strain of coronavirus, which originated last year in Hubei province in China, causes a respiratory disease called Covid-19. China has seen more than 76,000 infections and 2,442 deaths. What is happening in Italy? Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Saturday that "extraordinary measures" would come into force to try to stem the rising number of coronavirus cases. He said the quarantine restrictions could last for weeks. Police, and if necessary the armed forces, will have the authority to ensure the regulations are enforced. Angelo Borrelli, the head of Italy's Civil Protection Department, told reporters that 11 O of the confirmed cases were in Lombardy, with 21 in Veneto with others in EmiliaRomagna and Lazio. Officials reported a third death on Sunday, an elderly woman from the town of Crema suffering from cancer. Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the source of the outbreak. Universities in Milan have been closed and the city's mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said schools would also close their doors while the outbreak continued. "As a precaution I think that the schools have to be closed in Milan. I will propose to the president of the region to enlarge the precaution to the entire metropolitan city area. lt is just a precautton, we don't want to create parue," he said. Meanwhile Giorgio Armanì's fashion show, scheduled to be held in Milan on Sunday, went ahead but without any media or buyers present. The show was livestreamed on its website, lnstagram and Facebook pages. Adapted from: https ://www. b be. com/news/world-e u rope51602007 23) (Colégio Naval 2020) When was Carnival supposed to finish in Venice? a) Late on Sunday. b) On Tuesday. c) After the quarantine. d) On Wednesday. e) After two weeks. 24) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text: a) a train was stopped at the Austrian border because there were two people contaminated with the coronavirus. b) Italy is now the country with more cases on coronavirus worldwide. c) "extraordinary measure" announced by Mr. Conte include,enforcement of the regulations by the population. d) Italian authorities haven't discovered the origin of the coronavirus in Italy yet. e) cities and regions outside the zone are closing universities and schools because they are in panic. 25) (Colégio Naval 2020) Which regions in Italy are suffering the most with the corona virus outbreak? a) Austria and South Korea. b) South Korea and Iran. c) Milan and Venice. d) Veneto and Lombardy. e) Emilia-Romagna and Lazio. Texto para as questões 26 e 27 Six thousand couples decided not to let the coronavirus deter them from celebrating their happy day. The multiple brides and grooms attended a mass wedding ceremony in South Korea's Unification Church on Friday, in spite of the health scare from the coronavirus in neighbouring China. The newlyweds were joined by 24.000 guests; some renewing their marriage vows and others watching friends and family tie the knot. The church seemed well prepared for such a large-scale event as staff handed out hand sanitizer and surgical masks to all attendees. They also checked the temperature of the couples. Adapted from:  26) (Colégio Naval 2020) All pairs of words are usually related to a wedding, except: a) happy day / tie the knot. b) brides / grooms. c) sanitizer / surgical masks. d) couples /newlyweds. e) marriage vows /guests. 27) (Colégio Naval 2020) What happened last Friday, according to the text? a) Friends and families watched couples preparing the church to a big event. b) Twenty-four thousand people went to China to get married, despite the coronavirus threat. 13c) Thousands of people got married and renewed their marriage vows in South Korea. d) Newlyweds and their guests went to South Korea to check their health condition. e) Thousands of people canceled their wedding ceremony due to the coronavirus threat. Texto para as questões 28 e 29 Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. See how you can easily learn to practice meditation whenever you need it most. By Mayo Clinic Staff If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace. Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and inexpensive, and it doesn't require any special equipment. And you can practice meditation wherever you are - whether you're out for a walk, riding the bus, waiting at the doctor's office or even in the middle of a difficult business meeting. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being. Benefits of meditation Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. And these benefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day and may help you manage symptoms of certain medical conditions. Adapted from:  28) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text, meditation is: a) expensive. b) mystical. c) jumbled. d) simple. e) difficult. 29) (Colégio Naval 2020) Mark the correct option according to the text. a) People use meditation to relief their stress. b) Meditation can be considered a medical procedure. c) ln the past, meditation was used only for relaxation and stress. d) Nowadays, meditation helps deepen understanding of the sacred life e) It's important to keep meditating all the time to maintain oneself calm and relaxed. 30) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the comic strip below. Mark the correct sentence that explains the comic strip. a) Mafalda has great plans for Susanita's future. b) Susanita makes future plans for Mafalda as a to-dolist. c) Mafalda thinks that planning one's future as a: to-dolist is a great idea. d) Mafalda realizes that her future plans are exact the same as Susanita's. e) Mafalda thinks that Susanita should not focus on trying to achieve social expectations. Texto para as questões 31 - 35 Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophom*ore, Richmond High Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things or angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general. Alizei De Leon, 15, sophom*ore, Middle College High I have about the same amount of homework, or maybe a little lesa in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled 'tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. I'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer. Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fell apart. I'm behind in ali of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College Prep Academy Distance learning has been difficult. It's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. If I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily balis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often. Dana Reyes, 18, senior, Middle College High 14My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classroom. I have pushed my self-determination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates. Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High Distance learning,for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom with a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe I'm learning as much as I would have in school because I'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since I'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort tone has helped me become more organized with my works. Monishlia Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High Although I have assignments from almost all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work or not to do the work. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophom*ore, Richmond High It is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nobody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best. Adapted from https://edsource.orgis posted on June 3 31) (Colégio Naval 2021) Ricardo Castillo’s statement about his experience studying out of school implies that he is feeling. a) Motivated b) Confortable c) Disappointed d) Understanding e) Self – determined 32) (Colégio Naval 2021) Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false). Then, mark the correct option. ( ) Yashika Joshi’s teachers give students tasks every day through distance leaning. ( ) Monishilla Maharaj thinks online learning during the pandemic is beneficial to people. ( ) Alizei De Leon has had more homework during the pnademic than she had in the previous year. ( ) Dana Reyes’ classes are being taught virtually, only through Google Classroom. ( ) Mekayla Saechao believes she has learned at home as Much as she would have in school. a) (T)(T)(F)(F)(F) b) (T)(F)(T)(F)(T) c) (T)(T)(F)(F)(T) d) (F)(T)(T)(T)(F) e) (F)(F)(T)(F)(T) 33) (Colégio Naval 2021) The best title for the text is a) British students reflect on their experiences with distance learning. b) Distance learning in the pandemic: students prefer studying at home c) Distance learning sucess in West Contra Costa Unified schools. d) Student perspectives: the pros and cons of distance learning in 2020. e) How to motivate students to study harder using distance learning 34) (Colégio Naval 2021) One of the students pointed out an advantage of studying from home during the pandemic. Who is this student and what is the advantage mentioned? a) Nayeli Mercado: her mental health has been more controllable b) Dana Reyes: she has been more motivated studying virtually c) Sarahi Yupit: she can concentrable more because she is alone d) Yashika Joshi: she has learned Much more with the assignments e) Mekayla Saechao: she becarme more organized with her works 35) (Colégio Naval 2021) All students below are in the last year of their courses, EXCEPT for a) Ricardo Castillo b) Dana Reyes c) Alizei De Leon d) Monishlla Maharaj e) Yashika Joshi Texto para a questão 36 10 Shorts Not to Miss at 2020's Annecy "Carne" (Camila Kater, Abano Produciónes, Doctela, Brazil, Spain) Camila Kater's debut short is a fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life. A resourceful documentary, "Carne" mixes diverse techniques such as paint, watercolor, stop motion, 35mm film and virtual imagery decomposition to obtain a harmonious, vindicating ensemble narrated by five women from childhood to old age, from around the world. Produced by Spain's Abano and Brazil's Doctela, it premiered last year at Locarno, earning a special mention. Multiple further awards followed. https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2020/film/festivals/10-shorts-not-to-miss-2020-annecy-1234641312/amp/ 36) (Colégio Naval 2021) According to the text, it is correct to say that “Carne” a) Has won justo ne prize b) Is considered a must-see documentary c) Was written by five women d) Is short, slow and colorful e) Is a short about human stages of life Texto para as questões 37 – 39 Causes and Effects of Climate Change Glaciers are melting, sea leveis are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. It has become clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our medem lives. Called greenhouse gases, their leveis are higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years. 15We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people think of global warming and climate change as synonyms, scientists use "climate change" when describing the complex shifts now affecting our planet's weather and climate systems – in part because some arcas actually get cooler in the short term. Climate change encampasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife popuiations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. Ali of those changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the rhythms of climate that ali living things have come to rely on. What will we do – what can we do – to slow this human-caused warming? How will we cope with the changes we _______ into motion? While we struggle to figure it ali out, the fate of the Earth as we know it – coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains – hangs in the balance. By Christina Nunez Adapted from https://www.nationaigeographic.com/environmentiartiolefgrobal-warming-overview 37) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the statements. Mark (T) for true and (F) false. ( ) Glaciers, sea levels, forests and wild life are suffering from global warming. ( ) Global warming and climate change are synonyms ( ) Greenhouse gases interferes in weather events ( )Human still need to find out how to solve global warming problems Mark the correct option. a) (T)(T)(F)(T) b) (F)(T)(T)(F) c) (T)(F)(T)(T) d) (F)(T)(F)(F) e) (T)(F)(F)(T) 38) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence. “How will we cope with the changes we ________ into motion?” Which option completes the sentence correctly? a) Have already set b) Have already sat c) Have sit d) Even have sat e) Have set yet 39) (Colégio Naval 2021) What’s the meaning of the expression hangs in the balance in “– coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains – hangs in the balance.”? It a) Stays the same b) Will last Forever c) Can’t change any time d) Is uncertain e) Is difficult to believe Texto para as questões 38 e 39 Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and Facts Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials), refers to the generation that was bom between 1996 – 2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone borra after 1997. Gen Z grew up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as tech-addicted, anti-social,,or "social justice warriors." The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion. Adapted from https://www.businessinsider.com/generation-z 40) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the sentence and mark the correct option. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers.” According to the contexto, you can change the word “snackable” without modifying its meaning for a) Secret b) Slow c) Difficult d) Useless e) Straightforward 41) (Colégio Naval 2021) In relation to generation Z, it is correct to say that they a) Prefer traditional cable services b) Come after millenials c) All have finished college by 2020 d) Are reserved and tech-addicted e) Were born Only in 2020 Texto para a questão 40 There are no excuses for racism. Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin. People often associate racism with acts of abuse ar harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of where they come from. Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as their attitudes. It can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometimes it may not be revealed at all. Not ali racism is obvious. For example, someone may look through a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames. Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their mace.  42) (Colégio Naval 2021) According to the text, racism a) Is all about certain surnames b) Is not a violent way to address pepople c) Is clear and easy to identify d) Is exclusively revealed through people’s words 16Texto para as questões 43 - 45 WHAT IS OFFSHORE ENGLISH? Offshore English is a term used by many people for International English. It is the English spoken and written by non-native speakers in International communication. Many in business are starting to worry that native speakers are actually at a disadvantage in international communication. A good example of this situation was when a company tried to sell flight simulators to South Korea, where a French company won the contract because the buyers found it easier to understand the English that the French people spoke than the English spoken by the British company Many native English speakers feel little necessity to learn foreign languages, so they often don’t understand the difficulties and problems learners have. They also don’t see the need to modify their language for a foreign audience, so they use idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal verbs, etc, and don't think of the impact this has on a foreign businessperson. The English studied by non-native speakers tends to use a more simple vocabulary, and considering the similarities in courses in many parts of the world, emphasized by a small number of course books (Headway Series) and the domination of a few examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means that non-native speakers from different countries and cultures sometimes understand each other more easily than the native speaker. Few native speakers outside the world of ESL (English as a Second language) teaching have much idea of what non-native learners assimilate, and think that as their English is native speaker level, they speak it better than their non-native counterparts. Because of this, companies are offering courses in Offshore English to native speakers to train them to speak the type of English that will make it easier for non-native speakers to understand. So they will gain more contracts. Adapted from htto://www.usinaenalish.com/articles/what-offshore-enalish.html Acessado em 14/03/2013 Glossary: Foreign: estrangeiro Businessperson: homem/ mulher de negócios Counterpart: seu semelhante To win: ganhar, vencer Disadvantage: desvantagem Outside: do lado de fora Level: nível 43) (EPCAR 2013) According to the text, a) French people don’t know English language very well. b) South Koreans understood perfectly the company’s language. c) the British company did not speak an easy understanding English. d) flight simulators are designed in many different languages. 44) (EPCAR 34 2013) We can say that Headway (line 20) is a a) course book. b) successful course. c) dominant examination. d) program. 45) (EPCAR 35 2013) After reading the text, we conclude that a) learners think that it is more difficult to learn English than French. b) non-native speakers use less idioms, synonyms, etc to talk to native ones. c) English companies are not so famous as British ones. d) it’s easier to understand the type of English the non-native speakers communicate. Texto para as questões 46 - 48 LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE: HOW THE INTERNET IS CHANGING LANGUAGE Online, English is now a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing. Noah Webster thought that a common language brings people together and helps create a new identity. Webster’s dictionary, now is in its 11th edition, adopted the Americanized orthography familiar today “-er” in place of “-re” in theatre, not using the “u” from colour, losing one “I” in traveller, and listed new words for example, skunk and squash. The Internet is creating a similar language evolution, but at a much faster velocity. Some linguists anticipate that in 10 years English will dominate the Internet, but in very different forms. That’s because people who speak English as a second language are more in number than native speakers. And they use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, particularly on the Internet where people don't pay so much attention to grammar and orthography and users don’t have to preoccupy about their way of speaking. Users of Facebook. for example are socializing in a number of different “Englishes" including Indian English, or Hinglish, Spanglish (Spanish English) and Konglish (Korean English). For a long time, these variations existed in individual cultures, but now they are expanding and becoming popular online. “On the Internet ali that is important is that people can communicate - nobody has a right to tell them what the language has to be,” says Baron. The intensification of the use of the Internet in everyday life means that language online is not a zero result game. On the contrary, it permits multiple languages to show up and they are mixing into English that is becoming the world's lingua franca. Adapted from http://www.bbc.co*kh/news/maaazine-20332763 Acessado em 25/03/2013 Glossary: To lose: perder, retirar Lingua franca: idioma usado globalmente para a comunicação 46) (EPCAR 2013) The text says that a) grammar and spelling are important when talking on the net. b) words like skunk, squash are very old in English language. c) the Webster’s changed as much as the English language,did. d) the English language is creating more native speakers. 47) (EPCAR 2013) In the Webster’s dictionary, the words theatre, colour and traveller a) are now written the same way. b) changed their orthography to one more common in Britain. c) don’t exist anymore. d) were adapted to American orthography. 48) (EPCAR 2013) Read the word in italics in the text. The expression “Englishesf (line 19) is related to a) the second language that users of Facebook speak. b) the kinds of English speakers around the world use. c) the different languages people speak in many cultures. d) the English speakers study to chat on the Internet. 17http://www.bbc.co*kh/news/maaazine-20332763Texto paras as questões 49 - 54 DANCING EFFECTS ON THE HUMAN BODY These days, people love to watch other people dance. Competitive dance shows, like “So you think you can dance” and “Dancing with the stars”, are dominating the world of reality television. So, if you get off the sofa and dance, you can keep your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing can improve your heart health, helps you lose weight and stay flexible, reduces stress and can also help you get old in a pleasant way. Dancing, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce the risk of heart problems and high blood pressure. You can learn ballroom dancing, participate in a dance-fitness class or dance with a video in your house. There are many ways to enjoy dancing and get a good aerobic exercise at the same time. Dance training helps you to lose weight. The number of calories burned per hour depends on the type of dance and the weight of the dancer. Observe the chart below. Type of dance Calories / hour Weight Rhythmical 260 80 kg Vigorous 500 80 kg Aerobic 442 80 kg 590 100 kg Another good effect is that dancing works on the part of the brain that controls memory – hippocampus. So, what are you waiting for? Let's dance! (Adapted from www.everydayhealth.com and www.livestrong.com) Glossary: health - “saúde” ballroom dancing - “dança de salão” to lose weight - “perder peso” to improve - “melhorar” calories burned – “calorias queimadas” 49) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the INCORRECT option. a) People can choose different types of dance to lose weight. b) Dancing helps your brain control your memory. c) People who don't dance are stressed. d) There are many good effects on your body when you dance. 50) (EPCAR 2014) According to the chart, mark the correct alternative. a) Rhythmical dance burns more calories than aerobic dance. b) Vigorous dance isn't good to burn calories. c) The calories burned per hour depend on the type of dance. d) An eighty-kilo man can lose more weight if he does rhythmical dance. 51) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the alternative that completes the sentence. Some dance shows on TV are dominating the world because a) these days people like to see other people dance. b) people are interested in dancers' life. c) they keep people's mind healthy. d) they substitute dance-fitness class. 52) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the alternative that DOESN’T complete the sentence below. To improve your heart health you can a) watch people dance. b) get off the sofa and dance. c) do aerobic dance as an exercise. d) do dance training to lose weight. 53) (EPCAR 2014) Read the sentences and mark the correct option. I. Dancing is only good for people's mental health. II. Regular dancing practice can reduce the risk of heart problems. III. People who dance don't have high blood pressure. The only correct sentence(s) is(are) a) a) I and II. b) III. c) II. d) I and III. 54) (EPACR 2014) Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentence. According to the text, dancing a) makes people get old fast. b) doesn’t improve heart condition. c) doesn’t contribute to flexibility. d) improves memory. Texto para as questões 55 - 58 “When I studied Interior Design, I took several drawing classes. I was terrified when the instructor used my drawings as an example in front of the class. Most of my drawings were marked with dirty and greasy because of my sweaty hands. Nowadays, any art work I do is in a digital method, and I am happy I don't have to worry about my sweaty palms marking the paper anymore.” (Julia) “In the future, digital art and real art will never be different. I use both, and digital art is completely related to the real drawing talent because they are connected and take the art style. This digital method has no limits. Paint is limited but we can fix our mistakes and it takes much more time. If you are good at creating digital art, you can use your ability in photoshop, for example, to make your art look real painting or any other traditional art type. Also, in digital art you can easily click a button to cancel it. It's not an option in traditional art as the mistakes are there for all to see.” (Yuuki) (Adapted from www.graphicssoft.about.com) Glossary: drawing - “desenho” greasy - “engordurado(a)” sweaty - “suado(a)” fix - “consertar” easily - “facilmente” 55) (EPCAR 2014) Julia was uncomfortable because her a) teacher criticized her sweaty hands. b) hands were always dirty. c) classmates' drawings were digital ones. d) greasy drawings were used as an example in class. 56) (EPCAR 2014) Read the sentence. “This digital method has no limits.” (line 11) All the sentences below express a similar idea, EXCEPT a) There aren't limits to this digital method. b) This digital method doesn't have limits. c) This digital method is unlimited. d) The limits of this digital method are real. 57) (EPCAR 2014) Yuuki considers (that) a) art is only real paintings or traditional art type. b) in traditional art, we never correct mistakes. c) digital art isn’t important. 18http://www.livestrong.com/http://www.graphicssoft.about.com/d) the digital method has no limits. 58) (EPCAR 2014) It is correct to affirm that a) we can’t correct our mistakes in a painting. b) you can’t use your ability in digital art. c) photoshop is a traditional art style. d) people can see mistakes in traditional art. Texto para as questões 59 - 65 CYBERBULLYING ON THE RISE Bullying among children and teenagers is not something new but it is getting more and more common by modern methods of communication. Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger by another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to cell phones or posted on social networks. Sometimes cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or take passwords of other teenagers and log on to websites with false identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun of each other in many ways. A study by a Canadian University shows that half of the young people interviewed said that they suffer bullying. One of the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past years. Today’s children are connected with each other electronically. They call friends every time they want or communicate with them on Facebook. Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens can stay anonymous. Many adolescents act this way because they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish somebody for something that happened to them. At other times they do it just for fun or because have nothing else to do. Parents usually don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They perceive it just when the victim or the victim’s parents contact them. This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many people think. In some cases it can lead to suicide. Many countries have organized campaigns to inform adults and children of its dangers. There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, it is important to show children that they have to respect others and they are responsible for what they do. For,victims it is important not to play the bully’s game or answer their emails and text messages. It is also important to get help from parents and teachers. Often schools get involved. They bring together the parents of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them. Cyberbullying does not always end at school. Often, parents go to the police and accuse the bullies. (Adapted from http://www.english-online.at/society/ cyberbullying/cyberbullying-on-the-rise.htm) 59) (EPCAR 2015) Cyberbullying is a/na a) way to use technology for fun. b) inoffensive kind of bullying at schools. c) popular way to communicate with teenagers. d) offensive use of technology to make someone angry or unhappy. 60) (EPCAR 2015) Victims of cyberbullying a) don’t respect other teenagers. b) suffer bullying for different reasons. c) are very popular adolescents at school. d) are irresponsible and frustrated children. 61) (EPCAR 2015) Bullies are a) victims of physical attacks at school. b) teenagers and children who are afraid of cyberbullying. c) adolescents who treat others very badly on social networks. d) teenagers with an aggressive attitude with their parents and teachers. 62) (EPCAR 2015) Bullying on social networks is popular because a) the bullies don't show themselves. b) the victims’ parents use cell phones. c) some teens want to punish themselves. d) teenagers like to make fun of themselves. 63) (EPCAR 2015) The text shows that schools a) never get involved with bullying. b) can help the victims and the cyberbullies. c) often go to the police and accuse the bullies. d) make the parents and the bullies become friends. 64) (EPCAR 2015) The sixth paragraph a) explains why cyberbullying is so common. b) gives some ideas to reduce cyberbullying. c) shows the importance of answering the bully’s emails. d) says that parents and teachers are responsible for the bully’s games. Texto para as questões 65 - 72 Most Common Prejudices What are some of the most common ways people discriminate against each other? Some of the areas where people show their intolerance are well-known, such as race. But others are less acknowledged1, even if more common: Age: Ageism is more common than you think. Older people are thought to be inflexible and stuck2 in the past, while younger people are seen as inexperienced and naive. One-fifth of working adults say they experience ageism in the workplace Class: Classism usually takes the form of discrimination by wealthier people against those who are less well off. However, classism goes both ways— people of lower economic status can see the wealthy as elite snobs who, while monetarily secure, are morally bankrupt3. Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination based only on the color of a person’s skin; how relatively dark or light they are. Colorism takes place within and between races. It is common in multi-ethnic and non-white societies and societies with historical racial prejudice. Ability: Usually called ableism, a less well-known form of prejudice is discrimination against people with visible disabilities such as those in wheelchairs or with a learning disability. The disabled face discrimination not only from their peers4, but from institutions, schools, employers, and landowners5 who are hesitant to accommodate the disabled. Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long running prejudice is that based on a person’s gender or sex. Historically, sexism has placed men in a more advantageous position than women. Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination based on a person’s body size or weight. Sizeism works with social standards of beauty and usually takes the form of discrimination against the overweight — anti-fat prejudice. Religion: Religious discrimination and persecution has been common throughout history. But prejudice based on religious affiliation doesn’t end with organized religion; atheists are prone6 to discrimination and being discriminated against. Sexual Orientation: Most commonly, prejudice based on sexual orientation includes discrimination against those of a non-heterosexual orientation. Discrimination against the non-19heterosexual takes many forms depending on the society. In some societies prejudice is open and tolerated, but in most Western societies, bias7 against the non-heterosexual is more discreet. Country of Origin: Nativism is a common form of discrimination against immigrants to a country. Unlike many other forms of discrimination, nativism is many times encouraged and enforced by some public entities. Which prejudice do you have? Which prejudice have you experienced? Adapted from https://aloftyexistence.wordpress.com Glossary: 1 - acknowledged – reconhecidos (as) 2 - stuck – presos (as) 3 - bankrupt – falidos (as) 4 - peers - pares; colegas 5 - landowners – proprietários (as) 6 - prone – propensos (as) 7 - bias – julgamento ou opinião parcial 65) (EPCAR 2016) The author points out that a) ableism is a kind of ability. b) race discrimination is the worst of all prejudices. c) sex/gender prejudice is more advantageous than other ones. d) there are different types of discrimination. 66) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the INCORRECT definition of the word “ageism” (line 5). a) Law against age prejudice. b) Treating people unfairly because of their age. c) Discrimination on the grounds of a person's age. d) Prejudice against people's age. 67) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the FALSE statement below in relation to the text. a) Some institutions are hesitant to accommodate the disabled. b) For some people, overweight is not an acceptable standard of beauty. c) Everybody experiences some kind of prejudice. d) Religious intolerance exists for a long time. 68) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the concept that is mentioned in the text. a) Natural selection. b) The illegality of non-native people in a country. c) Nature. d) Abundance of valuable possessions or money. 69) (EPCAR 2016) The word “workplace” (line 8) means a) an institution for people who need professional care. b) a place where people work. c) home for old people. d) a school where people live. 70) (EPCAR 2016) The topic “ability” mentions people who a) have poor sight. b) have difficulty in learning. c) get excited about helping the disabled. d) face social and economical discrimination. 71) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the option which shows the same meaning as in “a person’s body size or weight.” (line 29 and 30). a) A person and body size or weight. b) The body size or weight of a person. c) Body size and person’s weight. d) The body’s size or weight of a person. 72) (EPCAR 2016) The word “persecution” (line 33) means a) treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way. b) keeping common types of prejudice. c) having a religion. d) showing intense belief in something. Texto para as questões 73 - 79 SOME OF THE INTERNET'S CRAZIEST CONSPIRACY THEORIES Michael Jackson Is Still Alive The advent of the internet hasn't just cooked up1 new conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated existing ones. If you refuse to believe that it was the Iranians that killed him, perhaps you'll be convinced that MJ is actually still alive. Proof? His own daughter Paris Jackson took a photo of him. Seriously. What do you mean you don't see him? He's right there in the back seat, stacked2 under that pile of clothes wearing his iconic hat. Believe, man. Thriller Vol.2 to drop next year. The Moon Doesn't Exist t's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon doesn't exist. It's a hologram, put there by persons unknown. Of course, serial conspiracy theorist David Icke has a theory. There are also countless YouTubers keeping an eye out, one of whom has gone as far as "looking at it regularly,for a year". Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire There are vast regions of the internet devoted to explaining why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati. Hence3 when this photo, which was taken in New York in 1939, appeared last year, he was accused of being a time-traveller. And a vampire. This video lists other old-time celebrity lookalikes4, as well as suggesting that Hollywood stars don't age because they're the immortal bloodsucking undead. Not because they're stuffed5 with botox, then? The Earth Is Hollow Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through this list. We can make it to the end. Dig6 deep. Well, not too deep. You see, the Earth is hollow7 and accessible via portals at the north and south poles. Luckily though, it's quite habitable down there, providing excellent living quarters8 for the lost Viking colonies of Greenland and the Nazis, while "aliens" are in fact just visitors from the subterranean areas. Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse Amazing as it may seem, given that it can't do anything else you actually ask it to do, Siri can predict the apocalypse. When asked "What day is 27th July 2014?", Apple's assistant replied, "The opening of the gate of Hades", aka9 The End Of The World. That date has now passed without issue10. Say what you like about the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at least he didn't scaremonger11 that the end was near. We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires Want To Break Us Out Of It The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many people in Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea that we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are taking that obsession a stage further: “Two tech billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation.”Here's hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The One', yeah? Hitler Is Still Alive "Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated since the 1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony Josef Mengele hid in South America. Stories like this one, however, speculate the 20https://aloftyexistence.wordpress.com/125-year-old Hitler has been responsible for various world disasters, including 9/11 and the 2010 Gulf oil spill, which happened on his birthday. Other theories say he died in 1984 in Brazil, aged 94. Or in Argentina, aged 73. (Adapted from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/20-of-the-internets-craziestconspiracy-theories/Acesso em: 14 de fev 2017) Glossary: 1 - cook up – to invent a story, a plan, etc. 2 - stacked – covered with things 3 - hence – the reason, the explanation for 4 - lookalikes – similar in appearance 5 - stuffed – filled with something 6 - dig – to make a hole in the ground 7 - hollow – a hole or empty space 8 - quarter – a place to live 9 - aka – abbreviation for also known as 10 - issue – problem 11 - scaremonger – a person that creates stories that cause public fear 73) (EPCAR 2017) We can deduce from the first paragraph that a) the new conspiracy theories were created to reinforce the advent of the internet. b) conspiracy theories are reliable speculations. c) technology spread the existence of conspiracy theories. d) the internet convinced people to be against conspiracy theories. 74) (EPCAR 2017) According to the second paragraph, the moon a) is not real. b) was created by YouTubers. c) is just one among countless moons. d) is an hologram created by David Icke. 75) (EPCAR 2017) “Hollywood stars don't age” (line 23). It means that a) famous actors don't celebrate their birth. b) stars' age is not countable. c) these people don't look older. d) some stars never die. 76) (EPCAR 2017) According to paragraph 3, conspiracy theories DON’T consider that a) Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati. b) Hollywood stars are vampires. c) The singer was alive in 1939. d) Hollywood stars don't age because of botox. 77) (EPCAR 2017) Mark the alternative that can answer the question below according to the text. Why can Siri predict the apocalypse? Because a) it mentions a date that has a specific meaning. b) the tool opened the gate of Hades. c) it is responsible for the end of the world. d) the tool created a new conspiracy theory. 78) (EPCAR 2017) “We all live in the matrix and billionaires want to break us out of it” (lines 42 and 43) is a) an important governmental action to set us free. b) the new version of the movie Matrix starring Mark Zuckerberg. c) another conspiracy theory. d) the slogan of the new Matrix-like simulation. 79) (EPCAR 2017) The sentence “Hitler is still alive rumours have circulated since the 1970s” (line 52 and 53) means that a) some people still consider this hypothesis. b) it’s an old belief that is not accepted anymore. c) it was a rumour that occurred in 1970. d) Hitler has been alive since 1970. 80) (EPCAR 2017) The main purpose of the text is to a) alert people to the possibility of unexpected events. b) inform about conspiracy theories. c) justify how dangerous conspiracy theories are. d) make people believe in true facts. Texto para as questões 81 - 88 WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY? Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th century. Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the world. Women forced into prostitution. People forced to work in agriculture, domestic work and factories. Children in sweatshops1 producing goods sold globally. Entire families forced to work for nothing to pay off generational debts. Girls forced to marry older men. There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery around the world, including: • 10 million children • 24.9 million people in forced labour • 15.4 million people in forced marriage • 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation Someone is in slavery if they are: • forced to work – through coercion, or mental or physical threat; • owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse; • dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘property’; • physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their freedom of movement. Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of human society for most of human history. However, Anti-Slavery International has refused to accept that this bloody status quo should be allowed to persist (Aidan McQuade, former director). Forms of modern slavery Purposes of exploitation2 can range from forced prostitution and forced labour to forced marriage and forced organ removal. Here are the most common forms of modern slavery. • Forced labour – any work or services which people are forced to do against their will3 under the threat of some form of punishment. • Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s most widespread form of slavery, when people borrow money they cannot repay and are required to work to pay off the debt, then losing control over the conditions of both their employment and the debt. • Human trafficking– involves transporting, recruiting or harbouring people for the purpose of exploitation, using violence, threats or coercion. • Descent-based slavery – where people are born into slavery because their ancestors were captured and enslaved; they remain in slavery by descent. • Child slavery – many people often confuse child slavery with child labour, but it is much worse. Whilst4 child labour is harmful for children and hinders5 their education and 21development, child slavery occurs when a child is exploited for someone else’s gain. It can include child trafficking, child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery. • Forced and early marriage – when someone is married against their will and cannot leave the marriage. Most child marriages can be considered slavery. Many forms of slavery have more than one element,listed above. For example, human trafficking often involves advance payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often borrowed from the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to control of the victims. Once they arrive, victims cannot leave until they pay off their debt. Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no country is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are tens of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK. Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or race. However, contrary to a common misconception6 that everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of people are much more vulnerable to slavery than others. People who live in poverty7 and have limited opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable to accepting deceptive job offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated against on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also more likely to occur where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife. Anti-Slavery International believes that we have to tackle8 the root causes of slavery in order to end slavery for good. That’s why we published our Anti-Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive measures that need to be taken to end slavery across the world. (Adapted from https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/) Glossary: 1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad conditions 2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation 3. will – wish, desire 4. whilst – while 5. to hinder – obstruct, stop 6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression 7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor 8. to tackle – attack 81) (EPCAR 2018) The concept of slavery worked in the text is a) a very hard work for which people are paid very little. b) about slaves who hardly work. c) about something that is legally owned by someone else. d) the activity of having slaves. 82) (EPCAR 2018) The word “goods” (line 6) means in the text a) nice, pleasant b) items for sale. c) purchase. d) trade. 83) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the INCORRECT statement according to the text. a) Slavery still exits worldwide. b) The modern forms of slavery are encouraging helpless people. c) The issue of modern slavery hasn’t finished yet. d) Slavery has continued until now. 84) (EPCAR 2018) One of the statements below is according to the text. Mark it. a) Modern slavery is never considered a crime. b) Modern slavery does not concern authorities. c) Slavery today looks exactly the same as it was in the 19th century. d) Measures are necessary to stop modern slavery. 85) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the option that is NOT mentioned by the author (lines 15 to 23). a) Work against people’s will. b) Abusive control over workers. c) Expensive properties that are bought and sold. d) Disrespect for human rights. 86) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the INCORRECT statement, considering the content of the text. a) If intimidated people don’t do the forced labour, they’re going to suffer afterwards. b) If people cannot pay what they borrowed, they’ll have to work to pay off the debt. c) Employers will threat explored people if they don’t do what they want to. d) If children don’t receive education, their owners will punish them. 87) (EPCAR 2018) The author concludes that Anti-Slavery International believes a) we need new laws in order to combat slavery. b) it’s important to attack the origin of slavery to extinguish it forever. c) slavery is growing faster and faster. d) there’s no way to end slavery across the world. 88) (EPCAR 2018) Anti-Slavery International a) persuades us to tolerate the new forms of slavery. b) defends human rights. c) can afford slaves’ working hours. d) stops people from being killed. Texto paras as questões 89 - 96 The search for life beyond Earth We have always been fascinated by the thought of alien life elsewhere in the universe. The idea has provided the basis for a huge wealth of science fiction stories that have been limited only by our imaginations. But can other creatures exist in the vast reaches of space or on other planets or moons? And are there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are we more likely to find something much simpler? Where are all the aliens? Our Sun is just one star among billions in our galaxy. In the last few years, scientists have detected thousands of planets around other stars and it seems that most stars have planetary systems. It’s therefore likely that there will be large numbers of habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy and beyond that are capable of supporting intelligent life. Some of these intelligent civilisations, if they’re out there, may have even developed interstellar travel. Are there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are we more likely to find something much simpler? But Earth hasn’t been visited by any intelligent aliens (yet?). This apparent high probability of life, combined with a lack of evidence for its existence, is called the Fermi Paradox, named for the physicist Enrico Fermi who first outlined1 the argument back in 1950. This begs the question: where is everybody? 22https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/Back in 1961, astronomer Francis Drake tried to rationalise this question by developing an equation that takes into account2 all the factors relevant to finding alien civilisations and gives an estimate of the number of civilisations out there in the galaxy that should be able to communicate with us. It considers factors such as the rate3 of new star formation, how many planets around those new and existing stars might be able to support life, the number of planets supporting intelligent life, how many of those civilisations might have technology we can detect, whether they’re likely to communicate with us here on Earth, and so on. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence Scientists and radio astronomers have started the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in a systematic manner. Several international organisations, including the SETI Institute and the SETI League, are using radio telescopes to detect signals that might have been produced by intelligent life. In 1995, the SETI Institute started Project Phoenix, which used three of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world: the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia, USA; the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico; and the Parkes radio telescope in NSW, Australia. During its initial phase, Project Phoenix used the Parkes telescope to search for signals coming from 202 Sun-like stars as distant as 155 light years away. By the end of its operations, Project Phoenix had scanned a total of 800 ‘nearby’4 (up to 240 light years away) stars for signs of life. The project detected some cosmic noises, but none of that could be attributed to aliens. These days, anyone can become involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence through their personal computer. While there’s currently excitement about sending human crews to Mars, missions beyond the Red Planet are at this stage pretty much not feasible5 the distances and travel times involved are simply too great. Basically, all exploration for life beyond Earth will need to be done using robotic space probes6 and landing rovers. These instruments can provide a huge wealth of information and are capable of exploring as far away as Pluto, perhaps even beyond our solar system. But as for life beyond the solar system, the nearest stars are several light years away, and even communications by electromagnetic waves (which all travel at,the speed of light) are essentially going to be a one-way message. While we probably won’t find intelligent life too close to home, there’s a chance we may still find much simpler life forms. Do we have neighbours beyond Earth? Time will tell—and the search continues. (Adapted from https://www.science.org.au/curious/space-time/search-life-beyond-earth – Access on 16/02/19) Glossary: 1. to outline – describe or give the main fact about something 2. to take into account – consider something 3. rate – expansion 4. nearby – short distance away 5. feasible – appropriate; suitable 6. space probe – spy satellite 89) (EPCAR 2019) The text states that a) other creatures have already visited us. b) scientists have searched smart aliens. c) we have neighbours beyond Earth. d) nobody has proved the existence of extraterrestrial life. 90) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the alternative in which the highlighted word is used with the same meaning as in the sentence below. “We have always been fascinated by the thought of alien life elsewhere in the universe.” (lines 1 and 2). a) We didn't give any thought to her appearance. b) We thought about the time we spent in the army. c) We thought of a pretty good excuse for being late. d) We’d buy John's old car, but we thought better of it. 91) (EPCAR 2019) “the basis for a huge wealth of science fiction stories” (lines 2 and 3). The underlined word is a synonym for a) interesting. b) limited. c) important. d) enormous. 92) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the statement that is in DISAGREEMENT with the text. a) There’s a possibility of finding life in other places in the universe. b) Appropriate equipment will be necessary for the exploration. c) International organisations detected aliens’ signals. d) Francis Drake developed an equation to find alien civilisations. 93) (EPCAR 2019) According to paragraph 2, a) there aren’t many stars in our galaxy. b) we may not be alone. c) scientists developed interstellar travel. d) our sun is the most important star among billions of planetary systems. 94) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the statement that is NOT mentioned in the text. a) The Fermi Paradox tries to answer the question of where the aliens are. b) Drake’s equation comes from Fermi’s question. c) The SETI Institute and the SETI League try to prove that aliens don’t exist. d) Project Phoenix has tried to detect signs of life. 95) (EPCAR 2019) The content of the text is based on a) mistakes and denials. b) doubts and lies. c) truths and faults. d) facts and possibilities. 96) (EPCAR 2019) The author concludes that a) the subject is still uncertain. b) our intelligent neighbours live nearby in the universe. c) the time for answers has already come. d) there’s no chance of finding new forms of life. Texto paras as questões 97 – 106 Your digital footprint Every time you go online you leave a trail. This is just like a real footprint. It reveals where you’ve been, how long you stayed and what you’ve been doing there. Every time you register for an online service, send an email, download a video or upload a photo, the information can be accessed and your digital footprint can be revealed. This shouldn’t necessarily be worrying but it is advisable to be aware of your digital footprint and to be cautious and sensible when you are online. Six top tips for taking care of your digital footprint 23Don’t forget to log off when you leave a website, especially if you are using a shared computer. If you don’t, someone can easily pretend to be you! Don’t tell anyone your passwords and don’t write them down in an obvious place. Make them more complex by using a combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Tell an adult if you come across anything online that makes you upset, anxious or concerned. There are ways to report inappropriate or abusive content and in most cases web managers respond rapidly. Remember your favourite websites by using the history button and the bookmark function on your computer or mobile device. This is a way that your digital footprint can work in your favour, but remember to clear your browser history regularly. If you want to post comments online, you don’t have to use your own name. Invent a nickname to use instead. You can also use a picture instead of a real photo. Protect your identity online. Be careful about who you share personal information with and always think twice before sharing details like your email, home address, school or phone number with someone. Think about the future All kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint. It's now quite common for colleges, universities and employers to check out the online profiles of possible candidates as part of their application process. There are cases of people having missed out on jobs and places in college because their digital footprint didn’t impress the recruiters. So, remember: keep safe, don’t put too much personal information online and always think carefully before you post something. Ask yourself, ‘Would I be happy for absolutely everyone to see this?’ (Taken from http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/ reading/upper-intermediate-b2-reading/your-digital-footprint Access on 28/08/20) 97) (EPCAR 2020) A digital footprint is a) an online service you can access any time. b) something used to impress recruiters. c) anything online that can be worrying. d) a mark you leave when you access a website. 98) (EPCAR 2020) According to the text a) a digital footprint is always bad. b) you should not share computers. c) when you are online you should use your reason. d) no one wants to know about your life. 99) (EPCAR 2020) Considering paragraphs 1 and 4, mark the INCORRECT alternative. a) When you go online, you leave a trail. b) If you leave a trail, it can’t be seen. c) A website may be reported when it looks suspicious. d) Leaving a footprint is not worrying if you are cautious and sensible. 100) (EPCAR 2020) “Aware” (line 7) means a) knowing that something exists. b) preoccupied with one’s thoughts. c) doing something without attention. d) feeling strong affection. 101) (EPCAR 2020) If a user reports inappropriate content, a) other users read what they said. b) she/he misses out on jobs and college. c) recruiters often respond. d) web managers usually react immediately. 102) (EPCAR 2020) A synonym for “come across” (line 16) is a) find. b) check. c) buy. d) take. 103) (EPCAR 2020) In “six top tips”, the author advises people a) not to pretend to be another person. b) to create more obvious combinations as passwords. c) to use their own digital footprint in their favour. d) not to access inappropriate or abusive content. 104) (EPCAR 2020) If you use a shared computer, it means that a) the computer is yours. b) other people use the same computer. c) nobody can use that computer. d) you use a modern computer. 105) (EPCAR 2020) In one of the alternatives, the underlined word has a negative meaning. Mark it. a) All kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint (line 32). b) You can also use a picture instead of a real photo (lines 26 and 27). c) There are ways to report inappropriate or abusive content (lines 17 and 18). d) Their digital footprint didn’t impress the recruiters (lines 36 and 37). 106) (EPCAR 2020) The main goal of the text is to a) teach how to access your favourite websites. b) stop people from using the Internet. c) show how to protect your information online. d) help people to find jobs and go to college. Texto paras as questões 107 - 111 Many parents are concerned with their child’s seemingly obsessive video game play. Fortnite, the most recent gaming phenomenon, has taken the world by storm,and has parents asking if the shooter game is okay for kids. The short answer is yes, Fortnite is generally fine. Furthermore, parents can breathe easier knowing that research suggests gaming (on its own) does not cause disorders like addiction. However, there’s more to the story. A comprehensive answer to the question of whether video games are prejudicial must take into account other factors, and parents need to understand why kids play, as well as when to worry and when to relax. The word “addiction” gets tossed around quite a bit these days, but if it isn’t causing serious harm and disorder to daily function, it isn’t an addiction. Parents may worry that their kids are addicted, but if the children can pull themselves away from a game to join the family for a conversation over dinner and shows interest in other activities, like sports or socializing with friends, then they are not addicted. Generally, parents panic when their kid’s video game playing comes at the expense of doing other things, like studying or helping around the house. But let’s be honest, kids have been avoiding these activities for ages. Equally true is the fact that parents have been complaining about their unhelpful children well before the first video game was plugged into its socket. In fact, moderate video game play has been shown to be beneficial. A study conducted at Oxford by Dr. Andrew Przybylski revealed that playing about one hour per day 24improved psychological well-being, while when taken to an extreme, playing over three hours per day, was correlated with less well-being. The real question should be what is it about the special attraction of gaming that makes it the preferred pastime of so many millions of kids? What makes it so difficult for even non-addicted kids to step away from video games sometimes? The answer has to do with the way games address basic psychological needs. Fortnite, like any well-designed video game, satisfies what we are all looking for. According to Drs. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, people need three things to flourish. We look for competence — the need for mastery, progression, achievement, and growth. We seek autonomy — the need for volition and freedom of control over our choice. And finally, we look for relatedness — the need to feel like we matter to others, and that others matter to us. Unfortunately, when considering the state of modern childhood, many kids aren’t getting enough of these three essential elements. School, where kids spend most of their waking hours, is in many ways the antithesis of a place where kids feel competence, autonomy, and relatedness. There, kids are told what to do, where to be, what to think, what to wear, and what to eat. While some argue that discipline and control provide structure, it’s clear why teachers and students might struggle with motivation in the classroom. Gamers feel competence when they practice strengths to reach their goals. In a game, players have the autonomy to call the shots, do what they want, and experiment with creative strategies to solve problems. Games are also social outlets where players can feel relatedness. In Fortnite, for example, players often meet in the virtual environment to chat and socialize, because doing so in the real world is often inconvenient or off limits. Of course, none of this is to say video games are a good substitution — quite the opposite. No game can give a child the feeling of competence that comes from accomplishing a difficult task or learning a new skill on their own accord. Fortnite can’t compete with the exhilaration that comes from the autonomy of exploring reality, where a child is free to ask questions and unlock mysteries in the real world. No social media site can give a kid the sense of relatedness, safety, and warmth that comes from an adult who loves that child unconditionally just the way they are, no matter what, and takes the time to tell them so. Some kids suffer from gaming disorders, but such dependencies are often combined with preexisting conditions, including problems with impulse control. For most children, however, parents understanding the deeper truth behind what kids are getting out of games empowers them to take steps to give their children more of what they need. Video games are this generation’s outlet, and some kids use them as a tool to escape the same way some of us use our own flavor of dissociative devices to tune out reality for a while. (Adapted from https://www.psychologytoday.com. Access on March 25th, 2021) Glossary: 1. to toss around – to discuss possibilities or new ideas 2. to step away – to not become involved with something 3. to flourish – to grow or develop successfully 4. volition – the power to make your own decision 5. exhilaration – excitement and happiness 6. to call the shots – to be in position to decide 7. outlet – a way in which emotions, energy or abilities can be expressed or made use of 8. to tune out – to stop paying attention to something or someone 107) (EPCAR 2021) According to the text, an addiction a) makes people ignore important activities, which causes a lack of balance in their routine. b) happens when game time is restricted to one hour per day. c) is any activity that comes at the expense of studying. d) is caused by video games. 108) (EPCAR 2021) The phrase has taken the world by storm (l. 3) is closest in meaning to a) has been criticized. b) has become popular. c) has a negative effect. d) has been underestimated. 109) (EPCAR 2021) According to Dr. Andrew Przybylski, a) if you play video game more than three hours per day, you’ll improve your skills. b) video games are prejudicial only if you play more than you want to. c) there is no damage on playing video game moderately. d) playing video game has no effect on psychological well-being. 110) (EPCAR 2021) The author of the text a) thinks that children have always liked to help around the house. b) believes that schools offer motivation enough for kids to grow. c) says that gaming disorders are caused by problems with social media sites. d) wonders why kids prefer playing video games to other activities. 111) (EPCAR 2021) The phrase off limits (l. 65) is closest in meaning to a) illegal. b) not allowed. c) uncertain. d) possible. 112) (EPCAR 2021) The underlined word in the passage Many parents are concerned with their child’s seemingly obsessive video game play (l. 1)is closest in meaning to a) unfortunately. b) apparently. c) terribly. d) likely. 113) (EAM 2018) Look at the picture below. What are they doing in the picture? a) The children play basketball every day. 25b) They are playing basketball now. c) The boys didn’t play basketball yesterday. d) They never play basketball together. e) The boy and the girl won’t play basketball. Texto para as questões 114 e 115 There's nowhere like Scotland. Scotland is a country in a country. It is part of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), and of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Scotland is in the far northwest of Europe, between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is often cold and grey, and it often rains a lot. But the people of Scotland love their country, and many visitors to Scotland love it too. They love the beautiful hills and mountains of the north, the sea and the eight hundred islands, and the six cities: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and Stirling. The country is special, and Scottish people are special too: often warm and friendly. There are about five million people in Scotland. Most Scots live in the south, in or near the big cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Most of the north of the country is very empty;,not many people live there. A Scottish person is also called a Scot, but you cannot talk about a Scotch person: Scotch means whisky, a drink made in Scotland. Scottish people are British, because Scotland is part of Great Britain, but you must not call Scottish people English! The Scots and the English are different. These days everyone in Scotland speaks English. But, at one time, people in the north and west of Scotland did not speak English. They had a different language, a beautiful language called Gaelic. About 60,000 people, 1% of the people in Scotland, speak Gaelic now. But many more want Gaelic in their lives because it is part of the story of Scotland. Adapted from: FLINDERS, S. Factfiles Seotland. OUP, 2010. 114) (EAM 2019) Say if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) about Scotland. Then, mark the correct option, from top to bottom. ( ) It is part of Great Britain but not of the United Kingdom. ( ) It is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. ( ) The weather there is usually cold, grey, and rainy. ( ) There are 80 islands in the country. ( ) Tourists can see hills, mountains and the sea there. a) (F) (T) (F) (T) (T) b) (T) (F) (T) (F) (F) c) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T) d) (F) (T) (T) (F) (T) e) (T) (F) (F) (T) (F) 115) (EAM 2019) About Scotland’s people/population, it is correct to say that a) they are often friendly and kind. b) most of them live in the north. c) they are also called Scotch. d) they do not speak English. e) nobody speaks Gaelic anymore. 116) (EAM 2019) Loch Ness is a lake (or ‘loch’ in Scottish Gaelic) located in the Highlands of Scotland, near Inverness. People say there is a monster in it, which is called Nessie. In 1933, George Spicer described that he saw Nessie and it was a "dragon1'. It was 4 feet high, 25 feet long and had a long neck. In 1934, Robert Kenneth Williams took the first photo of the Loch Ness Monster’s neck and head. This photo was published in the Daily Mail newspaper in April 1934. Around 1994, the photo was declared to be a hoax. In 1934, Edward Mountain sent an expedition to Loch Ness from 9 am to 6 pm every day, for 5 weeks. They never found any evidence of the Monster. In 2003, the BBC TV network made a show that did a detailed search of Loch Ness. They found nothing and concluded that the Monster was a myth. It is FALSE to say that a) Nessie looked like a dragon, according to George Spicer. b) The BBC TV network did a search in Loch Ness. c) “Loch" means “lake", in Scottish Gaelic. d) Edward Mountain’s expedition found the Monster. e) Robert Williams’ photo was a fraud. Texto para as questões 117 e 118 The Baseball game Dad took his son Chris to a baseball game. The Los Angeles Dodgers were playing the San Francisco Giants. The Dodgers were the home team. The Giants were the visiting team. Dad and Chris walked into Dodger Stadium. Many people were there. Most of them wanted to see the Dodgers win. They wanted to see the Giants lose. Dad and Chris found their seats. They sat down. Chris told his dad he was hungry. His dad bought two bags of peanuts for Chris. He bought two hot dogs for Chris. He bought a big soda for Chris. A foul ball came their way. People dived for the foul ball. They knocked Chris' soda over. His dad bought him another soda. Adapted from:  117) (EAM 2020) What did Chris and Dad do? a) They went to a supermarket to buy hot dog b) They watched a basketball game on TV. c) They played football with friends. d) They went to the Giants Stadium. e) They went to a baseball game. 118) (EAM 18 2020) How many sodas did Dad buy? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 26119) (EAM 2020) What sports can you see in the pictures below? a) Basketball, volleyball and swimming. b) Handball, football and canoeing c) Baseball, soccer and running. d) Badminton, tennis and jogging e) Golf, marathon and boxing. 120) (EAM 2021) Study Tips For Online Learners By Christopher Pappas You have just enrolled in your first online course, but are you ready to study for it? Does it need more, less or the same level of commitment with the traditional instructor-led class you are used to? What are the best strategies for studying in online learning? In this article, I'll share some study tips for online learners that will help you succeed while studying for your online courses. (I) _____________ The first thing you need to realize is that online courses are not an easier way to learn, but rather a more convenient one. To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a significant amount of your time, consistently attend the program, be concentrated while studying, and fully commit to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular course. (II) _____________ Whether you decide to study in your office or in your living room, ensure that this place is quiet, organized, distraction-free, and available for use at any time. Your study environment should be one of your main concerns when you are an online learner, so make sure that it enables your study routine. (III) _____________ To stay on track with your online course, make sure that you always keep in mind what you hope to accomplish by the end of it. (IV) _____________ Your performance will decrease if you are feeling tired or frustrated while studying. Integrate some personal time into your study routine and you will be able to work more effectively on your online course goals. A mild physical activity, such as a walk around the block, will help you maintain balance, renew energy, and go back to studying with a clear mind. (V) _____________ Online learning doesn't necessarily mean learning in isolation. Connecting with your virtual classmates on social media or your online course's forum will enhance tremendously your eLearning experience. Follow these study tips for online learners and you will be able to make your online learning a fun and enjoyable eLearning experience. (Adapted from https://elearningindustry.com) The headings below were removed from the text. Number them to indicate the order they must appear to complete the text correctly. Then, mark the option that contains the right sequence. ( ) Identify your learning objectives and goals ( ) Participate in online discussions ( ) Have a dedicated study space ( ) Understand online learning practices and expectations ( ) Take study breaks a) (III) (IV) (I) (II) (V) b) (III) (V) (II) (I) (IV) c) (II) (V) (III) (IV) (I) d) (II) (IV) (III) (1) (V) e) (I) (III) (III) (V) (IV) 121) (EsSA 2019) According to the text, it is correct to say that: February 25, 2019 By LiseAlves, Senior Contribting Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Exactly one month after Brazil’s most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind after a dam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and identified. “The search starts at 5 am, when at teams get up. At 6:am, we gather for directions, a safety briefi ng and guidelines of what will be done throughout the day. The teams are then taken into the field,” firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalist. “At the end of the day, when the teams return, they give us feedback on how the search went. We then hold meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats itself”, conclueded the official. a) only firefighters are working to find the missing people. b) firefighters and volunteers are working together to find the missing people. c) firefighters and volunteers,are working together to identify the retrieved corpses. d) Vale’s officials are working to retrieve the corpses from the mud. e) only volunteers are working to fi nd the missing people. 122) (EsSA 2020) According to the text, it is correct to say that: Brazilian Armed Forces The Brazilian Armed Forces is the unifi ed military organization formed by the Brazilian Army (including the Brazilian Army Aviation), the Brazilian Navy (including the Brazilian Marine Corps and Brazilian Naval Aviation) and the Brazilian Air Force. Brazil's armed forces are the third largest in the Americas, after the United States and Colombia, and the largest in Latin America by the level of military equipment, with approximately 318,480 active-duty troops and offi cers. They are expanding their presence in the Amazon under the Northern Corridor (Calha Norte) program. In 1994, Brazilian troops joined United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces in fi ve countries. 27https://elearningindustry.com/The Brazilian military, especially the army, is more involved in civic-action programs, education, health care, and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads across the nation. The 1988 Constitution preserves the external and internal roles of the Armed Forces, but it places the military under presidential authority. (Adaptado de BrazilianArmed Forces. Revolvy, 2019. Disponívelemhttps://www.revolvy. com/page/Brazilian-ArmedForces?cr=1.Acessoem: 19de ago. de 2019) a) the Brazilian Marine Corps is part of the Brazilian Army. b) the Brazilian Armed Forces is part of Brazilian Air Force. c) the Brazilian Air Force is part of the Brazilian Armed Forces. d) the Brazilian Naval Aviation is part of the Brazilian Air Force. e) the Brazilian Army Aviation is part of the Brazilian Navy. 123) (EsSA 2021) Read the comic strip and mark the best option about the attitude of the soldier who is giving food to the squirrel. a) The soldier is sure that the food is healthy and delicious. b) The soldier loves animals and cares about them. c) The soldier intends to kill the squirrel. d) The soldier wants to know the squirrel’s opinion about the food. e) The soldier is suspicious of the quality of the food. 124) (EsSA 2021) Marque a única alternativa correta de acordo com o texto abaixo. The Ovambo people in Namibia traditionally build a house for their children, using wooden poles standing closely together to form circular walls. However, as the region where they live is running short of trees, this enterprising ethnic group is turning to a more abundant building material: the empty beer bottles that litter the roadsides and are cheaply available at local stores. a) As casas são construídas próximas umas das outras no interior de uma muralha circular feita de madeira. b) Em função da escassez de madeira, os Ovambos estão construindo casas com garrafas de cerveja vazias. c) Como são um grupo étnico empreendedor, os Ovambos estão se voltando para os investimentos no ramo da construção. d) O povo Ovambo tem a tradição de construir casas para as crianças utilizando madeira e tijolos. e) Na Namibia, encontra-se o litro da cerveja à venda a preços baixos nas lojas de beira de estrada. 125) (EsSA 2021) Quais destas características, de acordo com o texto, se referem ao transporte público feito pelos ônibus do Rio de Janeiro: Text: Rio de Janeiro "Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's heart, its cultural capital and emotional nerve-center (...). It's wise to remember that the romantic sparking lights that glimmer in the hillsides illuminate the city's notorious shanty towns. Crime, especially in the tourist-filled Copacabana district, is common. Most visitors are easy targets, if only because they usually lack a tan. Don't wear expensive watches or jewelry and carry as little cash as possible, especially when going to the beach. (...) The subway system (Metro) is clean, fast and efficient, but only goes as far as Botafogo. It does not extend to Copacabana. Buses are plentiful but are uncomfortable and can be dangerous. (...) Business visitors should not be surprised when meetings start late or executives are informally dressed. This relaxed attitude is counterbalanced by the "carioca's" quickness and creativity. "Cafezinhos" (literally little coffees), usually highly sugared, and mineral water are staple of nearly every business meeting in this city. In meetings between men and women (and between women), kisses on both cheecks are common. Men shake hands enthusiastically. Cariocas are easy going and slow to take offence. (...)" Source: 1998 Business Travel Guide adaptado de ingless Intrumental de Rosângela Munhor a) Efficient and plentiful. b) Uncomfortable and plentiful. c) Clean and dangerous. d) Clean and comfortable. e) Fast and dangerous. 126) (EEAr 1. 2016) According to the captain speech: a) passengers are being asked to calm down. b) there is a failure in the pressurization system. c) there is a problem in the fuselage of the aircraft. d) there is no oxygen mask available for the passengers. 127) (EEAr 1. 2016) According to the cartoon, the pilot a) intended to make a stopover on the water. b) asked swimmers to swim towards the coast. c) asked passengers who don’t swim to remain in the plane. d) landed the plane for the passengers to dive in the water. 128) (EEAr 1. 2016) Are you a couch potato? A couch potato is a person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching TV. They don’t get involved in any kind of strenuous exercise. As a matter of fact, they can’t stand any kind of physical activity. What’s more, they rarely eat healthy, nourishing food; they’d rather have hamburgers, fires, soft drinks and that kind of stuff. (taken from http:inglesnapontadalingua) GLOSSARY 28strenuous: fatigante nourishing food: comida nutritiva Based on the text, couch potato is a person a) addicted to the internet. b) that loves eating healthy food. c) that loves doing exhaustive exercise. d) that spends a lot of time sitting down and not moving or exercising very much. 129) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon. a) Garfield was disappointed because the cheeseburger was spoiled. b) Garfield was disappointed because the ticket wasn’t valid. c) Garfield expected to eat at McDonald’s. d) Garfield prefers birds to sandwiches. 130) (EEAr 1. 2016) A pilot from Northwest Airlines flight was less than pleased with the food which was to be served on the flight. He decided to find some better food, so he left his aeroplane, and then left the airport to find food even though he had a plane to fly. The passengers were left to wait 90 minutes until the pilot came back and when the pilot came back he was fired on the spot for “abandoning his plane”. (Adapted from www.flightglobal.com) According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except: a) the pilot wasn’t satisfied with the food on board. b) the pilot searched for a better food out of the airport. c) when the pilot returned to the plane, he was immediately fired. d) the alleged reason for losing his job was dissatisfaction with the airline food. 131) (EEAr 1. 2016) Summer Wine Hot-weather drinking requires its own genre of wines: light, easygoing, blithe and, above all, refreshing. These sorts of wines are enjoyable year-round, but in the sweaty summer months, the desirable becomes the imperative. It’s not a question of red or white or even pink. All are good as long as they come in the proper summer weight. Just as winter wools are stored away, so are enervating heavy wines that weigh you down, rather than pep you up. These summery wines are especially appealing when the price is equally untaxing.,I’ve long asserted that the greatest values in wines are in the $15 to $25 range. (Adapted from www.nytimes.com) GLOSSARY Winter wools: cobertor de inverno to Pep up: animar According to the text, all the alternatives below are correct, except: a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting. b) light, easygoing and refreshing wines are suitable for summer. c) heavy wines must be stored away during the summer like the winter wools are. d) refreshing wines are desirable during the whole year, but a must for the summer. 132) (EEAr 1. 2016) An aeroplane was forced to circle for more than half an hour after an air traffic controller dozed off. The pilot of the cargo plane said he attempted a number of times to contact the controller for permission to land – but got no answer he controller for permission to land – but got no answer. He was forced to circle Nice Airport in France until the sleepy controller was woken up by security officials more than 30 minutes later. French air traffic control service DGAC described the case as ‘extremely rare’ and said the cargo plane ‘had never been in difficulty’. An internal investigation has now been set up to discover why the controller fell asleep on the job (Adapted from www.flightglobal.com) GLOSSARY dozed off – adormeceu The verb “discover” (line 12), in the text, is closest in meaning to a) realize b) decide c) suppose d) establish 133) (EEAr 1. 2016) The child and his mother A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?” The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hair grey!” The child replied innocently: “Now I know why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.” According to the text, the mother told the child her hair is turning grey because a) she hasn’t a dye. b) of her child’s bad behavior. c) his grandmother has only grey hair. d) she wants to teach her child a lesson. a) Texto para as questões 134 - 136 Sam’s adventure It’s a very hot Texas night; 35ºC! Sam can’t sleep. He’s hot and he’s hungry. He goes to the kitchen. He cooks some fried bananas. But he forgets to turn off the gas. He leaves the kitchen and goes to the pool. His parents are asleep; they don’t know about his adventure. He’s in the water-alone! Mmm, It’s cool! Suddenly he gets cramp in his legs and he can’t swim. He looks at the house and it’s on fire. Sam’s parents are in there and he must help them. He is desperate. 134) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, choose the best response a) Sam is a bad boy. b) Sam is responsible for the house. c) Sam’s parents aren’t concerned about him. d) Sam’s parents don’t know what is happening. 135) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... Sam gets a cramp in his legs and he can’t swim...” we can infer that a) he can’t feel his legs. b) he can just move his legs slowly. c) he has a suddenly contracting of muscle. d) his legs are painful, because of the hot water. 29136) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that Sam a) has to call his parents. b) is not good at swimming. c) doesn’t know how to cook. d) is really concerned about his neighbors. Texto para as questões 137 e 138 Bento boxes People in offices in Japan often have a bento at lunchtime. They do not eat a meal in a restaurant; they eat a bento in the office. They regularly have a menu for the bentos in the office and they telephone a bento store with their orders. The people at bento store make the bentos and take them to all the offices at about 12p.m. 137) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, the word “orders”, in bold, means a) something organized in a particular way. b) the situation that exists when everything is in the correct place. c) A group of nuns who live according to a particular set of rules. d) A request for something to be brought for someone in return for money. 138) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, Bento Boxes is a/ an. a) Office b) kitchen c) delivery d) restaurant Texto para as questões 139 e 140 Olympic Sports The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens, Greece, in the year 1896. Athletes from only 13 countries participated in the Games that year. They competed in 43 different events in just 9 sports (track and field, swimming, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, tennis, weight lifting, and wrestling). In 2004, the Olympic Games took place once again in Athens. This time athletes from 202 countries competed in 300 events in 28 sports. Only five sports have been in every Olympic Games Fonte: adapted from Thoughts and Notions. 139) (EEAr 2. 2016) The underlined words “took place”, (line 01), in the text, is closest in meaning to a) showed b) happened c) presented d) participated 140) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, a) the Olympic Games took place twice in Greece. b) tennis is one of the sport competed in all Olympic Games. c) shooting is the most dangerous sport in the Olympic Games. d) more than thirteen countries participated in the first Olympic Games. 141) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can affirm that The Antique store Anita Jameson and Steve Weaver are antique dealers. They have a very successful business. They travel around the country buying antique furniture and paintings from flea markets, antique stores, and elderly people. Steve has just come out of a little antique store, and he seems very excited. a) the couple is married. b) the couple sells old objects. c) Anita and Steve have a flea market. d) Anita is very happy about the last acquisition. Texto para as questões 142 e 143 April There was a nice little girl which name was April One day, she asked her parents why she was called April. They answered that it was because she was born in April. The little girl liked her name and the month April too. Her parents made her a party, all her friends celebrated with her, and she received a lot of presents. One day her mother became pregnant and April had a little brother. Her brother was born in February and everybody came and suggested names for the new baby. April didn’t understand what the problem was. If the baby was born in February, the correct name should be February. 142) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text all the alternatives are correct, except: a) April liked the fourth month of the year. b) Her father and mother made her a party. c) April was her mother’s favorite month. d) April received a lot of gifts. 143) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... her mother became pregnant …” we can infer that she __________. a) became sick b) couldn’t have babies c) gave her a little sister d) was expecting a baby 144) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... the path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia ...” we can infer that: Part of New Bicycle Path Collapses in Rio de Janeiro Leaving Two Deaths The Rio Fire Department says two people died on Thursday, April 21, after a part of the recently inaugurated bicycle path on Niemeyer avenue, in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. The path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia and is located between Niemeyer avenue and a cliff, hanging over the sea. The path is a connection between Leblon beach and São Conrado, both in the city’s south zone. The bike path was inaugurated earlier this year, on January 17, and cost R$ 44,7 million. Glossary Hanging over – suspenso sobre a) It was a tribute to Niemeyer. b) It has the same name as Tim Maia. c) It has a different name from the famous singer. d) The name of the path was changed by Tim Maia. Texto para as questões 145 e 146 Another plane returns to Guarulhos airport For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return,to Guarulhos airport, after being hit by birds The incident happened on Wednesday (27) with a Boeing 737- 800 belonging to the airline Gol which took off for Fortaleza. The bird entered one of the two motors, causing serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to Guarulhos almost two hours after taking off. The aircraft had to use fuel to land with less weight. 30145) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that __________. except: a) the airplane had troubles. b) it was necessary to burn fuel. c) the airplane was heading for Fortaleza d) the airport had problems with some birds 146) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that a) the aircraft landed before using fuel. b) the aircraft belonged to Latan Airline. c) the birds caused damage to the aircraft. d) after taking off, the aircraft landed in Fortaleza. Texto para as questões 147 e 148 The New York’s Secret Life In 2008, the photographer and film director Francesco Carrozzini bought a townhouse in Greenwich Village for $6.8 million. Ostensibly, he got a home built in 1844 with low ceilings and small dark rooms. But luxury real estate is never about the basics. The house is part of the Macdougal-Sullivan Gardens Historic District a landmarked community of 21 row homes. Between them is a large interior courtyard shaded by maples, sycamores and palms. It’s a secret garden in the middle of the city, hidden from the street. Each home comes with its own small backyard that borders on the larger common area shared by all. Adapted from:http://www.nytimes.com 147) (EEAr 1. 2017) All words bellow are landmarks, except: a) skyscraper b) monument c) bleary d) bridge 148) (EEAr 1. 2017) Based on the text: a) All the houses didn’t come with small backyard. b) It’s easy to find this landmark around famous streets. c) The luxury house was built with high roof and large rooms. d) The house which was bought is surrounded by wooded area. 149) (EEAr 1. 2017) Air Travel Air travel has changed the way we see the world, making our planet feel that much smaller. Depending on departure and arrival destinations, you can go from coast to coast in mere hours or travel across seas in less than 10 hours. Complaints aside, flying is the quickest, safest, and most convenient way to travel. The U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics reported a total of 812, 914, 960 passengers on domestic, international, or combined flights in 2012. This was also the safest year on record, with the aviation industry boasting a record low accident rate, according to the International Air Transport Administration. Adapted from:http://weather.com/travel Choose the best response according to the text: a) The flight is not so much comfortable and safe but it’s quick. b) You can fly anywhere in less than 10 hours without complains. c) You can cross a coast depending on departure and arrivals destinations. d) Nevertheless, air travel may receive complains related to speed and safety. Texto para as questões 150 e 151 Can you be too old to donate blood? In general, you can never be too old to donate blood. Though you can be too young or too thin. The American Association of Blood Banks used to bar people over 65 from donating blood, but it scrapped the rule in 1978 after studies found that older people who stored their own blood prior to surgery did well, said Dr. Steven Kleinman, the association’s senior medical adviser. Now most blood banks are happy to accept blood from older volunteers. Adapted from: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com 150) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the best alternative according to the text: a) Your weight cannot interfere when you want to donate blood. b) Nowadays, all blood banks accept donation from older people. c) After studies they found that older people that stored own blood had a satisfactory surgery. d) It’s important to bar people less than 60 from donating blood according The American Association of Blood Banks. 151) (EEAr 1. 2017) The verb “bar” (line 3), in the text above, is closest in meaning to: a) release b) support c) block d) flow 152) (EEAr 2. 2017) It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career. And becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are some tips on what you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come. - take the stairs instead of riding the elevator; - limit red meat; - consume more vegetables; - wear UV-blocking sunglasses; - walk more; - try a yoga class; - don’t smoke; - drink a lot of water; - find an activity that you love after retirement. According to the text, in order to live a healthy life for years, you should __________. a) eat a lot of red meat b) ride the elevator all the time c) find a hobby that you enjoy, after you retire d) consume many candies and cakes during the day 153) (EEAr 2. 2017) Finding a taste of Japan in São Paulo’s Liberdade neighborhood Home of the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, São Paulo’s Liberdade neighborhood is a city within a city, with many specialty shops for Japanese food and home products. Since most of the products are imported directly from Japan, and many do not contain a Portuguese ingredient version, shop owners and employees are always at hand for a quick translation. Fonte: The Rio Times/Brazil News The words “at hand”, underlined in the text, mean _____. a) busy b) distant 31c) worried d) available Texto para as questões 154 e 155 My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can be completely honest, I hate Christmas. Maybe it’s because Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a young boy. Anyway, my neighbors really love Christmas and every year they decorate the inside and outside of their house with big, bright lights. This year, however, they really exaggerated: their lights are so bright that I can’t sleep at night! Tomorrow I am going to speak to my neighbors and ask that the lights __________ reduced or removed. 154) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “anyway”, underlined in the text, was used to __________. a) indicate a place that does not exist b) return to a previous topic in the text c) state the good or bad quality of something d) mention the time at which something happened 155) (EEAr 2. 2017) According to the text, the narrator doesn’t like Christmas, possibly because __________. a) it was not a happy time of the year when he was growing up b) it reminds him that life is short and that time passes by quickly c) his religious beliefs are different from the people in his neighborhood d) it makes him feel bad that his house is not decorated with Christmas lights 156) (EEAr 2. 2017) Economic crisis increases consumption of rice and beans in Brazil The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer exchange meat for the traditional dish of rice and beans. High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the low prices of these products, caused by good harvest, are responsible for the increase in demand, which will be 15% to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the year. The average consumption per capita is around 3, 5 kilos of rice and 1, 5 kilo of beans. Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional -10/05/2017 GLOSSARY harvest = colheita average consumption = consumo médio According to the text, the Brazilian consumer is _______. a) changing rice and beans for meat b) having more rice than beans on average c) paying a very high price for rice and beans d) reducing the demand for the traditional dish of rice and beans 157) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to the cartoon.,According to what the boy says, he _____________. a) wants to take care of the baby b) is asking permission to surf the internet c) is curious to know the origin of the babies d) will be successful in downloading a baby from the internet 158) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, the purpose of the new machine is to __________________. The Phoenix airport has introduced new technology that can see through a person's clothes. The new machine costs $100,000 to make and is designed to find out if a passenger is carrying a weapon or explosives. Critics of the new X-Ray scanner, however, say it takes away a person's privacy. (adapted from www.inglesonline.com.br) a) waste money b) undress passengers c) find dangerous goods d) see what people are wearing 159) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to the text. Vidigal is Rio’s most foreigner-friendly slum, with guesthouses, coffee houses, restaurants and even a sushi-bar aimed at the tourist market. It is relatively small and picturesque, with spectacular views over the Atlantic, and an hour-long walking trail that winds from its upper limits to the top of the Dois Irmãos mountain. When pacified in 2012, Vidigal was already popular with artists, young Brazilians and foreigners. Scottish school librarian Graeme Boyd, 34, lived there for two six-month periods, in 2009 and 2011. “As long as foreigners respect the locals, make a contribution and use the business inside the favela, they will be welcomed,” he said. “People reacted to me as if I had lived there all my life” GLOSSARY: slum = favela guesthouses = pousadas a) Foreigners are welcome as long as they contribute to the business in Vidigal. b) Graeme Boyd was popular between Brazilian artists in 2009 and 2011. c) Tourists cannot find Japanese food and places to rest. d) Local residents prefer to disrespect foreigners. 160) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the alternative that best explains the words in the picture. a) Peace will be reached before the search for love or power is fully completed by all. b) The love of power is capable of bringing peace into many people’s lives. c) We’ll have peace when the love of power is weaker than the power of love. d) Peace does not have the power to increase love among men. 161) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative according to the text Sometimes you don’t have to read an article completely to get the necessary information. Often you can move your eyes quickly over the reading to find facts, names, dates, titles. For example, if you are looking for a date, you should move your eyes down the page looking for numbers. If you 32are looking for a person’s names, you should find capital letters. Punctuation is also a clue for finding specific information. Quotation marks (“), commas (,), parentheses ( ), and dashes (--) all separate special information. a) You always need to read the entire article when you are looking for information. b) Occasionally you can get necessary information by skimming an article. c) It’s not possible to find a person’s name if you read all the words. d) Capital letters are not used to find specific information. 162) (EEAr 1. 2018) The word “bored”, used twice in the cartoon, is NOT closest in meaning to __________. a) refreshed b) impatient c) sleepy d) tired Texto para as questões 163 - 165 Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) was born in Brazil and educated in Paris. He made his first balloon ascent in 1898 and, soon after that, began constructing dirigible airships. In 1901 he won a Paris air race and international fame. (After the race, he asked Louis Cartier for a timepiece that would keep his hands free - the first wristwatch.) Turning to heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont built his 14-Bis in 1906, three years after the Wright brothers’ initial flight. His flight was the first in Europe, and his plane was the first anywhere to lift off the ground under its own power. In 1909 Santos Dumont designed the Demoiselle monoplane, the first modern light plane. In 1901 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and retired from flying. He returned to Brazil in 1916. Ill and despondent over the use of aircraft in warfare, he committed suicide in 1932. (Adapted From “Leaders of the Century”) 163) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, Santos Dumont _____________ a) developed hot air balloons, dirigible airships and heavier-thanair machines. b) drew the Demoiselle cargo airplane, the most modern plane. c) died of multiple sclerosis before returning to Brazil. d) was the only man interested in flying, at the time. 164) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the statement about Santos Dumont that is NOT correct, according to the text: a) He made a balloon before making a dirigible airship. b) His plane lifted off the ground under its own power. c) He got sick but he didn’t stop flying. d) He became famous in 1901. 165) (EEAr 1. 2018) The words balloon, plane and dirigible airships, in bold in the text, are different kinds of ______________. a) air races b) aircraft c) flights d) skies 166) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the correct alternative, according to the text. This recipe for chocolate cookies was sent to The New York Times several years ago by Mari Pfeiffer, a reader in California; it’s from the cookbook “Great Cookies,” published in 2003 by the author and teacher Carole Walter. The cookies are filled with deep flavor from the combination of cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate and espresso powder. Decorate them with royal icing. “Other icings would spoil the cookie’s simple yet amazing flavor,” said Ms. Pfeiffer, who often cuts the dough into letters to spell out seasonal messages. (Adapted from www.nytimes.com) a) Mari Pfeiffer has developed the recipe for chocolate cookies and shared with Carole Walter. b) The New York Times published Carole Walter’s book. c) New York Times received the recipe from a reader. d) “Great Cookies” is the name of the recipe. Texto para as questões 167 e 168 Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just one kiss, because I’m from São Paulo. I have friends from Rio and they always kiss twice. Guillermo, from Chile: When it’s the first time I’m meeting someone or in formal situations, I shake hands. With my male friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back but If I’m greeting a female friend, it’s different: I give her a kiss on the cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet each other the same way: kissing and sometimes hugging. Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It’s OK for men to kiss each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each other. But with my male friends I usually just give a hug or a pat on the back. Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends I give them a hug. For casual friends, I just say “Hi”. For men it’s a little different. Where I live they never hug each other, it’s just “Hey, man”. In formal situations I always shake hands, and it’s important to shake hands firmly. When I’m saying good-bye to people I’m not very close to, I also shake hands, be it a man or a woman. Kissing is not usual around here, unless it’s among really close family members. Adapted from www.rachacuca.com.br 167) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, we can conclude that __________. a) in Italy, people only kiss each other to greet b) Molly shakes hands when she says good-bye to close friends c) if someone is from São Paulo, kissing once when greeting is the usual d) where Molly lives, men hug each other and say “Hey man” when they greet 168) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, choose the best alternative. a) Shaking hands when greeting people in formal situations is,more common in various countries. b) People greet each other the same way, in different states in Brazil. c) If a man lives in Chile he greets males and females the same way. d) In many countries it is normal for men to kiss each other. 33169) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to the text. Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the days after a dam burst at an iron ore mine this month in Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, according to tests by a state water agency, the Institute for Water Management in Minas Gerais. The agency found arsenic levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in one place along the river, the Rio Doce, after the dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least 13 people. Mercury slightly above the permitted level was also found in one area. Samarco, the mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP Billiton and Vale, have repeatedly said that the water and mineral waste unleashed by the dam burst were not toxic. On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights agency said “new evidence” showed that the mud dumped by the flood “contained high levels of toxic heavy metals and other chemicals.” a) Levels of arsenic, up to ten times of above the legal limit, were found in one place beside the river. b) UN Human Rights Agency said that the mud dumped actually contained low levels of chemicals. c) Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river before a dam burst in Brazil. d) Besides the high levels of arsenic, mercury was also found. Texto para as questões 170 e 171 Why facebook will never die I first heard about a new website for people my age in 2004 when I was a freshman at Indiana University. I was chatting with some friends on AOL Instant Messenger in my dorm room, at the start of a new semester. “Have you heard of The Facebook?” a couple of them asked. “You should sign up. It’s this new site for college kids.” 170) (EEAr 2. 2018) The main idea of the text refers to a) how college students depend on the internet. b) the importance of chatting during classes. c) the description of a freshman. d) the beginning of a recent site. 171) (EEAr 2. 2018) The sentence in bold type in the text refers to a) actions that happened at a specific time in the past. b) things in general or things that happen repeatedly. c) the relationship between the verb and the noun. d) actions and states that were unfinished. 172) (EEAr 2. 2018) Why Learn with English Podcasts? English language podcasts are an excellent way to learn English quickly. You can listen to them anytime anywhere – at your desk or while you’re on the move. What better way to pass the time during a long commute than by immersing yourself in an entertaining podcast? With a little dedication, English language podcasts will help you quickly improve your listening skills and proficiency. One perk (benefit) is that podcasts often have transcripts (a written version of the audio). This means that you can listen and read at the same time, or look at a transcript if one part of a podcast confuses you. As you know, if you dedicate to your studies, you will succeed in life Adapted https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/esl-english-podcasts/ According to the text, what are advantages of learning English with Podcasts? a) You can find free English podcasts on the internet. b) Your proficiency will be better if you listen to English podcasts. c) English podcasts will help you while you learn this language in a private school. d) It’s not necessary to listen and read at the same time because you can look at a transcript. 173) (EEAr 2. 2018) United States Coast Guard cadets graduate from the Academy. Two hundred newly graduated United States Coast Guard Academy students, classified as officers, toss their cadet covers into the air during their graduation ceremony in New London, Conn. on May 23, 2018. Wednesday’s commencement ceremony was the 137th at the academy. Adapted www.nydailynews.com/news Based on the text, choose the best alternative. a) The majority of cadets were classified by rank at the United States Coast Guard Academy. b) The graduation ceremony was covered at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New York. c) Coast Guard cadets were evaluated at the United States Coast Guard Academy on May 23, 2018. d) Coast Guard cadets completed their course at the United States Coast Guard Academy on May 23, 2018. Texto para as questões 172 e 173 174) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “take-down” in the text means a) a movement in which a wrestler gets the opponent down to the floor. b) an arrest or unexpected visit by the police. c) to write down some information. d) to take note during a meeting. 175) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the sentence and choose the best response. The word “remarkable” in the text can be replaced by _________. a) exceptional b) savoury c) steady d) sharp 176) (EEAr 2. 2018) The Science Behind Hawaii’s Surprising 2018 Volcanic Eruption Kilauea volcano is spewing lava and belching hazardous gases on Hawaii’s Big Island, forcing more than 1,700 people to evacuate their homes. Eruptions aren’t anything new on Kilauea. In particular, the Pu'u 'Ō'ō vent, where lava is visible, has erupted almost continuously since January 1983. But the latest eruption took volcanologists by surprise when it invaded Leilani Estates, a residential area near Kilauea. Small earthquakes had shaken the region all that week, but residents were taken aback by 5.0- and 6.9- magnitude earthquakes on May 3 and 4, respectively, which preceded lava eruptions. Now, newly opened fissures are bubbling with lava almost daily, and Hawaii County Civil Defense has warned sightseers to stay away for safety’s sake. https://www.livescience.com/62563-hawaii-volcano-eruption-2018.html 34Choose the best alternative according to the text. a) Although eruptions were happening, people didn’t have to leave their homes. b) No newly opened fissures have been found around Kilauea volcano. c) Volcanologists were expecting the invasion in Leilani States. d) Earthquakes occurred before eruptions. Texto para as questões 177 e 178 Tourists in Maya Bay Maya Bay in Thailand made headlines in 1999 when Hollywood arrived there to film ‘The Beach’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Since then, tourists have flooded this beach with as many as 4,000 visitors arriving on boats every day.The mass tourism exhausted the once-pristine beach and ruined the natural life. That is why people closed the beach to tourists for four months. When it reopens by the end of September, they will impose a limit of 2,000 visitors per day.A marine scientist said that he and the other scientists made a mistake thinking that the money from the movie was very important, but now they see that the beach is a natural resource that they have to preserve. Zelda Tinska, an actress from the film, said that she honestly thinks that the West is a society which is obsessed with fame and celebrity. People do not visit the beach because they want to see the actual location but because there was a film shot there – and Thailand is an amazing country and there are many other beaches as beautiful as Maya Bay. 177) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the text and choose the best alternative. a) The visitors enjoyed the beach exclusively for its natural attractions. b) The money raised was important for the preservation of the beach. c) There are many attractive places like Maya Bay in Thailand. d) The beach has received 4,000 visitors per month. 178) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “pristine” in bold type in the text means a) polluted b) crowded c) clean d) large Texto para as questões 179 e 180 179) (EEAr 2. 2018) According to the cartoon, a) Monica’s trick,was a success. b) Monica was very worried about her friends. c) If she doesn’t change her show, the audience will leave. d) Her rabbit fascinated the entire audience when Monica finished the show. 180) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word trick in the cartoon, refers to a) something that helps somebody. b) a silly method of doing something. c) a habit of using a particular facial expression. d) a set of actions that make things appear or disappear. Texto para as questões 181 e 182 Selecting the Olympic Sports There are 28 sports permitted in the Summer Olympic Games. The list of Olympic Sports has many of the world’s best-loved sports on it, such as baseball, judo, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. This list of sports hadn’t changed in 70 years, and the process for changing these sports is long and difficult. That is why it was surprising news when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was studying new sports for the list. At a meeting in Singapore in 2005, the IOC voted on each of the 28 sports from the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Twenty-six of the 28 sports were selected for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, which took place in London, England. The two sports that did not receive 50 percent of the votes were baseball and softball. Because these two sports were not selected, the IOC started the process of voting for two new sports. The five sports to select from were roller skating, golf, rugby, squash, and karate. After the first vote, karate and squash were submitted to the IOC for the final vote. To become an Olympic sport, a sport must receive twothirds of the votes of the IOC. When the final vote took place, squash received 39 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. Karate received 38 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. It meant that neither squash nor karate would feature in the 2012 Olympic Games. And sad fans didn’t believe that their sports could be selected for the 2016 Olympic Games. Adapted from Anderson, Neil J. - Active Skills for Reading - second Edition 181) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the alternative that IS NOT correct, according to the text. a) Baseball and softball didn’t receive more than half of the IOC votes in Singapore. b) Baseball and softball were selected in 2005 for the London Olympics. c) Squash and Karate were not selected for the 2012 Olympics Games. d) Baseball and softball were part of the Athens Olympics. 182) (EEAr 1. 2019) “Sad” (line 23), underlined in the text, is the same as a) thrilled. b) gloomy. c) cheerful. d) delighted. 183) (EEAr 1. 2019) According to the text the flights Across the Atlantic! On Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets crossed the Atlantic ocean in three hours and fifty minutes. The planes took off and landed at the same time. a) were less than four hours. b) were on a weekend. c) took off at 3:50. d) landed at 3:50. 184) (EEAr 1. 2019) The sentence “There’s hardly anything in the refrigerator”. means that: 35a) There’s very little food inside the refrigerator. b) John has no idea how much food there is. c) There’s a lot of food in the refrigerator. d) There’s nothing inside the refrigerator. 185) (EEAr 1. 2019) According to the text, the public school system was in need of changes due to _______________. Back to School For generations in the United States, a nineteenth century invention known as the public school system was seen as the best way to give students the knowledge and skills to become nice citizens. Around the 1960s, experts began questioning the system, citing the need for new types of schools to meet the changing demands of the twentieth century. These reformers eventually won for parents a much broader range of educational choices – including religious, alternative, and charter schools and home schooling – but they also sparked a debate on teaching and learning that still divides experts to this day. Nunan, David - Listen in book 2, second edition a) parents requirement b) the invention of the nineteenth century c) the demands of the nineteenth century d) experts concern about the twentieth century 186) (EEAr 1. 2019) Write (T) True or (F) False, according to the text. Then choose the correct alternative. ( ) The quality of TV programs in different countries determines the amount of time people devote to TV watching. ( ) Some commentators believe people watch so much TV simply because they enjoy it. ( ) People spend too much time watching TV a) F – T – F b) F – T – T c) T – F – T d) F – T – F Texto para as questões 187 e 188 187) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the best alternative to explain the comic strip: a) Garfield is terrible at doing things. b) Garfield did nothing bad and is angry at his owner. c) John promised Garfield to keep a secret but couldn’t do it. d) Garfield did something very bad but doesn’t know what it is. 188) (EEAr 1. 2019) The word “specific”, in the text, is NOT closest in meaning to _______: a) Exact b) precise c) detailed d) unclear 189) (EEAr 1. 2019) The cost of a cigarette A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-hour flight from American Airlines resulted in her being arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in the toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She was because she turned violent when the plane landed in England, where the police subsequently arrested and handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday became the first person to be prosecuted under new laws for smoking on board a plane, when she was fined £440 at Uxbridge magistrates’ court. Adapted from Innovations , by Hugh Dellar and Darryl Hocking According to the text, Joan Norrish: a) had always been a violent person. b) was arrested inside the airplane, where the police handcuffed her. c) was arrested because she turned the lights inside the airplane’s toilet. d) had to pay an amount of money due to the new laws for smoking inside an airplane. 190) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the text. a) Frankenstein is an excellent skateboarder. b) Frankenstein is prohibited from skateboarding. c) Frankenstein knows how to skateboard very well. d) Frankenstein hasn’t suffered any accident recently. 191) (EEAr 2. 2019) According to the text, Sibling rivalry is a competition Sibling rivalry is a competition between brothers and sisters. Which brother is smarter? Who gets good grades than the other? Sibling rivalry is not unusual in families. It is more unusual on the tennis court. The Williams sisters, Venus and Serena, are star tennis players. They often compete. Is it the easiest or the most difficult part of playing against your own sister? The sisters say the game is important – not the other player. Does their relationship make their game more interesting? Some people think the game is not as exciting when sisters play. I don’t agree. I think their games are more exciting. Venus and Serena are both better as most other players in the world – sisters or not. a) between family members. b) for family and friends. c) only between friends. d) for some tennis players. 192) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the text What happened at Pearl Harbor? On the morning of 7 December 1941, at 7.55am local time, 183 aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. put 36The first attack wave began bombing the hangars and parked aircraft of the island’s airfields while at the same time launching torpedoes against the US warships moored in the harbour. This devastating attack was followed an hour and a half later by a second wave of 170 Japanese aircraft. Within two hours, 18 US warships had,been sunk or damaged, 188 aircraft destroyed and 2,403 American servicemen and women killed. Adapted from https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-happened-at-pearl-harbor. a) Only men were killed in Pearl Harbor. b) The USA attacked the Imperial Japanese Navy. c) Pearl Harbor was bombed by 358 Japanese aircraft. d) The American Naval base in Pearl Harbor suffered two attacks in about 2 hours. 193) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the text. Gregory “Greg” Heffley is an American middle school student and also the main protagonist of the book series Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Greg is lazy, petty, slightly narcissistic, sociopathic, egotistical, eccentric, egocentric, usually backstabbing, and sometimes even selfish and dishonest, and apparently lacks talent. He hardly has any skills aside from video games and possibly singing. However, despite all this, Greg has had his kind and caring moments, but not that often. Adapted from https://diary-of-a-wimpy-kid.fandom.com/wiki/Greg_Heffley a) Greg is always an adorable kid. b) Greg suffers bullying at school. c) The text talks about Greg’s character. d) Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a true story, based on Gregory Heffley’s life. 194) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the dialogue in the cartoon a) The boy is not interested in taking a shower for the next years. b) The boy is in love. Due to it, he’s going to take a shower. c) The girl doesn't want to take a shower anymore. d) The girl accepts the boy the way he is. Texto para as questões 195 e 196 Paul Thompson is a student and he has a part-time job, too. He lives in London and goes to university there. Paul works at an Italian restaurant called Mamma Mia. He’s a waiter there. He likes his job very much, but he doesn’t like to work on the weekends. When he is free, he likes to go to the movies. He recently watched “Avengers - Infinity War”, a superhero movie that was a huge success. 195) (EEAr 1. 2020) All the words below are synonyms for the word “huge” (line 07), in bold in the text, EXCEPT: a) insignificant b) tremendous c) massive d) great 196) (EEAr 1. 2020) According to the text, how long does Paul work? a) Part-time. b) All day long. c) He doesn’t work. d) Every other week. 197) (EEAr 1. 2020) The verb WONDER, in bold in the text, can be replaced by ______________ without change in meaning. Price Tag Seems like everybody’s got a price I wonder how they sleep at night When the sale comes first And the truth comes second Just stop for a minute and smile Why is everybody so serious Acting so damn mysterious Got shades on your eyes And your heels so high That you can’t even have a good time Everybody look to the left Everybody look to the right Can you feel that yeah We’re paying with love tonight It’s not about the money money money We don’t need your money money Money We just wanna make the world dance Forget about the price tag Ain’t about the uh cha-ching cha-ching Ain’t about the yeah b-bling b-bling Wanna make the world dance Forget about the price tag a) know b) can know c) must know d) want to know 198) (EEAr 1. 2020) According to the text, Garfield: a) Thinks all days are beautiful. b) Prefers the kitchen only when it’s raining. c) Prefers staying outside if it’s a beautiful day. d) Thinks days are beautiful in the kitchen even when it’s raining. 199) (EEAr 1. 2020) Doug Funnie Douglas Yancey, “Doug” Fannie, is the titular character and chief protagonist of the animated series Doug. Douglas is a shy, insecure, and somewhat clumsy 11-year-old boy with a wild imagination and a big heart. He owns a very expressive dog named Porkchop. Doug is a 6th Grade average kid who always tries to do the right thing, despite his frequent failures. He is naive at times, and fears that people will think of him as a loser. According to the text, Doug a) is a shy kid and, due to it, he isn’t so creative. b) fails sometimes because he is not a good boy. c) has a big imagination due to his self-confidence. 37d) is insecure, but he is a good person who tries to act correctly. 200) (EEAr 1. 2020) An e-mail to Mary Hi, Mary! How are you? I miss you so much! I arrived in Rome last week and I’m having a lot of fun. This morning my parents and I woke up at 8:00 and had a great breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, I walked a little and saw many tourists (many from Russia and China) and even some famous people! Now we are going to Venice How are things in Las Vegas? Come meet us! See you soon! Paul. Where did Paul go on his vacation? a) Rome, Italy b) Hong Kong, China c) Miami, The United States of America d) Las Vegas, The United States of America 201) (EEAr 1. 2020) The Lazy Song Bruno Mars Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone ‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything https://www.vagalume.com.br/the lazysong-11/brunomars.html Based on the song extract, the person in the song a) doesn’t want to do anything today. b) wants to do lots of things today. c) is sick and can’t do anything. d) has many things to do. 202) (EEAr 1. 2020) Rude Magic Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes ‘Cause I need to know You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die Tough luck my friend but the answer is no! Why you gotta be so rude? Don’t you know I’m human too Why you gotta be so rude I’m gonna marry her anyway (Marry that girl) Marry her anyway (Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say (Marry that girl) And we’ll be a Family Based on the text, we can infer that the couple a) is going to wait for the girl’s father to die to get married in peace. b) doesn’t want to get married without the blessing of the girl’s father. c) doesn’t care about the opinion of the girl’s father and is going to get married. d) is going to break up because the girl’s father doesn’t accept the marriage. 203) (EEAr 1. 2020) All of me John Legend ‘Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I’ll give my all to you You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I’m winning ‘Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you A synonym for the word “edges” (line 03) is: a) Hair b) bones c) center d) margin 204) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the chart, we can affirm that ____________. a) it only has a negative effect b) more than 1000 teens were interviewed c) all the teens were between 13 and 17 years old d) the survey was conducted in July and August 2020 205) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that a man Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran When my hair’s all but gone and my memory fades And the crowds don’t remember my name When my hands don’t play the strings the same way, mm I know you will still love me the same ‘Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it’s evergreen Baby your smile’s forever in my mind and memory I’m thinking ‘bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways Maybe it’s all part of a plan I’ll just keep on making the same mistakes Hoping that you’ll understand a) doesn’t like to be in the middle of a crowd. b) is talking about the time he’ll get old. c) will give up playing the guitar. d) wants to change his hairstyle. 206) (EEAr 2. 2020) Which expression is usually used to tell stories in English? a) There was a house with a man 38b) Then the cat ate my breakfast c) That sounds familiar d) Once upon a time 207) (EEAr 2. 2020) According,to the text, Sandra is Being famous Sandra is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a famous actress. She’s also very rich. Her house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive. Her fans love her. But is she happy? Sandra says, “Yeah, I’m young, rich, beautiful, and famous. People think rich people are happy. That’s not always true!” Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He says, “Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining people. But she’s not happy. She doesn’t like being famous.” “It’s true,” Sandra says. “I’m never alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there. They’re outside my house all the time! That’s so annoying!” Adapted from: https://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2008/10/texto-de-ingls-alunos-de-nvel-bsico.html a) very happy because she is never by herself. b) very happy because she has a lot of money. c) unhappy with her career because it is annoying. d) unhappy because wherever she goes, the reporters are there. 208) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that I had a really terrible weekend. My boyfriend took me out to this really expensive restaurant. In the middle of our dinner, he gave me a very beautiful ring and he asked me to marry him. I was really surprised. I said no. I like him, but I knew I didn’t want to marry him. He was quite angry and sad. It was awful. a) the girl didn’t like the food at the restaurant because it was too expensive. b) the girl is very happy because she is going to get marriage. c) the girl doesn’t like her boyfriend enough to marry him. d) the couple will marry soon. 209) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that It was my birthday. My boyfriend Daniel came to my house to take me out for dinner. I opened the door, and he had a big bunch of flowers and a very nice car. He rented the car just to take me out. I was really surprised. https://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2016/02/textos-para-treinar-ingles.html a) the couple had dinner at home. b) Daniel gave his girlfriend a car. c) the couple probably went to a restaurant. d) the couple celebrated their wedding anniversary. 210) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the text, we can affirm that __________. The Importance of the English Language Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and children are starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. Do you know why learning English is so important? Here are five good reasons to take an English Language Course. 1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English! 2. Studying English can help you get a job. 3. English is the language of the Internet. 4. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English. 5. English gives you access to multiple cultures. Adapted from https://www.british-study.com/en/importance-of-english-language/ a) English is not the most commonly spoken language anymore b) many schools have English at their school syllabus c) people who don’t speak English should not travel d) people are studying English at an older age 211) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the text, choose the right alternative Baby Turtles Thousands of baby turtles have hatched on a beach in eastern India. The name of this kind of turtle is Olive Ridley turtle. It is named after the color of its shell, which is olive-green. It is the smallest sea turtle, and it lives in the tropical oceans In March, hundreds of turtles settled in the beach and they laid eggs in the sand. One and a half months later, the small baby turtles started to come out from the sand. They knew where the sea was, and they started to move towards it. This was a dangerous journey, and not all turtles completed it. https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/baby-turtles-level-2/ a) It is safe for baby turtles to go from the sand to the beach. b) The Olive Ridley turtle is one of the biggest turtles. c) The name of the turtle comes from its color. d) Most of the turtles don’t reach the sea. Texto para as questões 212 e 213 A woman in Australia discovered her headaches were caused by tapeworm larvae in her brain Alaa Elassar A 25-year-old woman in Australia discovered she had tapeworm larvae in her brain after suffering from a headache that lasted for more than a week. The aches were caused by tapeworm larvae that had taken up space in her brain, according to a new study on her case by the The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene published on September 21. The woman, who never traveled overseas, is the first native case of the disease in Australia, the study said. Previous Australian cases of this infection were from immigrants or returning residents who traveled to regions where the disease is endemic to, such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. For the past seven years, the woman complained of headaches that would occur two-or three-times a month and went away with prescribed migraine medication. However, her latest headache lasted for more than a week and came with more severe visual symptoms, including the blurring of her central vision. An MRI of her brain led doctors to believe that a tumor might be the cause of her pain, but after operating and removing the lesion, they discovered it was actually a cyst full 39of tapeworm larvae. After the removal, she required no further treatment. Tapeworms typically take up residence in human’s intestines, an infection known as taeniasis, and some can pass on their own without medication. The parasite is commonly transmitted when people consume undercooked pork - pigs are often intermediary tapeworm hosts - or come in contact with food, water and soil contaminated with tapeworm eggs. The best line of defense against similar infection is cooking meat to safe temperatures, washing your hands with soap before eating and only eating food you can ensure was cooked in sanitary conditions. Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com. 212) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “ensure” underlined in the text is closest in meaning to _______ . a) like b) remove c) guarantee d) misunderstand 213) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can say that___________. a) people are used to consuming undercooked pork in Australia. b) tapeworms larvae usually live in human’s intestines and stomach. c) doctors thought that a tumor might be the cause of the Australian woman’s headaches. d) the young woman has traveled to regions where the disease is endemic, such as Africa and Asia. Texto para as questões 214 e 215 Ancient mummies unearthed in Egypt after more than 2,600 years Charlene Gubash and Adela Suliman More than 2,600 years since they were buried, archaeologists in Egypt said Saturday they had found at least 59 ancient coffins in a vast necropolis south of the country’s capital Cairo, one containing the pristine mummy of an ancient priest. The ornate sarcophagi have remained unopened since they were entombed near the famed Step Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Footage shared by the ministry showed colorful sarcophagi decorated with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Other artifacts and at least 28 statues were found in the two deep wells, the ministry said. A sealed door was also unearthed where it is expected more mummies may lie behind, said Khaled el-Anany the first Minister of Antiquities and Tourism, adding that the artifacts were in an excellent state of preservation and would be displayed in the Grand Egyptian museum next year. Mostafa Waziri, the general director of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities,,told NBC News that the find reminded him of the tomb of King Tutankhamun, because both had been discovered almost intact. The Saqqara plateau is part of the necropolis of Egypt’s ancient city of Memphis. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1970s, it includes the famed Giza Pyramids. It is also home to tombs created across thousands of years between the 1st Dynasty (2920 B.C.-2770 B.C.) and the Coptic period (395-642). Hundreds of mummified animals, birds and crocodiles, as well as two mummified lion cubs were found in the region last year. Last week, the ministry displayed a bronze statue of the god “Nefertam” one of the artifacts discovered with the ancient wooden coffins. “Saqqara antiquities area is still revealing its secrets,” the ministry said. Adapted from https://www.nbcnews.com 214) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “sealed”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to __________ . a) closed b) opened c) released d) very famous 215) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can say that _________________. a) less than 59 ancient coffins had been found. b) last year thousands of mummified animals were found in that region. c) the first Minister of Antiquities and Tourism was unconfortable because of the recent find. d) the artifacts were in an excellent state of preservation as the tomb of King Tutankhamun when it was found. 216) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the alternative that explains the reason Garfield laughed at Jon’s concern a) Garfield thinks Jon is more than enough for Liz. b) Garfield is certain Jon is not enough for Liz. c) Garfield believes Liz is not enough for Jon. d) Garfield advises Jon not to think about it. 217) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that Louis Zamperini MOVIE INFO As a boy, Louis “Louie” Zamperini is always in trouble, but with the help of his older brother, he turns his life around and channels his energy into running, later qualifying for the 1936 Olympics. When World War II breaks out, Louie enlists in the military. After his plane crashes in the Pacific, he survives incredible 47 days adrift in a raft, until his capture by the Japanese navy. Sent to a POW (Prisoner-of-war) camp, Louie becomes the favorite target of a particularly cruel prison commander. 40Adapted from https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/unbroken_2014 a) became a runner after being captured by the Japanese navy. b) ran in the Olympics before enlisting in the military. c) didn’t survive when his plane crashed in the Pacific. d) died in a prisoner-of-war camp. 218) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can infer that Spotify reveals streams of mental health playlists have doubled in 2020 Isobel Lewis People are listening to mental health playlists in 2020 more than ever, Spotify has revealed. With the pandemic forcing people to spend time indoors and a seemingly never-ending bad news cycle, listeners are turning to content intended to calm them and allow them to practice mindfulness. According to data gathered by Spotify to mark World Mental Health Day on Saturday (10 October), the music platform has seen a 50 percent jump in global listens for playlists relating to mental health this year. Content related to the terms ‘mindfulness’, ‘calm’, and ‘self-care’ has also been streamed 57 per cent more in 2020 than in 2019. Spotify has its own mental health initiative called Heart & Soul, which aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues in the workplace Adapted from https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/spotify-mental-health-playlist-calm-mindfulness-podcast-world-day-b908109.html a) the pandemic is making people to spend more time indoors. b) in the previous years, people listened to mental health playlists more. c) spotify believes people will stop listening to these playlists once the pandemic is over. d) the bad news cycle in the pandemic is ending. 219) (EEAr 1. 2021) The sentence underlined in the song expresses the idea of: Just the way you are Bruno Mars Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they’re not shinin’ Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She’s so beautiful and I tell her everyday Yeah, I know, I know When I compliment her she won’t believe me And it’s so, it’s so Sad to think that she don’t see what I see But every time she asks me, “Do I look okay?” I say When I see your face There’s not a thing that I would change ‘Cause you’re amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while ‘Cause girl you’re amazing Just the way you are Yeah Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?q=just+the+way+you+are a) habit b) condition c) prediction d) possibility 220) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that Fires and Hurricanes In the US, fires burn in the west. Also, hurricanes hit the east. However, extreme weather is more and more usual in all of the world. Scientists think that human activity brings more extreme weather. The planet is getting warmer. A study finds that people are responsible for 97% of fires in the US. Warmer temperatures mean more fires. The fires start very easily. They are bigger. It is harder to stop them. Warmer temperatures also make more hurricanes. The hurricanes are stronger. It is more common that they get the land. They break up houses. They kill people, too. Scientists expect more hurricanes this year. The hurricane season ends on November 30th https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/fires-and-hurricanes-level-1/ a) human beings cannot be held responsible for the fires. b) colder temperatures make more hurricanes. c) more hurricanes are expected this year. d) the hurricane season lasts all year long. 221) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the alternative which is not an example of how to live your life to the fullest. Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest How do you feel about your life today? Are you living every day in excitement? Do you love what you’re doing? Are you excited every single moment? Are you looking forward to what’s coming up next? Are you living your best life? If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe, or not sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest. Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life experience is yours to create. Why settle for anything less than what you can get? You deserve nothing but the best. Here are some ways to live your life to the fullest: Live every day on a fresh new start. Be true to who you are. Quit complaining. Be proactive. Rather than think “what if”, think “next time”. Create your own opportunities. Live consciously each day. Be committed to your growth. Know your inner self. Discover your life purpose. Stop putting life on hold. Set your goals. Be positive. Build genuine, authentic connections. Do a kind deed a day Maximize your mind, body, heart and soul. Be your best self. Last but not least: LOVE LIFE. Adapted from https://personalexcellence.co/blog/101-ways-to-live-your-life-to-the-fullest/ 41a) Find something good in every challenge you face. b) Study a new language and start a new hobby. c) Feel down, depressed and lonely. d) Get to know yourself better. 222) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text we can affirm that This extra long word (that approximately means “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer — yes longer — than this one. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead and try pronouncing that! https://www.grammarly.com/blog/10-interesting-english-,facts-guest/ a) Mary Poppins had a lung disease. b) long words are easy to pronounce. c) the longest word in English means fantastic. d) the longest word in English is a type of lung disease. 223) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that The Power of Hashtags in Social Media By TOMAS McKENNIE Although hashtags were first used on Twitter back in 2007, they soon became a social media phenomenon, being integrated into most platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc. So what exactly are hashtags, and how can your business benefit from them? Well, let’s go ahead and take a look. What are Hashtags? Put simply, hashtags are the “#” symbols followed by a string of words. As you’ve probably seen, hashtags are placed in almost every social media post out there. But why? Hashtags act as a label for the content users post on social media. Their job is to place these posts under a certain category, making it easier to find content that shares the same topic. And with how cluttered most of our feeds are, hashtags definitely come in handy. However, are hashtags important for anything besides making your posts easier to find? Well, any digital branding company will tell that the answer to that question is yes. The Importance of Hashtags 1. Hashtags grab attention 2. Hashtags increase visibility 3. Hashtags give you insights into your competition 4. Hashtags give you insights into your audience 5. Hashtags increase engagement All in all, hashtags shouldn’t be treated as an afterthought. They are as important to social media as keywords are to Search Engine Optimization. If you use them properly, hashtags can increase visibility and help you reach a wider audience. With that said, to make the most out of your hashtags, you’ll first need to research both your audience and your competitors extensively. That will allow you to find out what your audience is most interested in and understand how your competitors are engaging with the said audience. Adapted from https://www.cofmag.com/2021/04/the-power-of-hashtags-in-social-media/ a) hashtags help people find things related to the same topic. b) engagement decreases the use of hashtags. c) there is no need to know your audience. d) hashtags have no effect in social media. 224) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the email, we can affirm that Email Neil J. Anderson Dear Soo Hyun, Just a quick email to let you know that I’m not arriving in Korea until June 30. :( The travel agent here in the U.S. booked my ticket for that date instead of the 26th. Can you come to meet me at the airport on the 30th? PLEASE, EMAIL ME and let me know. I’m *really* looking forward to meeting you again. See you soon :) Amy BTW – my brother says ‘Hi!’ Active Skills for Reading - Book 3 a) Amy is traveling on the 26th. b) Amy can’t wait to meet her friend in Korea. c) Soo Hyun is meeting Amy at the airport on the 30th. d) the travel agent booked the ticket for the correct day. 225) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the comic strip, we can infer that ____________. a) he has three checkups every year b) Garfield’s teeth are sharp c) he will need treatment d) his checkup failed 226) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the first paragraph, we can infer that Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of heat deaths’ More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating, research has found. Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise, more intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately affect elderly people and those with underlying chronic conditions such as asthma, making them more vulnerable to disease and premature death. A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to 42calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal temperature for human health, which varies across locations. The researchers examined past weather conditions simulated under scenarios with and without emissions triggered by human activity – allowing them to separate the warming and related health impact linked with human activity from natural trends. Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the locations studied were attributable to human activity – but the largest climate change-induced contributions (more than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran and Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand) and Central and South America. Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/31/human-induced-global-heating-causes-over-third-heat-deaths a) the world’s population is responsible for more than a third of heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018. b) 50% of heat-related deaths are due to human-induced global heating. c) the research is the main cause of human-induced global heating. d) global heating has no connection with human practices. 227) (EEAr 2. 2021) We have different ways to use the word “tip”. Choose the alternative in which “tip” has the same meaning as “Tips to stay active at home during #COVID19 outbreak.” a) How much is the tip? b) There’s paint on the tip of your nose. c) We don’t need to leave a tip for the waiter. d) She gave me a valuable tip for growing tomatoes. 228) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.” Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic one. Epic Games has had to disable them a number of times due to problems that have arisen, and that’s the case once again. Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be disabling Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when this issue is resolved.” There’s no time table shared for when they might be added back in, but at this point players have become accustomed to seeing shopping carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle--yanked from the roster of active items. It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like the guided missile--have been removed to provide the studio with time to work on balancing them. But shopping carts have been temporarily pulled several times now in a relatively small window of time. Among other things, they’ve been utilized to glitch into areas of the map that players should not be able to access, which is extremely problematic in a competitive game. With Fortnite’s massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no surprise Epic is fast to pull anything that might upset its competitive balance (and thereby impact its growing success). Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free-to-play mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently rolled out new content. Some of that comes in the form of new weapons, as with the recently added Stink Bomb, while others serve different purposes, as with the shopping carts and Hop Rocks. During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on Switch, joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and iPhone versions. Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Android, although a release date for that version has not yet been announced. Adapted from: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/fortnite-shopping-carts-still-causing-problems-dis/1100-6459926 a) Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode was released to Android consoles. b) Epic Games usually disables items in Fortnite. c) Epic Games never disables items in Fortnite. d) Fortnite’s popularity has,decreased. 229) (EEAr 2. 2021) The boy in the comic strip is disappointed because a) he wants to play with his friend Anne Frank. b) his father is reading the news to him. c) he can go outside to play. d) he mustn’t go out. 230) (EEAr 2. 2021) The text says English has an “ever-growing” vocabulary. Choose the sentence from the text that confirms it. English is flexible and easy to learn One of the best assets of the English language and why it is so awesome is its flexibility. It is a huge entity of vocabulary and is constantly absorbing new words, whilst at the same time seeping into foreign languages. English contains over 750,000 words. With so many different words available to describe things, you should never be short of synonyms. It is also adding hundreds of new words every year such as ‘blogging’, ‘selfie’ etc... Another reason why English is so amazing is that there are even new ‘languages’ created from English, such as 43the numerous creole languages across the world which developed as a result of colonisation. English has a simple 26 letter alphabet much like most European languages. Compared to Latin rooted languages, English doesn’t have complicated gender grammar rules and much simpler ways of conjugating verbs into different tenses. So writing essays and other academic material in English can sometimes be easier compared to other languages. With a simple structure but evergrowing vocabulary, English has been described as easy to learn but hard to master. Adapted from https://www.europelanguagejobs.com/blog/english-awesome-language. a) “English contains over 750,000 words.” b) “whilst at the same time seeping into foreign languages.” c) “English has been described as easy to learn but hard to master.” d) “It is also adding hundreds of new words every year such as ‘blogging’, ‘selfie’ etc… 231) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements. ( ) The pilot is fed up with the passengers’ questions. ( ) The pilot is concerned about the in-flight movie and meal. ( ) The passenger is concerned about the in-flight movie and meal. ( ) The pilot and the passenger are engaged in a conversation about flying a jet safely. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order. a) T – F – F – T b) F – T – T – F c) T – F – T – F d) F – F – T – T 232) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text: Rio de Janeiro In a quick and decisive military sweep, Brazilian security forces seized control of this city’s most notorious slum on Sunday, claiming victory in a weeklong battle against drug gangs that has claimed dozens of lives. Drug gangs have stained the reputation of this seaside city and contributed heavily to giving it one of the highest murder rates in the world. For the past two years, the government has carried out an ambitious campaign to pacify the most violent slums and regain control of the city in advance of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games. The police have since wrested more than three dozen communities from criminal gangs, installing special community police forces there. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/americas/29brazil.html?_r=0 a) military forces swept all the slums in Rio de Janeiro. b) Rio de Janeiro had its reputation regained after many murders. c) the government wants to pacify violent slums in Rio before 2016 Olympic Games. d) the police has protected more than three dozen criminal gangs by installing police forces in the slums. 233) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) The doctor’s joke is funny only if the reader knows that a) men cannot have a hernia. b) Hagar knows everything about English grammar. c) there is a different name for the same disease in men and women. d) there’s not a disease called hisnia and it was a trick with the possessive adjectives her (female) and his (male). Texto para as questões 234 e 235 Why do planes crash? Navigational errors are among the most common causes of plane crashes. Planes are flown into a mountain or the sea out of a variety of reasons. Sometimes weather conditions are bad, in other cases pilots have made bad judgements. In 1996 a Peruvian airliner crashed into the sea after the computer stopped working. The crew had almost no data left to work with and didn't know at which height they were flying when they hit the water. In 1977 almost 600 people got killed when two planes were heading at full speed towards each other and collided in heavy fog on the runway in Tenerife. The crash happened after planes had been guided to Tenerife because Gran Canary airport was closed. In June 2009 an Air France airbus disappeared off the coast of Brazil. Although the wreckage was found after a few days it took investigators almost three years to find out what had really happened to the plane. Pilots are criticising the way planes are built. In the past decades the structure of planes has changed. More computers and automated systems are taking over, the pilot often has no alternatives left. (Adapted from http://www.english.online.at/news-articles/technology) 234) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements. ( ) In 1977 two planes collided in Tenerife. ( ) In 1977 almost 600 people were killed due to heavy fog on the runway. ( ) In 1977 two planes collided when they were heading for Gran Canary airport. ( ) In 1977 two planes were guided to Gran Canary airport because Tenerife was closed. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the order. a) T – T – F – F b) T – F – F – T c) F – T – F – F d) F – F – T – T 44235) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) “Wreckage” in bold type, (line 15) means a) the parts of a plane that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident. b) a piece of equipment on plane that records what happens on a flight. c) the main part of a plane, in which people sit or goods are carried. d) the large flat part that sticks out from the side of a plane and helps to keep the plane in the air. 236) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the article, all the sentences are correct, except: The U2 was one of the most famous military planes of the Cold War. It was designed to fly high over a foreign country, take pictures and gather information. The U2 was built in Area 51, a secret place in Nevada, known for UFO sightings. The US Air Force built the area to create such a secret plane and test new weapons. The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over 20 km above the earth's surface. With its special cameras it could take detailed photos and close-ups of objects on the ground. Today, the US Air Force still operates a modified version of the U2, however it is not used as a spy plane any more. Current planes have a larger fuselage and need less fuel than their predecessors of the Cold War. They are also equipped with more sophisticated instruments. Some of them fly over Afghanistan and support American soldiers on the ground. They also saw action during the Gulf War and the conflict in the Balkans. U2s are also used for research. NASA uses the former spy planes for tests in the atmosphere. (adapted from http://www.english-online.at/news-articles/history/u2-spy) a) Nowadays a new version of the U2 is operated as a spy plane. b) The US Air Force built a secret area to work on the U2. c) During the Cold War, the U2 was used as a spy plane. d) The U2 could identify objects on the ground. 237) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the cartoon, we can affirm that: a) Hagar speaks French. b) Hagar’s friend speaks some French. c) Hagar is afraid of the other soldiers. d) Hagar and his friend don’t want to hurt the soldiers.,238) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text, butterflies: Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols of many things - not only transformation and purity, but also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them to see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes Mary Colwell. Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news a) don’t symbolize purity. b) are also symbols of death and sin. c) have been studied by scientists throughout history. d) cannot tell anything about the changes in the planet. Texto para as questões 239 - 242 Why I stopped mispronouncing my Igbo name In Nigeria, the language spoken by one of the largest ethnic groups, the Igbo, is in danger of dying out – which is odd because the population is growing. In the past this didn’t worry Nkem Ifejika, who is himself Igbo but never learned the language When he is in Nigeria, he says his parents are Igbo. He might throw in that he partly grew up in the United Kingdom. In Britain, He says he’s Nigerian, though he often adds explainers about having been educated at British schools and lived outside Nigeria since he was 12 years old. Nkem Ifejika can speak English, French among others. However, he can’t speak the language of his ancestors. Igbo is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and tones either change their meaning, or worse, become unintelligible. In Igboland, as it’s informally known, names have meaning and history. Nkemakonam means “may I not lack what is mine”, while Ifejika means “what I have is greater”. By mispronouncing his names, he was throwing away generation of history, and disregarding his parents’ careful choice. His indefatigable and proudly wife, who is also Igbo, helped him out when they met. Now he knows how to pronounce his name properly, with the correct tones and with pride. Fonte: BBC NewsWorld Service 239) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘Igbo is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and tones either change their meaning, or worse, become unintelligible.’, (lines 12-15), it means that mispronouncing the words in Igbo can a) have little change on their meaning as well as their understanding. b) affect not only their meaning but also the understanding of them. c) change their meaning but hardly ever their intelligibility. d) make the understanding easy. 240) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the article, Nkem Ifejika ___________, except: a) has been able to speak his ancestors’ tongue since he was a child. b) didn’t use to pronounce his name properly. c) was taught in the United Kingdom. d) was partly brought up in Nigeria. 241) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) All underlined words in the article have a negative prefix, except: a) disregarding b) indefatigable c) unintelligible d) mispronouncing 242) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘(...) the Igbo is in danger of dying out (...)’, (line 2), it means that the language is in danger of ______________. a) being minority b) being less spoken c) becoming unclear d) going into extinction 45Texto para as questões 243 - 245 The Bottom Line on Facebook Depression Facebook, the most popular social media platform, does not make people more depressed on its own. Instead, what the research shows is that Facebook – when used as a surveillance device – leads to a greater risk of feelings of envy. And the more those feelings of envy increase, the more likely it is for a person to start feeling depressed The key to stopping these feelings is to not use Facebook primarily as a surveillance method to spy on your family and friends’ lives. Instead, use it as a social network where you share your own information, photos and updates, as well as consume other’s updates and shares. Healthy use of Facebook will protect you against the possibility of feeling more depressed after using it. It’s a simple thing you can try for yourself – especially if you feel more envious after checking Facebook. Fonte: Psych Central – World of Psychology 243) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Reading the last paragraph can lead to the conclusion that a) Facebook is highly addictive. b) a healthy relationship with Facebook means no use of it at all. c) heavy Facebook users should get rid of social media in order to have a feeling of well-being. d) Facebook, when it is not used in a healthy way, can affect the state of people’s mental health, making them feel very unhappy. 244) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Reading the text leads to the conclusion that Facebook a) may lessen depressive feelings. b) alone doesn’t cause people to be more depressed. c) is a social tool that can help loneliness if it is used in a healthy way. d) can lead to unconscious envy that will result in depression feelings 245) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘(...) when used as a surveillance device (...)’, (lines 3 and 4), it means that Facebook is used for a) updating the news. b) keeping track of others. c) exchanging the information between more people. d) surveying people in order to find out their attitudes or opinions. 246) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames. Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides. Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their lives, but they didn’t know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…) Fonte: The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. GLOSSARY chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora trembling floors – o tremor dos andares to scramble – lutar The text is about a) a terrorist attack. b) a bomb explosion. c) a terrific day of horror. d) an implosion of some buildings. 247) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The Crab and His Mother Mamma Crab was talking to Baby Crab when she noticed that he was walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow your example.’ Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child. Fonte: Aesop’s Fables The moral of the fable is a) ‘practice is our best friend’. b) ‘example is the best teacher’. c) ‘the only way to retain love is to give it away’. d) ‘never give up persuading someone to copy you’. Texto para as questões 248 e 249 Greenpeace has campaigned against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska. Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act appropriately in order to protect our environment and our future. 248) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The sentence ‘It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals.’ means that Greenpeace ________, except: a) sole responsibility is to expose criminals. b) exposes environmental criminals, among other things. c) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, too. d) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, as,well. 249) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the text, Greenpeace a) is concerned about a range of environmental issues. b) campaigns actively for the deforestation of the forests. c) presents a threat to planet’s biodiversity and environment. d) blames politicians and business companies for environmental degradation. Texto para as questões 250 e 2251 A lack of sleep affects your mood When a person cannot sleep or sleeps only a few hours a night, a lot of damage is done. A person gets bad-tempered, loses their drive, feels angry and tired, and also gets bags under their eyes. Poor sleep can also make a person emotionally unstable and even affect their immune system. A good tip to improve the quality of sleep is to avoid heavy meals at night and to avoid drinking beverages with a high caffeine content, such as soft drinks and coffee. Fonte: Maganews 46250) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the extract, a) a bad night’s sleep doesn’t result in skin damage. b) a good night’s sleep makes a person less energetic. c) a bad sleep leads to a change in behaviour. d) sleeping badly is harmless to our health. 251) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) A helpful piece of advice, mentioned in the extract, is: a) Stay away from heavy meals at night. b) Be away from alcoholic drinks. c) Give up drinks with caffeine. d) Skip meals when it is night. Texto para as questões 252 e 253 Airports ‘vunerable’ to attack The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30 June 2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane canisters was driven into the glass doors of the Glasgow International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It was the first terrorist attack to take place in Scotland. Security bollards outside the entrance stopped the car from entering the terminal, although the doors were damaged. Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the changes put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other UK airports. But he said that although some “weak points” in airport had been addressed, others remained Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers outside the main terminal building, which was fitted with bomb-proof glass. Fonte:BBC News GLOSSARY (car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se contra um local propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma área em particular 252) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) – Choose the alternative that reflects the information provided by the article. a) Security hasn’t been improved at Glasgow Airport since the attack happened. b) The security at Glasgow Airport has been neglected by the United Kingdom authorities. c) In spite of the damages at Glasgow Airport, the drop-offs are still allowed outside the terminal building. d) The airports in the United Kingdom aren’t secure enough to prevent the possibility of another terrorist attack. 253) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the article, the main terminal building was a) rebuilt by using glass against bullet. b) supplied with glass proofed against bomb. c) fitted with security locks made by bomb-proof glass. d) fitted out with sophisticated anti-collision equipment. Texto para as questões 254 e 255 The Pilot Fatigue Problem For years, pilot fatigue has been a real issue. Airline pilots, as well as cargo, corporate and charter pilots can all face fatigue while on the job. While pilot fatigue can be common and overlooked, it poses a very troubling threat to aviation safety and should be taken seriously. Pilot fatigue has been a real problem since the beginning of air travel. Charles Lindbergh fought to stay awake on his record-breaking 33.5-hour transatlantic flight from New York to Paris on the Spirit of St. Louis. Long-haul pilots have reported falling asleep at the controls. Cargo pilots that fly at night face fatigue from challenging the body's natural internal clock. The Lindbergh flight provides a great example for the real issue today that fatigue is an acceptable risk and one that isn't given enough credit. Lindbergh flew from New York to Paris without falling asleep. Similarly, pilots today get away with flying tired all the time. If you ask an average pilot how much sleep he got the night before a flight, it's probably on a par with the average American, which is about six and a half hours. This might be an acceptable amount of sleep if you have a desk job. (Source: www.thebalance.com/the-pilot-fatigue-problem) 254) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements. ( ) Pilot fatigue is affecting only charter pilots. ( ) The Lindbergh flight shows that fatigue poses no risk for aviation. ( ) If pilots sleep about six and a half hours before a flight. He won’t face operational risks. ( ) There are accounts that pilots have falled asleep at the controls due to very long commute. Choose the alternative that correspond to the right order. a) T – F – T – F b) F – T – T – F c) F – F – F – T d) T – F – F – T 255) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “on a par with”, (line 19), in bold type, means a) at the same level. b) at the same local. c) at different points. d) at different standards. Texto para as questões 256 e 257 Twenty-First Century Birdwatching Our ancestors could spot natural predators from far by their silhouettes. Are we equally aware of the predators in the present-day? Drones are remote-controlled planes that can be used for anything from surveillance, to rescue operations and scientific research. Most drones are used today by military powers for remote-controlled surveillance and attack, and their numbers are growing. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicted in 2012 that within 20 years there could be as many as 30.000 drones flying over U.S. Soil alone. As robotic birds will become commonplace in the near future, we should be prepared to identify them. Adapted from https://medium.com/looking-up/21st-century-birdwatching) 256) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) According to the text, the number of drones used by military powers is a) increasing in terms of surveillance and attack. b) preventing remote – controlled surveillance. c) continuing the same as in 2012. d) decreasing in terms of attack. 257) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) In the text, all the nouns bellow refer to drones, except: a) predators (line 2) b) ancestors (line 1) c) robotic birds (line 10) d) remote-controlled planes (line 3) 47258) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Human's Best Friend We know that dogs are human's best friends. They love us and we love them. However, we're not so sure where they came from. Many scientists think they came from wolves 15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and dogs are tame, they're still a lot alike. Both wag their tails when happy and put their tails between their legs when scared. Dogs are easy to educate. Well-educated dogs are sometimes used as watchdogs. A watchdog can stop a creature that is five to six times bigger. It is interesting, though, that these dogs, which can become terrifyingly wild in times of danger, pose no harm to their owners. In the face of a threat, they put their lives in danger to save their owners. (Adapted from http://www.grammarbank.com) Write (T) for the True statements and (F) for the False statements, according to the text ( ) Dogs and wolves present features that make many scientists think that dogs came from wolves. ( ) Although dogs are human’s best friends. People don’t know their origin, exactly. ( ) Watchdogs can put their owners in danger in times of threatening. ( ) Well-educated dogs when in danger are always tame. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the,correct order. a) T – F – T – F b) T – T – T – F c) T – T – F – F d) T – F – F – T 259) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “workout”, (line 4), in bold type in the text, means Pilates is a unique combination of stretching, strengthening and breathing. It improves circulation and body alignment. It engages the powerhouse of the lower abs, hips and lower back in almost every movement. Throughout the workout, practitioners try to stay united from shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, making sure the neck and limbs are used in long, graceful movements. (Adapted fromhttp://www.grammarbank.com/paragraphs-fitness) a) a period people rest. b) a period of mental exercise. c) a period of physical exercise. d) a period people spend repairing things at work. 260) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best response. a) The students were supposed to tell what they did during the summer. b) During the summer all the students communicated through twitter. c) Every student knew what Kayla did on vacation. d) Kayla follows all the students on social network. Texto para as questões 261 e 262 The first man drew a small circle in the sand and told the second man, “This is what you know”, and drawing a circle around the small one, “This is what I know”. The second man took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles: “This is where both of us know nothing”. (Adapted from Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), american poet) 261) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) According to the passage The first man declared that he had more ____ than the second man. a) knowledge b) wisdom c) circles d) rings 262) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) The first man thought the second man knew __________. a) more than he did b) very much c) very little d) nothing 263) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the text and choose the correct alternative. In the film “The accountant”, a man on the autism spectrum is a number cruncher by day, while involving himself in seedier activities at night. This scene occurs in a conference room after the lead character, Christian (Ben Affleck), is hired to review a company’s financial records. He spends an entire night writing out figures, using whiteboards and eventually the room’s glass walls. For the scene, Mr. O’Connor wanted to take the audience inside the mind of the character. During an interview, he explained how he used a real forensic accountant to get the numbers right and also a creative approach to covering walls with tidy handwriting. a) the director, Mr. O’Connor, wanted to show the viewer what goes on in the head of the character. b) the director. Mr. O’Connor, put the audience inside the mind of a real forensic accountant. c) the main character, Christian, spends the night studying for presentation work. d) the main character, Christian, suffers from panic disorder. 264) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best response. According to the cartoon, a) the little boy suggests that the girl is bossy. b) the dog becomes forever the girl’s dog. c) the dog tries to teach the girl to jump. d) the girl wants to buy a dog for her. 48265) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best response. According to the cartoon, the man a) convinces his companion on the nutritional composition of the mass. b) persuades her to choose the same dish and add a salad. c) describes technically and praises his favorite dish. d) proves that pizza and salad are the same in theory. Texto para as questões 266 e 267 Brazil takes on the European Refugee Crisis In 2016 significantly less refugees arrived in Europe than the year before. The Organization for Migration and the EU border agency Frontex have reported a notable decline in the number of migrants arriving on Europe’s shores by nearly two-thirds. These numbers, however, are by no means an indication of improvement in the international situation of refugees. It’s evident that something has to change in the international mindset to bring an end to the enduring human rights violations concerning millions of people. Surprisingly, a potential wind of change has come from Brazil, a country facing a deep economic and political crisis. Brazil is one of the biggest recipients of refugees in Latin America. In 2013 they introduced a humanitarian visa program for Syrians, processing 8.450 humanitarian visas on basis of which more than 2.000 Syrian refugees have already settled in Brazil. Brazil has several reasons to pursue a recipient immigration policy. Receiving immigrants from all over the world helps to boost the country’s international reputation and to turn around its negative image regarding a high crime rate and an even higher external debt. Immigrants in Brazil also seem to be perceived as less as a (financial) burden than in many European countries. Fonte: www.dailymail.com.uk GLOSSARY mindset – atitudes das pessoas enduring – resistente, duradoura financial burden – carga financeira 266) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) – According to the text, we can say that a) just Syrians refugees are settled in Brazil. b) Brazil has supported many Syrian refugees. c) Brazil has no interest in humanitarian programs. d) due to the huge crisis, Brazil has refused foreigners. 267) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘a potential wind of change has come (…)’ in bold in the text, means a) there’s a possibility of change. b) the changing has just started. c) the changing has happened. d) there’s a hope of changing. 268) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the cartoon, a) the guy is arguing with his parents about his graduation gift. b) the guy’s father is being intentionally sarcastic about the issue. c) the guy’s parents are discussing about their present graduation. d) the guy’s parents are expecting to win a great gift for his graduation. Texto para as questões 269 - 271 Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And Landing Private Jet Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying? Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a European Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in Bavaria – released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater plane called Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top speed of 250 mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can travel roughly between Munich and Berlin in about 90 minutes. And according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this will be the world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private jet. The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the four founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the masses in a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly way. ‘Our goal is to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need the complex and expensive infrastructure of an airport, can be used close to urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much noise and pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class of airplanes that could take off and land vertically anywhere with a surface area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand and his team in Germany came up with a design using electric engines and incorporated movable fan turbines. Fonte: www.forbes.com GLOSSARY glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo 269) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, Lilium a) is a European Space Agency business incubator center. b) is a helicopter with a vertical takeoff and landing system. c) is an electric jet with lower cost for short range journeys. d) is an unmanned aircraft which is affordable for the masses. 270) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Write (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements and choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order. ( ) The noise created by Lilium is too loud. ( ) Lilium will be a sustainable form of air transportation. ( ) Lilium has,fan engines and an innovative technology to cut pollution. 49( ) A European Space Agency designed an amazing aircraft with space for more than two people to sit. a) F – F – T – T b) T – F – F – T c) T – T – T – F d) F – T – F – F 271) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Choose the alternative in which the prefix ‘in-’ was used to form an opposite. a) incubator (line 3) b) inexpensive (line 12) c) incorporated (line 20) d) infrastructure (line 14) 272) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) The quotation, in bold in the extract, means To be or not to be Every one knows that ‘To be or Not to be, that is the question’ comes from Hamlet, but when someone says ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’, they are probably unaware that they also quoting from the same play. Innovations/ Thompson a) If you borrow something, you must refuse to give it back. b) If you are not a borrower, you can’t be a lender. c) Don’t be a lender or a borrower. d) It’s better to borrow than save. Texto para as questões 273 - 275 The birds and the bees My little boy came in the other day with a really serious look on his face and said, ‘Dad, do you mind if I ask you a question? Where do I come from?’ I’d been dreading this question for ages, but like a good father, I sat him down and gently told him all about the birds and the bees. When I’d finished, he was very quite. He then got up and went, ‘thank you, Dad’ and headed for the door. I said, ‘So what made you ask me?’ and he turned around and said, ‘I just want to know, because Bobby next door says HE comes from Manchester!’ Fonte: Innovations/ Thompson 273) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘headed’, underlined in the text, means a) turned the head. b) went towards. c) looked. d) pushed. 274) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, we can infer that a) children are always polemic. b) no adults are prepared to answer some issues. c) after simple questions, it’s better to give simple answers. d) fathers and sons almost always have difficulty in getting along. 275) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) In “I’d been dreading this question for ages (...)”, we can infer that a) the father wasn’t expecting that question. b) his father’s words could be perfectly understood. c) the father was well prepared to answer the question. d) the father feared the day his son would ask him questions about sex. Texto para as questões 276 - 278 JetBlue ... The crisis? Never heard of it… The domestic air transport market in the USA must seem highly unstable to newcomers, including low-cost carriers. Of the 82 airlines formed in ten years that followed deregulation in 1978, only two have survived - America West and Mid-west Express. Statistics show that three-quarters of all projects never even get off the ground and that most of the others crash in less than five years. Paradoxically, Southwest Airlines, the No.1 success story in the US air transport today, was founded before deregulation (in 1972), though it did take advantage of it. Many of those who tried to imitate the Southwest model came to grief. Not JetBlue, which just four years after it was formed is continuing to grow at a spectacular rate. Fonte: Revista Planet Aero-Space GLOSSARY come to grief – falir deregulation – desregulamentação 276) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, it’s correct to say that a) just a few airlines have survived the crisis. b) big companies get better results than the others. c) none of the 82 airlines formed in 10 years has failed so far. d) domestic air transport market in the USA is not really vulnerable to newcomers. 277) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘Paradoxically’, in bold in the text was used to express a) similar ideas. b) opposite features. c) additional information. d) negative consequences. 278) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, all alternatives are correct, EXCEPT: a) there’s no crisis for JetBlue. b) JetBlue has been growing for four years. c) crisis is something never heard by JetBlue. d) JetBlue sales are going down at a spectacular rate. 279) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to predict because of the large scales of time and geography over which changes are occurring. But more frequent jolts in midair could be one way in which individuals will soon literally feel the effects. A new scientific study says that severe turbulence could become two to three times more common later this century when there is twice as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ‘Our new study paints the most detailed picture yet of how aircraft turbulence will respond to climate change,’ says author Dr. Paul Williams. ‘Even the most seasoned frequent fliers may be alarmed at the prospect of a 149% increase in severe turbulence, which frequently hospitalizes air travelers and flight attendants around the world.’ Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for most jet aircraft. Wind shears can become unstable and cause turbulence. Williams used supercomputers simulations that calculate clear-air turbulence along Transatlantic routes in winter and found all turbulence strength levels will increase in a world with twice as much CO2. The computer models show the average amount of light turbulence will increase by 59%, light-to-moderate 50turbulence by 75%, moderate by 94%, moderate-to-severe by 127%, and severe by 149%. Ironically, or perhaps poetically, aviation has long been recognized as a major contributor of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Fonte:www.forbes.com GLOSSARY jolt – solavanco seasoned – experiente wind shear – tesoura de vento a) Aviation is a contributory factor in 20 % of all carbon dioxide emissions. b) there used to be three times more severe turbulence than nowadays. c) an increase in all categories of turbulence will occur in the years to come. d) it will take a considerable time to people experience the effects of climate change. 280) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Read the cartoon and choose the correct alternative: a) The air traffic controller duck understood that the duck pilot was requesting a day of May. b) The pilot duck was shouting “mayday” because he wanted to relax. c) The air traffic controller duck was frantic due to the affliction of the pilot. d) The pilot duck was landing due to bad weather. 281) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The text above is a recipe for: Ingredients - 25g butter - 500g small onions, (about 5 in total), halved and finely sliced - 2 eggs - 284ml pot double cream - 140g mature cheddar, coarsely grated For the pastry - 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting - 140g cold butter Adapted from www.bbcgoodfood.com - Accessed on 15/12/2015. a) a salmon and watercress quiche. b) a sticky onion and cheddar quiche. c) a leek, mushroom and Gruyère quiche. d) a caramelized onion quiche with cheddar and bacon. Texto para as questões 282 e 283 The Last Dalai Lama? On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival, more than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a rendition of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, blew out the solitary candle on a large birthday cake while clasping the hand of Patti Smith, who stood beside him. The world’s most famous monk then poked a thick finger at Smith’s silvery mane. ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said, ‘‘white hair.’’ But ‘‘the voice and physical action,’’ he added in his booming baritone, ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he went on: ‘‘So, that gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80 years old, but I should be like you — more active!’’ Taken from www.nytimes.com. Acessed on 14/12/15 282) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Match the definitions to the words: 1. clasp (line 4) 2. poke,(line 6) 3. giggle (line 9) 4. booming (line 9) ( ) a loud and deep sound. ( ) to laugh in a childlike way. ( ) to hold someone’s hand firmly. ( ) to push someone or something with the fingers. Choose the correct order: a) 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 b) 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 c) 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 d) 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 283) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) According to the text, it is correct to affirm that a) Tenzin Gyatso, the world’s most famous monk, had more than 100,000 people celebrating his 80th birthday. b) Dalai Lama is celebrating his friend Patti Smith’s 80th birthday. c) Dalai Lama would like to have white hair and beard. d) Patti Smith is considered the 14th Dalai Lama Texto para as questões 284 e 285 Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental conditions, say MPs. Final government approval for the expansion of Heathrow should be withheld until Europe’s busiest airport can demonstrate that it accepts and will comply with key environmental conditions, a parliamentary committee has concluded. MPs on the environmental audit committee have been hearing evidence on the likely carbon emissions, air quality and noise levels after the government-appointed Airports Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow as the preferred plan for London airport expansion (Adapted from www.theguardian/ environment. Acessed on 01/12/2015) 284) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Heathrow airport already has _____________. a) 1 runway b) 2 runways c) 3 runways d) 30 runways 285) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Write true (T) or false (F), according to the text: ( ) The expansion of Heathrow airport ought to be blocked until the busiest airport complies with key environmental conditions. ( ) The expansion of Heathrow should begin once Europe’s busiest airport may accept other conditions for weather. ( ) Europe’s busiest airport can accept this change under two conditions: better air quality and lower noise levels. ( ) Heathrow airport can choose the best alternative for environmental conditions. a) T – T – F – F b) F – F – T – F c) T – F – F – F d) F – F – T – T 51286) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon. a) The flying duck understood there was turbulence, because the winds were strong. b) The air traffic controller duck didn’t have time to warn about turbulence. c) The water in movement caused the wind turbulence. d) The water turbulence was caused by the alligator. 287) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The following are examples of types of air traffic controllers: Tower controllers direct the movement of vehicles on runways and taxiways. They check flight plans, give pilots clearance for takeoff or landing, and direct the movement of aircraft and other traffic on the runways and other parts of the airport. Most work from control towers, as they generally must be able to see the traffic they control. Approach and departure controllers ensure that aircraft traveling within an airport's airspace maintain minimum separation for safety. They give clearances to enter controlled airspace and hand off control of aircraft to en route controllers. They use radar equipment to monitor flight paths and work in buildings known as Terminal Radar Approach Control Centers (TRACON). They also provide information to pilots, such as weather conditions and other critical notices. En route controllers monitor aircraft once they leave an airport's airspace. They work at air route traffic control centers located throughout the country, which typically are not located at airports. Each center is assigned an airspace based on the geography and altitude of the area in which it is located. As an airplane approaches and flies through a center's airspace, en route controllers guide the airplane along its route. They may adjust the flight path of aircraft for safety and collision avoidance. Adapted from: ttps://collegegrad.com/careers/air-traffic-controllers Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Then choose the right alternative. ( ) En route controllers manage aircraft within airport’s airspace. ( ) Approach and departure controllers give official approval for landing and takeoff. ( ) The responsibility of approach and departure controllers is to ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. ( ) Some of the tower controller duties are to prepare flight plans and to manage the movements of aircraft on the ground. a) F – T – F – T b) T – T – F – F c) F – T – T – F d) F – F – T – F 288) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) According to the text, it is correct to say that Air Traffic Controllers Air traffic controllers coordinate the movement of air traffic, to ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. Duties Air traffic controllers typically do the following: - Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots; - Monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air, using radar, computers, or visual references; - Control all ground traffic at airports, including baggage vehicles and airport workers; - Manage communications by transferring control of departing flights to traffic control centers and accepting control of arriving flights; - Provide information to pilots, such as weather updates, runway closures, and other critical information; and - Alert airport response staff, in the event of an aircraft emergency. Air traffic controllers' primary concern is safety, but they also must direct aircraft efficiently to minimize delays. They manage the flow of aircraft into and out of the airport airspace, guide pilots during takeoff and landing, and monitor aircraft, as they travel through the skies. Controllers usually manage multiple aircraft at the same time and must make quick decisions to ensure the safety of the aircraft. For example, a controller might direct one aircraft on its landing approach, while providing another aircraft with weather information. Adapted from: ttps://collegegrad.com/careers/air-traffic-controllers a) the main concern of an air traffic controller is to avoid delays. b) an air traffic controller must be a fast and a good decision maker. c) air traffic controllers must not direct more than one aircraft at the same time. d) air traffic controllers manage the flow of aircraft into the airport airspace only. 289) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer that Hawaii’ volcano Caleb Jones and Andrey Mac Aroy Kilawea began erupting more than two weeks ago. It has burned dozens of homes, forced people to escape from smoke and fire and led officials to distribute face masks to protect against ash particles. Lava flying through the air from cracks in the earth can weigh as much as a refrigerator and even small pieces can be lethal. The lava streamed across a highway and flowed into the ocean. That sent hydrochloric acid with fine glass particles into the air, a process that can lead to lung demage and eye and skin irritation. The highway was closed in some places, and residents in the area have been evacuated. a) Kilawa erupted about ten days ago. b) The lavas didn’t cause any health problems. c) The lavas can be very heavy and dangerous. d) The residents didn’t leave their houses during the eruption. 52Texto para as questões 290 - 292 The mistake A photographer named John was flying first class from London to Nairobi in Kenya when one of the pilots came out of the co*ckpit to make some coffee in the microwave. He couldn’t get the machine to work, so he asked his fellow pilot to help him. As the other pilot left the co*ckpit, he let the heavy metal door close behind him. The pilot started an urgent, whispered discussion with his colleague. The two pilots had locked themselves,out of their co*ckpit and, as they told the photographer (who promised not to tell the other passengers), the door was fitted with a safety lock. This meant that not even the pilots could open it from outside the co*ckpit. John remembered that he had put his Swiss army knife in his hand luggage. However, he couldn’t remember where he had put his hand luggage and spent five minutes opening and closing overhead lockers until he found it. John and the pilots attacked the door with the knife, the lock started to come loose, and when they broke into the co*ckpit, the plane was cruising eastward over the Indian Ocean. Adapted from American Inside Out - Student’s Book 290) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can say that _________________. a) The pilots got back to the flight deck b) Neither passenger realized the situation c) The pilots often make coffee during the flight d) It’s really common to face a problem like this one 291) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “whispered”, in bold, in the text, is closest in meaning to ________. a) yelled b) bellowed c) screamed d) murmured 292) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, choose the best response. a) The airplane was heading for London. b) The two pilots were locked in the cabin. c) The two pilots argued with the photographer. d) The photographer helped the pilots to make coffee. Texto para as questões 293 e 294 Cuba plane crash: 110 dead as investigators recover flight’black box The fiery crash of an ageing passenger jet close to Havana’s main airport killed 110 people while three survivors remain gravily in the hospital, making it the Caribean island’s deadliest air disaster in nearly 30 years. The weather was rainy at the airport at the time of the accident and some people could hear a strange noise and saw the plane with an engine on fire. Among the dead are 20 clergy members of an evangelical church, the Mexican pilots and the cabin crew. Adapted from Independent Online, May 25. 293) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “ageing”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to a) old b) new c) modern d) efficient 294) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer that a) The plane crashed far from the airport. b) The accident isn’t considered a huge tragedy. c) All the passengers survived and only a couple died. d) The weather was dull and wet at the time of the accident. Texto para as questões 295 e 296 PRESSURE Jeremy Berke Commercial airplane cabins are generally pressurized to an equivalent of 6,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level, in an effort to maintain a healthy oxygen level for both the passengers and the flight crew. When a passenger jet is flying at a cruising altitude of over 36,000 feet, the pressure outside the cabin is_____________ than inside the pressurized cabin. Air pressure has a tendency to equalize, moving from areas of high pressure to low pressure to achieve equilibrium. When a hole rips open on a plane, the suction resulting from the pressure difference between the cabin and the sky could pull nearby people or objects outside. Depending on the size of the hole, such accidents could either create just enough force to shuffle papers around, or, pull a full-size human out of the plane. Survival is unlikely for anyone fully sucked out into the sky. While in-flight incidents are extremely rare, if you want to survive a crash, research suggests the best place to sit is in a middle seat toward the back of the plane. 295) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements, according to the text. ( ) The safest place into the airplane is the first class. ( ) After being entirely sucked out in the sky, it’s difficult someone survives. ( ) It’s likely to survive a crash if your place into the airplane is in the co*ckpit. ( ) A depressurization caused by a hole on a plane can suck out any people or object outside. a) F – F – T – T b) T – F – T – F c) T – T – F – F d) F – T – F – T 296) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer that _______________, EXCEPT, a) at 36,000 feet above sea level, it’s not possible to breathe without a pressurized cabin b) it’s possible to breathe naturally at an altitude of 5,000 feet above sea level c) at 36,000 feet above sea level, the pressure outside the cabin is higher than inside the pressurized cabin d) an airplane cabin pressurized to 7,000 feet above sea level has a good oxygen level to passengers and crew 297) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 Jeremy Berke Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 suffered an engine failure that smashed a plane window, sucking a passenger halfway out of the plane in midair A passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight on Tuesday was partially sucked out of a window after an engine exploded in midair. The flight, traveling from New York to Dallas, was forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia, and the passenger — a 43-year-old woman named Jennifer Riordan — died Tuesday at a hospital. It was the first fatality in a US passenger plane accident in nine years. Passengers on the flight described how, after the explosion sent shrapnel into one of the plane’s windows, Riordan was pulled halfway out of aircraft. 53While passengers were able to pull Riordan back into the plane, another passenger was said to have felt “severe pressure” after positioning his back against the opening in the cabin in an attempt to seal it. When there’s an opening in an airplane during flight (regardless of the cause), the plane will undergo rapid depressurization. Adapted from http://www.businessinsider.com Glossary: shrapnel – pequenos pedaços de metal que são lançados devido a uma explosão. In, “... another passenger was said to have felt severe pressure after positioning his back against the opening in the cabin in an attempt to seal it”. The word “seal” is closest in meaning to ____________. a) fix b) hide c) close d) protect Texto para as questões 298 e 299 Mrs. Pratchett Her name was Mrs Pratchett. She was a small, skinny old hag with moustache on her upper lip and a mouth as sour as a green goosebery. She never smiled. Her apron was gray and greasy. Her blouse had bits of breakfast all over it, toast crumbs and tea stains and splotches of dried egg yollk. It was her hands, however, that disturbed us most.They were disgusting. They were black with dirt and grime. And do not forget that it was these hands and fingers that she would plunge into the sweet-jars when we asked for a pennyworth of TreackleToffe or Wine Gums or Nut Clusters, or whatever. There were precious few health laws in those days, and nobody, least of all Mrs. Pratchett , ever thought of using a little shovel for getting sweets out as they do today. American Inside Out – Teacher’s book 298) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer that Mrs Pratchett was _______________. a) really tidy b) kind of adorable c) sort of unpleasant d) someone very kind 299) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, choose the best response. a) Mrs. Pratchett was the cleaner. b) Mrs. Pratchett was really repulsive. c) Mrs. Pratchett’s place was very hygienic. d) Mrs. Pratchett wore an impeccable apron. 300) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Routine We’re supposed to start work at nine, but I often come in later because I have to take my children to school first, but then I stay a little later. Of course, if I have an early meeting or if I have to be in court first thing in the morning, my wife has to take the kids to school. American Inside out - Teacher's book. According to the text, in “We are supposed to start work at nine, (...)”. The underlined words are closest in meaning to “We are,.to start (...)” a) wanted b) wished c) hopped d) expected Texto para as questões 3001 - 304 To tip, or not to tip? The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons. People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get smaller tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually larger. When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a bigger tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is more important than your money. Always treat service providers with respect. Adapted from Interchange 301) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that: a) The tips depend on someone’s behavior. b) Even if the service is very good, tips don’t change. c) People demonstrate their satisfaction tipping for the service. d) People who works as parking vallets or bellshops get no tips. 302) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In (...) “you are not sure” about how much (...)”, the underlined words are closest in meaning to “you ____________”. a) know b) are certain c) are uncertain d) have no doubt 303) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the best response. In “Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and (...)”, the word “TIP” is closest in meaning to a) take some money. b) pay for the service. c) ask for extra money. d) give an amount of additional money. 304) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) “low wages”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to a) large tips. b) small tips. c) small salary. d) a high amount of money. Texto para as questões 305 e 306 Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast More than 200,000 people have been evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters. A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said. The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said. 54Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties have been minimised in recent years by early government planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones. Adapted from www.news.com. 305) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that a) heavy rain is forecast for China’s typhoon season. b) more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port. c) the bad weather condition was caused by a wind shear. d) typhoon Yagi has hit China’s Zhejiang province just after noon. 306) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that a) Zhejiang is the Chinese who forecast the storm. b) Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds. c) Taizhou and Zhoushan are some countries in China. d) China has been facing typhoon for a long time during its all seasons. Texto para as questões 307 e 308 Hanging out R. Jordania In american cities, teenagers like to spend time together – “hang out”, as they say – at drugstore, luncheonettes, or ice cream parlors. Often, they don’t even meet inside, but gather on the sidewalk in front of the store. From time to time they go in for coffee, milk, ice cream. They also like to play the pinball machines. Most parents disapprove of their children’s “hanging out” that way. They consider it a waste of time, which could be better used doing homework, working at a part-time job, or helping in the house. Adapted from life in the USA 307) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that a) teenagers are fond of hanging out with friends. b) ice cream is the teenager’s favorite kind of junk food. c) pinball machines are not something they enjoy playing so much. d) most of the time teenagers “hang out” in the inner part of a place. 308) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the best response: a) Just a few teenagers make some housework. b) All of parents think the teenagers should work part-time. c) Most of teenagers help their families doing the housework. d) Most teenagers’ parents don’t go along with the way their children spend time. Texto para as questões 309 e 310 Celebrity Doubles A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in Manchester, England. Many of them have cameras and are looking in the shop window. they want to see the movie star Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like Radcliffe, but he isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk. Walker isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop him on the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. They look like famous athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspapers ads. Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One double in the USA says, “I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy”. Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency 309) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that, EXCEPT: a) Doubles are paid to go to social events and business meetings. b) The young clerk was amazed by the young people in the shop. c) Some people like to have a very similar appearance to celebrities. d) Many companies work with people who take the place of famous actors for some purposes. 310) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s double (...)”, the underlined word means that Walker _________ Daniel. a) looks like b) is not similar c) is different from d) is the opposite of Texto para as questões 311 e 312 The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone incidents. Joana Whitehead New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from flying above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport boundaries. The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The measures are hoped to reduce the possibility of damage to windows and engines of planes and helicopters. Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use. Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime, but as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to blue-light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone flying is crucial. Adapted from www.independent.co.uk 311) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the correct alternative; a) Drones incidents with aircraft are increasing every year. b) Drones are just tools used for recreation in your leisure time. c) New laws won’t allow all drones to fly within 400 feet near the airports. d) Most of drones users consider it is not important to follow the rules of the CAA 312) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) The verb “to adhere”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to a) to believe in someone’s idea. b) to behave according,a particular rule. c) to disapprove something or someone. d) to disagree with an action or proposal. 55Texto para as questões 313 e 314 Airline employee steals, crashes plane near Seattle US authorities are investigating the Friday night crash of a Horizon Air Q400 aircraft near Seattle-Tacoma airport in Washington state after an airline employee took off without clearance and flew the plane for about an hour before it crashed. Two F-15 military fighter jets went up into the air in order to intercept the stolen airliner, and the airport closed for a short time There were no passengers on board except the person who was operating the plane. It is believed that he is Richard Russel, a 29 year old local man who worked for the airline. Some media images showed the aircraft doing complicated and dangerous flying before crash. In an audio recording a conversation with an air traffic controller, the person piloting the aircraft said he was a “broken guy”. Adapted from news.airwise.com/story/airline... 313) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the correct alternative: a) The only person on board was the airline employee. b) The aircraft made a calm and smooth flight before crashing. c) The plane flew for approximately one hour and landed safely. d) The airport was kept closed during many hours after the accident. 314) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “the person piloting the aircraft said he was a broken guy (...)”, you can infer that the man was ___________, EXCEPT: a) so sad b) very excited c) suffering a lot d) extremely unhappy Texto para as questões 315 e 316 What was lost and what survived devastating Notre Dame fire David K. Li Some of the most prized, centuries-old relics of France and Christianity survived the devastating Notre Dame Cathedral fire that almost wiped out the cherished Paris landmark. According to Culture Minister Frank Riester the “most precious treasures” were largely spared. Many of the works will be stored at Paris’ City Hall and the Louvre, where they will be examined, treated for damage and protected. Monday’s fire almost destroyed the entire cathedral, wich has stood in Paris and survived nearly 900 years of tumultuous French history. So far, authorities have said blaze appears to be an accident, possibly connected to a renovation project carried out by five companies. The fire was finally extinguished after nine hours of work. 315) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that___________. a) the fire could only stop burning after more than one day of work b) no ancient and valuable object could be saved from the fire in Notre Dame cathedral c) Notre Dame cathedral stands in Paris and is considered a very important Christian symbol d) maybe the big and dangerous fire was caused by a restoration work conducted by the government 316) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) “...appears (...)”, underlined in the text is closest in meaning to _______ . Except: a) seems b) sounds c) looks like d) looks as if 317) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The words, “in plenty of time”, in bold type in the paragraph, is closest in meaning to __________. They arrived at the court in plenty of time and went straight to the robing room. It was crowded with solicitors and counsil. Adapted from Reading for Meaning a) late b) on time c) over time d) in good time Texto para as questões 318 – 320 Asthma from traffic Asthma is a serious medical condition because it is lifelong; there is no cure. A study says that pollution from traffic connects to 4 millions new cases of asthma in children each year. Researchers studied the pollution and how it affects children’s health in 194 countries and 125 large cities. This is not the first study to make this clame, but the study’s main author says that it gives a comprehensive idea of the problem. She says that it tells where pollution “hot spots” are. Some people think rules for pollution need to change and that we need to have cleaner transportation. The author also said that there are other pollutants in the world causing deseases, such as lung cancer, strokes, heart disease and developmental issues. 318) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that _________________. a) there is no solution for the problems caused by pollution b) there are other substances that cause diseases in the world besides the pollution c) researchers discovered a medical treatment for asthma that makes the illness go away d) the study doesn’t give us a complete idea of the problem related to asthma in children 319) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The word “comprehensive”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to __________ . a) narrow b) limited c) complete d) particular 320) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In "This is not the first study to make this claim", the word, in bold type, is closest in meaning to _____________ . Except: a) assertion b) allegation c) refutation d) affirmation Texto para as questões 321 e 322 The plane, the pilot and the mechanic. Whereas, several test pilots might fly the prototype, each prototype is enrusted to only one mechanic. For him, I’m the pilot who is going to fly “his” plane and furnish him with the 56proof that the work he has lovingly and conscientiously put it on it all day, and sometimes all night, has not been in vain. The relation between the pilot, the plane and the mechanic are at once very simple – basic, obviously – and very complex when it comes to putting them into words. For the mechanic, the plane is a kind of Sleeping Beauty, and he takes care of her and coddles her while she is asleep. As soon as she wakes up, she passes into the hands of the pilots, but he only knows the plane when it is “alive”, when it is flying and functioning. The moment the plane takes off for a test, the mechanic loses sight of it, but he follows it, he feels it, he is bound to it by a kind of sixth sense, or to put it better, by an invisible umbilical cord. Adapted from Read for Meaning. 321) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that _________________. a) the pilot flew the mechanic’s plane in vain b) the mechanic is the only one able to fly his plane c) there are a lot of mechanics testing the pilot’s plane d) the pilot will give the mechanic the proof that his work has been a success 322) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In ...”For the mechanic, the plane is a kind of Sleeping Beauty, and he takes care of her and coddles her while she is asleep”, we can say that the mechanic ________________. a) is clumsy of the plane b) is really jealous of the plane c) is very caring about the aircraft d) doesn’t care of the most of the aircraft Texto para as questões 323 – 325 Customs It was the small hours of the morning, when we reached London Airport. I had cabled London (England) from Amsterdam (Holland), and there was a hired car to meet me, but there was one more contretemps before I reached the haven of my flat. In all my travels I have never, but for that once, been required by carried by the British Customs to open a single bag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; the extreme fatigue and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy. I was, for whichever reason, so tired that I could hardly stand and to the proffered pro forma and the question, ‘have you read this?’ I replied, with extreme testiness and foolishness, ‘Yes-hundreds of times’. Adapted from Read for Meaning 323) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that ________________. a) the aircraft headed for London b) some unfortunate happening was expected c) someone arrived sooner at London Airport d) the passenger couldn’t realize his fault so far 324),(EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that _______________. a) the passenger was very polite at the customs b) it was the passenger’s first time at the customs c) at the customs, the passenger could relax and rest d) after landing, the passenger couldn’t go towards his place 325) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the best response. In “...there was a hired car to meet me (...)”. We can infer that___________. a) there was a car to pick the passenger up at his place b) there was a car ready to take the passenger to his place c) the passenger has asked someone to give him a ride to his flat d) the passenger has lent a car for someone meet him at the airport 326) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The word “weird”, in bold type, in the text, is closest in meaning to ______________ . Except: Halloween One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might see ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s going on? It’s probably October 31, or Halloween. Halloween is a day when people go out wearing costumes and colorful makeup. People think that Halloween started in Ireland during the 400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people believe that everyone who died during the year come back on that day. To scare away the dead, people put on costumes and went out into the streets to make noise. Different cultures have different ways of celebrating Halloween. In the United States, it’s the night when children dress up in costumes and go to neighbors’ houses to “trick or treat”, or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny or scary costumes and go to parties or parades. Halloween has become a fun holiday for both adults and children. Adapted from Interchange. a) eerie b) strange c) unusual d) unbelievable Texto para as questões 327 – 329 The Magic of Potter There was a time when no one knew the name Harry Potter. Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are read in over 45 languages, including Russian, Thai, and even ancient Greek. No one can explain the Harry Potter Phenomenon – not even J. K. Rowling, his creator. J. K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. From a young age, she knew she wanted to be a writer. When she was 6, she wrote her first story – about a rabbit that gets sick. In 1990, on a trip to London, she got the idea for the boy wizard. She soon created a whole cast of unique characters to help Harry battle the forces of darkness. She kept working on the story while she was teaching English in Portugal. She finished the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in 1995 and published it in 1997. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone became an unexpected bestseller. Adapted from Interchange H. P. = Harry Potter 327) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In... “Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy(...)”. The underlined words refer to_______________. a) Hogwarts School b) the adventures c) Harry Potter d) the author 57328) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that J. K. Rowling used to ________________. a) be a teacher, while she was writing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone b) imagine great adventures in her teen’s c) write novels when she was a child d) study at Hogwarts 329) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the best response a) Harry Potter is J. K. Rowling first story. b) Harry Potter’s adventures was translated into 45 languages. c) It has been possible to read H. P. and the Sorcerer’s Stone since 1993. d) The boy wizard came up on J. K. Rowling’s mind on a trip to England. Texto para as questões 330 – 331 Investigators find “similarities” between Ethiopian and Lion Air crashes. Anna Cardovillis, Kara fox and Dakin Andone Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last week Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed “similarities” to October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash. Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes after take off, killing all 157 people on board. It was the second disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in less than six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight were killed in Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the Lion Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack sensor on the outside of the plane that transmited incorrect data, which could have triggered the automated flight software that forced the plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually corrected an “automatic aircraft nose down two minutes after take off and performed the same procedure again and again before the plane hurtled into the Java Sea. 330) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can infer that __________. a) the crashes were caused by a mechanical problem in the nose gear. b) many people survived in both accidents and this fact was considered a miracle c) the pilots tried to find a solution to the problem using their own hands in the automatic aircraft. d) the data recovered from Ethiopian Airliners and Lion Air crashes revealed there were differences between them. 331) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In “Similarities between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8”, the underlined word is closest in meaning to a) allow b) permit c) forbid d) suggest 332) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text all the alternatives are correct, except: Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about global warming Fabian Andres Cambero Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey Glacier in Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks. Scientists have linked the increased frequency ice breaks to rising temperature. According to Ricardo Jana, researcher and member of the climate change area of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH) “In recent years temperature rises above the normal average and intense rainfall were registered with an increase in water level in the lake, factors that could explain the separation. Reseachers from universities in Germany and Brazil, together with experts from INACH and other local entities, have been studing the Grey Glacier since 2015. a) The low water level was registered by the scientists. b) The cause of ice breaks can be the high temperatures. c) Icebergs were separated from the Grey Glacier in Chile recently. d) Researchers from some countries have been studying this phenomena for many years. Texto para as questões 333 – 335 Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years of shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as a surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so quikly? Here’s what happened: • poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the A380’s downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket called Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer. • bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80 meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around airports. • airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays prefer smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations. • although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive at first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give discounts and make promotions. Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two. Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground. Adapted,from https://www.slashgerar.com. 333) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In “... Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.”, the expression is closest in meaning to: _______________________. a) Be careful about your dreams b) It’s possible to dream without consequences c) Don’t do anything without be sure that it will work d) Try to achieve your wishes being realistic and sensible 334) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the alternative that best complete the sentence. Airbus A380 _________________. a) can land in all kinds of airports b) is considered the largest cargo airliner c) have many costumers among the other airliners d) is so big that it is difficult to have enough passengers to make it full 58335) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In”...Most of all the A380’s eggs were put in a basket called Emirates(...)”, we can infer that Airbus ______________. a) is the Emirates’ best customer b) have no other alternative left if Emirates fails c) made investments on the open market for many years d) put most of their efforts into Emirates, but have another plans to get sucess Texto para as questões 336 e 337 Diplomat There are three main aspects to this profession: a diplomat has to keep his country informed about pertinent international events, promote a favorable image of his country and protect his country’s interests. Whoever is interested in a diplomatic career has to be extremely familiar with political, economical, scientific, cultural and administrative issues. To be a diplomat, it is essential to have a good knowledge of English, not only the conversational language, but also the technical terms in international law and diplomacy itself. To follow this career, besides being fluently bilingual, one needs a standard college education and has to take and do well in the Rio Branco Institute examination in Brasilia. English is so important in this career that in the first part of this selection exam, the applicant has to demonstrate his or her proficiency in the English language. Then, during the course, foreign language classes become a priority, giving future diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with the areas of official correspondences, diplomatic negotiation and international media. Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho. 336) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that: A diplomat _______________. a) doesn’t need a normal college education b) must be familiar with English, but only in the conversational language c) doesn’t have to give much attention to foreign language classes during the course d) must have a comprehensive knowledge of political, economical, scientific and administrative problems 337) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In...“giving future diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with”, the underlined word in the text is closest in meaning to, EXCEPT: a) Skill b) knowledge c) proficiency d) unawareness Texto para as questões 338 e 339 Oil contaminating Brazil’s beaches very likely from Venezuela Anna Jean Kaiser Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine Brazilian beach in recent weeks probably originated in Venezuela, the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation likely to further strain relations between the two countries. Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing disaster for more than a month, as the oil has spread to more than 130 beaches across nine states. Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a study by Petrobrás had concluded that the oil “is very likely from Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s coastline appeared to have caused the spill. There was no immediate response from Venezuela. Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, showing kilometers of white sand stained with oil blotches and dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One shows thick black oil lapping up against a rocky jetty. Adapted from The Guardian. 338) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that____________________. a) The spill was caused by a domestic ship near Brazilian beaches b) No dolphins and turtles died according to the images shared by the media c) A dense and natural oil marked hundreds of miles of clean beaches recently d) The government is investigating to discover how many beaches are involved in the disaster 339) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The word “strain”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to, EXCEPT: a) close b) tense c) difficult d) problematic Texto para as questões 340 e 341 Singapore overtakes US as world’s most competitive economy Sherisse Pham Singapore has knocked the United States out of the top spot in the World Economic Forum’s annual competitiveness report. The index takes stock of an economy’s competitive landscape, measuring factors such as macroeconomic stability, the infrastructure, the labor market and the innovation capability. Singapore pushed the world largest economy down to second place this year. Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Switzerland rounded out the top five. Hong Kong climbed four spots from last year’s report, despite the political crisis taking a toll on its economy. The financial hub received high marks for its macroeconomic stability and financial system, but fell short on its capability to innovate. Adapted from CNN.com 340) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The expression “taking a toll on its economy”, in bold type in the text, means that it _____________on the economy. a) has a good impact b) has a desired effect c) has a very bad effect d) has an unacceptable effect 341) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, choose the correct alternative: a) The United States won the best position in the World Economic Forum. b) The economy’s landscape is measured considering some different factors. c) The financial center increased its ability to use new ideas and methods. d) Hong Kong reached a lower position in the competition due to the political crisis. 59342) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that______________________. Can you recognize your emotions? If I ask you how you are feeling, you may answer: “I’m feeling good, I’m fine”! But what does that “good” or “fine” really mean? Would it mean fascinated, curious, balanced, joyful, encouraged, hopeful, motivated, happy? On the other hand you might also reply: “I’m feeling bad”, and, then, recognize that you are feeling bored, lonely, sorry, anxious, fearful, nervous, insecure or frustrated. The advantage of making such distinctions, rather than feeling “good” or “bad” is that your emotions indicate what you need to do to feel more satisfying. For example, if you are angry with a person, you can argue with him, you can request him to stop his offensive behavior or you can avoid him. You have choices. Recognize each of your emotions and pay attention to what they are communicating to you. Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho. a) Our emotions are divided only between good and bad b) It’s very easy to identify if our emotions are good or bad c) You have no choice when you are annoyed with somebody d) Our emotions may indicate what we need to do to feel happier Texto para as questões 343 e 344 Diary: your life day by day Most people consider diaries indispensable - a reminder of what they have to do each day. This is especially true in the professional world. A diary can help you keep track of your agenda and make it easier for you to follow a planned schedule. In this sense, it is similar to a notebook with dates in which you write meetings and other things to remember. At school or at work, diaries are very useful. However, a diary can be more than a list of appointments: it can be a secret record of,private thoughts. People write these diaries for different reasons: for fun or to read them years later. “It makes you think and form an opinion on what you are writing” - when you express your feelings and experiences, it’s easier to overcome your problems; it’s like a therapy. Nowadays, some people write e-diaries, called blogs or web logs. “They open their hearts” to other people on the Net. In fact, many people, famous or ordinary in fiction or in real life, write diaries. Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho. 343) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that: A diary____________________. a) is just useful to make a list of our compromises b) can be considered essential to those people who use it every day. c) is better than a notebook, where people open their hearts on the net d) is used to write about our feelings, but it can’t help to solve our problems 344) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In…“A diary can help you keep track of your agenda”, the underlined words are closest in meaning to: a) maintain your secret thoughts. b) remember some events from the past. c) continue to know what is going to happen. d) have information about another people’s private life. Texto para as questões 345 e 346 Corruption People all over the world complain about the corruption of police, government officials, and business leader. Three examples of corruption are: • a police officer takes money from a driver so he doesn’t give the driver a ticket for speeding. • a public official gives a government contract to a company in which he, or she has a financial interest. • a company that wants to do business with a government agency offers public official money, or a gift to choose that company for the job. Some people feel that power promotes corruption and that corruption is just an unavoidable part of human nature. But everyone agrees that it’s a terrible problem all over the world. Adapted from Top Noch. 345) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that___________________. a) the corruption involves different classes of workers b) government just deal with corruption company c) all good business are related to the corruption d) financial interests don’t matter to anyone 346) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that____________. a) corruption is something related to power in everyone opinion b) money is offered to drivers in order to avoid a ticket for speeding c) people around the world used to complain about the corruption of police d) it’s possible to see people using their own interest to deal with companies Texto para as questões 347 e 348 The Printing Press If you asked a large number of people what the most important invention has been, many would say the printing press. Others might say the wheel. But even though it’s debatable whether the appearance of the printing press affects the course of history more than the wheel. The printing press ranks within the top two or three inventions in history. Long before the telephone, the TV, the radio and the computer, the written word was the only way to communicate ideas to people too far away to talk with. Until the sixth or seventh century, all books had to be written by hand. Creating a book was difficult, and in comparison with today, very few books existed. Therefore, very few people read books.” Adapted from Top Noch. 347) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, choose the best alternative________________. a) the printing press invention was very important to the course of history b) the wheel was as important as the printing press invention c) the most important invention in the world was the wheel d) the printing press is the top invention in the world 348) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can say that_____________. a) even in the last centuries, people used to write lots of books b) the printing press invention allowed people to write the books by hand 60c) just after the printing press, the TV, the radio, and the computer were the new means of communication d) nowadays, there are more readers than there used to be in the earlier centuries like the sixth and the seventh 349) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) Choose the best alternative to complete the text subsequently. Many advertisem*nts also contain a ________slogan or a ________ to attract the consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember and to repeat. Another technique for advertising is ________ commercials. It’s when a person, often a famous one, shows up in ads and commercials. They speak on behalf of a product and they promote from hygiene items to financial institutions. Sponsors pay high ________ to these “posters boys” because it’s been proved that celebrities are a status symbol that not only play a role model but can easily influence people. Adapted from Grad Two. a) catchy/ jingle/ endorsem*nt/ fees b) jingle/ catchy/ endorsem*nt/ fees c) catchy/ fees/ jingle/ endorsem*nt d) jingle/ endorsem*nt/ catchy/ fees Texto para as questões 350 – 353 Mandela Nelson Mandela has achieved many things, but his greatest influence may be for something he didn’t do: run for a second term as South Africa’s leader. As the first President of a post-apartheid South Africa, he was, like George Washington, aware that everything he did would be a model for those who would follow. He once said, “I don’t want to be an octogenarian President.” What he really meant was that no man - not even one unfairly imprisoned for 27 years - should be above the law or the people. Mandela will remain perhaps the only figure on the world stage who has been an unambiguous moral giant. He could be considered a hero precisely because he always admitted his errors and then tried to rise above them. And never stop learning. He had to catch up on almost three decades of social change, and one of the things he had to learn about was AIDS. At first, this man didn’t have the most enlightened view. But within a year-long before other, younger South African leaders - he understood that AIDS was an enormous tragedy for his country and his continent, and he saw it as another moral challenge in a life of facing up to them. That’s a moral leadership. Adapted from Grad Two. 350) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The word achieved, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to: a) failed b) accorded c) considered d) accomplished 351) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In... “he had to catch up on almost three decades of social change...”, we can infer that Mandela had to____________. a) read many things about social change b) inform their followers about social change c) teach the society procedures d) write about the social change 352) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that Nelson Mandela _________. EXCEPT: a) used to like George Washington b) was able to recognize his mistakes c) has never intended to be above the law d) knew he was an example for his followers 353) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer that Mandela _______________. EXCEPT: a) was a straight leader b) could be considered a hero c) was kept in prison for about 27 years d) didn’t consider or face AIDS as an issue Texto para as questões 354 e 355 Woman wins Picasso painting worth €1m in raffle An Italian woman has won a painting by Pablo Picasso, worth about €1m (£900,000; $1.1m), in a raffle after being given the ticket as a gift. The winning ticket was pulled out during a live draw at Christie’s auction house in Paris. The event, which was fundraising for Care charity, had been postponed twice - first to sell more tickets, and then because of coronavirus restrictions. The prize painting, Nature Morte, is a still life from,1921. It is a relatively small artwork - measuring 9in by 18in (23cm by 46cm) - which shows a glass of absinthe and a newspaper on a table. In total €5.1m was raised for the charity by selling 51,000 raffle tickets at €100 each. About 29% of the tickets were sold in France, followed by the US and Switzerland. Organisers said that €4.2m of proceeds will go towards clean water projects in schools and villages in Madagascar, Morocco and Cameroon. David Nahmad, the billionaire collector from Monaco who supplied the Picasso painting, will be given €900,000. He also donated €100,000 to Care, organisers said. “Picasso would have loved an operation like this, because he was someone with a lot of interest in humanitarian and social causes,” sale organiser Peri Cochin told Reuters news agency. Adapted from www.bbc.com 354) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the right alternative according to the text. a) Part of the money will help people in Europe and Asia. b) Picasso would not be satisfied with this cause. c) Christie’s auction house is in Rome. d) 51,000 tickets were sold at €100. 355) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The meaning of “raffle” in the title is: a) The same as “for free”. b) When you buy something very expensive. c) A difficult operation that involves Picasso’s lecture. d) A competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes. Texto para as questões 356 e 357 Flooding hits parts of Midwest, with evacuations in Michigan People living along two mid-Michigan lakes and parts of a river were evacuated Tuesday following several days of heavy rain that produced flooding and put pressure on dams in the area. Two Midland-area schools were opened for evacuees and more than 50 roads have been closed. The evacuations in Michigan followed days of heavy rains in parts of the Midwest that also brought flooding to Chicago and other parts of Illinois, as well as Ohio and other states. 61“We were laying in bed when I heard sirens,” Jon St. Croix told the Midland Daily News. “A fire truck was driving around, broadcasting that (we needed) to evacuate. It’s a scary thing — you’re sleeping and awake to sirens.” St. Croix, 62, his wife and a next-door neighbor were among more than a dozen people sheltering in one of the schools. Their home was not flooded, but St. Croix said he had seen flooding in the area. Volunteers at the schools said about 120 vehicles were in the parking lots and about 30 people had been staying on cots inside, according to WNEM-TV. 356) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text, we can say that: a) The schools were working despite the evacuations. b) During the night the Police asked people around to evacuate. c) One hundred and twenty volunteers have died because of the flooding. d) Because of the heavy rain people who lived around the lakes area had to leave home. 357) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) “...broadcasting (...),” underlined in the text is closest, in meaning to: a) Transmitting b) Causing c) Following d) Considering 358) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The closest meaning of the word ‘thoughtful’ is: Home School Tips Many schools around the world closed because of the coronavirus. Parents must be a substitute teacher, and they learn with their children at home. It is not an easy task. Some parents expect that their children will work as hard as they do in school. However, parents need to understand that every child is different and works at different speeds. It is important to be kind and thoughtful. It does not have to be boring to learn. It can be fun, too. When parents teach their children math, they do not need to sit at the table and work with a book. Children can practice math during common activities such as baking or dining. Experts also say that it is important to communicate with the school and teachers and to stay in contact with school friends. a) Mentally ill or unable to behave in a reasonable way. b) When you think about how you can help other people. c) In need of rest or sleep. d) Feeling frightened. Texto para as questões 359 e 360 Hero pilot safely lands passenger plane with no front wheels as sparks fly from nose of jet A pilot safely landed a passenger plane without using its front wheels after they failed to deploy on arrival at the airport. Video footage of the emergency touchdown showed sparks flying from the nose of the aircraft as it slid along the runway in Myanmar. None of the 82 passengers and seven flight crew were injured during the incident at Mandalay International Airport. Myanmar National Airlines said in a statement that the pilot, Captain Myat Moe Aung, was alerted to the problem by the plane’s Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS). He informed the control tower and tried a backup emergency procedure to pull down the wheels on the Brazilian-made Embraer 190-LR. The pilot then carried out two fly-bys of the runway to allow air controllers to check visually whether the landing gear had deployed. After dumping fuel to reduce the landing weight, he brought the aircraft in to land on its rear wheels before the nose slowly tipped down to make contact with the runway at 9.09am on Sunday. “The pilot did a great job,” said Win Khant, permanent secretary of transportation and telecommunication ministry. A video posted online by one of the passengers showed smoke spreading through the plane before they evacuated the aircraft. Several of the passengers were smiling as they walked away from the plane. Flight operations at the airport were suspended for several hours as a result of the incident, which is now under investigation. “Myanmar national airlines would like to thank all passengers and our crew on board,” the company said in a statement. Last week a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane skidded off the runway after landing in bad weather in Yangon. At least 15 crew and passengers were injured. 359) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The correct information from the text is: a) The name of the Captain is Myat Musk Aung. b) There were 82 passengers and eight flight crew. c) The passengers were scared when leaving the plane. d) On Sunday it was made the contact with the runway. 360) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) It is possible to infer from the title that: a) Landing a plane without front wheels is not safe. b) The kind of airplane was a cargo aircraft. c) The nose of a jet is not a part of the plane. d) The action of the pilot was normal. Texto para as questões 361 e 362 Anne With an E fans wage digital war with Netflix over cancellation Anne Shirley, the outspoken orphan who first appeared in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 novel, Anne of Green Gables, has since appeared in countless movies and television spinoffs – and built a loyal global following. So it should probably come as little surprise that fans of the show’s latest remake – the TV series Anne With an E – are fiercely protective of their heroine. And like Anne, they’re willing to fight for what they believe in The shows coproducers, Netflix and CBC, announced that the drama would be cancelled after three seasons. “People were outraged. The cast and the crew were also blindsided by it,” said Lisa E, a Toronto-based organizer with AWAE Fan Projects. “Everyone loves the show obviously. They just couldn’t believe it.” The day after the announcement, a group of fans took to Twitter with rallying cry: renew the show. The group’s most successful – and most controversial – campaign has been a digital, guerilla-style battle against the two companies. 62Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/22/anne-withan-e-show-cancelled-angry-fans 361) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The word “blindsided”, in bold in the text, could be replaced by all the words below, EXCEPT: a) surprised,b) irritated c) shocked d) flabbergasted 362) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text: a) Anne with an E fans started crying when they discovered the show would be canceled. b) Like the heroine of the show, Anne’s fans fought for their beliefs, as they were outraged by the show’s cancellation. c) Fans guerrilla fight for the show was successful, and the next season of the show will be called “Anne of Green Gables”. d) Although the actors of the show knew from the beginning it would only last 3 seasons, they were devasted by the way the series ended. Texto para as questões 363 e 364 Brazilian airforce airlifted 4 Polish citizens from the coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland by helping to evacuate 4 Polish citizens from the Coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan. A Brazilian air force plane landed in Warsaw to drop the 4 Poles off, after which it continued its journey from Wuhan to Brazil. A total of 34 Brazilians were quarantined for 18 days after returning back home. 363) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The verb “aided”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to: a) Cured b) Helped c) Fought d) Rescued 364) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text: a) Jair Bolsonaro flew a plane himself to rescue 4 Polish citizens from Wuhan, besides the 34 Brazilians already rescued. b) Bolsonaro refused to rescue Polish citizens from Wuhan stating that the airplane was full with 34 Brazilians in it. c) The airplane used to rescue 4 Polish citizens stopped in Warsaw so to that these citzens could leave. d) Four Polish citzens were evacuated from Warsaw by a Brazilian air force plane. 365) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The word “void”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to Shallow Lady Gaga Tell me something, girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there something else you’re searching for? I’m falling In all the good times I find myself longing for change And in the bad times I fear myself Tell me something, boy Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void? Or do you need more? Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore? I’m falling In all the good times I find myself longing for change And in the bad times I fear myself I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in I’ll never meet the ground Crash through the surface Where they can’t hurt us We’re far from the shallow now https://www.letras.mus.br/lady-gaga/shallow-feat-bradley-cooper/ a) Meaningful b) emptiness c) fullness d) solid 366) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text, choose the correct alternative: The World’s strangest laws 1. You can’t call a pig Napoleon in France. 2. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. 3. In Miami, Florida, you mustn’t skateboard in a police station. 4. In London, you don’t have to pay to take a flock of sheep across London Bridge. 5. In Florida, unmarried women can’t parachute on Sundays. 6. It’s illegal to play golf on the streets of New York. 7. In Kentucky the law still says that everyone must have a bath at least once a year. 8. In seventeenth-century Russia, you couldn’t grow a beard unless you paid a special tax. 9. In fifteenth-century England, it was illegal for men to wear a moustache. 10. In the USA in the eighteenth century, bars couldn’t sell soda water on Sundays. From the book Practical Grammar John Hughes and Ceri Jones a) In Kentucky, the law says that everyone should have a bath at least once a year. b) It’s allowed to play soccer on the streets of New York. c) In the USA, bars must sell soda water on Sundays. d) In France, it is not allowed to call a pig Napoleon. Texto para as questões 367 e 368 The Last Kingdom The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of redemption, vengeance and self-discovery set against the birth of England. The series combines real historical figures and events with fiction, retelling the history of King Alfred the Great and his desire to unite the many separate kingdoms into what would become England. Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under its visionary King Alfred the Great. It is the last kingdom. Against this turbulent backdrop lives Uhtred. Born the son of a Saxon nobleman, he is orphaned by the Vikings and then kidnapped and raised as one of their own. Forced to choose between the country of his birth and the people of his upbringing, his loyalties are ever tested. What is he — Saxon 63or Viking? On a quest to claim his birthright, Uhtred must tread a dangerous path between both sides if he is to play his part in the birth of a new nation and, ultimately, recapture his ancestral lands. The Last Kingdom is a show of heroic deeds and epic battles but with a thematic depth that embraces politics, religion, warfare, courage, love, loyalty and our universal search for identity. Combining real historical figures and events with fictional characters, it is the story of how a people combined their strength under one of the most iconic kings of history in order to reclaim their land for themselves and build a place they call home. Adapted from https://www.bbcamerica.com/shows/the-last-kingdom/about 367) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text: a) Although the series shows many brave actions and battles, it also includes deeper topics. b) The main character, Uhtred, is often tested, which makes the series repetitive and in need of identity. c) When combining real events with fiction, the series only real strength lies in the character of King Alfred the Great. d) The show focuses on great battles and lacks depth when representing the characters. 368) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Mark the alternative that LACKS the correct synonym for the underlined word. a) On a quest to claim his birthright, Uhtred must tread a dangerous path (...) – walk b) (...) only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under its visionary King Alfred the Great – refusing to obey c) The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of redemption, vengeance and self-discovery set against the birth of England. – revenge d) (...) it is the story of how a people combined their strength under one of the most iconic kings of history in order to reclaim their land for themselves and build a place they call home. – give back 369) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Life on a desert island. Alexander,L.G. Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. There is also the other side of the picture: Life on a desert island is wretched - you either starve to death or live like Robison Crusoe waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out. Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island whished they had stayed there no longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water to drink, but this didn’t prove to be a problem since the men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it, “ate,like kings”. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. New concept English. Developing skills: an integrated course for intermediate students. The men on the island didn’t go thirsty because they: a) had plenty of ripe fruit. b) could drink rain-water. c) were at a coral island. d) had a spear gun. 370) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) In the sentence “You can start a conversation just by saying...”, the opposite of start is: a) Purpose. b) Initiate. c) Finish. d) Over. 371) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Memories Maroon 5 Chorus: Here’s to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we’ve been through Toast to the ones here today Toast to the ones that we lost on the way ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories And the memories bring back, memories bring back you There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name ‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah Everybody hurts sometimes Everybody hurts someday, But everything gon’ be alright Go and raise a glass and say, Chorus There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah) Now my heart feel like an ember and it’s lighting up the dark I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never drop, yeah Everybody hurts sometimes Everybody hurts someday, But everything gon’ be alright Go and raise a glass and say, Chorus Choose the alternative that contains a word from the song meaning “a piece of wood or coal, etc. that continues to burn after a fire has no more flames”. a) ember b) hatred c) same d) raise 64372) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The lion and the four bulls Clarke, M. A lion used to walk about a field in which four bulls lived. Many times he tried to attack them, but whenever he came near, they turned their tails toward one another so that whichever way the lion tried to attack, he would have to face the horns of one of them. At last, however, the bulls started arguing with each other, and each went off to a different part of the field by himself. Then the lion attacked them one by one and soon had killed all four Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996.p.138 The messsage of the text can be summarized as: a) Necessity is the mother of invention. b) You must take the bull by the horns. c) United we stand, divided we fall. d) Only the strong survive 373) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Metal airplane part seems to fall from plane into Arizona family’s backyard An Arizona couple discovered what appeared to be a metal plate from an airplane in their backyard last week. Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported. “I kind of looked around to see if there was anything else, like another piece, or something else other than that, with writing on it. It looks like it’s from an airplane, and you think, oh man, that’s crazy,” Jaclyn told the outlet. According to images shared with CBS5, the metal piece seems to be part of the airplane lavatory. Adapted from https://www.foxnews.com/travel/arizona-metal-piece-airplane-backyard. In the sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.”, in bold in the text, choose the alternative that contains a verb connected to the action that happened first. a) piece b) found c) fallen d) reported Texto para as questões 374 e 375 Insomnia Insomnia is the most common of all sleep complaints. Almost everyone has occasional sleepless nights, perhaps due to stress, heartburn or drinking too much caffeine or alcohol. Insomnia is a lack of sleep that occurs on a regular or frequent basis, often for no apparent reason. How much sleep is enough varies. Although 7 1/2 hours of sleep is about average, some people do fine on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Other people need 9 or 10 hours a night. Inability to get a good night’s sleep can affect not only your energy level and mood but your health as well because sleep helps bolster your immune system. Fatigue, at any age, leads to diminished mental alertness and concentration. Lack of sleep is linked to accidents both on the road and on the job. About one out of three people have insomnia sometime in their life. Sleeplessness may be temporary or chronic. You don’t necessarily have to live with sleepless nights. Some simple changes in your daily routine and habits may result in better sleep. 374) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The text contains information on: a) The different intellectual activities which may keep a person’s mind too busy to sleep. b) The effects of sleep problems on people’s body and mind. c) The activities that help promote a good night’s sleep. d) The food that is necessary to eat to sleep better. 375) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text, we can NOT infer that: a) Changing some everyday habits can be a step to improve sleep quality. b) A large number of people suffer from occacional sleepless nights. c) Difficulty in concentration can be a consequence of lack of sleep. d) Insomnia will necessarily lead to chronic sleepless nights. 376) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The word “panned”, in bold in the text, could NOT be replaced by: ‘Emily in Paris’ star says he partly understands why critics panned the ‘cliché’ Netflix show Despite being a huge hit for Netflix, critics across the board (particularly French critics) have slammed the show for indulging in outdated and offensive stereotypes that present Parisians as rude, sexist, and elitist. The main love interest in Netflix’s controversial comedy “Emily in Paris” said he partly understands why critics have panned the show. “I think they’re right in a way,” Lucas Bravo, who plays chef Gabriel in the show, said during an interview with Cosmopolitan. The 32-year-old French actor continued: “At some point, if you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to choose an angle. You have to choose a vision. French critics, they didn’t understand the fact that it’s just one vision. They’re like, ‘Oh, this is not what Paris is.’ Of course. Paris is many things.” Adapted from https://www.insider.com/emily-in-paris-star-lucas-bravo-understands-netflix-show-criticism-2020-10. a) condemned b) criticized c) attacked d) praised Texto para a questão 377 Perfect Ed Sheeran (...)‘Cause we were just kids When we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow Your heart is all I own And in your eyes you’re holding mine Baby, I’m dancing in the dark With you between my arms Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favorite song When you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling You look perfect Tonight 65Well I found a woman, stronger Than anyone I know She shares my dreams I hope that someday I’ll share her home’(...) 377) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that contains a word meaning “not wearing any shoes or socks”. a) Underneath b) Whispered c) Barefoot d) Odds 378) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The correct information from the text is: World Knowledge France is the most popular country to visit. It has about 76 million visitors a year. China has the greatest number of stores in the world. There are over 19 million stores. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake on earth. It’s 1,637,meters deep. Tokyo Disneyland is the world’s most popular amusem*nt park. It has over 25 million visitors a year. The longest nonstop flight is from New York to Singapore. It’s 18 hours long. The busiest airport in the world is London Heathrow, with over 55 million passengers a year. Canada has the longest coastline of any country on earth. It’s 243,792 kilometers long. Easter Island is the world’s most isolated island. It’s about 3,700 kilometers from the South American continent. From the book Interchange a) The flight from China to Sigapore is the longest nonstop. b) London Heahrow is the busiest airport in the world. c) Canada has the most popular amusem*nt park. d) The deepest lake on earth is Easter Island. Texto para as questões 379 – 381 How many kisses? You must remember this: you were going in for a double European - style greeting kiss with a friend who was expecting only a single cheek peck. It’s an awkward question that constantly creates trouble for traveleres: How many times should you pucker up? Here’s a handy guide: One: A single buss is acceptable in the U.S., but it’s mostly a big-city, phenomenon. Women will give a brief hug, while men shake hands. In the Middle East, one kiss on the lips is a normal greeting, but not between men and women. Two: Double up in Spain, Austria, Sweden, Hungary and, more recently, in Britain. Three or more: Triple kisses will work in Egypt, Russia, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Business in Belgium? Three kisses are a sign of respect for those at least 10 years older than you. Pack your lip balm in France; many people still insist on four kisses. Keep your lips to yourself: Germans rarely greet with a kiss. In Chile, opt for a handshake. Skip the kiss and bow or shake hands instead when visiting Japan, China and Korea. Time, March 15, 2004, p.63. 379) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text, one kiss on the lips is a normal greeting in: a) The Middle East. b) Switzerland. c) Russia. d) Spain. 380) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The text informs that kissing a friend’s face: a) Is a sign of respect with olders in Netherlands. b) In Austria, means triple kisses. c) Is not a habit in Japan. d) Is okay in Chile. 381) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text, choose the alternative that is NOT correct. a) In the U.S: women give a brief hug, men shake hands. b) Greeting kiss is an easy task for travelers. c) In Switzerland, triple kisses will work. d) Germans seldom greet with a kiss. 382) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “fussing” in bold type means: We can work it out The Beatles “Life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.” a) To give too much attention to small matters that are not important. b) Not willing to work or use any effort. c) Feeling very happy and enthusiastic. d) Tired and wanting to sleep. Texto para a questão 383 Building on a breakthrough: Firm hoping to extend range of hydrogen-powered plane The firm behind the world’s first hydrogen-electric powered passenger plane flight is hoping to extend the range of the aircraft by the end of the year. ZeroAvia made the breakthrough by completing a 15-minute flight at an airfield in southern England last month. “It is not the future, it’s reality,” Sergey Kiselev, ZeroAvia’s European chief told Euronews in an interview on Thursday, referring to hydrogen-powered planes. “We are working on expanding the range of the reach of the aircraft. By the end of the year, this exact aircraft will be able to fly about 300 nautical miles.” It is hoped ZeroAvia’s maiden flight will be the first step in making one of the most polluting industries green. “The only emission from this aeroplane in flight is water vapour,” said Val Miftakhov, CEO and founder of ZeroAvia, back in September. “We also have a fueling infrastructure set up that ensures zero-emission production of hydrogen itself. It’s clean, it’s less noisy, and they will be able to fly without feeling guilty for flying.” https://www.euronews.com/2020/10/22/building-on-a-breakthrough-firmhoping-to-extend-range-of-hydrogen-powered-plane. 383) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “breakthrough”, on the title of the text, could be best substituted by: a) an important discovery. b) a major problem. c) a big step-back. d) a hope. 384) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text: Flying with a Dog? Here’s What You Need to Know The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy. 66Some airlines restrict the total number of pets allowed on any given flight, and these spots are usually parceled out on a first-come, first-served basis—so you will want to book early. Expect to pay a fee to fly with your dog. Current standard fees range from around $75 to $200 each way, and can go up to several hundred dollars for larger dogs that must be transported on cargo planes. If at all possible, choose a direct flight. As tough as flying is on a dog, especially in the cargo hold, submitting them to even longer travel times plus multiple encounters with baggage handling can easily go sideways. My family flew cross-country with our dog several years ago, and had purchased direct flights, but due to aircraft problems on the way home had to switch to a connecting itinerary. During our connection in St. Louis, we watched helplessly through the airport windows as a baggage hander in St. Louis let our dog’s travel crate nearly free-fall onto the tarmac. When we picked her up at our home airport, the crate was shattered and the dog significantly traumatized. https://www.smartertravel.com/flying-with-a-dog/ a) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you mostly by the size of the animal and will have almost zero connection to the airline’s policy. b) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you both by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy. c) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you either by the size of the animal or the airline’s policy. d) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you neither by the size of the animal or the airline’s policy. Texto para as questões 385 e 386 Job Search Tips 1. You should tell all your friends that you are looking for a job. 2. You’d better not quit your present job before you find a new one. 3. You shoudn’t tell your boss that you are looking for a new job. 4. You ought to apply for several jobs at once. 5. You shoudn’t immediately ask an interviewer about job benefits. 6. You should always give the interviewer accurate salary information. 385) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “accurate” in bold type means: a) Able to give completely correct information. b) Able to give completely wrong information. c) To express the fact that you are surprised. d) To increase over a period of time. 386) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the tips: a) Sharing with your friends about your job search is not a good idea. b) You ought to keep your present job during your search. c) Asking about benefits right away sounds good. d) You should apply for just one job. Texto para a questão 387 ICE AGE Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.,Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope he’ll star in his own movie someday. 387) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose a sentence in which the word “agenda” is used correctly and with the same meaning it has on the text a) She told me the travel agency will give the travelers an agenda describing the different places they will go and things they will see. b) I got a very beautiful blue agenda as a gift from my dad. c) There were several important items on the agenda. d) There’s no hidden agenda, I’m just trying to help. Texto para as questões 388 – 391 Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting) Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social-networking sites was extremely diverse: Google’s Orkut dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America preferred Hi5; Maktoob was king in the Arab world. The Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South Koreans surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and Facebook has stolen users away from its rivals very fast. It’s completely knocked Hi5 off the map in former strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, and Thailand. After a tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, Facebook has emerged victorious. And it’s becoming more popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local providers are making a desperate last stand. There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s colonization kick. Russians continue to use Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the rankings. China remains highly committed to domestic sites such as Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re living in Zuckerberg’s world. (endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente) 388) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Facebook’s boom on the Internet was in a) 2007. b) 2008. c) 2009. d) 2010. e) 2011. 389) (EsPCEx 2011) How many different social-networking sites are mentioned in the text ? a) Five. b) Seven. c) Nine. d) Eleven. 67e) Thirteen. 390) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Facebook is not number one in a) South America. b) Peru, Mexico and Thailand. c) Russia and China. d) India and Brazil. e) South Korea. 391) (EsPCEx 2011) Which alternative represents the main idea of the text ? a) Facebook dominates the world of social networks. b) Orkut is the most popular site in Latin America. c) Facebook is used by people all over the world except in China. d) Orkut won the battle in India. e) Facebook is one of the top three in popularity in Russia. Texto para as questões 392 – 395 Life and the Movies Joey Potter looked at her friend Dawson Leery and she smiled sadly. “Life isn’t like a movie, Dawson,” she said. “We can’t write happy endings to all our relationships.” Joey was a pretty girl with long brown hair. Both Joey and Dawson were nearly sixteen years old. The two teenagers had problems. All teenagers have the same problems - life, love, school work, and parents. It isn’t easy to become an adult. Dawson loved movies. He had always loved movies. He took film classes in school. He made short movies himself. Dawson wanted to be a film director. His favorite director was Steven Spielberg. Dawson spent a lot of his free time filming with his video camera. He loved watching videos of great movies from the past. Most evenings, he watched movies with Joey. “These days, Dawson always wants us to behave like people in movies,” Joey thought. And life in the little seaside town of Capeside wasn’t like the movies. Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her. She thought about the years of their long friendship. They were best friends... ANDERS, C. J. Retold by CORNISH, F. H. Dawson’s Creek. Shifting into overdrive. Oxford, Macmillan, 2005. 392) (EsPCEx 2011) Which alternative best explains the sentence “We can’t write happy endings to all our relationships.”? a) It’s not possible to decide what happens in our future. b) We need permission to write books about happy endings in relationships. c) Our relationships are the happiest things in our lives. d) Happy endings are always possible in real life. e) People expect unhappy endings when they watch a movie. 393) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the sentence “Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her”, it is correct to say that Dawson was a) strange. b) calm. c) ugly. d) good-looking. e) intelligent. 394) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, which alternative is correct about Dawson? a) He first met Joey a couple of weeks ago. b) He spent most of his evenings with Joey. c) He had dark hair. d) He didn’t have any problems e) He was older than Joey. 395) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, “The two teenagers had problems” because a) they wanted to be film directors. b) it is difficult to become an adult. c) they wanted to behave like people in movies. d) they were best friends. e) they watched movies until late at night. Texto para as questões 396 – 399 Brazilian Forces Claim Victory in Gang Haven RIO DE JANEIRO - In a quick and decisive military operation, Brazilian security forces took control of this city’s most notorious slum on Sunday, celebrating victory over drug gangs after a weeklong battle. In the early afternoon, the military police raised the flags of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro atop a building on the highest hill in the Alemão shantytown complex, providing a rare moment of happiness and celebration in a decades-long battle to rid this city’s violent slums of drug gangs. An air of calm and relief swept through the neighborhood, as residents opened their windows and began walking the streets. Dozens of children ran from their houses in shorts and bikinis to jump into a swimming pool that used to belong to a gang leader. Residents congregated around televisions in bars and restaurants, cheering for the police as if they were cheering for their favorite soccer teams. “Now the community is ours,” Jovelino Ferreira, a 60-year-old pastor, said, his eyes filling with tears. “This time it will be different. We have to have faith. Many people who didn’t deserve have suffered here.” http://www.nytimes.com, consulta em 28/11/2010 396) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Brazilian security forces fought Against a) Alemão shanty town complex. b) drug gangs. c) Jovelino Ferreira. d) the military police. e) Jovelino Ferreira’s community. 397) (EsPCEx 2011) After Brazilian security forces’ victory, a) residents went to streets. b) children were afraid. c) the gang leader used the swimming pool. d) residents cheered for their favorite soccer team. e) residents prayed with pastor Jovelino Ferreira. 398) (EsPCEx 2011) It is correct to say that, after the decisive military operation in the Alemão shantytown complex, Jovelino Ferreira was a) angry. b) sick. c) sad d) hungry e) hopeful. 399) (EsPCEx 2011) In the last paragraph, the author is describing a scene of a) sadness. b) conflict. c) happiness. d) fear. e) tragedy. 68Texto para as questões 400 – 402 Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours and militant culture Chengdu, China (CNN) — Miss Chen (we changed her name for this story), an 18-year-old student from a village outside of the southern megacity of Chongqing, is one of,more than one million factory workers at a Chinese company that helps manufacture products for Apple Inc.’s lucrative global empire, which ranked in a record $46.3 billion in sales last quarter. They work day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at company facilities, as they help build electronics products for Apple and many other global brand names, such as Amazon’s Kindle and Microsoft’s Xbox. As a poor college student with no work experience, looking for a job in China’s competitive market is an uphill battle. So when Chen was offered a one-month position at Foxconn with promises of great benefits and little overtime, she jumped at the chance. But when she started working, she found out that only senior employees got such benefits. “During my first day of work, an older worker said to me, ‘Why did you come to Foxconn? Think about it again and leave right now’,” said Chen, who plans to return to her studies at a Chongqing university soon. Foxconn recently released a statement defending its corporate practices, stating its employees are entitled to numerous benefits including access to health care and opportunities for promotions and training. In response to questions from CNN, Apple also released a statement: “We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made. Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if they want to keep doing business with Apple.” After three weeks of applying more than 4,000 stickers a day onto iPad screens by hand and working 60 hours a week in an assembly line, Chen says she’s ready to go back to school and study hard so she’ll never have to return to Foxconn. “It’s so boring, I can’t bear it anymore. Everyday is like: I get off from work and I go to bed. I get up in the morning, and I go to work. It is my daily routine and I almost feel like an animal,” said Miss Chen. When asked why humans do machine-like work at Foxconn, she responds, “Well, humans are cheaper.” Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com, consulta em 06/02/2012 400) (EsPCEx 2012) It’s correct to say that Miss Chen a) is very satisfied with her job at Foxconn. b) is a special factory worker at Foxconn. c) has lots of benefits and little overtime at Foxconn. d) works day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at Foxconn. e) worked in another company before working at Foxconn. 401) (EsPCEx 2012) In the sentence “As a poor college student with no work experience, looking for a job in China’s competitive market is an uphill battle.”, the author means that a) you cannot find a job in China. b) you have to go up a hill. c) it’s exciting to get a job in China. d) it’s difficult to get a job in China. e) you have to be an excellent athlete. 402) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, workers at Foxconn company are compared to a) machines and animals. b) machines and humans. c) animals and men. d) suppliers and machines. e) animals and suppliers. Texto para a questão 403 Fire at Antarctica station kills 2 Brazilian sailors Two Brazilian sailors died and one was injured Saturday after a fire broke out at a naval research station in Antarctica, authorities reported. The fire occurred at the Comandante Ferraz Station on King George Island, said Adm. Julio Soares de Moura Neto, commander of the Brazilian Navy. The three sailors were trying to extinguish a fire that broke out in the engine room of the facility. Brazilian military police are investigating the cause. The station is home to researchers who conduct studies on the effects of climate change in Antarctica and its implications on the planet, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation. Researchers at the base also study marine life and the atmosphere. Adaptado de http://articles.cnn.com, consulta em 26/02/2012 403) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, it is correct to state that a) the Brazilian sailors were responsible for the fire incident. b) the fire started outside the engine room. c) Brazilian military police still don’t know the cause. d) researchers are studying the cause. e) climate change caused the fire. Texto para as questões 404 – 406 “Hello”, said a quiet, musical voice. I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. He was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled toward me. His hair was dripping wet – he looked like someone in a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were careful. “My name is Edward Cullen,” he continued. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan.” My mind was spinning with confusion. He was perfectly polite now. I had to speak; he was waiting. But I couldn’t think of anything conventional to say. “H-how do you know my name?” I stammered. He laughed a soft laugh. “Oh, I think everyone knows your name. The whole town was waiting for you to arrive.” MEYER, S. Twilight. New York: Megan Tingley Books, 2006. Page 43 404) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the sentence “I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me.”, Bella a) didn’t expect Edward to approach her. b) was feeling comfortable. c) didn’t want to be friends with Edward. d) didn’t want to talk to Edward. e) was offended by Edward’s attitude. 405) (EsPCEx 2012) “My mind was spinning with confusion. He was perfectly polite now. I had to speak; he was waiting. But I couldn’t think of anything conventional to say. “H-how do you know my name?” I stammered.” The excerpt above describes a feeling of a) sadness. 69b) deception. c) pain. d) nervousness. e) anger. 406) (EsPCEx 2012) According to Bella’s descriptions in the text, Edward was a) intelligent. b) boring. c) charming. d) inconvenient. e) dangerous. Texto para as questões 407 e 408 What is a pub? The word pub is short for public house. Pubs are popular social meeting places. They are an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there. Many have a garden where people can sit in the summer. One of the oldest pubs, Fighting co*cks in St. Albans, Herts, is located in a building that dates back to the eleventh century. Groups of friends normally buy ‘rounds’ of drinks, where the person whose turn it is will buy drinks for all the members of the group. In most pubs in Britain, you must go to the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchase immediately, there is no table service. Bartenders do not expect frequent tipping. To tip them, it is customary to say: “Would you like a drink yourself?” Adaptado de http://projectbritain.com/pubs.htm, consulta em 22/06/2012 407) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, pubs are popular places where people a) get together. b) just drink. c) have to tip the bartender. d) meet only in the winter. e) pay the bartender a drink. 408) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, it is correct to say that in Britain a) there is table service in most pubs. b) pubs do not serve the customer at the bar. c) pubs have a very important role in social life. d) pubs are always located in very old buildings. e) friends can’t buy ‘rounds’ of drinks in pubs. Texto para as questões 409 – 411 Facebook Song lyrics I wouldn’t call myself a social butterfly And there’s not much that separates me from the other guy But when I log in I begin to live There’s an online world where I am king Of a little website dedicated to me With pictures of me and a list of my friends And an unofficial record of the groups that I’m in Before the internet, friendship,was so tough You actually had to be in people’s presence and stuff Who would have thought that with a point and a click I could know that Hope Floats is your favorite flick Facebook I’m hooked on Facebook I used to meet girls hanging out at the mall Now I just wait for them to write on my wall Oh! Link’s status changed, it says he’s playing the recorder... How do you know this person? Did you hook up with this person? Do you need to request confirmation? Or did you just think they looked cute... From their picture on Facebook? If the internet crashed all across the land Or my Facebook account was deleted by the man I’d carry around a picture of my face And a summary of me typed out on a page Adaptado de http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/r/rhett_and_link/facebook_song.html 409) (EsPCEx 2013) The text above can be considered a) obscene. b) obsolete. c) religious. d) ironic. e) thrilling. 410) (EsPCEx 2013) The sentence “But when I login I begin to live” brings the readers a reflection about the extreme importance that people, in our society, give to a) school and internet. b) love and life. c) life and death. d) girls and computers. e) the online world. 411) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “Before the internet, friendship was so tough”, the word tough can be replaced by a) easy. b) difficult. c) respectable. d) nice. e) flexible. Texto para as questões 412 – 414 President Obama Launches Gun-Violence Task Force Five days after deadliest elementary school shooting in U.S. history, President Obama said his administration plans immediate action early next year on proposals to curb an “epidemic of gun violence”. At a morning news conference, Obama announced the formation of a task force to be headed by Vice President Joe Biden that will formulate a package of policy recommendations by January. “The fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing”, Obama said. “The fact that we can’t prevent every act of violence doesn’t mean that we can’t steadily reduce the violence and prevent the very worst violence.” The president said he intends to push for implementation of the proposals “without delay”. “This is a team that has a very specific task to pull together real reforms right now”, he said. While Obama did not offer specifics, he suggested the task force would examine an array of steps to curb gun violence and prevent mass shootings, including legislative measures, mental health resources and a “look more closely at a culture that all-too-often glorifies guns and violence”. “I will use all the powers of this office to help advance efforts aimed at preventing more tragedies like this”, Obama said. Obama made similar pronouncements following at least four other mass shootings that marked his first term. But few 70policy changes were made. “This is not the first incident of horrific gun violence of your four years. Where have you been?”, asked ABC News’ Jake Tapper. “I’ve been president of the United States, dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of collapse, two wars. I don’t think I’ve been on vacation”, Obama responded. Adaptado de http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/president-obama - launches-gun-violence-task-force/story?id=18015694#UOA3AOTAdyw 412) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “This is a team that has a very specific task …”, who is the leader of this team? a) the press. b) Jake Tapper. c) Joe Biden. d) the task force. e) ABC channel. 413) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, Obama a) is not trying to solve the mass shootings problem. b) is not worried about gun violence. c) was on vacation during the shooting. d) requests a task force to try to solve the problem. e) decides to take action after talking to the reporter. 414) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentences “... proposals to curb an “epidemic of gun violence”...” and “an array of steps to curb gun violence...”, the word curb means a) control. b) cultivate. c) increase. d) encourage. e) originate. Texto para as questões 415 e 416 Welcome to Madrid: City of Protests Madrid (CNN) – “The people, united, will never be divided!” yells the crowd, angrily waving banners and placards. “To fight is the only way!” Dog-walkers, mothers with strollers, and pensioners carrying shopping bags join the crowd. These people on the sidewalk are no curious neighbors. Indeed, many of them are complete strangers to the family living on the fifth floor, but they are all here to protect Rocio from eviction - being forced to leave her property by legal process. Rocio and her son, now 17 and in high school, moved from Ecuador in 2003, when times were good and jobs plentiful in Spain. But then the global financial crisis hit, bringing Spain’s economy down, Rocio lost her two jobs - in a shop, and as a cleaner. For a while, Rocio got by on benefits, but then those stopped too. She is an example of the crisis many Spaniards face as the country deals with the highest unemployment rate since the Civil War in the 1930s, and a recession entering its second year. “I can’t stand the thought of living on the streets with my son, but I have no idea where else to go”, she says. Rocio’s story is echoed by others all over Spain. It is this fear that took many Spanish citizens to action. Many of those people who are outside the door of Rocio’s apartment block are supporters of “Stop Desahucios” (Stop Evictions), part of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH – Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca), a group that campaigns to prevent banks and authorities from eviction because of the country’s economic crisis. They accuse the banks and authorities of “real estate terrorism”. There are also the mass marches of the 15-M movement - also known as the “Indignados”. Activist Dante Scherma, 24, says citizens were not used to speaking out on political issues. “The 15-M movement made people talk about social issues, and about politics in normal conversations - in cafés, restaurants, bars - where before they only talked about football or fashion.” Back in Vicalvaro, the moment of truth has arrived, but the crowd - now shouting at the police, insisting they have to stop forcing families to leave their properties - appears to have had an impact. Lawyers from the PAH explain that Rocio will be able to stay - for a while, at least. For those working to stop Spain’s eviction epidemic, today has seen a small and temporary victory. For those demonstrating about cuts, corruption and lack of cash, the protests will go on. Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/20/ world/europe/madrid-city-of-protests/index.html 415) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, Rocio a) moved to Spain when there were many jobs there. b) was the only person affected by the crisis in Spain. c) is getting benefits from Spain’s government nowadays. d) had two jobs in Ecuador before moving to Spain. e) has the best job in Spain nowadays. 416) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, the 15-M movement made a) Spaniards’ lives lose their importance. b) citizens in Spain more interested in social issues. c) Spaniards talk more about football and fashion. d) people go to cafés, restaurants and bars. e) Spaniards accept evictions. Texto para a questão 417 Empirically Based Leadership A significant area of interest within the US Army empirical literature on leadership is emotional intelligence (EI), which in recent years has been the focus of considerable attention in relationship to leadership efficacy. Emotional intelligence involves an awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the ability to control them, social awareness of others and their emotions, and the capacity,to understand and manage relationship and social networks. In understanding others’ emotions, an important contributing factor to the success of the more effective military officers is their ability to empathize with their subordinates. In discussing empathy, FM (Field Manual) 6-22 defines it as “the ability to see something from another person’s point of view, to identify with and enter into another person’s feelings and emotions”. Empathy is not typically a quality that most soldiers would readily identify as an essential characteristic to effective leadership or necessary to producing positive organizational outcomes, but it is an important quality for competent leadership, especially as it relates to EI. Adaptado de McDONALD, Sean P. Military Review, Jan-Feb, 2013. 417) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, we can state that a) empathy is part of emotional intelligence. b) emotional intelligence does not include empathy. c) emotional intelligence is the ability to avoid empathy. d) the US Army wants soldiers to hide feelings. e) the US Army wants leaders to control subordinates’ feelings. 71Texto para as questões 418 – 421 Military Officers Face a New Evaluation Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is leading important changes following recent scandals involving high-ranking officers. This is part of training and development programs for generals and admirals. They will include new courses to train the security detail, executive staffs and even the spouses of senior officers. Saying he was disturbed about the misconduct issues, General Dempsey said that evaluations of top officers needed to go beyond the traditional assessment of professional performance by superior officers alone. He said that he had decided the changes were necessary “to assess both competence and character in a richer way”. “You can have someone of incredible character who can’t lead their way out of a forward operating base because they don’t have the competence to understand the application of military power, and that doesn’t do me any good”, General Dempsey said. “Conversely, you can have someone who is intensely competent in the skills of the profession, but doesn’t live a life of character. And that doesn’t do me any good.” General Dempsey said that regular professional reviews would be transformed from top-down assessments to the kind of “360-degree performance evaluation”, which includes feedback from subordinates, peers and superiors. For the new training programs, he said that while it may be impossible to prevent infractions, “most officers need to be reminded of the rules and regulations on a routine basis”. Teams of inspectors will observe and review the procedures of commanders and their staffs. The inspections will not be punitive, but will provide a “periodic opportunity for general officers to understand whether, from an institutional perspective, we think they are inside or outside the white lines”, he said. In addition, new programs will be instituted to ensure that a commander’s staff, and a spouse, are fully aware of military regulations. “In my 39 years in the military, I have learned that you are not a profession just because you say you are. You have to earn it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it from time to time”, General Dempsey said. According to the Macmillan English Dictionary Online, the word issue has the following definitions. Read them and answer the question below. 1. a problem that needs to be considered. 2. a magazine that is published at a particular time. 3. a set of things that are available to people at a particular time. 4. (formal) the act of officially giving something to someone. 5. (legal) someone’s children. 418) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, which definition above corresponds to issue in the sentence “...he was disturbed about the misconduct issues...” (paragraph 2)? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 419) (EsPCEx 2014) Which word is a synonym for evaluations in the text? a) Applications. b) Regulations. c) Infractions. d) Assessments. e) Procedures. 420) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Conversely, you can have...” (paragraph 3), the word conversely indicates that the two situations described in the paragraph a) have similar elements. b) have opposite elements. c) have identical elements. d) have chronological elements. e) have unbelievable elements. 421) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, a 360-degree performance evaluation (paragraph 4) a) is a periodic evaluation that rotates 360 degrees. b) is a periodic evaluation that lasts 360 days. c) includes the opinions of an immediate work circle. d) is an evaluation that certainly prevents infractions. e) includes only the opinions of superior officers. Texto para as questões 422 Japan WW2 Soldier Who Refused to Surrender Dies A Japanese soldier who refused to surrender after World War Two ended and spent 29 years in the jungle has died aged 91 in Tokyo. Hiroo Onoda remained in the jungle on Lubang Island near Luzon, in the Philippines, until 1974 because he did not believe that the war had ended. He was finally persuaded to emerge after his ageing former commanding officer was flown in to see him. Onoda was greeted as a hero on his return to Japan. The young soldier had orders not to surrender - a command he obeyed for nearly three decades. “I became an officer and I received an order. If I could not carry it out, I would feel shame. I am very competitive”, he said. Three other soldiers were with him at the end of the war. One emerged from the jungle in 1950 and the other two died. Mr Onoda ignored several attempts to get him to surrender. He later said that he dismissed search parties sent to him, and leaflets dropped by Japan, because there was always something suspicious, so he never believed that the war had really ended. Though Onoda had been officially declared dead in December 1959, search parties were sent out in 1972, when the last person from his group was killed by local police, but they did not find him. Onoda was now alone. On February 20, 1974, a Japanese man, Norio Suzuki, found Onoda after four days of searching. They became friends, but Onoda still refused to surrender, saying that he was waiting for orders from a superior officer. Suzuki returned to Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their encounter, and the Japanese government located Onoda’s commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi. He flew to Lubang where on March 9, 1974, he finally met with Onoda and rescinded his original orders in person. The Philippine government granted him a pardon, although many in Lubang never forgave him for killing 30 people during his campaign on the island. The news media reported on this and other misgivings, but at the same time welcomed his return home. Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25772192 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda 422) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I) Hiroo Onoda was in the jungle for 29 years. 72II) Hiroo Onoda was abandoned in the jungle by his country after the war ended. III) Hiroo Onoda tried to go back home many times. IV) Hiroo Onoda had another soldier with him until 1972. V) Hiroo Onoda was admired by people in Lubang. a) III and V are correct. b) I and II are correct. c) I and IV are correct. d) I and III are correct e) All of them are correct. Texto para as questões 423 e 424 Brazil’s Rolezinhos – The Kids Are All Right Shopping Metrô Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid the favelas (shantytowns) of eastern São Paulo, gained notoriety on January 11th, when the police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse a crowd,of 3,000 youths. The youngsters were participating in a rolezinho, a gathering of tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of youngsters which is convened via social networks. Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be cautious. A few rolezinhos have led to muggings and robberies. But most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the word’s true meaning is closer to “little outing”. And theories that rolezeiros are class warriors or favela dwellers tired of the country’s veiled racism are not correct. “Their battle cry is not ‘Less oppression!’” says Renato Barreiros, who has directed a documentary about them. “It’s ‘More Adidas!’” The point of a rolezinho is “to hang out, chill, buy nice things, meet people”, explains Vinicius Andrade, a 17-year-old from Capão Redondo, a favela in western São Paulo. He has taken part in 18 big rolezinhos and helped organise a few, drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His 15-year-old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, a rolezeiro sweetheart with 94,000 fans of her own on the social network, says that shopping centres make good meeting places because they are safe – an important consideration in a crime-ridden city. There are few other public venues for kids, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. As well as air conditioning, shopping centres also confer something no open-air space can: status. Rolezeiros enjoy walking around in a branded T-shirt and bermudas, with a pair of 400- reais ($170) shades perched on a baseball cap. Vinicius confesses to spending 800-1,000 reais a month on clothes and accessories, most of what he makes as a helper at a local Adventist church. Just 8% of Itaquera shoppers enjoy a monthly income in excess of 2,780 reais. Some rolezeiros support their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours. Shopkeepers in the local malls have mixed feelings about the gatherings. On the one hand, the youngsters make ideal clients: they often pay cash and can spend 2,000-3,000 reais in one go. On the other, larger groups can scare away customers. Adapted from http://www.economist.com 423) (EsPCEx 2014) Another title for this article could be a) Youngsters in Brazil are anxious for political changes. b) Youngsters find a way to protest against social inequality. c) Social networks are the first step into indiscipline and chaos. d) Shopkeepers see a strong need for legislation against rolezinhos. e) Youngsters in shopping malls want to get attention, not political changes. 424) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Some rolezeiros support their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer neighbours.” (paragraph 4), the expression outmoded attire means a) clothes that are not fashionable anymore. b) old and slow personal computers. c) cheap shades they don’t want anymore. d) high quality fashionable accessories. e) their mothers’ clothes without permission. Texto para as questões 425 – 427 The Phenomenon of Candy Crush: Why Is the Game So Popular? In 2012, Candy Crush was released on Facebook and was later converted to smartphone format for people to play on the go. In 2013, the game reached real prominence and became the most popular game on Facebook. It’s no surprise then that so many people play this game on their phones. Candy Crush Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes, or even in the toilet. I don’t remember the last train journey I took where at least one person wasn’t playing Candy Crush on their phone. I’m sure almost every reader of this article will have either been invited or invited others to play Candy Crush via Facebook in an effort to get more lives or even levels. Despite being incredibly similar to many games over the years, Candy Crush Saga has added new depth to the genre, with seemingly unlimited combinations of new scenarios and concepts. So, this mixture of simplicity and variety is what makes Candy Crush so unbelievably popular. As a result, Candy Crush Saga shows no signs of slowing down. New levels are generally released via the Facebook version every three weeks, with new levels also being made frequently available for the smartphone version. With 6.7 million active users, the developers are rumoured to be earning $633,000 per day from Candy Crush users. Adapted from http://metro.co.uk/2013/09/27/ 425) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Candy Crush Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes...” (paragraph 1), the expression kill time on commutes means a) sleep while traveling on the bus. b) travel on business by airplane. c) work or travel on a holiday. d) do something while on a journey. e) rest or sleep on the weekend. 426) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “I don’t remember the last train journey I took where at least one person wasn’t playing Candy Crush on their phone.” (paragraph 1), the author means a) his memory isn’t so good. b) he doesn’t travel by train a lot. c) Candy Crush is very popular. d) people play Candy Crush at home. e) people were not playing Candy Crush on his last trip. 427) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, the popularity of Candy Crush Saga is because a) it is a combination of many games over the years. b) it was converted to smartphone format. c) people can play it in the toilet. d) it was released on Facebook in 2012. e) it is a mixture of simplicity and variety. 73Texto para as questões 428 – 430 Chapter 1 - Madras 1986 “He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing.” “But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt.” “I said he knows too much! The company can’t afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We can’t afford to take risks. I am telling you once again – you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, I’m afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life.” “I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right?” “I didn’t put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesn’t do is a minor matter compared with the company’s global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you won’t be stuck in Madras for ever – I’ll make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When you’re in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope I’ve made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye.” Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made. Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6 428) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentences “Our position is very sensitive in this country.” and “So be sensible for once in your life.” (paragraph 3), sensitive and sensible mean respectively a) completely safe; responsive. b) innocent; inoffensive. c) easily affected; reasonable. d) conservative; harmful. e) worried; stupid. 429) (EsPCEx 2015) The sentence “So just go with the flow for a bit longer.” (paragraph 5), the expression go with the flow means a) don’t accept corruption. b) don’t accept bribery. c) don’t fight vague promises. d) don’t accept threats. e) don’t fight prevailing trends. 430) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, Keith Lennox and Dick Sterling are a) father and son. b) union members. c) close friends. d) superior and subordinate. e) college colleagues. Texto para as questões 431 – 433 Frequently Asked Questions,– Instagram What is Instagram? It’s an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other people’s pictures and follow other users. How much is your app? $0.00. Where does the name come from? When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant” - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two? How did the idea come about? We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems: - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots. - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services. - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - we’ve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient. How does privacy work? We have adopted a follower model that means if you’re “public” on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through. Who can see my photos? All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos. Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/# 431) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I - The user is able to control who is going to be a follower. II - Anyone can see your pictures when you use the private mode. III - The name Instagram comes from instant + telegram. IV - Creators of Instagram think that all mobile pictures look good. V - The application software is available for free. VI - You can post your Instagram photos directly to other social platforms. a) I, III, V and VI are correct. b) I, II, V and VI are correct. c) II, III and V are correct. d) I, II, IV and V are correct. e) All of them are correct. 432) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant” - something we take for granted today.” (question 3), the expression something we take for granted means a) Something we have to give someone. b) Something we have to do everyday. c) Something we usually value a lot. d) Something we don’t have to learn. e) Something we don’t give much importance to. 433) (EsPCEx 2015) Which words are synonyms for photos in the text? a) requests and filters. 74b) snapshots and pictures. c) followers and pictures. d) platforms and pictures. e) requests and snapshots. Texto para as questões 434 e 435 Children experience basic training and mock deployment The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what military members endure from basic training to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming party. “The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity for military kids.” A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face. After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned about the importance of radio communications while on a deployment. The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way. At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home. “This event was great,” said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what their parents do when they are separated from them during deployments.” Adapted from http://www.buckley.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123424927 434) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, what is a mock deployment? a) traveling on a peacekeeping mission. b) simulation of a movement of troops on a mission. c) rescue mission in a conflict area. d) coming back home after a mission abroad. e) going on a real mission in another country. 435) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, choose the correct statement. a) All the children had their heads shaved. b) Some children were injured during the event. c) All the children learned about radio communications. d) The event happens every year and lasts only one day. e) The objective of the program is to recruit civilian parents. Texto para as questões 436 e 437 We’re so well educated – but we’re useless Record numbers of students have entered higher education in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated generation in history, it seems that we’ve grown increasingly ignorant when it comes to basic life skills. Looking back on my first weeks living in student halls, I consider myself lucky to still be alive. I have survived a couple of serious boiling egg incidents and numerous cases of food-poisoning, probably from dirty kitchen counters. Although some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education. Educationist Sir Ken Robinson says that our current education system dislocates people from their natural talents and deprives us of what used to be passed from generation to generation – a working knowledge of basic life skills. Today’s graduates may have earned themselves distinctions in history, law or economics, but when it comes to simple things like putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a hole in their on-trend clothes, they have to call for help from a professional handyman or tailor. Besides what we need to know for our own jobs, we must have practical skills. We don’t grow our own crops, build our own houses, or make our own clothes anymore; we simply buy these things. Unable to create anything ourselves, what we have mastered instead is consumption. Sociologist Saskia Sassen argues that the modern liberal state has created a middle class that isn’t able to “make” anymore. I suggest that we start with the immediate reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of “domestic science” education. Instead of only maths, language and history, we should create,an interactive learning environment in schools where craftsmanship and problem-solving are valued as highly as the ability to absorb and regurgitate information. We need to develop children into people that not only think for themselves, but are also able to act for themselves. Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/ mortarboard/2013/feb/25/well-educated-but-useless 436) (EsPCEx 2015) What is the main topic of the text? a) Consumption is the biggest problem of young students. b) The most educated generation in history has earned distinctions. c) Basic life skills are passed from generation to generation. d) Young students attend domestic science education. e) Students don’t have the ability to do practical tasks. 437) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.” (paragraph 2), the words missed out mean a) didn’t miss. b) didn’t want. c) didn’t have. d) didn’t like. e) didn’t need Texto para a questão 438 This migrant crisis is different from all others 2015 was unquestionably the year of the migrant. The news was dominated for months by pictures of vast crowds shuffling through the borders of yet another European country, being 75treated with brutality in some places and given a reluctant welcome in others. When researching a report for radio and television about the migrant phenomenon, it is possible to realize that there was nothing new about it. For many years, waves of displaced and frightened people have broken over Europe again and again and the images have been strikingly similar each time. In 1945, there were the ethnic Germans, forced out of their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and obliged to seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany. More recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees escaping from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. Yet there is one major difference between these waves of migrants in the past and the one we saw in 2015. Professor Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University says that it was the first time Europe faced people coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees. He explains: “The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as challenging Europe’s identity.” European societies are changing very fast, indeed, as a result of immigration. In London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now spoken, according to a recent academic study. The influx of migrants reinforces people’s sense that their identity is under threat. But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem? The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames global governance. “Other powers are rising,” he says - Syria is an example of this. “And the United States doesn’t have the influence it once did, so the problem’s not being fixed, no-one’s waving the big stick and we’re having to pick up the pieces.” We have endured an entire century of exile and homelessness and the cause is always the same - conflict and bad government. Unless these are dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped. Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35091772 438) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I – There isn’t anything new about the current migrant crisis. II – The former migrant phenomena happened in London. III – This migrant phenomenon is interfering in Europe’s society. IV – Europeans are concerned about learning new languages. V – Syria is becoming powerful and apparently there is no control over it. VI – Conflicts and poor governance are the reasons for the migration. a) I, IV and V are correct. b) I, IV and VI are correct. c) III, V and VI are correct. d) II, III and V are correct. e) I, II and IV are correct. Texto para as questões 439 e 441 How Brazil Crowdsourced a Pioneering Law The passage of the Marco Civil da Internet, an “Internet bill of rights” commonly referred to in English as the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, demonstrates how the Internet can be used to rejuvenate democratic governance in the digital age. The law is important not only for its content, but for the innovative and participatory way it was written, bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making to go directly to the country’s citizens. At a moment when governments of all kinds are viewed as increasingly distant from ordinary people, Brazil’s example makes an argument that democracy offers a way forward. The pioneering law was signed in 2014 and has three components. First, it safeguards privacy by restricting the ability of private corporations and the government to store Internet users’ browsing histories. Second, it mandates a judicial review of requests to remove potentially offensive or illegal material, including content that infringes copyrights. And third, it prohibits Internet service providers from manipulating data transfer speeds for commercial purposes. The bill was acclaimed by activists as an example the rest of the world should follow. What makes this law even more interesting is that it became one of the largest-ever experiments in crowdsourcing legislation. The law’s original text was written through a website that allowed individual citizens and organizations — including NGOs, businesses, and political parties — to interact with one another and publicly debate the law’s content. This process was markedly different from the traditional method of writing bills “behind closed doors” in the halls of Congress, a process that favored well-connected families and large corporations. Policymakers in other countries have tried to capture citizen input using social media before, but never on this scale, in a country of roughly 200 million people. Whether it would succeed was far from certain. During the website’s public launch, in 2009, one of the government lawyers summed up the organizers’ high hopes: “This experience could transform the way we discuss not just legislation about the Internet, but also the way we discuss other bills in Brazil, and, in so doing, reconfigure our democracy.” Adapted from http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/01/19/how-brazil-crowdsourced-a-landmark-law/ 439) (EsPCEx 2016) In the title “How Brazil Crowdsourced a Pioneering Law”, the verb crowdsource means a) obtain ideas by soliciting contributions from diverse groups of people. b) favor common citizens who don’t have Internet connection. c) draft a new law according to large corporations’ interests. d) remove contributions from politicians that prefer the traditional method. e) allow the congress to pass a bill that infringes copyrights. 440) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the word bypassing in the sentence “... bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making ...” (paragraph 1). a) Offending b) destroying c) praising d) avoiding e) accepting 441) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, choose the correct statement. a) Organizers were sure the experience would be totally successful. 76b) Other laws from now on can be written and discussed the same way. c) The content of the law is more important than the way it was written. d) This innovative way to develop a law puts democracy at risk. e) Brazil’s example made activists and political parties disappointed. Texto para a questão 442 Operation Desert Storm Was Not Won By Smart Weaponry Alone Technology has long been a deciding factor on the battlefield, from powerful artillery to new weaponry to innovations in the seas and the skies. Twenty-five years ago, it was no different, as the United States and its allies,proved overwhelmingly successful in the Persian Gulf War. A coalition of U.S. Army Apache attack helicopters, cruise missiles from naval vessels, and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk “stealth fighters” soundly broke through Saddam Hussein’s army defenses in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, which became known as the “100-hour war”. But for all the possibilities that this “Computer War” offered, Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry, alone. Despite the “science fiction”-like technology deployed, 90 percent of the pieces of ammunition used in Desert Storm were actually “dumb weapons”. The bombs, which weren’t guided by lasers or satellites, were lucky to get within half a kilometer of their targets after they were dumped from planes. While dumb bombs might not have been exciting enough to make the headlines during the attack, they were cheaper to produce and could be counted on to work. But frequency of use doesn’t change why history will remember Desert Storm for its smart weapons, rather than its dumb ones. Adapted from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/ operation-desert-storm-was-not-won-smart-weaponry-alone-180957879/ 442) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, “dumb weapons” (paragraph 2) were a) bombs that couldn’t reach any coalition planes. b) bombs that were “science fiction”-like targets. c) bombs that weren’t guided by lasers or satellites. d) bombs that became known as smart weaponry. e) bombs that were exciting enough for the headlines. Texto para as questões 443 e 444 Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes? The mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world, carrying diseases that kill one million people a year. Now the Zika virus, which is carried by mosquitoes, has been linked with thousands of babies born with brain defects in South America. There are 3,500 known species of mosquitoes, but only the females from just 6% of species draw blood from humans - to help them develop their eggs. Of these, just half carry parasites that cause human diseases. More than a million people, mostly from poorer nations, die each year from mosquito-borne diseases, including Malaria, Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever. Some mosquitoes also carry the Zika virus, which was first thought to cause only mild fever and rashes. However, scientists are now worried that it can damage babies in the womb. There’s a constant effort to educate people to use nets and other tactics to avoid being bitten. But would it just be simpler to make an entire species of disease-carrying mosquito extinct? In Britain, scientists at Oxford University and the biotech firm Oxitec have genetically modified (GM) the males of Aedes aegypti - a mosquito species that carries both the Zika and Dengue viruses. These GM males carry a gene that stops their offspring from developing properly. This second generation of mosquitoes then die before they can reproduce and become carriers of disease themselves. So are there any downsides to removing mosquitoes? Mosquitoes, which mostly feed on plant nectar, are important pollinators. They are also a food source for birds and bats while their young - as larvae - are consumed by fish and frogs. This could have an effect further ahead in the food chain. Mosquitoes also have limited the destructive impact of humanity on nature. Mosquitoes make tropical rainforests, for humans, virtually uninhabitable. Rainforests are home to a large share of our total plant and animal species, and nothing has done more to delay man-made destruction over the past 10,000 years than the mosquito. Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35408835 443) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, choose the correct statement. a) Female mosquitoes from all the species cause the diseases mentioned. b) People from wealthy countries are the most bitten by mosquitoes. c) Mosquitoes are also important for food chain balance and pollination. d) A few species of male mosquitoes were genetically modified. e) Mosquitoes carry diseases, infect animals and destroy the rainforests. 444) (EsPCEx 2016) In the sentence “... a gene that stops their offspring from developing properly.” (paragraph 3), the word offspring means a) wombs. b) viruses. c) diseases. d) brains. e) babies. Texto para as questões 445 e 446 How diversity makes us smarter Decades of research by organizational scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) are more innovative than hom*ogeneous groups. It means being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and more hardworking. It seems obvious that a group of people with diverse individual expertise would be better than a hom*ogeneous group at solving complex, non-routine problems. It is less obvious that social diversity should work in the same way – yet the science shows that it does. This is not only because people with different backgrounds bring new information. Simply interacting with individuals who are different forces group members to prepare better, to anticipate alternative viewpoints and to expect that reaching consensus will take effort. Diversity of expertise confers benefits that are obvious – you would not think of building a new car without engineers, designers and quality-control experts – but what about social diversity? The same logic applies to social diversity. People who are different from one another in race, gender and other 77dimensions bring unique information and experiences to bear on the task at hand. A male and a female engineer might have perspectives as different from one another as an engineer and a physicist – and that is a good thing. The fact is that if you want to build teams or organizations capable of innovating, you need diversity. Diversity enhances creativity. It encourages the search for novel information and perspectives, leading to better decision making and problem solving. Diversity can improve the bottom line of companies and lead to discoveries and breakthrough innovations. Even simply being exposed to diversity can change the way you think. Adapted from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-diversity-makes-us-smarter/ 445) (EsPCEx 2017) According to the text, choose the correct statement. a) It takes more than interaction with others to become a better person. b) hom*ogeneous groups work as hard as heterogeneous ones. c) According to science, social diversity works just like diversity of expertise. d) When it comes to bear on the task at hand, a male is better than a female. e) Solving complex problems is easier than searching for novel information. Texto para as questões 446 e 447 A handwritten note from September 11 In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building. Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency. Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying “Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I’m w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I’ll stay there till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip.” Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.